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[Official SSB4 Discussion] --- Nintendo announces 2 new Smash games!

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Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Psh, Mewtwo couldn't make a headband look as good as Jiggly could.
...and that's about the only good thing about Jiggs is, other than that, NO!

Mr. L is from Paper Mario, but I mean a 3D version, obviously. 2D can easily be translated to 3D. Somebody's already hacked a Mr. L texture for Luigi on Brawl.

Don't tell me you don't want to see that in SSB4.
hmm... if it's in 3D, I don't mind at all, I think it's good to see Luigi in a different costume for once


Smash Rookie
Sep 24, 2008
hah, well ive allready discussed this in a different forum. so ill just copy paste. i had wanted this for brawl. but the next one would be sweet...

"ok heres what im thinkin, and i thought about this last night..
Midna & Wolf Link as separate character:

Description: ok this is a very possible character. just like in twilight princess, link turns into a wolf. and then along the line you run into midna, we all know that... right? O.o anyways, midna sitting on wolf link, but not just for looks, heres the move set
Special Move set:

B, on GROUND: (this is a CHARGED ATTACK)much like Link's spin attack, in a small radius around wolf link a black circle surrounds him (the B move that you use in combat in twilight princess to attack multiple targets at a time) when the circle is complete (for max damage of course) link thrashes around and hits enemies in distance (small area of effect)

B, in AIR: (this is slightly different then on the ground) this is a short burst of the version of the ground, but like normal link traps enemies in it until its done (small damage)

B < > (charged attack): Charged ball midna creates is hurled forward doing damage based on how long it is charged (there is a max)

B ^ (recovery move): midna's hair turns into a hand shaped form and grabs onto the edge of a platform. pretty simple stuff

B \/: (much like warios bite) link bites and grabs onto an opponent, continuously hitting B will do more damage. (pretty simple)
i havent really though much more at this point. but the last thing i could think of would be if these characters were to be the same. wolf link turns INTO wolf link & midna

LINKS Final Smash: midna (as links shadow) comes out and damages nearby opponents and cloaks the area in twilight, as result this turns link into wolf form, then midna jumps onto his back.

WOLF LINK & MIDNAS Final Smash: The master sword appears in front of wolf link and a flash of light appears across the screen damaging nearby enemies. when the light fades, wolf link returns to normal.

Wolf Link & Midna's Final Smash: (SPOILER FOR PPL WHO HAVENT PLAYED TWILIGHT PRINCESS TO THE END PLEASE AVERT YOUR EYES!!) Midna equips all of the fused shadow and turns into that very large spider like thing (lol sorry i dont know what its called.)and riseses above the stage and attacks everyone on the screen (much like ness/lucas final smash but cooler) and then she descends back to wolf link.
eh. this is just an idea. tell me what you think. i know it will never happen. but its nice to dream :)"

yaaa that was just an idea i had. was fun to think of it... but ya, also, (HIGHLY unlikely) but adding Okami Amaterasu would be freakin sweet :D


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
^..hmm Okami the wolf, that's and odd request, but I don't think so, but I do like your Wolf/Midna moveset even though it's unlikely to happen. (which I'm glad you realized it.)


Smash Rookie
Sep 24, 2008
of course.. theres no way in hell it will happen. but its fun to think about it. and ya i know it was a stretch for okami lol. i knew it would never happen, but it was just for sh*ts and giggles


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
I meant as an alt costume. If you want to see the other textures these guys have, go to this site. Syntax Error Not all of their textures are on the smash bros brawl page, so be sure to look through the blog if you want to see all of them. In any case, I'll show you some of their other ones that would make good alt costumes.



Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I meant as an alt costume. If you want to see the other textures these guys have, go to this site. Syntax Error Not all of their textures are on the smash bros brawl page, so be sure to look through the blog if you want to see all of them. In any case, I'll show you some of their other ones that would make good alt costumes.

these two are by far my favorites, especially Giga "Dry" Bowser, he looks awesome, never seen anythink like it.

seems like your dedicated to alternate costmes huh?


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
I've seen those before. People will want more than just texture changes though if they want the real deal, so it'd have to be more than that for the actual game.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2008
Hey also for the next smash game. This is what Adventure Mode should be called.

Adventure Mode: Return of the SubSpace Emissary.

