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[Official SSB4 Discussion] --- Nintendo announces 2 new Smash games!

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Smash Master
Sep 1, 2007
Waiting for you to slip up.
I rather see Geno simply because he was in a GOOD game.
R.O.B. was in a pretty bad game, even for its time.

Kid Icarus was better.

Why put Geno in due to a GOOD game? That's like saying put Link's Uncle in BECAUSE he was in a good game.

And w already have a more important 3rd party character with the ability to change his arms into different weapons and shapes:



Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
1. Ahaha, Toon Link is the only REAL clone in the game. Not even Luigified, only two or three moves TRULY differing from Link's moveset.

2. Wolf ain't going, Falco might, Lucario WILL go, Luigi is staying FOREVER thankfully, and Ganondorf is staying. Lucas MIGHT be a coin flip.

3. I C WUT U DID TAHR. Captain Falcon clone. lol. She'd DEFINITELY be a clone of Fox, though. I'd prefer to see Leon.
Let me clarify. If luigified clones have to be cut, clones have to be cut too.

Lucario is considered a CLONE in general by total noobs.

Wolf is DEFFINATLY luigified. Falco MIGHT be considered a clone of fox, might not.

I like Luigi too. ^^

Krystal? Samus? o_o THAT is pretty bad. I can see her being a Fox
Captain Falcon
with a landmaster
, but NOT a samus clone. Zamus clone is possible, but very unlikely.

Megaman will make it in if more 3rd parties are put in. Bomberman, thankfully, will not.


Smash Rookie
Sep 4, 2007
Unique teamnames. For example, mario and luigi would be the mario bros. Also, a team final smash that would involve both members of a team.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
Megaman will make it in if more 3rd parties are put in. Bomberman, thankfully, will not.
At least Bomberman's franchise hasn't developed into a total **** fest like the current Megaman games.

Unique teamnames. For example, mario and luigi would be the mario bros. Also, a team final smash that would involve both members of a team.
Interesting, although I don't see it happening.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Unique teamnames. For example, mario and luigi would be the mario bros. Also, a team final smash that would involve both members of a team.
One of the new idea suggestions for my project is the Double and Triple Final Smashes. I got the idea from Chrono Trigger.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2007
One other thing is that Lyn's moveset is in the Brawl game code, as proven in the Debug Menu. If Star Fox or F-Zero can get four characters, then Fire Emblem can too. I would want Ayra (a random FE character) if Lip makes it in. I have written a moveset for Ayra before, and I will do that later. Also, it is too early to call how many representatives a franchise could receive in SSB4. Downloadable content will most likely come, despite darkserenade's comments. Sakurai has said that he does not want SSB4 to be merely a sequel with more characters and modes. Like you have seen Snake in Brawl for the first time, it is expected that SSB4 may not be according to your predictions on this thread. Thus, expect some surprises.

According to some of the posts in this thread, it looks like SSB4 will be Brawl all over again in my decision.
Would you just shut up and get over Brawl! You only don't like it (as it appears) because you didn't get a character you wanted. BOO HOO!!!! Shut up and quit your b*tchin'! I wanted Krystal and Bowser Jr.; are they in Brawl...NO! Am I disappointed? Yes. Am I over it? Yes. Grow up, you twit!
Well, I'm bored so I'll just throw this out there: behold, a Krystal moveset.

(Starfox Adventures/Assault/Command)
*insert Krysal moveset here*
I didn't want to repost the whole moveset again since the post is so big. Congratulations! you've won my heart! lol That is a good Krystal moveset. *puts up a big piece of paper with a "10!" on it*

You DO know Sakurai is probably gonna clone her, right>
D*mn it! Shut up lol! This is true! Could you see Krystal with her HOT PINK LANDMASTER!!! Before she would get in it, she would say either, "WOO HOO!!! Hiya boyz!" or "What happens in the Landmaster, stays in the Landmaster!"
SEMI clones need to go?

Lucario according to several noobs
Falco *Maybe*
Wolf *Definate*
Toon Link
Falco's moveset is closer than Wolf's! Wolf is almost his own character (other than the special attacks and the LANDMASTER!!!).


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Mega Man is overall a better series than Bomberman. Really, the only memorable installments to Bomberman were Super Bomberman, Mega Bomberman, Saturn Bomberman, and the first Nintendo 64 one.


Apr 13, 2008
Mega Man is overall a better series than Bomberman. Really, the only memorable installments to Bomberman were Super Bomberman, Mega Bomberman, Saturn Bomberman, and the first Nintendo 64 one.
Bomberman Hero was a beaut. That and Bomberman 64 go hand-in-hand in my book; you can't own one without the other. Regardless, Mega Man is a much better game series, due to the sheer amount of flukes in Bomberman's history. Despite my love for Bomberman, I'd have to say that Mega Man would make it into Smash Bros far before Bomberman would. However, if you were to add them both, then by gollie that would be dandy.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2008
Mega Man is overall a better series than Bomberman. Really, the only memorable installments to Bomberman were Super Bomberman, Mega Bomberman, Saturn Bomberman, and the first Nintendo 64 one.
And,the DS megaman games are really good.

