phi1ny3 (12:58:33 PM): Sooo, want me to start the questions?
KelvinTooGood (12:58:37 PM): sure
phi1ny3 (12:58:43 PM): These are from SWF mind you
phi1ny3 (12:58:47 PM): So
KelvinTooGood (12:58:53 PM): okie doke
phi1ny3 (12:58:56 PM): What do you think is a good mentality when going against MK as lucario?
KelvinTooGood (1:00:31 PM): Go into the match fairly confident since its not so much of a **** matchup for MK and most Mk's don't know the matchup at all. You should also go in trying to prove something like Lucario can definately take MK without a big problem unlike some people may think. Just go in confident and prove people wrong.
phi1ny3 (1:01:41 PM): As Lucario, which stages do you CP MK? Which ones do you ban?
phi1ny3 (1:01:56 PM): Or I should say, which ones do you recommend?
KelvinTooGood (1:05:10 PM): If they dont ban FD, jump on that immediately. Alot of people dont know this but obviously one of lucarios best stages is yoshis. DO NOT GO HERE VS MK. hes better than you here in this particular matchup. you'll be decimated. back on topic, good counterpicks are FD, pkmn1 and smashville. counterpicks lucario should avoid are rainbow pretty much. id say brinstar too cuz its gay and im sure you dont want luck absed factors happening in the match like getting gayed by the acid and stuff but lucario can abuse the stage as well. I would personally counter fd and ban brinstar
KelvinTooGood is away (1:06:19 PM)
home. cleaning room then interview at 4. NO ONE IM ME AFTER 4. PLEASE.
KelvinTooGood (1:06:49 PM): im still here lol i just put away so no one else bothers
phi1ny3 (1:07:02 PM): What can we do about MK's ground game? All of his tilts come out fast than ours and our option to outrange it, Fsmash, can be punished with a power shield to dash grab.
phi1ny3 (1:07:24 PM): I really want you to answer the last comment because I think I know what the answer is to it
phi1ny3 (1:07:33 PM): And I'm sure you do too
KelvinTooGood (1:07:38 PM): the thing with that is
KelvinTooGood (1:07:43 PM): it should not be a problem at all
KelvinTooGood (1:07:47 PM): and the reason for that is
KelvinTooGood (1:07:53 PM): you decide when the f smash releases
phi1ny3 (1:07:59 PM): Yup
KelvinTooGood (1:08:24 PM): and if they dont power shield , you can re pivot f smash or retreat and camp or something
KelvinTooGood (1:08:28 PM): but about mk's ground game
KelvinTooGood (1:08:43 PM): the moves lucario players should fear the most are f tilt, and grabs
KelvinTooGood (1:09:48 PM): shielding the f tilt is really your only option here. if youre quick enough, get a throw in after that f tilt combo and remember his habits youve experienced so far. thats why i do.
KelvinTooGood (1:10:03 PM): a very good mindgame azen kinda discovered is this
KelvinTooGood (1:10:21 PM): most mk players aporach by dashing and immediately shielding in front of you while ur charging your AS
KelvinTooGood (1:10:37 PM): when this happens, cancel the AS and dash grab. it works every time XD
KelvinTooGood (1:10:43 PM): if they start catching on mix it up
phi1ny3 (1:11:21 PM): Man I should've interviewed you first lol, Azen has a tendency to be "vague"
KelvinTooGood (1:12:01 PM): to deal with mk's grabs : if he down throws, DI diagonal down and away and air dodge. this way they cant follow up and you can even have the first move as if he tries to dash grab you, you can jab combo him or grand him first, etc
KelvinTooGood (1:12:05 PM): there are many options
KelvinTooGood (1:12:30 PM): just be careful about f tilt and grabs at low percent, d smash at high
phi1ny3 (1:12:38 PM): "grand him first"?