Plus Deathborn from F-Zero should be the Main Antagonist and if any of you agree. He was the one who created Tabuu and tells them that he used Tabuu as a test to see if the heroes could stop. So then after seening the Heroes won. Deathborn waited for the right time to start a another assault.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
Hey also for the next smash game. This is what Adventure Mode should be called.

Adventure Mode: Return of the SubSpace Emissary.

Plus Deathborn from F-Zero should be the Main Antagonist and if any of you agree. He was the one who created Tabuu and tells them that he used Tabuu as a test to see if the heroes could stop. So then after seening the Heroes won. Deathborn waited for the right time to start a another assault.
That's horribly mediocre and under detailed. . .Check my sig if you want a half decent SSE. Deathborn is not worthy of being the final boss. YOU CANNOT UNDERSTAND THE TRUE NATURE OF GIYGAS BEING THE FINAL BOSS.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2008
Deathborn is pure evil. He should be the Main Antagonist plus him as the final boss was my idea for the story was when he created clones of the heroes and made villains team up with him he got the villains to find him these powers and with these powers he will be strong.

Plus these should be the bosses for the next game.

Boss Characters

Dino Piranha

Evil Black Jewel

Sumo Kong

Usurper King Zant

Dyna Blade



General Scales & RedEye King


Deathborn (Main Antagonist)

Primoid (Made Up)

Laz-Or Cruncher (Made up)

Master Hand (Only Classic and Boss Battle Mode)

Crazy Hand (Only Classic and Boss Battle Mode)


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Deathborn is not worthy of being the final boss. YOU CANNOT UNDERSTAND THE TRUE NATURE OF GIYGAS BEING THE FINAL BOSS.
Deathborn is pure evil. He should be the Main Antagonist plus him as the final boss was my idea for the story was when he created clones of the heroes and made villains team up with him he got the villains to find him these powers and with these powers he will be strong.

Plus these should be the bosses for the next game.

Boss Characters


Deathborn (Main Antagonist)

lol... looks like he still didn't take your consideration of Giygas being the final boss over Deathborn


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
Just for the hell of it I'll post my list of bosses from my SSE. Zelda gets a lot of representation due to getting no new playable character.

Mario: 3
Koopa Kids
Petey Piranha (No cages, real arsenal attacks)
King Boo

Zelda: 4
Stallord (Twilight Princess Arbiter's Grounds Boss)
Dark Beast Ganon
Zant (Twilight Princess)
Vaati (Eyeball form) & King Bulbin (Twilight Princess, enlarged) (Dual Boss Battle)

Pokemon: 2
XD001/Shadow Lugia (Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness)

Kirby: 1

Starfox: 1
Andross (Master/Crazy Hand with head in middle for additional attacks)

Metroid: 1

Donkey Kong: 1
Krow (Donkey Kong Country 2) (Ghostly Form)

Mother: 5

F-Zero: 1
Mr. EAD (Enlarged)

Pikmin: 1
Titan Dweevil

Golden Sun: 1
Saturos & Menardi/Fusion Dragon (They transform into the latter upon defeat)

Metal Gear Solid: 1
Metal Gear REX

Sonic the Hedgehog: 2
Egg Viper (Sonic Adventure)
Super Shadow

Megaman: 1
Dr. Wily

Grand Total: 22


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2008
Oh yeah I got a good plot for the next smash game subspace story. Here it is.

Story: Many months after the subspace in Brawl. Everyone has went back to their own lives. like Samus kept Pikachu as a pet others like that and many more. But one day. Deathborn (If you don't know him. He is from F-Zero GX) Plans a trick. He creates clone versions of the Heroes like Mario, Link, Donkey Kong, Samus and many more and orders them to attack villains like Bowser, K. Rool and more. This makes the Villains want to get back at the heroes (They don't know that they were clones) so they join Deathborn (They don't know he is the reason for this and that he got them into it) and they create a new subspace Army. So then Mario and others find out and must stop them before its too late. Also Ridley will be returning. I made this thing up that Ridley escaped from the subspace and is alive again somehow in his old body and tries to go after samus (not knowing its a clone) but after finding out he teams up with her, pikachu, and Lip. Ganondorf and Black Shadow turns on Bowser, K. Rool, and Bowser Jr turning them into trophies who are later revived by Team Defenders and then later Deathborn turns on Black Shadow and Ganondorf adn they are later revived by all of the characterswho has joined and their team is now called Team All-Stars. They learn that Deathborn was the one who created Tabuu and used it as a test and then Deathborn waited for the right time to do a another attack with a new subspace army. The Brawl Fighters fights Deathborn and at the end of the subspace when everyone beats Deathborn. They all get along and also Samus and Ridley makes a Truce and they become friends and also Ridley finds a way to bring Samus's parents back to life and now they are all friends


Jul 17, 2008
Oh yeah I got a good plot for the next smash game subspace story. Here it is.