@Whoever said Krystal,she was only in what,3 games?
And was only the focus of one.
Isnt smash bros. about reaching into the past of Nintendo history?

Deleted member

And,the DS megaman games are really good.

@Whoever said Krystal,she was only in what,3 games?
And was only the focus of one.
Isnt smash bros. about reaching into the past of Nintendo history?
Ike? Lucario? Olimar?


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Bomberman Hero was a beaut. That and Bomberman 64 go hand-in-hand in my book; you can't own one without the other. Regardless, Mega Man is a much better game series, due to the sheer amount of flukes in Bomberman's history. Despite my love for Bomberman, I'd have to say that Mega Man would make it into Smash Bros far before Bomberman would. However, if you were to add them both, then by gollie that would be dandy.
It's only too bad that aside from Super Bomberman 1 and 2, the rest of the Super Bomberman games never made it here. They might be put on Virtual Console, I'm sure.

At any rate, yes, Mega Man is a more interesting game series. No need to say that Mega Man is practically a shoo-in for the next smash.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Here is my Toad moveset for when he was a character on my roster:


Toad may be one of the more controversial characters on my roster, seeing as there is a lot of passion and debate as to who is the most deserving of a Mario newcomer spot (other favorites include Bowser Jr., Paper Mario, Geno, and Waluigi). I am hoping by displaying at how much he would be a unique character addition that you might possibly understand why I selected him over the other Mario characters I mentioned. Toad will be a very interesting character in terms of stats. He will be very fast, very light, but extremely strong and have poor recovery. You might be confused as to why I am planning to have Toad like this, however, these stats are derived from actual Mario series canon. In Super Mario Bros. 2 (or even better yet, go check Super Mario Advance), Toad is ranked as the fastest of the four characters (5/5 rating), the strongest (5/5), however, he has the poorest jumping (2/5). He is also very light, as he is usually among the lightest drivers in the Mario Kart games. Toad’s trophy profile in Brawl also makes mention of Toad’s “superhuman strength.” A character that is both a speed character and a power character has not been done yet in the Smash Bros. series., so I decided that this would help to make Toad quite a unique character addition.

Toad has also starred in many games over the years, and much of his moveset will be derived from his abilities in Super Mario Bros. 2, Wario’s Woods, the Mario Kart series, as well as some of the Mario sports titles he has been in. Toad will also have some special abilities that are unique to him (much like Peach’s floating ability is unique to her). I am hoping that the moveset that I have crafted for Toad will help dissipate the belief that Toad would not be an unique character addition.


Speed: 5/5 (Toad is among the fastest characters in the game)
Power: 5/5 (Toad is very strong, like Ganondorf or Ike strong)
Recovery: 2/5 (One of Toad’s worst qualities, Toad’s recovery has little horizontal recovery, but excellent vertical recovery when fully charged)
Weight: 1.5/5 (Toad is one of the lightest characters in the game, about Kirby’s weight).

Toad Regular Moves:

Due to short length of Toad’s limbs, you must be quite close to your opponent in order to hit him or her with your attacks. Toad relies on his massive head for a lot of his attacks due to this.

A: Left-punch
AA: Right-punch
AAA: Toad puts both his hands on the ground, and kicks his opponent with both of his feet (Pikachu’s A-tilt)
Side-A-tilt: Toad does a spin-kick.
Running-A: Toad headbutts his opponent with his huge head while running.
Down-A: Toad headbutts his enemy (think Pikachu’s regular A-move)
Up-tilt A: Toad jumps up a little bit to do a headbutt.
A-Air: Toad spins around in a ball.
Backward-air: Toad kicks from behind.
Foward-air: Toad does a foward headbutt spin (meaning he headbutts by spinning head first into your opponent).
Up-air: An upward headbutt.
Down-air: Toad falls instantly down head first on his opponent (think like Toon Link’s Down-air). If the attack connects he will bounce off his opponent and be in the air again. It’s a spike if the opponent is in the air.
Smash-foward: Hits opponent with tennis racket, it is perhaps among Toad’s weakest moves, but it possesses the properties of a special move in that it can reflect knock back projectiles if timed right.
Down-smash: Hits opponent with a golf club, this attack has the most range of any one of Toad’s A-moves. It also has a sweetspot at the tip.
Up-smash: A very strong headbutt, hehehe, no. He actually flips upside down to do and upward kick (think ROB’s Up-Smash).