KelvinTooGood (1:12:47 PM): grab*
KelvinTooGood (1:12:49 PM): my bad lol
KelvinTooGood (1:13:07 PM): grounded up b. watch out for that too. thats punishable tho
KelvinTooGood (1:13:17 PM): if u shield
phi1ny3 (1:13:23 PM): What are the best ways to deal with SL?
phi1ny3 (1:13:34 PM): Like in the air as well?
KelvinTooGood (1:15:18 PM): ok. everyone needs to pay attention when i say this. if you have a jump left and are returning back to the stage, when you use it, air dodge at the exact same time. they can very quicly aerial up b and gimp you. ive done it alot to many lucario players and i made zucco drop that dumb habit. if you get punished like that, coming back to the stage will be tough depending on the MK player
phi1ny3 (1:16:16 PM): Wait what habit is incorrect?
KelvinTooGood (1:17:22 PM): i palyed zucco in tourney and just about half of the kills were aeriel up b gimps. i read him through the match and saw that whenever hed have one jump when returning to the stage at mid level, hed use it without air dodging
KelvinTooGood (1:17:33 PM): so i would surprise up b with mk and gimp him
KelvinTooGood (1:17:49 PM): i mean its not necessarily a bad habit
phi1ny3 (1:17:51 PM): Oh
KelvinTooGood (1:17:52 PM): cuz everyone does it
KelvinTooGood (1:17:58 PM): but if you start getting punished
KelvinTooGood (1:18:01 PM): change it up immediately
phi1ny3 (1:18:10 PM): Yeah I learned that from Havok

KelvinTooGood (1:18:17 PM): haha
KelvinTooGood (1:18:59 PM): grounded up b isnt that difficult to beat. most mk players try it after u get to 130 and above. if you block the up b, up air them if they are above 50 imo. the reason i say this is because if you up air them when theyr at 0 percent of something, they wont have knockback and they can dair you, so what would be the point in that?
KelvinTooGood (1:19:15 PM): obviosuly this depends on your percent as well lol
KelvinTooGood (1:19:26 PM): but i learned this vs m2k.
phi1ny3 (1:19:48 PM): Can dair be used well v. SL?
KelvinTooGood (1:21:18 PM): do you mean when he ground up b's you?
KelvinTooGood (1:22:33 PM): if yes then yea if you jump high and do it. yea itll work. but i would just fair to fair
KelvinTooGood (1:22:38 PM): or fair to dair
KelvinTooGood (1:22:52 PM): depending on lucarios percent.
phi1ny3 (1:23:06 PM): when do you think you should be using fsmash to be more successful with it?
KelvinTooGood (1:24:20 PM): when both you and the MK are after 70 percent. people should also get into the habit of using pivot f smash. it gives u way more space that even sometimes if they powwer shield and try to grabd u they wont reach and u can punish the grab animation
KelvinTooGood (1:24:35 PM): also use f smash if their shield is low, it scares the hell out of them
KelvinTooGood (1:24:45 PM): like throw a fully chard aura spehre and f smash
KelvinTooGood (1:24:47 PM): be creative
phi1ny3 (1:25:57 PM): Oh, you mean that strutter step where you move your footing a little before releasing?
KelvinTooGood (1:26:20 PM): yes. just tap back on the analog stick and f smash the opposite way and its amazing lol
phi1ny3 (1:26:26 PM): Yeah I agree
phi1ny3 (1:27:02 PM): It helps space it even more since 90% of the time if they haven't moved into the hitbox they do it anyways
KelvinTooGood (1:27:15 PM): exactly
phi1ny3 (1:27:34 PM): Anywho, should fsmash be used against MK when he's landing?
KelvinTooGood (1:28:20 PM): thats situational. if the mk is on the ledge and youve noticed that the way they get on stage is jump and air dodge to the stage, then yea charge an f smash on them
KelvinTooGood (1:28:48 PM): if the mk has no jumps and is about to land on the stage that can work too. tho aura spehre is a better choice
KelvinTooGood (1:29:20 PM): depending on ur accuracy, it can punish landing just as well without having to be so close
phi1ny3 (1:30:41 PM): What do you do against MK dair camping?
