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Official BBR Tier List v7

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Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
killing the evils of this world
Alternatively, Mekos, you can place 5th or higher a a National, and/or take out many names in the bracket, and you'll see how Lucas randomly jumps to second place :awesome:
yer trying to be funny but I actually agree with u. The second part I have done and that is why I'm saying the mu chart is so wrong.
NOw getting 5th or higher I think helps my argument. No luigi or ike is doing that at nationals. Or Sheilda lolol. People are talking about lucas needs more representation. Luigi and sheilda don't have much. Luigi only have Mr. Con Con for singles events. The others like Boss don't enter singles. I don't even know one Sheilda.

Guys stop making excuses for people's losses. MU experience is not one and most of yall are wrong anyways(who are making excuses for people losing to me). Stingers just said Chibo has plenty of lucas experience. And Ryo may have played Galeon(a lucas main that retired) in the past. Smash is a game about reading your opponent. After the first match u should be able to compete. IF not, u are not reading and merely getting by by yer currently mastered tricks/habits.

@Ryker - I just picked some characters that I know lucas should be higher than. That's all my brutha
Even if we look at tourney performance. Are yall telling me that shiek does better than lucas!? I don't even know one top level shiek. No names are coming to my mind. Who is out their causing this damage!? Enlighten me. Goes for Sheilda(man I love that name! Thanks Esam haha) too

Wow guys I love how so many people are agreeing with me :embarrass::bee:

I just looked up the def. of outlier lol. "In statistics, an outlier is an observation that is numerically distant from the rest of the data.". Why should that matter!!?. Decisions in this world aren't based soley on data anyways. Data is meant to help us come to a conclusion. U all know in your hearts lucas isn't low tier.

And are yall telling me if M2k was the ONLY mk bodying everyone that mk wouldn't be considered the best character(I'm pretty sure it took others a while to get to his level). wth!? Judge the character based on his highest level of play people.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 31, 2011
Baton Rouge
Meh, basically everyone you talk to knows Lucas shouldn't be in low tier. He's not gimpable (his bane before proper usage of AT's). Hell, I don't even think the MK MU is that bad even, but that may be because I play against like 30 MK's here in LA. It's just a matter of results, as everyone has said, and it's unfortunate that he wasn't able to make it to mid tier this tier list, but that just means he will go hard at all the low tier tourneys before next tier list. I'm not too upset by it this time around just because of the stagnation of Lucas (excluding Mekos) lately. I'll try and contribute to his results as much as I can :)


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
killing the evils of this world
No Esotera. People in here are agreeing with us. But there is a negative attitude about lucas overall. I feel it. Most of the people i talk to about lucas are like "Lucas!! bad character!!".

So many people just talk him down. They have not seen his true powers. The war is not over. They should correct this in this tier list.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 31, 2011
Baton Rouge
That's true, there seems to be some stigma as towards Lucas as a character. People just mad and won't accept how good he is I suppose hahaha. I know that people in LA certainly have a negative view of Lucas.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
If it makes you feel better Mekos, the highest Ike ever placed in a national is 9th at Apex 2010 followed by 10th at MLG (sadly this is starting to get old enough to not matter)

Ike has only 1 MU where its so bad and that is MK.. Every other top tier is -1 except Olimar at -2 (i don't agree with DDD being -2), and -1 is pretty managable.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Sheik is a far better character than Lucas lollllllll
I agree wholeheartedly. Lucas is like a Luigi with somewhat better mobility and slightly lower KO potential. It frustrates me when competitive Lucas approach tends to be airdodge -> Jab, but it -works- on people. :/

Deleted member

Lucas isn't that good...but he definitely shouldn't be grouped with those other low tiers around him.

Bottom of mid at the least.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
If it makes you feel better Mekos, the highest Ike ever placed in a national is 9th at Apex 2010 followed by 10th at MLG (sadly this is starting to get old enough to not matter)

Ike has only 1 MU where its so bad and that is MK.. Every other top tier is -1 except Olimar at -2 (i don't agree with DDD being -2), and -1 is pretty managable.
I guess I'm the only one who thinks DDD is worse than -2 for Ike? I know DDD has a hard time getting around aether gimps yadda yadda but I feel like it's a highly situational gimmick that might work once a game at best [compared to like Pikachu's down B, which straight-up wrecks DDD's recovery].