Grab-A: Toad knocks his grabbed opponent with his massive head.
Foward-throw: Tosses character foward like he would a veggie.
Down-throw: Slams opponent downward nothing special.
Up-throw: Headbutts enemy upward.
Back-throw: Swings opponent like Mario and Luigi do with their back-throw. Very powerful.

Special moves:

Regular B: Bombs: Toad pulls out a bomb from Wario’s Woods. The bomb is quite powerful doing 15% damage a piece. If B is pressed again Toad will place the bomb on the ground and kick and the bomb. The bomb will slide along the ground and won’t explode until it falls off a ledge, hits a wall, hits an item, or hits your opponent. This is based off of an ability from Wario’s Woods.

Side-B: Toad Kart: Toad rides his kart from the Mario Kart series. It is like Wario’s bike in that you can ride into your opponents with it to do damage, however, there are few key differences. One is that Kart is a tad slower, does slightly less damage, but has much better traction (turning). Toad will also be able to throw any items he is holding while riding it, much like in the Mario Kart games.

Down-B: Veggies: This is similar to Peach’s down-b but there are a few key differences. One is that Toad will be able to pluck the veggies, that come out of the ground much faster than Peach (in Super Mario Bros. 2, Toad was the fastest plucker, wheras Peach was the slowest). Toad also does not have his plucking limited to turnips. Toad will frequently also pick up pumpkins, radishes, and peppers (as well as the other veggies that you could pick up in Super Mario Bros. 2). Toad will also occasionally pick up some of the items that appeared in Super Mario Bros. 2 when doing this such as a Koopa Shell, a bob-omb (yes, sometimes bob-ombs would be picked up), a POW block, and some rare occasions a stop watch. You only have a 5% chance of picking up an item (meaning 1/50 shot), however, the move is well worth it considering that besides turnips, the other veggies that Toad throws do more damage than most of Peach’s turnips, and he is able to pluck them faster and throw them farther.

Up-B: Super Toad Flip Jump: This Toad’s recovery move. Toad’s does not do his recovery jump right away, and is derived from Super Mario Bros. 2. You hold Up-B to charge up his jump-power (Toad will crouch down while doing this just like in SMB2). It takes about four second to get a maximum jump potential out of it, however, Toad will do his super jump whenever you let go. When fully charged, Toad will be flashing and can hold onto the super jump until you decide to use it. Toad also does a flip at the apex of the jump just like in Super Mario Advance. It has excellent vertical recovery when fully charged (higher than Dedede’s Up-B), and is a great kill move. However, the move has lousy horizontal recovery (less than Dedede’s Up-B, but more than Ike’s Aether).

Final Smash: Bomb Barrage: This Final Smash is inspired from Wario’s Woods. The fairy-sprite thing from Wario’s Woods will shower lots of bombs from the game all over the arena you are fighting on. Toad can gather these bombs to stack them and kick them individually like in Wario’s Woods. The bombs will explode once they hit your opponent (the bombs won’t backfire on Toad). Sometimes, the black bird from Wario’s will appear in the fairy’s place and shower random enemies from Wario’s Woods instead. Unlike the bombs, the enemies can be continually reused. This is not a powerful Final Smash, and can even be classified as one of the weaker ones.

Toad has a few unique abilities exclusive to him. One is that he has the ability to run up walls like in Wario’s Woods, however, this ability is only useful for stages such as Fourside and Saffron City. Toad also has the ability to pick up his opponent after landing on top on an enemy (though Peach will also have this ability) and upon using his down-B, will pick up his opponent and chuck them far (resulting often in a KO if the opponent has 100%+ damage). This techniques required skill and timing, however, upon mastering it, it is a very effective way to kill your opponent.

Toad’s taunts are as follows:
1. Toad will wave at the screen and say hi.
2. Toad will jump up, and say yahoo (Based off of when you would select him in Mario Kart 64).
3. Toad will clench his fists, and look determined toward his opponent and say, “I’m not scared.”

Victory animations:

1. Toad will give the peace sign, and say “Sweet.” This is based off of what he would do when he would win a match in Wario’s Woods.
2. Toad will be jumping up and down saying “Yippee I won.”
3. Toad will pump his fist, and say “I guess you underestimated me.”

Toad idle animation:
Toad will normally just have his fists clenched and try to look determined and brave. Once and a while, Toad will have nervous expression on his face and look around.

Toad running animation:
Toad runs with his arms thrown back (like Ness’s running animation).

Toad shielding animation:
Toad will use his arms to block his big head.

