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[Official SSB4 Discussion] --- Nintendo announces 2 new Smash games!

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Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2008
Death Star
I think it would be cool if star wars characters were in SSB4. I know that it's not an original nintendo thing, but hey, niether is snake.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2008
I'm just curious. I know Samus and Ridley are enemies but lol. Think of it. When Ridley finds out that Samus is a hot and sexy woman behind that suit. Then he's probably going to start falling for her.

Anyway back to rexinator was saying.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
So, have a bunch of old stuff instead of new stuff? Yay for no rehashing of old things

Here's the story: You start off as a random Pokemon trainer. Then you catch and raise your Pokemon. But there's no foreseeable goal for your future, so you just continue battling and raising. The end. Yay, not generic at all

Including more than one of the old regions at a time (not that you'd want to do that anyway, because that'd be old) will lead to at least one of them being watered down (Kanto in Gold/Silver/Crystal, anyone?). What would be the point in including them anyway if there's no challenge to it?

The GTS is seeing some improvements in Platinum, though I'm sure you still don't get to see stats (yay for surprises?) (if you're resorting to the GTS, why be picky anyway?)

Mmm, that's all 4 now
Of course that wouldn't be all there is. There'd be some sort of actual plot which I don't want to randomly make up myself on the spot. Think Pokemon Colosseum/XD but less cheesy, more epic, more wild pokemon, 2D, and not sucking horribly.

Maybe I actually want to make sure I get a good non hacked Pokemon for my level 100 I spent 666 hours raising?

Go play Soul Calibur 4 for your Star Wars.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2008
Death Star
I just have to say that plenty of people would agree that a little lightsaber/force action from characters like yoda or vader would be freakin' awsome in a smash game.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I think it would be cool if star wars characters were in SSB4. I know that it's not an original nintendo thing, but hey, niether is snake.

this isn't Soul Calibur IV

and btw, and I don't mean to bring your hopes down but no Star Wars character (any) will ever be in Smash, reason: they originated in a movie, not a video game, though this rule might change for SBB4, but still....


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2008
Also I did make good levels for the subspace emissary for the next smash bros game. Also you guys can agree with it or disagree with it if you want. Just giving out an idea of how ti should be. Anyway here it is.

Adventure Mode: Return of the Subspace Emissary:

Level 1-

Mario, Pit, Link, Yoshi Training Stage

Mario, Pit, Link, Yoshi vs. SSA

Mario, Pit, Link, Yoshi saves Peach, Zelda/Shiek

Team Heroes=Mario, Pit, Link, Yoshi, Peach, Zelda/Shiek

SSB goes off

Level 2-

Team Kirby=Kirby, King Dedede

Kirby, King Dedede Stage

Level 3-

Meta Knight vs. Ike (Player picks side)

Meta Knight, Ike Stage

Level 4-

Samus/Zero Suit Samus, Pikachu Training Stage

Samus/Zero Suit Samus, Pikachu finds Lip

Team Samus=Samus/Zero Suit Samus, Pikachu, Lip

Team Samus Stage

Samus/Zero Suit Samus, Pikachu, Lip vs. Dyna Blade (Boss)

Level 5-

Isaac Stage

Isaac vs. SSA

Level 6-

Fox McCloud, Krystal Stage

Black Shadow trophies Fox McCloud

Level 7-

Meta Knight, Ike Stage

Meta Knight, Ike joins Team Kirby

Team Kirby Mini-Stage

Level 8-

Krystal Stage

Krystal saves Lucas

Krystal, Lucas Stage

Level 9-

Ridley appears

Ridley Stage

Ridley vs. Samus/Zero-Suit Samus Clone

Level 10-

Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong Stage

Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong vs. SSA

SSB goes off

(Dixie Kong is Unlocked)

Level 11-

Isaac Mini-Stage

Isaac finds Snake

Team Warriors=Isaac, Snake

Team Isaac vs. Primoid (Boss)

(Snake is Unlocked)

Level 12-

Team Heroes Stage

Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario trophies Pit

Level 13-

Krystal, Lucas Stage

Falco Lombardi appears

Team Falco=Falco Lombardi, Krystal, Lucas

(Falco Lombardi is Unlocked)

