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Official BBR Tier List v7

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Smash Researcher
Jun 1, 2008
Dexters Laboratory
maybe i shouldve been specific to good characters.


Wario with fart

ICs dont need to bother w/ gimp setups from nana fair offstage because they get the stock anyway but lol they have ish.

Even falco vs many character, although vs many others you really have to consider the risk reward execution


Smash Hero
Nov 14, 2010
In the rain.
You know what I just realized today?
Orion is like the black version of Nairo. He plays MK, and he's black.

Don't believe me? What's 'Orion' backwards? 'Noiro'
And 'noir' is french for 'black'.
Nairo + black (noir) = Noiro = Orion.

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
You know what I just realized today?
Orion is like the black version of Nairo. He plays MK, and he's black.

Don't believe me? What's 'Orion' backwards? 'Noiro'
And 'noir' is french for 'black'.
Nairo + black (noir) = Noiro = Orion.
Except Orion plays the complete opposite of Nairo. Nairo is insanely aggro while Orion aims to time people out from the get-go.



Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2010
Henrico, Virginia
I disagree with him being 2nd but your reason for why he isn't 2nd is ignorant. Olimar has very solid tools for avoiding the gimp.


Smash Researcher
Jun 1, 2008
Dexters Laboratory
Except Orion plays the complete opposite of Nairo. Nairo is insanely aggro while Orion aims to time people out from the get-go.

people overestimate how aggro nairo is imho, he definitely plays patient vs players of his level if he has to.

people also overestimate how much im willing to camp to attain victory. like the last 2 people 3 people I timed out, Mikekirby, Raptor and Lie (note 2 of those being sktar so it's really not as often as you think) all essentially let me do it LMAO. Like if I have a large *** lead and I KNOW you're dumb *** isn't gonna approach im gonna take the free win.

I don't think just camping will net you wins as easily as many people think at top level play, so when I play people that I don't feel I can win like that against, I change it up and try and zone more.


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
Yoshi is a pain for Dedede and this MU requires a lot of patience on both ends.

Played this MU tons yesterday with Firefly and here's my input.

[COLLAPSE="DDD:Yoshi MU analysis"]How this MU usually goes down is Yoshi will be sitting near the ledge throwing eggs.

Dedede wants to approach by walking and PSing everything. Where things get interesting is when Dedede gets within a dash length of Yoshi. There are so many RPS options and mixups involved it's nuts. Mainly what Yoshi is going to mix up is egg toss, dash grabs, shorthhop bairs and egg lays. In this distance, we almost want to react to what they do keeping their options in mind. A short hop approach from Yoshi can be beaten out by a bair, but keep in mind if they see that bair out they might just not approach and retreat to the ledge. However on the ledge we can beat out their eggs with ftilts, meaning we can stay close to the ledge and apply pressure without having to wear down our shield or retreat. But back to the shorthop, if we throw out a bair and they just keep throwing eggs out on the ground, we just ate damage and are in the air where Yoshi can cover many landing options with his mobility, however we also have a lot of mix ups with out landing options, an entire other RPS game. Any grounded approach gets beaten by ftilt, but if we ftilt and they shorthop before that happens, then we get egg layed or bair'd. Egg tosses at a dash lengths distance are hard to punish but we can run and shield grab, although it can be tough given the height of egg toss. We can also roll into them as a mix up but that isn't reliable, but the threat is there for Yoshi to consider.

Dedede can chose when he goes in and by rolling backwards as a means of applying pressure and baiting a dash grab or egg lay, but for the most part Yoshi is just going to keep throwing out eggs until you get in range. You can try and throw waddles to combat this but a smart Yoshi will know he out camps you.

Yoshi is a mobile character and that is why we have to react to them. We have the means keep them out and avoid eggs. The MU becomes easier if you keep these options in mind, instead of trying to read what option the Yoshi is going to select. We can react because we do out range Yoshi on our aerials/grounded moves. However we can't pivot grab egg lay/dash grab so it will either take a read to land it but in most case our punishes will not be that large in percent. If either side loses patience they are going to eat a lot of damage. Yoshi can style on Dedede if you aren't patient with egg lays, bairs, egg toss, upsmash, while obvious approaches from Yoshi can be spotdodged/pivot grabbed. It may not look as nice as Yoshi but our chaingrab does exist and can be combo'd into dtilt at high percent.

As far as killing goes, they both have to get each other off stage or cover the other's landing. Yoshi's quick moves like jab/dtilt/nair will put Dedede in a bad position off stage in a position to get killed by fsmash or upair if they read how we will recover. Dedede has his chain grab and and moves like bair/dtilt to get them to the ledge. In some cases if the spacing happens to be right you can combo into dtilt. Also dthrowing Yoshi off stage opens them up to a ledge drop fair, however assuming both players know the MU Yoshi won't get hit by this but it will force him to use his double jump, giving the Dedede player a similar read and react game to Yoshi in terms how he punishes his recovery.