Toad costumes:

Costume one: Greed spots on shroom head, with green jacket.
Costume two: Blue spots on shroom head, with red jacket.
Costume three: Yellow spots on shroom head with yellow jacket.
Costume four: Black spots on shroom with black jacket.
Unlockable alternate costume: Toadette or Toadsworth

Kirby Hat: Kirby wear’s the Toad “shroom hat”.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Bomberman Hero was a beaut. That and Bomberman 64 go hand-in-hand in my book; you can't own one without the other.
I may not like bomberman much, but I do own both...

Anyway I am not saying Megaman is certain to be in, I'm saying that he will be in over Bomberman for the same reason Sonic was in over virtually every 3rd party character except Snake.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
Anyway I am not saying Megaman is certain to be in, I'm saying that he will be in over Bomberman for the same reason Sonic was in over virtually every 3rd party character except Snake.
It all comes down to if Capcom even wants Megaman in. When asked why Megaman wasn't in Brawl, Inafune said that Smash Bros was a fun series, but he think that Megaman "should sit this one out." I read this on Kotaku or something, I'll try and find the source. I wouldn't mind Megaman, in fact, I support him. ONLY classic Blue Bomber. If anything else makes it in, it's just not worth it. To all the "megaman b4 geno HISTORY POPULARITY MEEEEGAMAAN!!!!!" since Sakurai said that if Gneo made it in, he would count him as a Mario character and not take up space for another "guest character" for Brawl, this might turn over to SSB4.


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2007
B'ham, Alabama
First of all, it better not suck. After that, I would love to see megaman, a Shadow skin for Sonic, Mewtwo/Mew, and a much more advanced map building system (like in farcry).

I didnt bother reading any posts other than the first lol


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
Mostly because Sonic is more dead than Nintendo. Metal Gear isn't. Realistically, I see both Snake and Sonic out to make for new guest characters.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Mostly because Sonic is more dead than Nintendo. Metal Gear isn't. Realistically, I see both Snake and Sonic out to make for new guest characters.
Actually, Kojima said Snake won't be in any more Metal Gear, so Snake is technically dead in his series.

However, the Sonic series is dead in terms of quality (though the Sonic RPG has potential to be a good game since BioWare is making it).

I also agree that new guest characters should be placed in over the old ones (however, I think Sonic needs to return considering how botched his moveset was in Brawl, and how much of a last minute role he played in the SSE). After Smash 4, then Sonic can leave.


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2007
Hyde Park, Chicago
Mostly because Sonic is more dead than Nintendo. Metal Gear isn't. Realistically, I see both Snake and Sonic out to make for new guest characters.

Snake and Sonic will be in the next smash. Hideo Kojima begged for Snake and snake has a pretty solid fanbase in the Smash Community. I can't see a viable reason for sonic to get kicked out.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2006
@Whoever said Krystal,she was only in what,3 games?
And was only the focus of one.
Isnt smash bros. about reaching into the past of Nintendo history?
Who said that Smash was about Nintendo history. The game is about Nintendo all-stars, which relates to both iconic/historic characters, AND the current and future Nintendo gaming stars.

That being said, while Star Fox is a terrific series, Krystal hasn't been solidified into it yet, IMO. Krystal seems to be a popular addition since she entered the series. However, they haven't made a good Star Fox game since she hit the scene, although this has nothing to do with her. I think she stands a much better chance at getting in if Nintendo can produce a solid Star Fox game that gets people back into the series before the next Smash game comes out. (I'm assuming there will be one for the purposes of this topic)


Smash Journeyman
May 26, 2008
Looking For Someone To Falcon Punch!
Actually, Kojima said Snake won't be in any more Metal Gear, so Snake is technically dead in his series.

However, the Sonic series is dead in terms of quality (though the Sonic RPG has potential to be a good game since BioWare is making it).

I also agree that new guest characters should be placed in over the old ones (however, I think Sonic needs to return considering how botched his moveset was in Brawl, and how much of a last minute role he played in the SSE). After Smash 4, then Sonic can leave.
Agreed. After SSB4, Sonic should be out of the roster for another guest character. And hopefully, if he's still in SSB4, his moveset should be changed a bit, because I don't understand the difference between his Down-B and his Side-B. Anyone care to explain to me? :)


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
I think not.
Yeah, removing Fox and putting him in a faux-Zelda style adventure in a wannabe Land Before Time was the first step. Even putting the Arwing and Landmasters back in along with it was a horrible idea. Star Fox Commando sounds promising enough. Still, there's no denying that Krystal is a god **** annoying addition to the cast.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2008
True, but the story was a disappointment that I just cannot ignore.

You don't leave your ship in Command, right? That's making for a good Star Fox game right there.
If only it was that simple.

The controls are a millions times worse than Assaults camera.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
That reminds me. I remember that Japanese Smash fans weren't too happy about Sonic's inclusion in Brawl (they think he's a washed up has-been), I wonder what they think of him now that he turned out to be a pretty poorly designed fighter?
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