KelvinTooGood (1:31:54 PM): when a mk dair camps, that most likely means they dont know the matchup and are scared. when i play an mk with lucario, thats the number one thing i want them to start doing. dair camping does not work on lucario. you can easily powershield to fair, nair, up air, etc
KelvinTooGood (1:32:18 PM): you have many options to shut that down. an mk on the ground is way dangerous than an mk above you while your on the ground
phi1ny3 (1:32:36 PM): This is what I've been thinking
KelvinTooGood (1:33:20 PM): m2k doesnt know the matchup lol everytime we have played he dair camps me and i always get a free fair to fair or other combos. he wins becasue hes a smart player and can disect my habits easily
phi1ny3 (1:33:28 PM): I couldn't explain it at the time because it sounded silly, but it just doesn't seem to good
KelvinTooGood (1:34:19 PM): it really isnt. mk f tilting for a minute is way more dangerous and bad for lucario then an mk dair camping for several minutes
KelvinTooGood (1:34:42 PM): dair camping to tornado would be there choice for damage. if your ever caught in tornado, mash the jump button to jump out
phi1ny3 (1:34:50 PM): Ooh, here's a good one
phi1ny3 (1:34:52 PM): How do you recover and get back in one piece? Do you like to recover high or low against MK? Do you prefer to save their jump at all costs, and what do you usually get punished for doing while trying to recover off the map?
KelvinTooGood (1:38:47 PM): whenever i would get launched off screen id immediately use my jump to DI. i learned that this is not a smart choice from Pierce after he yelled at me lol. save that jump because vs MK, your dam well going to need it. the way i recover depends where the mk is at. if hes in front of my face not doing anything, that means hes wating for me to air dodge and then hell punish. when that happens ill attack with fair or something and up b to the stage quickly. if theyr above me that is very very bad. you can try and up b but a good mk wont let you get back so dont ever put yourself in that position. Dair and nair are the moves youre gonna dread alot when your off stage. if your not so low, dont be afraid to throw an up air or fair to get them out of you face. recovery is one of the main reasons people probly see this bad for lucario but just be smart with it. alot of lucarios like zucco and junebug are learning how to recover better
phi1ny3 (1:40:16 PM): Would Aura sphere in any way help?
KelvinTooGood (1:41:56 PM): yes it CAN but it may do more harm then good. it kind of pushes u back a bit so if they air dodge, you just put urself in a bad position since u dropped lower and got pushed back a bit. the mk will then use that to its advantage. obviously you can be sneaky with the aura sphere but i dont recommend it. it can still be good tho
phi1ny3 (1:42:27 PM): What should a Lucario look for in an MK's pattern? What will a metaknight do if the tables get turned and he's losing?
KelvinTooGood (1:44:39 PM): the dair camp patterns. read them in case they throw a tornado in the mix. they usually have it on a set pattern like 3 dairs to nado. so get ready in to jump high and air dodge or something. when an MK i losing expect the MK to shield way more than usual, especially if lucario is at high percent too. take advantage of this with pivot f smashes, aura spheres and grabs.
KelvinTooGood (1:44:55 PM): also this isnt related to the question but i hope most lucarios are now
KelvinTooGood (1:45:05 PM): finishing the jab combo or doing jab jab to grabs
KelvinTooGood (1:45:17 PM): its amazing vs mk and most of the cast
phi1ny3 (1:45:25 PM): Yeah nobody does jab jab -> FP anymore lol
KelvinTooGood (1:45:29 PM): dont use jab jab side b vs mk or youll regret it
KelvinTooGood (1:45:34 PM): yea its not good
phi1ny3 (1:45:45 PM): Although wouldn't jab1 -> grab work well too?
KelvinTooGood (1:45:58 PM): yes but then 2nd jab adds damage!! lol
phi1ny3 (1:46:16 PM): whats the safest way to score a kill?