Story: Many months after the subspace in Brawl. Everyone has went back to their own lives. like Samus kept Pikachu as a pet others like that and many more. But one day. Deathborn (If you don't know him. He is from F-Zero GX) Plans a trick. He creates clone versions of the Heroes like Mario, Link, Donkey Kong, Samus and many more and orders them to attack villains like Bowser, K. Rool and more. This makes the Villains want to get back at the heroes (They don't know that they were clones) so they join Deathborn (They don't know he is the reason for this and that he got them into it) and they create a new subspace Army. So then Mario and others find out and must stop them before its too late. Also Ridley will be returning. I made this thing up that Ridley escaped from the subspace and is alive again somehow in his old body and tries to go after samus (not knowing its a clone) but after finding out he teams up with her, pikachu, and Lip. Ganondorf and Black Shadow turns on Bowser, K. Rool, and Bowser Jr turning them into trophies who are later revived by Team Defenders and then later Deathborn turns on Black Shadow and Ganondorf adn they are later revived by all of the characters who has joined and their team is now called Team All-Stars. They learn that Deathborn was the one who created Tabuu and used it as a test and then Deathborn waited for the right time to do a another attack with a new subspace army. The Brawl Fighters fights Deathborn and at the end of the subspace when everyone beats Deathborn. They all get along and also Samus and Ridley makes a Truce and they become friends and also Ridley finds a way to bring Samus's parents back to life and now they are all friends
Pink = Gehy
Red = Can't happen due to non-canon incidents
Cyan = Just wrong...


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
Smashbrosmike just made me vomit with the thought of Ridley and Samus beings super happy friends happily ever after in a field of flowers. . .

(My bosses aren't all good choices, they simply go with the story of my SSE)

Don't you have to be 13 to have an account here? Who else thinks Smashbrosmike is an underage user?


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2008
Also sometimes mortal enemies do team up. like Bowser and Mario. So there and like I said it's my opinion but if you want I'll keep it to myself. Ahh I'm outta here! See ya.*WALKS OFF VERY ANGRILY*


Jul 17, 2008
Also sometimes mortal enemies do team up. like Bowser and Mario. So there and like I said it's my opinion but if you want I'll keep it to myself. Ahh I'm outta here! See ya.*WALKS OFF VERY ANGRILY*
Okay, now that the acclaimed writer is gone, we can now get back to actual discussion. Or...make an actual "good" SSB4 story...


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2008
*Comes back* Sorry about myself people. I know I can act immature. But I'll stop okay. Sorry about myself I'll stop. Plus What kinda of stuff would you be talking about that then I can talk about it too. But if not fine fine. Anyway sorry.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2008
Death Star
I think tabuu should be a playable character. But in the story he's a normal fighter because he was wekend so much from being defeated. I also think the main villan of the story should be something like masterhand's body, and he's so huge that you need to have computer allies to defeat him, but you never see his face because he's wearing a hooded robe or something.:bigthumbu

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
flyinfilipino said:
I think that outside of Pika and Jiggs (and perhaps Mr. Pokemon Trainer), the rest is really up to the Pokemon Company. Pokemon is still a continuously evolving (no pun intended) and growing franchise, so it makes sense that Sakurai listens some to the Pokemon Company.
This is actually a really smart thought!

It explains why Mewtwo was cut, even though he was planned, and why Lucario is so much like him. So yeah, if this is the case, then I doubt either of those two will be in the game, and we'll just have Pika, Jiggs, and PT in addition to whichever 5th gen "humanoid" Pokemon they give us.

MasterWarlord said:
Assuming Ganondorf doesn't get an original moveset, how would you like to see him made more original? He needs his trademark projectile that you hit about in a game of tennis to replace the useless warlock punch for sure. Maybe replace up B with a teleport to make it more different. And make him less pathetically slow. . .His utilt actually does have some uses and has rather unique properties, it should stay, it helps make him different from Falcon. Although I still don't know what they were on when they made it. . .
The tennis projectile is a really cool idea--it'd be reflectable by any attack, but the more you reflect it, the more powerful and faster it gets.