Level 14-

Wario, Mona Stage

Level 15-

Team Kirby Stage

Marth appears

Marth joins Team Kirby

Team Kirby vs. SSA

(Marth is Unlocked)

Level 16-

Team Samus vs. Ridley

Ridley joins Team Samus

Team Samus Stage

Team Samus Mini-Stage

Level 17-

Team Heroes Stage

Team Heroes joins Team Kirby

Team Defenders=Mario, Link, Yoshi, Peach, Zelda/Shiek, Kirby, King Dedede, Meta Knight, Ike, Marth

Team Defenders Stage

Team Heroes frees Pit

Level 18-

Wario, Mona Stage

Wario, Mona saves Waluigi

(Waluigi is Unlocked)

Level 19-

Pokemon Trainer, Meowth Stage

Pokemon Trainer, Meowth joins Wario, Mona, Waluigi

Team Wario=Wario, Waluigi, Mona, Pokemon Trainer, Meowth

(Meowth is Unlocked)

Level 20-

Team Falco Stage

Team Falco vs. General Scales & RedEye King (Boss)

Level 21-

Luigi appears

Luigi finds Wolf O'Donnell

Team Luigi=Luigi, Wolf O'Donnell

(Luigi, and Wolf O'Donnell is Unlocked)

Level 22-

Team Samus Stage

Team Wario joins Team Samus

Level 23-

Team Luigi Stage

Jigglypuff joins Team Luigi

(Jigglypuff is Unlocked)

Level 24-

Team Falco Mini-Stage

Ness appears

Ness joins Team Falco

Team Falco Stage

(Ness is Unlocked)

Level 25-

Captain Falcon, Captain Olimar joins Team Donkey Kong

Team Donkey Kong Stage

Team Donkey Kong vs. Sumo Kong (Boss)

(Captain Falcon is Unlocked)

Level 26-

Team Falco joins Team Isaac

Team Protecters=Isaac, Snake, Falco Lombardi, Krystal, Lucas, Ness

Team Protecters frees Fox McCloud

Team Protecters Mini-Stage

Team Protecters vs. Giygas (Boss)

Level 27-

Team Luigi Stage

Ice Climbers, Sonic, Lyndis, Lucario, R.O.B., Mr. Game & Watch joins Team Luigi

Team Luigi Mini-Stage

Bowser, Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario, King K. Rool, Ganondorf, and Black Shadow trophies and Team Luigi

Level 28-

Team Samus, Team Wario stage

Level 29-

Ganondorf and Black Shadow trophies Bowser, King K. Rool, and Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario

Team Defenders Stage

Level 30-

Team Protecters Stage

Team Protecters joins Team Donkey Kong

Team Forces=Isaac, Snake, Falco Lombardi, Krystal, Fox McCloud, Lucas, Ness, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong, Captain Falcon, Captain Olimar

Level 31-

Team Samus, Team Wario Stage

Team Samus, Team Wario vs. SSA

Level 32-

Deathborn trophies Ganondorf, and Black Shadow

Team Defenders Stage

Team Defenders vs. Usurper King Zant (Boss)

Level 33-

Team Forces revives Team Luigi

Team Luigi joins Team Forces

Team Forces Team Luigi Stage

(Sonic, Lyndis, Lucario, R.O.B., and Mr. Game & Watch is Unlocked)

Level 34-

Team Defenders Stage

Team Defenders vs. Giratina (Boss)

Level 35-

Team Samus, Team Wario Stage

Team Samus, Team Wario vs. Laz-Or Cruncher (Boss)

Level 36-

Team Defenders revives King K. Rool, Bowser, and Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario

King K. Rool, Bowser, Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario joins Team Defenders

Team Defenders Stage

(King K. Rool and Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario is unlocked)

Level 37-

Team Forces, Team Luigi Stage

Team Forces, Team Luigi vs. Evil Black Jewel (Boss)

Level 38-

Team Defenders joins Team Samus, Team Wario

Team Assault=Mario, Link, Yoshi, Peach, Zelda/Shiek, Samus/Zero Suit Samus, Pikachu, Lip, Ridley, Kirby, King Dedede, Meta Knight, Ike, Marth, Bowser, Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario, King K. Rool, Wario, Waluigi, Mona, Pokemon Trainer, Meowth

