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[Official SSB4 Discussion] --- Nintendo announces 2 new Smash games!

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Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
^Smashchu. It's that Sonic isn't a great fighter. He's usually disadvantaged in most match-ups.
Then don't play tournaments. All the match-ups are decided in the mystical land of tournaments which is not true to the rest of the game. He is actually a good character, just lacks any killing moves.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2007
Waiting for you to slip up.
Then don't play tournaments. All the match-ups are decided in the mystical land of tournaments which is not true to the rest of the game. He is actually a good character, just lacks any killing moves.
He's just fast.


He's pretty bad.

Bad ground game, mid-light, and has pretty sh*tty priority.

I don't think I need to mention how "swell" his killing potential is...

Darky Dee

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
Sonic Topic:
When I use Sonic, I have to pursue opponents off stage and finish them off with a F-Air, and have my reserved second jump along with my Up Special to recover if I can't score an out with a Smash. I wouldn't say he's mediocre, I'd think he's more than decent than most make him to be.

Metal Gear Solid Topic:
Don't know if Metal Gear Solid is done with. Solid Snake is done with- but that doesn't mean future/past iterations of protagonists with the codename Snake are done with. There is more than just the Les Infantes Terribles project than three of Big Boss' sons.

Character Inclusions and Exclusions:
I sense that they're probably going to break the 4 character per franchise cap on the next iteration. Not stating that all of these characters should be in, but at least one of them would be nice. Especially someone from a new franchise or unrepresented franchise.

Exclusion List-
--Toon Link (Legend of Zelda)

Inclusion List-
--Midna (Legend of Zelda)
--Mewtwo (Pokemon)
--Ray MkIII (Custom Robo)
--Kat & Ana (WarioWare)
--Krystal (Star Fox)
--Captain Rainbow (Captain Rainbow)
--Felix (Golden Sun)
--Tin Star (Tin Star)
--Cackletta (Super Mario)
--Dixie Kong (Donkey Kong)

New Game Mechanics:
-Air Grabbing: Z-Grabbing in the air.
-Perfect Counters: Perfect shields but for close attacks that launches a counter attack.
-Combo Scoring: Like other fighter games that show how many hits and points for combo.
-Style Point Reward=Final Smash(?): Earn points for kicking butt with style to do a free FS.

Stage Builder:
Someone mentioned it before, but something similar to Far Cry would be sweet. Map something out and customize it with detailed skins, textures, and place classic Nintendo items and landmarks in foreground, background, and playfield with more background options.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
Exclusion List-
--Toon Link (Legend of Zelda)

Inclusion List-
--Midna (Legend of Zelda)
--Mewtwo (Pokemon)
--Ray MkIII (Custom Robo)
--Kat & Ana (WarioWare)
--Krystal (Star Fox)
--Captain Rainbow (Captain Rainbow)
--Felix (Golden Sun)
--Tin Star (Tin Star)
--Cackletta (Super Mario)
--Dixie Kong (Donkey Kong)
Toon Link will not get the boot.

Like you said, most probably won't get in.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 23, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska



60+ characters

Classic mode (made EXACTLY like the 64 1p mode)

Better Adventure mode

Meta Knight nerf, make him feel Captain Falcon's pain. Only a real man can endure a nerf like his

Online play where you know who you're fighting

Improved stage builder

8 minute limit on replays

Multiple final smashes, less Final smash clones

I could go on forever but i'll rap it up here.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2008
If it means removing Lucario in favor of any pokemon, it's a step forward. Unless the Pokemon is like, Blaziken or something.
Petty hatred of the new gen pokemon does not mean Lucario will be taken out, buddy. He's a well-used character with an enormous fanbase who's not a clone. Also, he doesn't suck like mewtwo did in smash.:p

Katy Parry

The Only Zelda in Indiana
May 20, 2007
Indianapolis, IN
Has anyone thought about the system it's going to be for? Not the Wii.

It might be ten years before we get another smash, and I was dissapointed with Brawl.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
Improved Online play,
4. Plusle/Minum
Why do I always feel like a babysitter on this thread? You cannot improve online if many people are on, let alone improve in general. You can't merge continents to get better connection, and some people just have bad internet connection.