Other than that I don't like the idea of just changing a few moves to make him less like C. Falcon. Seriously: actual moveset or bust.

Should Luigi get a new final smash? Seeing as the current one he has comes from nowhere, I'd like to see one that uses Mr. L and brobot personally, but I doubt that'll happen. Mr. L still needs to be his alt costume though.
Negative Zone is from a game. ...kind of.

But no, I like his FS the way it is now. It's...really good, so I don't really see what the issue is, anyway.

rexinator said:
I think tabuu should be a playable character.
Someone actually made a really awesome moveset for him in MYM 2. I could see it happening, and I wouldn't be angry or sad about it...but still, there are other things I'd rather see, y'know?

P.S. "The Okami Wolf" has a name, you know. Amaterasu (Ammy to her friends) would be a super-amazing pick for Brawl, and hey--the game is now most known for it's showing on the Wii, so why the hell not?


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2008
Well if we want Tabuu playable. He might have to be resized and I like the idea of him being playable. It would be interesting.

Marios My Bro

Smash Apprentice
Aug 29, 2008
Its not that serious. Its just his opinion. You just waste your time ridiculing other peoples idea. What if i just spam your ideas are stupid and think are terrible. I respect everybodys opinion and you should do the same.

An idea that i beleive should be in effect is to keep the original characters no matter what. The original from the 64 version have to stay period!


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2008
Oh I see. Well I was just trying to give ideas on stories and I just like Ridley and I think the Space Dragon deserves a soul to be nice. and if Warlord is going to say I'm immature again. I won't give a ****. It's my opinion. Anyway I have more ideas for this but I'll just talk about what you guys are talking about.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
The Pokemon Company is a big bunch of bloody idiots. Each new mainstream game is a rehash of the past. The games COULD be played for story if they were made better. As is, you have to play for the battle system and the Pokemon themselves. The actual "adventure" and everything else is mediocre, able to be so much better. The online in diamond/pearl is IDIOTIC. The GTS lets you see no statistics of Pokemon, thus you can't tell if they're hacked unless it's blaringly obvious, and you have to weed through endless ridiculous offers to find a half decent one. Battle Revoloution has no options for disallowing legendaries in random and is a 3v3, it's a sweeper's paradise. It sucks for competetive batteling. After Smash Bros., Pokemon is the franchise I'd most like to design.

The Pokemon Company certainly wouldn't PREVENT Mewtwo from being in, they'd just demand Lucario be in before him. The same will hold true for SSB4 with it's 5th gen rep and Lucario/Mewtwo. Who says the next 5th gen rep will be humanoid? Mewtwo and Lucario aren't similiar at all in movesets, sharing only B and fsmash, so don't even say "that explains the similarities". Apparatenly Mewtwo and Lucario are clones of Samus due to the B. More Pokemon = better for them, but their newest Pokemon must be in the game before others.

So in reality, the Pokemon Company will force a rep of the newest gen in every time, but it's up to Sakurai if he wants to make the old characters return or not. I find it highly unlikely Brawl will have four slots ever since Melee. The majority of people consider characters slots on the screen, not transformations. Yes, there are 39 movesets, but 35 characters. There will be a outrage if both Lucario and Mewtwo are absent.

Wouldn't you rather have 3 more newcomers instead of Pokemon Trainer in brawl?

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Marios My Bro said:
The original from the 64 version have to stay period!
Duh? I don't think anyone seriously believes this is going to change, do they? It hasn't yet, at least, so I don't see any real reason to think it will.

SmashBrosMike said:
and if Warlord is going to say I'm immature again. I won't give a ****.
MasterWarlord really shouldn't be saying anything *hinthint* about stuff he doesn't know much about *winkwink*. Yes, it is your opinion, and nobody else should tell you how bad it is.

MasterWarlord said:
Who says the next 5th gen rep will be humanoid? Mewtwo and Lucario aren't similiar at all in movesets, sharing only B and fsmash, so don't even say "that explains the similarities". Apparatenly Mewtwo and Lucario are clones of Samus due to the B. More Pokemon = better for them, but their newest Pokemon must be in the game before others.
I only said humanoid because that's been the case up til' now for the last Pokemon slot. Only Mewtwo and Lucario are human-shaped, and coincidentally they're the two that got "swapped", as it were.

And yeah, they're movesets are more than a little similar. They're both really floaty, similarly-shaped characters, they share a Neutral B, Up B, and (to a lesser extent) Side B. The moves may not be exact copies, but just by playing as them, you can tell Lucario was influenced by Mewtwo before him.