Team Assault Mini-Stage

Team Assault vs. Dino Piranha (Boss)

Level 39-

Team Forces, Team Luigi vs. SSA

Level 40-

Team Assault joins Team Forces, Team Luigi

All Playable Characters seen so far except Ganondorf, and Black Shadow

Team All-Stars=Mario, Yoshi, Peach, Bowser, Wario, Mona, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Link, Zelda/Shiek, Kirby, Meta Knight, King Dedede, Samus/Zero Suit Samus, Ridley, Fox McCloud, Krystal, Pikachu, Pokemon Trainer, Lucas, Ice Climbers, Ike, Pit, Captain Olimar, Isaac, Lip, Jigglypuff, Marth, Luigi, Dixie Kong, Ness, Sonic, Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario, Falco Lombardi, Waluigi, Captain Falcon, Lyndis, King K. Rool, Wolf O'Donnell, Meowth, Snake, R.O.B., Lucario, Mr. Game & Watch

Team All-Stars Mini-Stage

Team Assault vs. Kraid (Boss)

Team All-Stars Stage

Level 41-

Team All-Stars vs. SSA

Level 42-

Team All-Stars revives Ganondorf and Black Shadow

Ganondorf and Black Shadow joins Team All-Stars

Team All-Stars Stage

(Ganondorf, and Black Shadow is Unlocked)

Level 43-

Team All-Stars Mini-Stage

Team All-Stars vs. Team All-Stars Clones

Level 44-

Team All-Stars vs. Deathborn (Final Boss)

What you think just giving you guys an idea.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2008
Death Star

this isn't Soul Calibur IV

and btw, and I don't mean to bring your hopes down but no Star Wars character (any) will ever be in Smash, reason: they originated in a movie, not a video game, though this rule might change for SBB4, but still....
It's just my opinion that it would BE cool if that happened. It's not a wish or anything, just a statement.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2008
Yeah but out of all those villains. King K. Rool is the one who deserves the spot more and most. Even more then Ridley.


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2008
Yeah but out of all those villains. King K. Rool is the one who deserves the spot more. Even more then Ridley.
That might be the way you see it, but I don't.
Even if you think King K. Rool deserves the spot more morely than the others, you have to provide evidence as to why other people should agree with you.

Also, I'm going to go ahead and presume that people didn't read that last post because it was too long but:

Transforming in SSB4. A character gets a powerup, or a button, that changes their fighting style.
Ganondorf with a sword.
That is all.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
NOW, YOU, I LIKE!!!!!!

Don't you agree that SQ deserves a spot, foxy alopez?

sorry to ask but...

who the hell is Shadow Queen?

if any villain deserves to showup it should be Wart, reasion I say this is because he is a long forgotten character that hasn't made any appearance since he last appeared in SMB2, and if Sakurai or whoever brought him back he would surely be "revivelized" just as Dr. Mario and Game & Watch did in Melee.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
Check the SSE in my signature. . .The supreme realm. . .All I'm gonna say about that.

Direct me to somebody who is more likely then K. Rool. 3rd DK rep is guaranteed. Only competetion is Dixie. If Starfox can have 3, DK sure as hell can. *Goes to copy paste dixie vs K. rool list*

Dixie Kong

- Was playable in the games she was in, a trait shared by a vast majority of the Smash cast

- Was playable in two of three of the Donkey Kong Country games, the most iconic games of the franchise.

-Female. K. Rool can counter with villian, but most will say this isn't as important. But really, you've seen brawl, being female doesn't make one more likely, whether or not the roster "Needs more females".

-Was the main character of one of the DKC games, actually having her own game.

-Appears in Mario spin-offs. But really, these Mario Spin Offs don't mean much, as they're just a generic role. Toadette is playable in spin-offs. . .The only reason K. Rool isn't playable in them is because it'd be awkward for Bowser to be the main villian while K. Rool is another generic playable character.