Regardless of that, I guess it's a question of whether you feel the overall match-up spread of a character or his match-ups vs tourney viable characters in particular are moer important. Like, let's compare Ike and Peach ... if I had to guesstimate I'd say Peach has somewhat stronger match-ups overall. I don't think Ike beats any character +2 other than Falcon and Luigi whereas Peach's match-ups may add up to a higher number than Ike's. But it could be also possible that Ike is somewhat less unviable because he doesn't wrecked by Snake and the spacies like Peach does. Depending from what angle you look at the characters you might come to different conclusions and it's hard [and ultimately subjective] to say which conclusion is "better" but I feel like both characters are pretty awful in the end anyway. I guess in such a case I'd let tourney results decide in which case I'd give Ike the nod over Peach.



Smash Lord
Feb 11, 2009
Malmö, Sweden
I really think Ike loses to DDD -1 at worst. The CG is really the only true threat in that MU and if the Ike is really good at spacing he doesn't much problems safely spacing his aerials outside DDD's grab range and with DDD's awful dash speed he can't dash + an attack OoS. His Fair outranges DDD's Bair while Ike's Bair has at least as much range as DDD's while being disjointed. DDD's Bair doesn't do too much on Ike much outside offstage due to Ike having better air mobility and speed. And of course Ike has a lot of options to harm DDD offstage due to it being a very slow recovery and Ike's huge hitboxes on a lot of his moves.
Ryo seems to be extremely good at this matchup and has beaten really good DDDs more than once. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XirafvuVXiA


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
Why does Mekos think everything is a conspiracy against lucas -_-

Also, the other Pikachu is Z. He has beat (In recent history) Tyrant, Zex, Trela, and a few others I don't remember right now because I just woke up @_@


No Custom Titles Allowed
Mar 9, 2012
Switch FC
Lucas deserves the bottom of the mid tier.

But I really want him on the top of the low tiers,because I want to use him at low tiers tournaments...


Jan 3, 2006
Why does Mekos think everything is a conspiracy against lucas -_-

Also, the other Pikachu is Z. He has beat (In recent history) Tyrant, Zex, Trela, and a few others I don't remember right now because I just woke up @_@
Because it is. We in the BBR like ruffling feathers.



1/Sympathy = Divide By Zero
Oct 26, 2008
Rochester, NY
Ike vs DDD is a chaotic (back and forth) matchup.

The CG isn't even that bad at lower percents. Ike gets more reward from a jab than a low % CG DDD most of the time.

After 70-80%, the CG becomes very destructive, since it takes away a lot of Ike's survivability very quickly.

Offstage DOES screw DDD pretty bad. If I had any DDDs that I can practice against, I would probably be able to get down messing with DDDs offstage pretty easily. Aether and offstage aerials DDD can only avoid, which wastes his jumps and recovery options.

Getting DDD offstage is pretty easy:
Bthrow to dash attack can get DDD offstage if he is grabbed near the center or more. Fair and Bair are also good.
Aether does ~22-24% full, and it has some setups (although best on battlefield).

It is a pretty chaotic matchup where one can take a lot of punishment at any given time.

DDD has an easier time because he has the advantage at higher percents(the more important part), whereas Ike will actually struggle a little bit to outright kill DDD (compared to other characters) if he doesn't manage to destroy him offstage. DDD can also do some damage to Ike offstage since he can chase Ike with his fall speed and longlasting hitbox in bair.

Most matches are Ike getting some damage at lower percents, and DDD brings it back and deals even more once middle % comes. It can be viewed as -1 or -2 depending on what you focus on. (I think it pushes to -2 once you get to trying to kill DDD that's not an offstage gimp)

Onstage, Ike has quite a few ways of keeping DDD away. DDD wins this matchup purely because of high percent chain grabs, and the characters are good on the same stages. However, DDD's great fall speed allows him to get to the ground and shield early. He can get in with the grab if Ike tries more risky attacks (like attempting to kill him).