I...don't know how you get Samus out of that, though...?

The majority of people consider characters slots on the screen, not transformations.
"Most people" aren't the people spending three years developing the game, and even then having to delay it a billion times.

Wouldn't you rather have 3 more newcomers instead of Pokemon Trainer in brawl?
Honestly? Unless all three were Toxicroak, then no, I really like Pokemon Trainer. That's like saying "if you could drop Zelda, Link, and Ganondorf for three other Zelda characters, would you?".

...And anyways, this is a confusing question. PT is "three newcomers" in Brawl.


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2008
I'll throw my idea for a plot into the ring.

There will be a few levels at the beginning that establish each character--so that newcomers know just who the Mother Brothers, Space Furries, and Geno are. Then the actual story begins--basically sci-fi Enter the Dragon. A mysterious tournament that takes you from a main hub to various locations all over the universe (from Brinstar to Johto to EagleLand to Lylat and back again.) There will be a main campaign, with levels similar to SSE (except more polished) and some open-ended elements, i.e, missions (break the targets, boss battles...)

The more I think about this, the more it sounds like Ratchet: Deadlocked. Except this game will, you know, have a plot. Something involving corruption within the tournament; mysterious secrets, huge hands...

Anyway, that's not what I came here to discuss. I've got an idea which would be pretty big if it were actually implemented: transforming for all characters.
One of the Taunts would initiate a transformation, like Zelda/Sheik's, and change the playstyle of your character.
For example, Ganondorf's taunt which pulls out his sword would be enhanced so that he actually keeps that sword, and his moveset is altered to accomodate that, making him play, let's say, a little more like Ganondorf mixed with Ike and Link. Mario would become Fire Mario (or, Racoon Mario, or if you want to get crazy, Dr. Mario) which would give him enhanced projectile abilities, maybe at the expense of melee strength.
The Ice Climbers (or their replacement) would switch places, Samus would become ZSS, Ike would switch out for an axe... you get the idea.
This has been done in other fighting games--there are characters in Virtua Fighter and Soul Calibur with four different stances each--and it would give each character two different playstyles, nether of which would be necessarily more powerful, buyt would open up new tactical options.

Alternatively, this could be a powerup--like the Drive Forms in KH2, or Wario's Final Smash. Instead of a short burst of transformation, characters would become reasonably more powerful for a reasonable period of time. You could still KO them, but they'd have an advantage.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2008
these are characters that will be playable in the next smash bros game (If it does happen and it's my opinion)

King K. Rool (He will be in as a playable character since he is very requested)
Dixie Kong (Well I hear Sakurai liking her. So it's likely he will put her in)
Ridley (Though Chances are slim due to Sakurai hating him)
Megaman (Be interesting but wouldn't he be like a samus clone because they look similar in fighting. just saying?)
Geno (Maybe)
Paper Mario (That would be neat. Has a good chance)
Isaac (Could but ain't that big of a franchise)
Bomberman (Could work)

I think that King K. Rool, Dixie Kong, and Megaman has the biggest chances of getting in as playable characters out of the other characters in the next smash bros game (If one does come out)


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community

And by 3 newcomers, they don't have to be Pokemon. Anybody not named Ridley is allowed, as Sakurai would have to take a large amount of time for Ridley due to having trouble making a moveset for him.

I'm just pointing out little actual moves they have of each other on Lucario/Mewtwo, which is the main reason people think he "deserves" to come back. The original moveset. Anybody who considers him "OMG SO IMPORTANT" and "guaranteed" are generally whiners. I think he has a chance, albeit not that large of a one. I still see the Pokemon roster as what I've always seen it for SSB4, nothing will change that any time soon, unless the 5th gen rep is remarkably similiar to either Lucario or Mewtwo. (And yes, I do think Lucario is more likely, but I wouldn't count Mewtwo ruled out yet. This heavy bias against Mewtwo is coming from someone who has him as their 2nd most wanted character.)