K. Rool

- Has a near perfect attendance record in the DK series, appearing in more games then DK himself, being in virtually every game in the series.

- Actually still has important roles when he shows up in the games, unlike Dixie, who hasn't had ANY important roles since DKC3.

-Popularity. Overall, he seems more popular then Dixie, at least on message boards. Guess what? Popularity on message boards is what matters, because the people not on message boards don't give a ****.

-Moveset potetional. The blunderbuss, the crown, the cape, the claws and teeth, the tail. In the event either Sakurai gets lazy and decides to make one of them a clone, it's physically impossible for K. Rool to use Bowser's B, up B, dsmash and usmash, so he'd probably be more of a Wolf to Bowser then a Falco. Dixie on the other hand -can- use Diddy's moveset. Just because she hasn't used the stuff there doesn't mean she can't, as K. Rool has never used Bowser's moveset either.

-More personality. So what if K. Rool is stereotypical? Dixie hasn't shown enough personality to really. . .have a personality. K. Rool is humurous and a villian, you don't see anybody praising Dixie's personality. Another small monkey is more similiar then a mutated king of a different race who uses weapons.

Also of note, Dixie was never SERIOUSLY considered for SSB4 as her own character. K. Rool was on Sakurai’s poll while the only option for Dixie was as a tag team with Diddy. Due to him having originally planned for Diddy and Dixie to be on a tag team, Dixie is in the coding as one of the forbidden 7. K. Rool must’ve also been considered for the 3rd DK rep if there was one, as otherwise he’d be an assist trophy. Notice how DK has no assist trophy?

(Wart's only chance is as a shock character/retro rep, which means he has no chance.)


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2008
Plus if the 4th smash bros game ever comes out it should be called Super Smash Bros. Generation.

In fact. I made up a smash bros game and it is just an idea for the next smash game. I wrote it on Wordpad. In it which I made up. There will be 48 playable Characters. Anyone like to hear it.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2008
Death Star
When you said outdid did you mean as in a bad way? If so I'm sorry.
NO!!! I mean that that's AMAZING that you can do that so long in so little time!!! It would've taken me like and hour just to think up a cruddy storyline. Then after that I wouldn't even have enough patience to type it.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
Warlord, if it's awkward for K. Rool to be in Mario sports spin-offs because there's more than one main villain, why isn't it awkward for Donkey and Diddy Kong to be in them? They've both been the main heroes in each of their own games, but so has Mario. Just sayin', ya know.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2008
Also about my made up smash bros game which I call Super Smash Bros. Generation. These are the Playable Characters at the Start and the Hidden Characters. Tell me what you think. (Note: This is just an idea for the 4th smash bros game.

Playable Characters at the Start:

B: Fireball
^B: Super Jump Punch
>B: Cape
vB: F.L.U.D.D.
Final Smash: Mario Finale

B: Egg Lay
^B: Egg Throw
>B: Egg Roll
vB: Yoshi Bomb
Final Smash: Super Dragon

B: Toad
^B: Peach Parasol
>B: Peach Bomber
vB: Vegetable
Final Smash: Peach Blossom

B: Fire Breath
^B: Whirling Fortress
>B: Flying Slam
vB: Bowser Bomb
Final Smash: Giga Bowser Transformation

B: Chomp
^B: Corkscrew
>B: Wario Bike
vB: Wario Waft
Final Smash: Wario-Man

B: Baton Twirl
^B: Cheer Kick
>B: Vespa
vB: Perfume
Final Smash: Mona Pizza

Donkey Kong
B: Giant Punch
^B: Spinning Kong
>B: Coconut Shooter
vB: Hand Slap
Final Smash: Konga Beat

Diddy Kong
B: Peanut Popgun
^B: Rocketbarrel Boost
>B: Monkey Flip
vB: Banana Peel
Final Smash: Rocketbarrel Barrage

B: Hero's Bow
^B: Spin Attack
>B: Gale Boomerang
vB: Bomb
Final Smash: Triforce Slash

B: Nayru's Love/Needle Storm
^B: Farore's Wind/Vanish
>B: Din's Fire/Chain
vB: Transform
Final Smash: Light Arrow