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
killing the evils of this world
Well I've stated my case. Nothing left to say on this matter.

I asked about any shieldas and no one could answer. They just gave me their personal opinion that they think she is better. mwahahaahaahaha


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
Well I've stated my case. Nothing left to say on this matter.

I asked about any shieldas and no one could answer. They just gave me their personal opinion that they think she is better. mwahahaahaahaha
Kinda hard to take you seriously when you are trying to claim Lucas is better than Ike...and then you use Berserker Swordsmen as "proof". Not to be hard on the guy, but he's hardly top level Ike material. I'm honestly not sure if he qualifies for high level even. He's learning but he still has a ways to go.

BS did not know the MU basically at all, as far as I know has never placed top 4 at a local, and brought the set to last hit against a more skilled player. You barely won against somebody who didn't know what to expect for the most part.

How on earth does that prove Lucas > Ike? Like, at all? If anything, given the skill gap you proved that the MU is in Ike's favor, and certainly nothing about the tier list.Ryo's loss is more of a case of having the blues johns, but you've still mainly just made a joke of yourself here.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
killing the evils of this world
People don't be reading whole posts. I said top level based on the top 5 list in this forum...guh. Berserker SM is ranked 5th best Ike on that list. Ryo is ranked second.
M2k the best player in the US also stated he thinks lucas is better. Don't see how it's hard to take me seriously. Obviously u havn't seen the full power of the pk fire!! I'll show u!!

Yer logic is so weird. Who would I have to beat to make it credible then. U guys are making excuses for anyone u consider "top". lololol mwhaahahaahaahaa


No Custom Titles Allowed
Mar 9, 2012
Switch FC

The MU Ike vs Lucas is even.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 31, 2011
Baton Rouge
Is there even a Top 5 list of Lucas players?
Haha it's this **** that bugs me about the community. We have just a few active Lucas that are high and top tier players (Mekos, FAE, Pink Fresh, Nasty). And yes, every character has a top 5 list in the "Top 5" thread.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Haha it's this **** that bugs me about the community. We have just a few active Lucas that are high and top tier players (Mekos, FAE, Pink Fresh, Nasty). And yes, every character has a top 5 list in the "Top 5" thread.
Don't make out to be some sort of elitist jerk. I'm saying that it's common for characters not to have a plethora of high-level players. For instance, most of the PT players are alright, but not great.

Tearbear is listed as a Top 5 Lucas. There's no doubt that he's a talented player, but, I'm not sure if beating his Lucas would prove much about a matchup. While Berserker Swordsman is an Ike main (as far as I know), he still doesn't hold a candle to the higher people.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 31, 2011
Baton Rouge
Don't make out to be some sort of elitist jerk. I'm saying that it's common for characters not to have a plethora of high-level players. For instance, most of the PT players are alright, but not great.

Tearbear is listed as a Top 5 Lucas. There's no doubt that he's a talented player, but, I'm not sure if beating his Lucas would prove much about a matchup. While Berserker Swordsman is an Ike main (as far as I know), he still doesn't hold a candle to the higher people.
Sorry, it's just hard not to read what you wrote as being condescending lol. That Lucas stigma I was talking about :p



Smash Master
Dec 3, 2005
Haha it's this **** that bugs me about the community. We have just a few active Lucas that are high and top tier players (Mekos, FAE, Pink Fresh, Nasty). And yes, every character has a top 5 list in the "Top 5" thread.



Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Sheik has Judo, Ed, Billy, and Tutu, I'm not really sure how active Tree is so idk. All of those players are pretty respectable.

Lucas has, you, Mekos. I haven't seen Pink fresh around lately, although I might just be missing his results. FAE is good too, but doesn't go to too many offline tournaments from what I know.

edit: Also, MU chart is more theory based where as money earned is more in practice. Lucas does worse than Sheilda in both aspects. You were on the MU panel for Lucas weren't you? You should have been able to discuss the MUs you didn't agree on, but I don't really remember you posting at all in the forum.


