Does tjolt travel down the side of the stage, or does it end at the edge?
It travels down the sides of the main stage.
If you're on the ghost platform that pops up on either side, t-jolts will not travel down the sides of the ghost. They'll kind of try to go around the platform sitting on top of his head, but they'll curl under once and then stop.
I'll try not to cover what other people have already said, but I rarely play on Yoshi's Island.... that's kind of weird, actually, since I know a lot of people who like it.
Slopey sides. Good for avoiding a lot of projectile spam while Pika's t-jolts hug the floor.
Flat sides on the main stage, so you can wall-jump off of them for some cool recovery/edgeguarding tricks if you wanna.
This is very minor, but sometimes the ghost will save an opponent who surely would have met his or her doom.... very frustrating. Pika doesn't benefit from this since our recovery is already ridiculously good.
Other than Smashville, I think this is an okay neutral vs. ROB. You have to be
extremely careful against his edgeguarding because of the close sides, but you can avoid a lot of his projectile spam by camping on the little slopes.
Depending on how you thunder, you can achieve three different results when you thunder on the slopes at the very edge...
- Standing thunder: Gets you a normal, everyday thunder w/ T2
- Full hopped thunder: You get T2, but you'll pop off the edge of the stage a little bit
- Fast-falled thunder: No T2, and Pika will slide off the stage. Be careful how long you hold down, or you could fast-fall to your death
I still feel better on Smashville or FD, but Yoshi's Island isn't bad imo. Better than BF as far as neutrals go.... 6/10.