It is Pra_Mai. People assume it's Plusle and Minun, yet the only proof they have is that it has the first three letters of the japanese names. It's also thought to be 'all characters'. Before saying random, I should tell you that a Mii could sport all characters, like a character customizar. So please, don't tell me that Sakurai would soil his favorite childhood characters with Pikachu clones.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
While it can't be completely confirmed, its pretty much a given that it was indeed Plusle and Minum. Their Japanese names match up to Pra_Mai, and there's really not anyone else who could have taken that spot. (Also if I remember correctly, Random was already accounted for, and Sakurai stated that he never intended to use Miis in that Iwata Asks thing)


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Improved Online play, a black colored Yoshi, Koopa Troopa, and more characters.

There's already a Black Yoshi!

Why do I always feel like a babysitter on this thread? You cannot improve online if many people are on, let alone improve in general. You can't merge continents to get better connection, and some people just have bad internet connection.
Are you joking? Brawl has awful online, it's easy to improve it. Add actual communication with voice chat, take away friend codes, names in with anyone and SO much more. Nintendo needs to follow Microsoft's example of online play.

Petty hatred of the new gen pokemon does not mean Lucario will be taken out, buddy. He's a well-used character with an enormous fanbase who's not a clone. Also, he doesn't suck like mewtwo did in smash.:p
He'll be taken out because that fanbase will be gone come the next generation of Pokemon. He's only put in as an advertisment like Pichu in Melee.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2008
He'll be taken out because that fanbase will be gone come the next generation of Pokemon. He's only put in as an advertisment like Pichu in Melee.
Just like Mewtwo's fanbase didn't complain! Seriously, get real. Lucario certainly deserves it more than Jigglypuff, yet she's still in because she's a unique and fun to use character. Lot's of people main Lucario because they love playing as him, or they love his appearance, or his unique aura ability. You're pretty much spitting in their faces by saying the only reason they main him is because he's a new gen.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
No. One character per third party. Honestly, Tails wouldn't be that good of a character anyway. He would just be a Peach/Sonic hyrbrid.

I guess I'm like one of those three people who liked Air Dodges better.

Alright. I want hitstun back

60+ characters
Now then, let me explain to you why this will never happen. In SSB64, we had 12 characters. In Melee, we had 25, meaning that 13 characters were added. In Brawl, five characters were taken in out (Dr. Mario, Roy, Mewtwo, Young Link, Pichu), and fifteen were put in.

The MOST you should expect for SSB4 is a fifty character roster.

Classic mode (made EXACTLY like the 64 1p mode)
So, you just want the random battles back.

Better Adventure mode
Everybody wants this.

Meta Knight nerf, make him feel Captain Falcon's pain. Only a real man can endure a nerf like his
Of course, Meta-Knight and Snake will be nerfed. They shouldn't be as screwed up as Falcon was, but they should be brought down.

Online play where you know who you're fighting
Nintendo will never go for that.

Improved stage builder
Of course.

No minute limit on replays[/QUOTE


Multiple final smashes, less Final smash clones
To bad items suck :<

But more than one final smash would be cool.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Just like Mewtwo's fanbase didn't complain! Seriously, get real. Lucario certainly deserves it more than Jigglypuff, yet she's still in because she's a unique and fun to use character. Lot's of people main Lucario because they love playing as him, or they love his appearance, or his unique aura ability. You're pretty much spitting in their faces by saying the only reason they main him is because he's a new gen.
He's only in because he's a popular 4th gen Pokemon. Look, they're going to take him out, it's obvious. Probaly Ike as well.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 23, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
60+ characters better be what we get if we wait 10 years

and I meant literally classic, except without the bad graphics.

I'm not quite sure what you meant when you replied to the L-cancelling thing.

Also, I like the melee air dodge system.


Smash Rookie
Dec 19, 2007
imo, what i would want to see is a nintendo that takes the competetive scene of smash bros. seriously.
like ****, why did they do the competitive circle, who was one of the biggest hype-men for the brawl game, a big disservice of removing those important advanced techs? the casual gamer probably would've never even known about those in a million years anyways, and most of the people buying brawl simply wanted a game to play multiplayer in with characters they've grown up with. not saying they shouldn't be catered either, they are the ones that makes making smash bros games even possible financially, but if the game engine had been made with thought of competetive play i hardly think the regular consumer/ casual smash bros player would've known anyway as most of them play how the game has intended them to play and most of them use items aswell.
one i've thought of that nintendo could've done was to actually get help from tourney pro's, they'd 100% likely work for free, with balancing the game and help with developing advanced techniques and such. But the casuals wouldn't even need to know about those things either. nintendo could've just leave out l-canceling, wavedashing, pivoting, dash dancing etc. out of the "how to play vid" and those who doesn't know anyone who plays smash as a competitive game wouldn't know of any of those techs.