5th gen rep

I'd still love to know why we got Falco over Mewtwo in Brawl. . .Original moveset > Clone.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
The Pokemon Company is a big bunch of bloody idiots. Each new mainstream game is a rehash of the past. The games COULD be played for story if they were made better. As is, you have to play for the battle system and the Pokemon themselves. The actual "adventure" and everything else is mediocre, able to be so much better. The online in diamond/pearl is IDIOTIC. The GTS lets you see no statistics of Pokemon, thus you can't tell if they're hacked unless it's blaringly obvious, and you have to weed through endless ridiculous offers to find a half decent one. Battle Revoloution has no options for disallowing legendaries in random and is a 3v3, it's a sweeper's paradise. It sucks for competetive batteling. After Smash Bros., Pokemon is the franchise I'd most like to design.
Do you know why the mainstream games are similar to each other? It's so that new players can pretty much have the same basic experience as us old players back in the day. It's like saying "oh, all Mario games are platformers and it's getting boring why don't they do something different", etc. For new players that don't want to be bothered to go back and buy Game Boys or Colors, they're D/P/P for the DS. New players = selling more games = sellign more units = profit. Unless this isn't what you're talking about at all. In that case, what else would you add to the storyline that would make it significantly better, and why would it matter?

Sure, people are d*cks, people are lazy, and people will hack, but at least we have the chance to trade world-wide. Think about it. D*cks are everywhere in every online game. I've never played PBR, but using PBR random battles for competitive battling? What?


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
Do you know why the mainstream games are similar to each other? It's so that new players can pretty much have the same basic experience as us old players back in the day. It's like saying "oh, all Mario games are platformers and it's getting boring why don't they do something different", etc. For new players that don't want to be bothered to go back and buy Game Boys or Colors, they're D/P/P for the DS. New players = selling more games = sellign more units = profit. Unless this isn't what you're talking about at all. In that case, what else would you add to the storyline that would make it significantly better, and why would it matter?

Sure, people are d*cks, people are lazy, and people will hack, but at least we have the chance to trade world-wide. Think about it. D*cks are everywhere in every online game. I've never played PBR, but using PBR random battles for competitive battling? What?
I want an actual storyline where it isn't a side dish, like all the mainstream Pokemon games. I want there to be no generic gyms or elite four. But I still want it to be done with some quality, unlike Pokemon Colosseum/XD. So directly, a mainstream handheld 2D game that has no gyms, no elite four, no pathetically childish dialouge, having somewhat of an actual story. Involve multiple continents from already existing gamese, involve all the teams, involve legendaries. I just think there's a heck of a lot of potetional there, and yes, while keeping it's E rating.

Since when do people WANT to experience beating 8 gym leaders and the elite four? That's totally generic. If I were a newcomer, I wouldn't be interested in going back to previous games to play for that "adventure".

As for online, I think it could be much better done by allowing you to see all their statistics when they're being offered. Is that too much to ask? I don't see a single reason why they wouldn't, for all I know the Pokemon could turn into a bad egg and destroy the game. Random battles that don't suck would also be nice, Diamond/pearl lacking them completely while Battle Revoloution has 3v3.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
I want an actual storyline where it isn't a side dish, like all the mainstream Pokemon games. I want there to be no generic gyms or elite four. But I still want it to be done with some quality, unlike Pokemon Colosseum/XD. So directly, a mainstream handheld 2D game that has no gyms, no elite four, no pathetically childish dialouge, having somewhat of an actual story. Involve multiple continents from already existing gamese, involve all the teams, involve legendaries. I just think there's a heck of a lot of potetional there, and yes, while keeping it's E rating.

Since when do people WANT to experience beating 8 gym leaders and the elite four? That's totally generic. If I were a newcomer, I wouldn't be interested in going back to previous games to play for that "adventure".

As for online, I think it could be much better done by allowing you to see all their statistics when they're being offered. Is that too much to ask? I don't see a single reason why they wouldn't, for all I know the Pokemon could turn into a bad egg and destroy the game. Random battles that don't suck would also be nice, Diamond/pearl lacking them completely while Battle Revoloution has 3v3.
So, have a bunch of old stuff instead of new stuff? Yay for no rehashing of old things

Here's the story: You start off as a random Pokemon trainer. Then you catch and raise your Pokemon. But there's no foreseeable goal for your future, so you just continue battling and raising. The end. Yay, not generic at all

Including more than one of the old regions at a time (not that you'd want to do that anyway, because that'd be old) will lead to at least one of them being watered down (Kanto in Gold/Silver/Crystal, anyone?). What would be the point in including them anyway if there's no challenge to it?

The GTS is seeing some improvements in Platinum, though I'm sure you still don't get to see stats (yay for surprises?) (if you're resorting to the GTS, why be picky anyway?)

Mmm, that's all 4 now
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