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
People don't be reading whole posts. I said top level based on the top 5 list in this forum...guh. Berserker SM is ranked 5th best Ike on that list. Ryo is ranked second.
M2k the best player in the US also stated he thinks lucas is better. Don't see how it's hard to take me seriously. Obviously u havn't seen the full power of the pk fire!! I'll show u!!

Yer logic is so weird. Who would I have to beat to make it credible then. U guys are making excuses for anyone u consider "top". lololol mwhaahahaahaahaa
-_- You don't read very well on these forums, apparently. I'ma make it really easy for you.

Head to head Match-ups do not make characters better than one another. It is a factor of overall Matchups, tournament placings, and votes from the BBR. If you weren't lazy and actually downloaded the Excel file you could see where ALL THE CHARACTERS YOU MENTIONED outshined Lucas, and with a little bit of deductive reasoning you could figure out why.

The first number in all of these is the scaled MU totals (IE top tiers are worth more and bottom tiers are worth less, you can read in the OP how they did it exactly). The 2nd number is how many "points" were allocated to them based on the MU chart (35%). The 3rd number is the total number of points allocated to the total points from the money/usage ratio (If you made a lot of money with few characters this # would be really high, it pretty much resets the potential for "herp derp bergillion MK players of course they win so much money"). If you want to figure out how they determined that, LOOK AT THE EXCEL FILE!The 4th number is their "total points" which was the 2nd and 3rd number combined + the values they would get from the votes (you can subtract to get that #).

0.302083333 10.57291667 1.386464803 23.90586796

0.377232143 13.203125 0.568497537 29.38513605

0.447916667 15.67708333 1.107666611 36.13691211

0.407738095 14.27083333 3.119467264 36.885706

0.465029762 16.27604167 3.389982622 40.62251077

Ok, so let's break it down statistically now. Lucas has a worse scaled MU chart than all the characters listed, therefore he had less points allocated towards him. Considering this was 35% of the total points, that is a pretty big blow. Lucas has a slightly better money/usage ratio than Luigi and Sheik, but not Ike and Sheilda. However, considering this was only 12% of the total, you don't make up the difference that Lucas was under from the MU totals.

At this point you are WAY farther than both Ike and Sheilda (Ed makes good money with Sheilda, Ryo/San with Ike) so I'm not gonna bother doing any more calculations with them. You can, though.

Lucas was down 2.7 points from Luigi and 4.8 points below Sheik (And way more for Ike and Sheilda). As you can subtract the total differences, you see that the votes were 2.3 points higher for Luigi and 8 points higher for Sheik when compared to Lucas. This could be because of a few factors.

1) You are the (probably, don't know much about FAE's activity) the only Lucas doing anything worth mentioning. However, you aren't really doing anything worth mentioning at that. You haven't made it out of pools at a national, you haven't beat any top player besides me (And you now have a bit of a losing record), you haven't revolutionized Lucas's metagame (You might be smarter than the other Lucas players, but that isn't anything until you actually start DOING **** in the country)

2) Luigi has placed well at nationals in semi-recent history (MLG) and has been more of a prevalent force throughout Brawl's history. There are some people that don't believe Luigi is good because of his traction, but you haven't proved that Lucas is better anyway, so you can't really say ****.

3) Sheik is CURRENTLY doing good in SEVERAL regions: Judo in the midwest, a few sheik players in japan, and 1 or 2 other ones (That I can't remember the name nor the region, but I know they are doing well). Lucas has you and MAYBE FAE. You haven't proved yourself more than they have so the general public opinion is that your character is worse.

So please, before you start saying that nobody has an answer, you probably should have actually, y'know, LOOKED AT THE ****ING NUMBERS!

God, at least I argue about more subjective things like MUs, not tier list #s when the numbers are right ****ing in front of you.