John: "l-canceling? what's that?"
Ulf: "it's pressing L or R right before you land, so you can cancel half your lag from an aerial attack."
John: "okay, sounds cool."
He never used that tech even though he knew of it because it wasn't relevent for him. he just wanted to play ganondorf on do ganon pwnch. for anyone wondering why the guy who knows what l-canceling is has such a strange name, it's because he's me and he's scandinavian :p

For their next release i think that smash bros should get back l-canceling and dash dancing and get rid of tripping as a whole. of course, banana tripping shouldn't be removed, but you get the idea.
L-canceling should, as in melee, only cancel half the lag and NOT ALL as it was in 64. and dash dancing should just be brought back because it was good to have a quick mindgame.
adding more hit stun would be a good idea aswell, but that would require a little bit more of the next thing i think nintendo should put a little work into: BALANCING.
i don't know why they decide to give the characters such huge gaps between them as they already do. out of the box, no techs applied and nothing, some characters are hugely better than others. competitive players are of course dedicated enough to work around those characters flaws at any cost necessary, but casuals don't have that same mind set. so it sucks for them aswell that the game is lacking balance as they can't win with their favourite characters.
therefore i think that getting in some tourney pro's would greatly help the overall balance outcome.

i think that nintendo should think about adding a tag system. think about it for a sec.
you're ganondorf and you shuffle dair on someone, once you've canceled the lag, you can tag into, let's say, GaW and you do a d-tilt and follow up with an fair. your opponent flies of the edge and as game and watch you chase after. before you jump of th ledge to attack your opponent you tag back to ganondorf and spike that ******* to death.
this would add a lot of new gameplay ways and much more stragety to the table. the only problem with this is that it would require an insane amount of balancing and some pretty devoted dudes to help fix the bugs of such a system. and a large cast of tournement players to help them design the system so it doesn't end up broken like ****. but again tournement players would probably help for free so there's money to save there.
another thing would probaly how the execution of the tag system would be. if anyone of you have ever played "tagging oriented games" a lot of them, not all of course, pauses the game while tagging for a split second and then goes back into action. this would be ABSOLUTE HELL in team battles. you'd constantly get you timing set of because someone is constantly changing characters. but i think that the solution would be just having the characters dissapear like nana does when popo dies without pausing.
normal smashing would be available too.

i've got way to much spare time.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2007
They're not taking out Ike. Saying that he's just advertisement is REDICULOUS.

There were so many feats accomplished with FE9 + FE10 that not including Ike would be incredibly stupid to represent Intelligent System's Fire Emblem franchise.

FE9+10 were the first to:

1. Feature high detail CG cutscenes to progress the story.
2. Feature the primary protagonist to not be of noble descent.
3. Feature a never before used Laguz unit system where certain types of units could transform into animals.
4. Feature the land of Tellius
5. Feature an ability system where abilities and skills can be applied to units, such as Vantage and Adept as well as class mastery abilities such as Aether and Sol.
6. Feature a completely 3D game engine for a Fire Emblem game.
7. Feature a 3rd tier class via promotion. Previous FEs featured only a single promotion for any given unit.
8. To redesign the magic triangle. Anima magic has its own individual circle where Wind, Fire, and Thunder form a rock-paper-scissors circle and Anima, Light, and Dark magic form its own circle as well.
9. Maniac difficulty mode.
10. Feature a custom weapon smithing system.
11. Feature SS weapon mastery and SS weapons. Previous FE games reached only to S class.
12. Feature Knives as a weapon. Theifs, Assassins, and Rogues of previous FE games instead equipped swords.
13. Feature Crossbows which were weapons that allowed Archers, Snipers, and Marksmen to attack on tiles directly adjacent to them. Previously these units could only equip Bows which ere limited to 2 or 3 tile range distances.

And that's only a scratch on the surface. That doesn't even mention the limited seconds FE9 and FE10 featured. Ike is the only the second lord after Marth to ever feature in more than FE game.