B: Inhale
^B: Final Cutter
>B: Hammer
vB: Stone
Final Smash: Cook Kirby

Meta Knight
B: Mach Tornado
^B: Shuttle Loop
>B: Drill Rush
vB: Dimensional Cape
Final Smash: Galaxia Darkness

King Dedede
B: Inhale
^B: Super Dedede Jump
>B: Waddle Dee Toss
vB: Jet Hammer
Final Smash: Waddle Dee Army

Samus/Zero Suit Samus
B: Charge Shot/Paralyzer
^B: Screw Attack/Plasma Wire
>B: Missile/Plasma Whip
vB: Bomb/Flip Jump
Final Smash: Zero Laser/Power Suit Samus

B: Flaming Breath
^B: Pteranodon Attack
>B: Claw
vB: Sky Dive
Final Smash: Meta Ridley - Omega Ridley

Fox McCloud
B: Blaster
^B: Fire Fox
>B: Fox Illusion
vB: Reflector
Final Smash: Landmaster

B: Plasma Cannon
^B: Booster Pack
>B: Portal Device
vB: Sensor Bomb
Final Smash: Krazoa Spirits

B: Thunder Jolt
^B: Quick Attack
>B: Skull Bash
vB: Thunder
Final Smash: Volt Tackle

Pokemon Trainer
vB: Pokemon Change
Final Smash: Triple Finish
B: Flamethrower
^B: Fly
>B: Rock Smash
B: Water Gun
^B: Withdraw
>B: Waterfall
B: Bullet Seed
^B: Vine Whip
>B: Razor Leaf

B: PK Freeze
^B: PK Thunder
>B: PK Fire
vB: PSI Magnet
Final Smash: PK Starstorm

Ice Climbers
B: Ice Shot
^B: Belay
>B: Squall Hammer
vB: Blizzard
Final Smash: Iceberg

B: Eruption
^B: Aether
>B: Quick Draw
vB: Counter
Final Smash: Great Aether

B: Palutena's Arrow
^B: Wings of Icarus
>B: Angel Ring
vB: Mirror Shield
Final Smash: Palutena's Army

Captain Olimar
B: Pikmin Pluck
^B: Pikmin Chain
>B: Pikmin Throw
vB: Pikmin Order
Final Smash: End of Day

B: Gaia Blade
^B: Mystery Blade
>B: Grievous Blade
vB: Earth Shield
Final Smash: Grand Gaia

B: Lip's Stick
^B: Lip's Wings
>B: Lip's Block
vB: Lip's Flower
Final Smash: Panel De Pon Rise

Hidden Playable Characters:

B: Rollout
^B: Sing
>B: Pound
vB: Defense Curl
Final Smash: Puff Up
Unlock Jigglypuff: Play 500 Generation Matches, or have her join in Adventure Mode: Return of the Subspace Emissary, or complete the first 10 Event Matches.

B: Shield Breaker
^B: Dolphin Slash
>B: Dancing Blade
vB: Counter
Final Smash: Critical Hit
Unlock Marth: Play 40 Generation Matches, or have him join in Adventure Mode: Return of the Subspace Emissary, or complete Classic Mode on any difficulty.

B: Fireball
^B: Super Jump Punch
>B: Green Missile
vB: Luigi Cyclone
Final Smash: Negative Zone
Unlock Luigi: Play 287 Generation Matches, or have him join in Adventure Mode: Return of the Subspace Emissary, or complete Classic Mode without continuing.

Dixie Kong
B: Pinwheel
^B: Backflip
>B: Hair Copter
vB: Crate
Final Smash: Rock Guitar Blast
Unlock Dixie Kong: Play 133 Generation Matches, or have her join in Adventure Mode: Return of the Subspace Emissary, or have a total of 2,000 feet or more in the Home-Run Contest.

B: PK Flash
^B: PSI Teleport
>B: Trick Yo-Yo
vB: PSI Defense
Final Smash: PK Rocking
Unlock Ness: Play 340 Generation Matches, or have him join in Adventure Mode: Return of the Subspace Emissary, or complete Classic Mode on Normal without continuing.