You can't really refute numbers, so good luck coming up with a counter argument.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Kinda hard to take you seriously when you are trying to claim Lucas is better than Ike...and then you use Berserker Swordsmen as "proof". Not to be hard on the guy, but he's hardly top level Ike material. I'm honestly not sure if he qualifies for high level even. He's learning but he still has a ways to go.

BS did not know the MU basically at all, as far as I know has never placed top 4 at a local, and brought the set to last hit against a more skilled player. You barely won against somebody who didn't know what to expect for the most part.

How on earth does that prove Lucas > Ike? Like, at all? If anything, given the skill gap you proved that the MU is in Ike's favor, and certainly nothing about the tier list.Ryo's loss is more of a case of having the blues johns, but you've still mainly just made a joke of yourself here.
Hardly, BS is a good Ike, pretty much just behind the top level.

People don't be reading whole posts. I said top level based on the top 5 list in this forum...guh. Berserker SM is ranked 5th best Ike on that list. Ryo is ranked second.
M2k the best player in the US also stated he thinks lucas is better. Don't see how it's hard to take me seriously. Obviously u havn't seen the full power of the pk fire!! I'll show u!!

Yer logic is so weird. Who would I have to beat to make it credible then. U guys are making excuses for anyone u consider "top". lololol mwhaahahaahaahaa
m2k said Fox is +1 vs MK at one point.

Also winning the MU in practice doesn't mean a MU is any less different. Numbers in the end are just an interpretation. Hypothetically, if you won the MU but it was last hit, is that really an advantage?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 31, 2011
Baton Rouge
I think Mekos' johns are about the MU's... Which, as you say, is a big blow. I also think representation effects this, because the meta for Lucas is so underdeveloped... Mekos, having developed said meta, he is frustrated with the spot on the tier list. Obviously he can't refute that there's more representation of other characters, however he can argue about the MU chart, as he stated in one of his posts a few pages back.

Obviously Mekos is equating his tier list # with his view of the MU chart, and that is why he's upset. He IS arguing about the MUs... Not the numbers.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
killing the evils of this world
ugh shots fired...that hurt Esam. But mada mada

Dude I've been going to tourneys since 2010.
Here is my question for u. What is the time frame for that data? 2008 to 2012?

@Eso- Exactly...he is missing my point
Numbers are NOT everything. With the few nationals I've been too everytime I was knocked out by Polt and a top level snake(Fatal and MVD).
Imagine if the Ike didn't get as many chances and had to face a top level extremely bad matchup everytime. I bet he wouldn't have that success. Havn't had that many opportunities.
Again im talking about the mu chart because they say they used that to help make the tier list ESAM!! And they also said they try to use top level play to make the mu charts. It was wrongly done for lucas.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
I'm wondering why Mekos didn't both arguing the MUs in the MU panel forum when it was going on....that's kind of when it mattered...


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
ugh shots fired...that hurt Esam. But mada mada

Dude I've been going to tourneys since 2010.
Here is my question for u. What is the time frame for that data? 2008 to 2012?

@Eso- Exactly...he is missing my point
Numbers are NOT everything. With the few nationals I've been too everytime I was knocked out by Polt and a top level snake(Fatal and MVD).
Imagine if the Ike didn't get as many chances and had to face a top level extremely bad matchup everytime. I bet he wouldn't have that success. Havn't had that many opportunities.
EDIT: The data goes from July 2011 to April 2012.

As far as bracket stuff goes, it is what it is. If your character were better, he wouldn't have to worry about extremely bad matchups. There is always luck involved in pools/brackets, but, it is what it is. That shouldn't be an adequate excuse for a dearth of great results.


Jan 3, 2006
ugh shots fired...that hurt. But mada mada

Dude I've been going to tourneys since 2010.
Here is my question for u. What is the time frame for that data? 2008 to 2012?
The MU chart's timeframe is opinion based on results from between MU Chart 1 and MU Chart 2.
The BBR Vote is opinion from between v6 and v7.
The money/usage was from July 2011 to the present day, quoted from the BBR thread.
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