Did I forget to mention that FE9 was the LONG awaited return to console Fire Emblem games? The last Fire Emblem console game preceding FE9 was FE5 which was released around SNES's half life.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
They're not taking out Ike. Saying that he's just advertisement is REDICULOUS.

There were so many feats accomplished with FE9 + FE10 that not including Ike would be incredibly stupid to represent Intelligent System's Fire Emblem franchise.

FE9+10 were the first to:

1. Feature high detail CG cutscenes to progress the story.
2. Feature the primary protagonist to not be of noble descent.
3. Feature a never before used Laguz unit system where certain types of units could transform into animals.
4. Feature the land of Tellius
5. Feature an ability system where abilities and skills can be applied to units, such as Vantage and Adept as well as class mastery abilities such as Aether and Sol.
6. Feature a completely 3D game engine for a Fire Emblem game.
7. Feature a 3rd tier class via promotion. Previous FEs featured only a single promotion for any given unit.
8. To redesign the magic triangle. Anima magic has its own individual circle where Wind, Fire, and Thunder form a rock-paper-scissors circle and Anima, Light, and Dark magic form its own circle as well.
9. Maniac difficulty mode.
10. Feature a custom weapon smithing system.
11. Feature SS weapon mastery and SS weapons. Previous FE games reached only to S class.
12. Feature Knives as a weapon. Theifs, Assassins, and Rogues of previous FE games instead equipped swords.
13. Feature Crossbows which were weapons that allowed Archers, Snipers, and Marksmen to attack on tiles directly adjacent to them. Previously these units could only equip Bows which ere limited to 2 or 3 tile range distances.

And that's only a scratch on the surface. That doesn't even mention the limited seconds FE9 and FE10 featured. Ike is the only the second lord after Marth to ever feature in more than FE game.

Did I forget to mention that FE9 was the LONG awaited return to console Fire Emblem games? The last Fire Emblem console game preceding FE9 was FE5 which was released around SNES's half life.
While it may seem REDICULOUS to you, it doesn't matter. Unless Ike is in more FE games there's no reason for them not to replace him with the latest FE lord. They replaced Roy with Ike because Ike was the latest FE lord and Roy wasn't going to be in anymore games.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
Are you joking? Brawl has awful online, it's easy to improve it. Add actual communication with voice chat, take away friend codes, names in with anyone and SO much more. Nintendo needs to follow Microsoft's example of online play.
Voice Chat would not work. As I've stated before, blackmail will be common. Nintendo does not like getting sued! Names in With Anyone don't work either. Since 5 characters are the max, so many vulgar things could appear. Sakurai was right on this. Friend Codes are okay and help make things a bit better, but we need a better system, I agree.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2007
Voice Chat would not work. As I've stated before, blackmail will be common. Nintendo does not like getting sued! Names in With Anyone don't work either. Since 5 characters are the max, so many vulgar things could appear. Sakurai was right on this. Friend Codes are okay and help make things a bit better, but we need a better system, I agree.
Oh just how like Microsoft gets sued because a mom hears some kid screaming the F word when her son headshot him in Halo...[/sarcasm]


Deleted member

While it may seem REDICULOUS to you, it doesn't matter. Unless Ike is in more FE games there's no reason for them not to replace him with the latest FE lord. They replaced Roy with Ike because Ike was the latest FE lord and Roy wasn't going to be in anymore games.
If there are is a new FE lord, we'll just have 3 reps from FE. No biggie.

Not to mention Ike's contraversie to stay or not to stay's not like the Roy contraversie this time around.

Ultimate Dark Yoshi

Smash Cadet
Aug 20, 2008
Why do I always feel like a babysitter on this thread? You cannot improve online if many people are on, let alone improve in general. You can't merge continents to get better connection, and some people just have bad internet connection.

When I said Improved online play, I meant like Special Brawl online, or like separate playlist, kinda like what Halo 3 did. A playlist for FFA, a playlist for team battles, a playlist of stock and time battles. Stuff like that.


Smash Champion
Jul 26, 2006
What do you mean playlist???