B: Homing Attack
^B: Spring Jump
>B: Spin Dash
vB: Spin Charge
Final Smash: Super Sonic
Unlock Sonic: Play 741 Generation Matches, or have him join in Adventure Mode: Return of the Subspace Emissary, or complete Classic Mode with 15 Characters.

Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario
B: Paint Brush/Paint Goop
^B: Paint Copter/Vaporize
>B: Homing Shell/Paintballs
vB: Transform
Final Smash: Graffi Pollution
Unlock Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario: Play 455 Generation Matches, or have him join in Adventure Mode: Return of the Subspace Emissary, or complete Event Match #31: Father & Son.

Falco Lombardi
B: Homing Launcher
^B: Fire Bird
>B: Sniper Rifle
vB: Barrier
Final Smash: Arwing
Unlock Falco Lombardi: Play 90 Generation Matches or have him join in Adventure Mode: Return of the Subspace Emissary, or complete the 100-Man Generation.

B: Mischief
^B: Waluigi Jumpkick
>B: Tennis Racket
vB: Drill Kick
Final Smash: Bob-omb Launcher
Unlock Waluigi: Play 403 Generation Matches, or have him join in Adventure Mode: Return of the Subspace Emissary, or complete the Target Test on all 5 difficulties with any Character.

Captain Falcon
B: Falcon Punch
^B: Falcon Dive
>B: Raptor Boost
vB: Falcon Kick
Final Smash: Blue Falcon
Unlock Captain Falcon: Play 151 Generation Matches, or have him join in Adventure Mode: Return of the Subspace Emissary, or complete Classic Mode in 12 minutes or less.

Toon Link
B: Gust Jar
^B: Deku Leaf
>B: Wind Waker
vB: Pear
Final Smash: Four Swords
Unlock Toon Link: Play 505 Generation Matches, or fight him in the Meadow Stage in Adventure Mode: Return of the Subspace Emissary after completing it, or complete Classic Mode with every Default Playable Character.

Black Shadow
B: Bull Horn
^B: Shadow Drive
>B: Dark Defender
vB: Slam Fist
Final Smash: Bull Rush
Unlock Black Shadow: Play 637 Generation Matches, or have him join in Adventure Mode: Return of the Subspace Emissary, or complete the Platform Test on all 5 difficulties with any Character.

B: Mani Katti
^B: Sol Katti
>B: Silver Bow
vB: Counter
Final Smash: Slash Frenzy
Unlock Lyndis: Play 222 Generation Matches, or have her join in Adventure Mode: Return of the Subspace Emissary, or complete the 5-Minute Generation.

King K. Rool
B: Knuckle Sandwich
^B: Crocodile Hurricane
>B: Boomerang Crown
vB: K. Rool Bomb
Final Smash: Kaptain K. Rool
Unlock King K. Rool: Play 578 Generation Matches, or have him join in Adventure Mode: Return of the Subspace Emissary, or complete the 200-Man Generation.

Wolf O'Donnell
B: Blaster
^B: Fire Wolf
>B: Neutron Flame
vB: Surprise Bomb
Final Smash: Blasting Outburst
Unlock Wolf O'Donnell: Play 419 Generation Matches, or have him join in Adventure Mode: Return of the Subspace Emissary, or Reflect 50 projectiles.

B: Warlock Punch
^B: Gerudo Lift
>B: Dark Ball
vB: Wizard's Foot
Final Smash: Ganon Transformation
Unlock Ganondorf: Play 363 Generation Matches, or have him join in Adventure Mode: Return of the Subspace Emissary, or complete Classic Mode on Hard.

B: Pay Day
^B: Aerial Ace
>B: Scratch
vB: Swagger
Final Smash: Faint Attack
Unlock Meowth: Play 199 Generation Matches, or have him join in Adventure Mode: Return of the Subspace Emissary, or play in Training Mode for 30 minutes or more.

Paper Mario
B: Fire Flower
^B: Airplane
>B: Hammer
vB: Bump Attack
Final Smash: Supernova
Unlock Paper Mario: Play 800 Generation Matches, or fight him in the Snowy Stage in Adventure Mode: Return of the Subspace Emissary after completing it, or complete the Target Test on any difficulty with 40+ Characters.

