Alright everyone, I'm back. Sorry for the absense. Been participating in tourneys here in Washington instead of spending time on the boards. Hopefully I'll be ranked 8th or 9th by the end of the month. I updated the thread so no worries DarkLink. Now, I've seen a few concerns about who should be on the first post so I'll see what I can do. I'd like to hear a few opinions on who should be on the first post. Now, many of the legendary Link players are good, AKA Aniki/Azen, but a lot of their stuff is outdated. They don't even use the light shield edg guard against Marth. I'll put a few of their vids up but I'd like a few mor recent players up...,even if I have to take myself off. For all the other players, just post your vids on the thread and they will be critiqued. If a vid looks really good, let me know and I'll add it to the list for now I just want a few opinions before the first draft.
Also, might get some new vids up soon. Possibly against Silent Wolf and Ka-master in the mix.