I think it'd be neat to have a surver. Or surver database, really. Like in Call of Duty and such where you can choose different survers. that'd be neeat.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2008
He's only in because he's a popular 4th gen Pokemon. Look, they're going to take him out, it's obvious. Probaly Ike as well.
No, it's not obvious. Both Ike and Lucario are unique, popular, and well-loved characters. Using your logic, Jigglypuff shouldn't have been in Melee, since she was just advertisement for the anime. Using your logic, Ness, Pit, and Rob shouldn't have been in Brawl, as there have been no new Earthbound and Kid Icarus games or Robotic Operating Buddies out.

Diamond and Pearl were out long before Smash Bros Brawl (Almost a year before its release) so saying Lucario is advertising makes no sense. It makes even less sense for Ike, considering how long ago his game is.

Seriously, give me a reason that actually makes sense. Your only ones are "They're not going to be in the newer games, so they should be replaced by less iconic characters, making people angry." What about Shiek? Shiek hasn't been in a game since Ocarina of time. Don't try the "advertising" argument, Path of Radiance was released in 2005. Radiant Dawn? Ike wasn't even the main character of that game.

Roy was advertising because his game wasn't even OUT YET.

Ike was the main character of the first FE on the Gamecube. He was also the star of the first 3-D FE. That seems significant, wouldn't you agree?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2007
While it may seem REDICULOUS to you, it doesn't matter. Unless Ike is in more FE games there's no reason for them not to replace him with the latest FE lord. They replaced Roy with Ike because Ike was the latest FE lord and Roy wasn't going to be in anymore games.
Wrong. HAL REMOVED Roy because his game was a failure. Despite Roy's appearance in Melee, FE6 didn't sell very well. Not only that, but he didn't represent the Fire Emblem series in its best light. You wouldn't represent the Final Fantasy series with Final Fantasy 4, or whatever, if it was theoretically speaking an unpopular game.

They introduced Ike because he was the latest Lord as of FE9 when HAL started production on Brawl. However, when they finished Ike, FE10 was released and that CEMENTED Ike's importance to the FE franchise. Ike's story was so vast that it required TWO games to tell it, and by the way the story ended, if Ike and Soren had a maxed Support relationship, then Ike and Soren would both travel together to a foreign land to experience new adventures. Most other FE games end with "and the kingdom lived happily ever after with no evil dragons or sorcerers trying to kill the protagonist of the story".

If Intelligent Systems desires it, they can pick up on those said adventures on a distant land. However, they don't have to. Ike has starred in as many storyline games as Marth (IE: FE1 + FE3 for Marth. FE1:DS is not a seperate storyline) and he's regarded as the international Lord representative of Fire Emblem while Marth is regarded as the Japanese Lord representative of Fire Emblem. If he stars in a THIRD game, then he's more important than Marth is to FE, which is ridiculous.

If Ike doesn't make a THIRD game there's no reason to include him?!

I LISTED THIRTEEN REASONS! You have YET to point out one solid fact why Ike would be removed from SSB4. All you've stated is mindless jibber-jabber such as Ike is only in as the 2nd FE rep to advertise the newest FE game, which you have no evidence of whatsoever.


For example, let's say that Intelligent Systems, NEVER CREATED FE6, opting out to instead do nothing. Would it hurt the current Fire Emblem franchise as it is now? It would hurt, but not enough. Let's say Intelligent Systems NEVER CREATED FE9 and FE10. Would the removal of Ike devastate what Intelligent Systems has created and innovated for the Fire Emblem franchise? OF COURSE!

In terms of American Lord popularity:
Ike >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hector > Lyn >>>>>> Ephraim > Eliwood > Eirika

Ike represents the new direction and new innovation Intelligent Systems has created and acheived success from. A new FE Lord can't just replace what FE9 + FE10 has build for Intelligent System's Fire Emblem franchise. A new FE11 Lord may continue the innovation Intelligent Systems incorporates in its fantasy tactics based games, but it can never replace Ike.

Besides, who the hell says there's going to be only TWO FE representatives in SSB4 AGAIN? In the next 6 - 7 years, FE11 and FE12 may be developed and that would warrant the inclusion of a 3rd FE representative.

Marth + Ike are concrete FE Lords.

The third can either represent the greatest classic FEs, like Sigurd of FE4, or represent the new lord if Intelligent Systems feels it's been thorough with Ike's story.

If you really continue with this crap that Ike will be removed, then I can only regard you as a fool from this point onwards.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2008
FE10 had several characters who could be called the main character.