KelvinTooGood (1:48:38 PM): pivot f smash and aura sphere. dont approach mk to try and kill him. let him come to you. be completely safe and dont try any risky or flshy stuff otherwise mk will get the upper hand without breaking a sweat. dont spam dair over their shield or something if u think its sfae. itdefinately not. if you want to do something along those lines, do 1 dair and if you can do 2 more dairs, their probly gonna expect it. so fast fall after the first dair and grab. mindgammeeessss
KelvinTooGood (1:48:39 PM): lol
KelvinTooGood (1:49:24 PM): also, jab jab to pivot f smash = ****. i closed sets with anther and snakeee for example doing that
KelvinTooGood (1:50:06 PM): it kinda works because they like to spam spot dodge while u jab them. mk might spot dodge, d smash or up b so beware
phi1ny3 (1:51:21 PM): How would you best go about camping MK? Like how would you use AS/BAS and aerials?
KelvinTooGood (1:51:52 PM): like a nice strat to get the kill later on in the match is. jab jab then roll away and see how they react after the second jab. if they spot dodge, test it again later. if they react the same way, just finish the jab combo next time and when u need and can get the kill, jab jab to f smash and hooray lol. remember, if you always read a bad habit from then, save to punish it in the end and refrain from doing it immediately
KelvinTooGood (1:53:38 PM): the camping strat i formulated for myself is aura shenanigans. when i take the first stock (i usually do or hope i do lol) i change my style completely up into only doing lagless moves. like fair, aura spehre, grabs, jab combo, and others
KelvinTooGood (1:53:46 PM): everytime you land one of these lagless moves
KelvinTooGood (1:53:52 PM): run away and charge ur aura spehre
KelvinTooGood (1:54:21 PM): dont try and continue the combo. trust me. youll see that in no time theyll be at kill percent becuz of the aura boost you have
KelvinTooGood (1:54:38 PM): then after they get to 100 u can use f smash and dair and stuff but dont get too risky
KelvinTooGood (1:54:57 PM): just hit and run situation. abuse ur characters best ability
phi1ny3 (1:55:38 PM): This is gold
KelvinTooGood (1:56:22 PM): haha. all lucario players need to do is use their head better and instead of there being a shortege of lucario players, theyll be feared all waround the country. no offense to anyone of course
KelvinTooGood (1:56:44 PM): around*
phi1ny3 (1:56:47 PM): lol
phi1ny3 (1:56:54 PM): In terms of map control, what parts of the map do you like to push MK's into regarding spacing and platforms?
KelvinTooGood (1:58:19 PM): I like pushing MK into then edge of the stage so i have filed control and mass room for camping while hes on the edge struggling the overthrow my camping strategy. if mk is on a platform above you, its also bad for him too. hell probly try to drop down and dair or nado. shield and grabd and throw them away and camp more
KelvinTooGood (1:58:38 PM): mk being above while im on stage or away is perfect for lucario imo
phi1ny3 (2:01:11 PM): Oh yeah, so I think that wraps it up for actual "questions". Any advice you want to leave, or closing remarks?
KelvinTooGood (2:04:03 PM): anyone who says lucarios isnt viable is dead wrong. he definately has the tools to win a national. bad matchups are being overcome alot now by good lucario players. zucco beat atomsks ddd( which he has like top 3 in nation) in tourney a month ago which in my opinion is sooooooooooooooooooo bad. and it makes me happy that hes showing us that lucario can do it. i main MK so i dont show much of lucario but when i do im sure i dont disappoint.
im planning on hoping to face chu dat at pound 4 since he beat zucco at the last tourney. i know it that lucario wins imo and im planning on showing it since i saw both players do alot of dumb things and i wanna see how i do
KelvinTooGood (2:04:31 PM): anyways, Lucario is being used more and more in tourney and can definately do great things. everyone keep it up.
KelvinTooGood (2:04:44 PM): also, shoutout to miranda cosgrove
phi1ny3 (2:05:38 PM): lol