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Official Japanese Everything Thread: Sakurai Famitsu Interview - Translators needed!

Puddin Master

Smash Apprentice
Dec 25, 2007
Wait a minute! Aries said that there would be 4 more commercials, and that all 24 characters revealed so far would be shown. Excluding PT's pokemon, we have only had 23 characters revealed! Unless this was a typo by Aries, we might get a previously unrevealed character in one of these commercials!


Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2004
PT sounds really pissed off lol...

And I didn't realize DeDeDe could fly like kirby or meta... O_o

I hope PT doesn't sound bad in english...


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2005
Marlborough, MA
Kirby can suck items? Nice, I was always a Kirby fan, but in Melee he just wasn't for me... Now I might reconsider...


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
I posted this on Gimpy's thread but I think it should be repeated here:

Aeris is getting more and more committed to interacting with the members on the Japanese forums. But I think if we want to create that link, that liaison, between the two nations, we need to work a bit harder. I don't think we need SamuraiPanda for the simple translation jobs. I'm hoping SamuraiPanda could do it, be that liaison. Translating is not the same as communicating. Maybe we can even open up a Japanese section of smashboards. Of course, I'm not one to demand such things but just throwing it out there.

I see big possibilities by bridging to the two communities. I realized something when I read on the sumabura-x forums. They were complaining how the Christmas update was lame. They were even saying how the December 24th update had a snow background and had been expecting something great for Christmas update. What I noticed is, they're just like us. They're just as meticulous and analytical as we are with these updates. I'm not thinking about spoilers. I'm thinking about after that, after Brawl comes out. Cut the language barrier. The whole community of internation smasher together learning new techniques and playstyles, sharing videos. It'd be a nice thing to have.

Maybe it's just me with delusions of grandeur but surely we can all benefit from it. I think it's a good point to discuss. If I were a BRoomer it'd be something I'd definitely be pushing to be pioneered. Well, reply here or PM me if you want and I'd like to know SamuraiPanda input on this as well as some other board memebers.

Okay, I've gone on long enough.
I was honestly considering making this exact type of post. I think that, beyond the realm of spoilers, this has just begun to truly connect the Smash community. The whole idea of Wii is playing together. With the advent of Wi-Fi play allowing players from around the world to compete against one another in Brawl, I think it only fitting that there be an online community in which players from all around the world can come and talk about Smash (among other things)--and I think Smash World Forums is just the place. We already have players from around the world; the only thing left to do is expand.

I dunno how feasible it would be to implement such a system, but perhaps Smashboards could be set up like the DOJO, in the sense that the first screen would be a "select your region" tool, which would thus let you view the boards in your native language. This would probably just require a high-quality translation system (I've heard Systran is very good). We could also set up a "Smash World Embassy" of sorts in which certain (reputable) members of the boards with language experience would serve as "ambassadors" to international Smashers from various countries. For example, Fawriel is from Germany; German is his native language. If he were up to it, he could help assimilate any other German Smashers into the boards, directing them to the right areas and aiding in difficult translations. (This is purely hypothetical; Fawriel's just a nice guy and has been in no way informed of my suggestion...yet. :grin:) The nice thing is that the PAL release would give us enough time to implement such a system on a global level. For now, though, we can be content to appeal to two different regions: the U.S. (check!) and Japan (in progress).

I, for one, am ready and willing to assist in this globalization in whatever way possible. I'm still learning Japanese, so I can only do so much. But believe me that I will do as much as I possibly can to help spread our love for the game and to bring together the global Smash community. :bigthumbu

I can't wait for a commercial with Lucas.
I DEFINITELY agree! I was kind of disappointed when he wasn't in any of the ones shown yesterday, but I'm eagerly awaiting the next one(s). :grin:

Wait a minute! Aries said that there would be 4 more commercials, and that all 24 characters revealed so far would be shown. Excluding PT's pokemon, we have only had 23 characters revealed! Unless this was a typo by Aries, we might get a previously unrevealed character in one of these commercials!
Careful, there! Remember what I said: I was posting something from the Japanese forums that a member speculated. It is in no way factual, but merely the analysis and subsequent hypothesis of the commercials and the characters shown therein. We don't want that kind of speculation to be taken as fact just yet. ;)


Smash Apprentice
Dec 22, 2007
I love the idea. I'm all for uniting the various countries in one big Smash Orgy. =D I'm not terribly good at languages, but I can do very basic german if need be, and even more basic french (essentially "My name is ___" and "I live in England" =P Thanks to Year 7 of drilling these useless phrases into out minds. XD

But I'll help any way possible. =] Although it says I'm a "n00b", I've been foruming the world for a couple of years now, and have had a fair bit of experience with language barriers (heard of World Scout Jamboree?) ;) SO yeah, I'll help however.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
Nice, footage of PT in action. These pretty much crush the "PT and Dedede are unlockables" speculation for good. I can't believe some people thought they were unlockable even after the events and co-op events updates.


Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2007
Duster Who? Mother 3?

Rosalina/Rosetta - throws out star pieces for a few seconds, and that if you pick them up, you'll recover health. A Luma comes out with her. Cool.

Group of Pegasus Knights from Fire Emblem Series - "they attack in a group or something, with a Falcon Knight" That sounds like a Triangle Attack. If you play Fire Emblem, you'll understand.

Birdo — Shoots eggs at an opponent. Pretty standard Assist Trophy. Oh, and he's fully rendered; it's not a 2D sprite like the Melee stage hazard. (needs confirmation) Birdo Deconfirmation!

Tingle — Like the Nintendog or Mr. Resetti, Tingle doesn't inflinct any actual damage; he just stands there and does a little dance while shouting "Tingle-Tingle, Kooloo-Limpah," then disappears. I like to think of him as the Goldeen of the Assist Trophies. (needs confirmation) lol
My comments in bold.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
OMG That last commercial is a dream come true. It disconfirmed an actual fear of mine, that "Themed Boxes" were taken out, since they weren't inculded in the demos, but it's there!

...and did anyone else see the complete devestation of PT's FS? Holy guacamole, the victims just stayed in place and got pummeled to a pulpy pulp! Ooh, and PT's Japanese voice is killer amazing (nice echo)!!


After seeing the commercial with PT, it makes me want to main him!


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Wow. Kumatora AND Duster are AT's... Sakurai truely doesn't want anyone to like the mother franchise, does he?
We still haven't had any official word on the Kumatora issue (no information besides a nominal confirmation--and hearsay, at that), but you're misinterpreting it completely. Sakurai LOVES the MOTHER franchise, and even worked on M3 himself! Remember: M3 was released ONLY in Japan. The fact that Sakurai is going out of his way to include so much from a game that never left his own country in a bigger game that will be released internationally shows just how much he loves the franchise, especially the latest game in the series.

And glad you like the idea, TheLastHero! :grin:


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
Hopefull we will get comercials like these ones and not the dumb "We would like to play" ones.


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2007
with these new commercials in japan, it seems the starting roster has been revealed... but why would falcon be taken out of the starting roster?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 20, 2004
Maryland, USA
with these new commercials in japan, it seems the starting roster has been revealed... but why would falcon be taken out of the starting roster?
So that they could, quite possibly, make him an unlockable again. I wouldn't put it past Sakurai to do such a thing, as other fighting games throughout history have done similarly.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 16, 2007
When the Pokémon Trainer character changed from using Ivysaur, to Charizard (Lizardon), Charizard's voice sounded pretty bad, sounds like a Slowpoke...

I sure hope Charizard doesn't sound like that in the US version, since it is my favourite character confirmed so far.

Besides that though, excellent commercial! I'm really looking forward to playing Brawl in a few dozen more days, it's so close, 36 days is not that long a period of time when you remember that we already have been waiting for this game for years.
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