I personally would like to see Soothe in a smash game,but it'll never happen,since he wasnt the focus of FE9,and is only one of the characters to have focus in FE10.

How would Tails be a Peach/Sonic hybrid?
He can use his Sonic Battle moves,like using his arm cannon.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2007
*Cough* Micaiah *Cough*

He was an important character, but he wasn't the main character. There really was no main character in that game.
Micaiah and Ike were of equal importance in FE10. Micaiah led the the forces of Daein while Ike led the forces of Crimea and arguably Laguz. You could say Tibarn was the Laguz leader, but for some time in the game Ike was the Laguz leader as well. All countries are at war with Begnion.


While Micaiah was of equal importance, it was conditional. One, she isn't a Lord, she's a Light Mage. Second, she doesn't have as many featured chapters as Ike. Third, she's conditionally important because she becomes the voice of the god Yune.

In reality, she's a pivotal plot-driven character. Ike is undoubtably a main character, if not THE main character. Micaiah plays the same role Lyn did in FE7.

Both are females who seek to help their homeland and eventually become the queen of their land. Lyn of Sacae and Micaiah of Daein. They both have that short 10 chapter introduction to the game which plays out as a pseudo walkthrough of the game mechanics.

However, when it comes down to it, they're not the grand hero of the game. Eliwood and Hector both reclaim justice to their lands while helping Lyn. Lyn can be seen as the pivotal plot-driven female character in this case. Her 10 chapter intro can be skipped on Hard mode, so the only times you actually play her are when she's a side character Lord. Both Eliwood and Hector feature many more chapters than Lyn ever does.

Micaiah is the same. She's important, because the plot is driven around her and the plight of Daein under the tyranny of Begnion. Her character plays a pivotal role in the story, which would not be the same without her. However, she's also not the hero of the story. During the pivotal points of the last chapter (split into 4 sections) Micaiah only plays a important part because Yune becomes a pivotal character

Ike leads the Beorc and Laguz to get redemption from the goddess Ashera. Yune becomes an ally of Ike to usurp Ashera from her place of power. If Yune could manifest a body to speak with Ike, then Micaiah would have little purpose in the final chapters.

IMO, Ike is the one Lord of FE10. Micaiah is a plot-driven pivotal character that introduces and follows through the conflict in the story.

However, you can see it as you wish. Doesn't change the fact Ike is a Lord in FE10 and officially extremely important to the storyline, even if you happen to be a gloated Micaiah fanboy/girl... (Which you may not be, but I don't target that comment directly to any one individual...)


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
Okotoks, Alberta, Canada
Lucario will be removed because he is an icon of the 4th gen. By the time the next Smash comes out there will be a new generation, and everybody will forget about Lucario. It doesn't matter if you mained and loved him in Brawl, they only care about what the Pokemon fans want, and they'll want a 5th gen rep. This is also why Mewtwo was removed, the only ones who liked him were the first generation Pokemon fans who never kept up with the series enough to see the other gens. Mewtwo wasn't important or relevant, so he as replaced. Lucario will suffer the same fate.

It's beyond me why Sheik wasn't removed too, it was probably her popularity on Smash.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Mewtwo was likely not cut because Lucario was intended to replace him, but rather that he had to go for the sake of balance. If he was included, the Pokemon series would have had 5 slots, instead of 4, and would have broken the pattern of balances the series had, and would have had more than even Mario. Now Pikachu can't be cut, Jiggs was a veteran from the first game, and PT was a unique new character. If they had used Mewtwo for that last spot, it would have been a complete 1st generation dominance, which isn't good when you're trying to show the history of a franchise. Thus, Lucario brought a bit more balance to the whole series, at the cost of Mewtwo being cut. It's not because Mewtwo's popularity died down, because if that was a deciding reason, Jiggs would have been cut. It was because him not being there balanced things out better than him being there. =/

That being said, I think that SSB4 will push the maximum characters from a franchise up to 5, and let Lucario stay to maintain the balance, while adding in a 5th gen Poke. (Assuming that the 5th gen comes by then)


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
I agree. There really is no reason to remove Sheik.

What about PT? Will he get updated starters to will he stay (relatively/conceptually) the same, or just removed altogether? Personally, I like him already. Just fix some faults here and there and I see no reason to cut him. Hopefully, they will call him the canon name "Red."
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