imo, what i would want to see is a nintendo that takes the competetive scene of smash bros. seriously.
like ****, why did they do the competitive circle, who was one of the biggest hype-men for the brawl game, a big disservice of removing those important advanced techs? the casual gamer probably would've never even known about those in a million years anyways, and most of the people buying brawl simply wanted a game to play multiplayer in with characters they've grown up with. not saying they shouldn't be catered either, they are the ones that makes making smash bros games even possible financially, but if the game engine had been made with thought of competetive play i hardly think the regular consumer/ casual smash bros player would've known anyway as most of them play how the game has intended them to play and most of them use items aswell.
one i've thought of that nintendo could've done was to actually get help from tourney pro's, they'd 100% likely work for free, with balancing the game and help with developing advanced techniques and such. But the casuals wouldn't even need to know about those things either. nintendo could've just leave out l-canceling, wavedashing, pivoting, dash dancing etc. out of the "how to play vid" and those who doesn't know anyone who plays smash as a competitive game wouldn't know of any of those techs.
John: "l-canceling? what's that?"
Ulf: "it's pressing L or R right before you land, so you can cancel half your lag from an aerial attack."
John: "okay, sounds cool."
He never used that tech even though he knew of it because it wasn't relevent for him. he just wanted to play ganondorf on do ganon pwnch. for anyone wondering why the guy who knows what l-canceling is has such a strange name, it's because he's me and he's scandinavian
For their next release i think that smash bros should get back l-canceling and dash dancing and get rid of tripping as a whole. of course, banana tripping shouldn't be removed, but you get the idea.
L-canceling should, as in melee, only cancel half the lag and NOT ALL as it was in 64. and dash dancing should just be brought back because it was good to have a quick mindgame.
adding more hit stun would be a good idea aswell, but that would require a little bit more of the next thing i think nintendo should put a little work into: BALANCING.
i don't know why they decide to give the characters such huge gaps between them as they already do. out of the box, no techs applied and nothing, some characters are hugely better than others. competitive players are of course dedicated enough to work around those characters flaws at any cost necessary, but casuals don't have that same mind set. so it sucks for them aswell that the game is lacking balance as they can't win with their favourite characters.
therefore i think that getting in some tourney pro's would greatly help the overall balance outcome.
i think that nintendo should think about adding a tag system. think about it for a sec.
you're ganondorf and you shuffle dair on someone, once you've canceled the lag, you can tag into, let's say, GaW and you do a d-tilt and follow up with an fair. your opponent flies of the edge and as game and watch you chase after. before you jump of th ledge to attack your opponent you tag back to ganondorf and spike that ******* to death.
this would add a lot of new gameplay ways and much more stragety to the table. the only problem with this is that it would require an insane amount of balancing and some pretty devoted dudes to help fix the bugs of such a system. and a large cast of tournement players to help them design the system so it doesn't end up broken like ****. but again tournement players would probably help for free so there's money to save there.
another thing would probaly how the execution of the tag system would be. if anyone of you have ever played "tagging oriented games" a lot of them, not all of course, pauses the game while tagging for a split second and then goes back into action. this would be ABSOLUTE HELL in team battles. you'd constantly get you timing set of because someone is constantly changing characters. but i think that the solution would be just having the characters dissapear like nana does when popo dies without pausing.
normal smashing would be available too.
i've got way to much spare time.