B: Hand Grenade
^B: Cypher
>B: Remote Controlled Missile
vB: C4
Unlock Snake: Play 205 Generation Matches, or have him join in Adventure Mode: Return of the Subspace Emissary, or complete 25 Event Matches.

B: Robo Beam
^B: Robo Burner
>B: Arm Rotor
vB: Gyro
Final Smash: Diffusion Beam
Unlock R.O.B.: Play 480 Generation Matches, or have him join in Adventure Mode: Return of the Subspace Emissary, or collect 250 different Trophies or Stickers.

B: Aura Sphere
^B: ExtremeSpeed
>B: Force Palm
vB: Double Team
Final Smash: Aura Storm
Unlock Lucario: Play 388 Generation Matches, or have him join in Adventure Mode: Return of the Subspace Emissary, or get a total of 8000 coins collected in Coin Battle.

Mr. Game & Watch
B: Chef
^B: Fire
>B: Judgement
vB: Oil Panic
Final Smash: Octopus
Unlock Mr. Game & Watch: Play 432 Generation Matches, or have him join in Adventure Mode: Return of the Subspace Emissary, or complete the Platform Test on any difficulty with 40+ Characters.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
MasterWarlord said:
I'm just pointing out little actual moves they have of each other on Lucario/Mewtwo, which is the main reason people think he "deserves" to come back. The original moveset.
Which I always find weird, because the "original moveset" wasn't particularly good or fun to play as. People say they want Mewtwo back, but they also don't like the actual moveset. It's kind of an oxymoron. :ohwell:

klapaucius said:
Transforming in SSB4. A character gets a powerup, or a button, that changes their fighting style.
Ganondorf with a sword.
This would entail making second movesets for every character. And while with certain fighters that'd be fine...playing a character with 6 potential movesets (PT) would be horrifically complicated. Also that's a lot of work. So much work that there wouldn't be time for actual, new characters.

@Giga Koopa: Shadow Queen is (I believe) the final boss in Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, and is basically Peach possessed by a demon.

...and certain people just won't get over the fact that she's not getting in the game...

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
So I notice nobody had anything to say about Amaterasu as (yet another) Capcom playable character. I take this to mean that everyone agrees! Happy day!
@flyinfilipino: ignore it and it might go away.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2008
Super Smash Bros. Generation

No * - Character is Playable at the Start
* - Character is hidden and has to be unlocked

Mario Series:

*Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario
*Paper Mario

Yoshi Series:


Wario Series:


Donkey Kong Series:

Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
*Dixie Kong
*King K. Rool

Zelda Series:

*Toon Link

Kirby Series:

Meta Knight
King Dedede

Metroid Series:

Samus/Zero Suit Samus

StarFox Series:

Fox McCloud
*Falco Lombardi
*Wolf O'Donnell

Pokemon Series:

Pokemon Trainer

Earthbound Series:


Fire Emblem Series:


F-Zero Series:

*Captain Falcon
*Black Shadow

Misc. Series:

Ice Climbers
Captain Olimar
*Mr. Game & Watch

Third Party Series:



Smash Master
Sep 1, 2007
Waiting for you to slip up.
So I notice nobody had anything to say about Amaterasu as (yet another) Capcom playable character. I take this to mean that everyone agrees! Happy day!
@flyinfilipino: ignore it and it might go away.
Okami was the best PS2 game I have ever played.

And that would be awesome, except Capcom is angry at Clover for not making enough crappy Megaman Network games.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
flyinfilipino said:
EDIT: Ken's on Survivor! They're not mentioning Smash on TV!
Yeah, he just like, climbed a hill. Or something.

Man that show's horrible.

smashbot226 said:
Okami Shadow of the Colossus was the best PS2 game I have ever played.
Okami's probably the runner-up. A shame they actually managed to make it worse in the Wii port...

And that would be awesome, except Capcom is angry at Clover for not making enough crappy Megaman Network games.
But anyway, Clover's defunct now, and Okami's selling great on the Wii. It fully belongs to Capcom, so really, if Sakurai wanted it to happen (and how could he not?), I can't think of anything that would really prevent it from going down.
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