I'd say if both players know the MU it's even or +1 Dedede, only due to the fact that Dedede will live longer and he has the tools to deal with approaches, but Yoshi will control the pace of the match in this regard. The MU requires a lot of focus on both ends and if played right it will be mentally exhausting if both players know the MU. Both players can use their projectiles as a means to force the other to lose patience but where most interactions will happen will be near the ledge within a dash length.

However if the Dedede does not know the MU, it's +3 Yoshi.
Edit: So many grammar mistakes : (
The way you say that DDD only has to 'react' to what Yoshi does at mid/close range, I feel like this MU would definitely be +1 in DDD's advantage then, and not just even. If the Yoshi doesn't know the MU, then definitely +2 or +3, 'cause, lolz, CGs (and ftilt). Really nice analysis, btw. ;)

Dont judge off of friendlies Bubba I dont care for them at all. :0 Heck ill go really low for fair spikes when people are at like 200% just for fun. Also sorry, I didnt even remember we played. xD
No johns, scrub! :smirk: At the free fest (before Impact IV), we even teamed against Kain and his MK friend. During the beginning of one of the matches (I think it was on BF), you pulled off a 'combo' on Kain that involved at least 3 fairs, and you persuaded me to just suicide and end the match (pause was off) so that you could save that replay before the two minute mark. :p

You'd better have top level experience against every character that isn't one of the 5 mentioned here, cause idk how DDD is supposed to have a 'good shot' at gimping
Snake, Falco, Pikachu, Wario, ZSS, Peach, Pit, ROB, Sonic, DK, Ike, Yoshi, Luigi
Well, for Snake, I already told you that I played against Fatal during the quarterfinals of a tourney in Boston. We also did quite a few friendlies. I also played against Problem in bracket at one of the Impacts. For Peach, I played friendlies against Dark.Pch at Impact III. For DK, I've played friendlies against Will. For Luigi, I've played against Luigisama and Thunderst0rm, both in bracket. That's my "Top/High" experience, although I'm not exactly sure if Problem, Dark.Pch, and Thunderst0rm can be considered top/high. For the others, the people I've played might not be considered that high, but they're quite decent with their chars. I've played Nipps' Wario and Falco. Dabuz and John12346 for Pit. Raptor and John12346 for Yoshi. My Ike main friend who's also John's and my training partner for Ike. Nothing notable for Pika, ZSS, ROB, or Sonic, though.

And if you really think he has a 'good shot' at gimping these guys you're either hardcore theorycrafting alongside a terrible understanding of how these characters work, or you're just really scraping the bottom of the barrel and labelling it a 'good shot'
Well, Luigisama actually told me in person that DDD should have a fairly easy time gimping Luigi when he was giving me advice on the MU. His recovery is linear until he gets close to the stage, so DDD can go deep for the harrassment. I've personally observed that Snake is stupidly easy to harrass offstage. Fatal's a top Snake, and even I GR'd him out of his recovery and faired him out of another one. Of course, DDD also has that Inhale shenanigan on his recovery. Like, out of all the recoveries available, I don't see why you chose Snake as a contender against DDD... :confused:

Ike is pretty easy too. Uh, I've already explained this one on another thread. I'll just quote it:
Lies! :p I play that MU all the time. It's my most played MU after DDD:Lucario. Ike is so easy to gimp, it's ridiculous. You just jump out, bait the AD, and then bair him. If you somehow screw up the bair edgeguard, you fair him out of Aether. He's going to end up offstage too. It's not too hard to grab him.
It only takes one bair or fair to kill Ike, too. It's obviously way worse if he has to QD 'cause you can just put yourself in the way of it. Ike only gimps DDD if he puts himself within walk-off/ledgedrop range and DDD gets more than one chance due to weight and multiple jumps. DDD also beats all of Ike's options off the ledge. Between grabbing, SH bair, and FH dair, DDD covers all of Ike's options at the ledge. If DDD's on the ledge, Ike's options at covering getups are significantly worse. DDD can ledgehop > AD back onto the stage and if Ike is standing in the wrong spot, he'll get grabbed and the tables will be turned. If Ike is standing right on top of the ledge to prevent that, DDD can ledgejump (different from ledgehop) > dair completely safely to, once again, turn the tables and punish Ike.
Falco, well, if DDD is preemptive and gets the right read, Falco is very gimpable as well. With a correct guess, he can bair him if he throws it out preemptively. He can also ftilt him. He can also dtilt him. He can also utilt him. Utilt, in particular, is very useful against Falco's Phantasm. It stands to reason that, if Falco ever has to upB, he's dead. I've knocked Foxes and Falcos out of that several times on reaction. Just run off and bair stage spike them.

I'll admit that I may have overexaggerated a bit when I made the original statement that you referred to, but I actually believe that DDD has a shot at gimping the other guys if he edgeguards a bit more aggressively.


Smash Hero
Nov 14, 2010
In the rain.
Snake may be easy to hit offstage and build up tons of damage on, but I almost never see top level Snakes get gimped by any character that doesn't have a meteor smash. And even then it's fairly rare.

idk how you expect DDD to go far offstage and have a good shot at hitting anything that isn't a Smashville balloon. He's gonna take like 7 years to get there.


Smash Champion
Jan 19, 2011
Bay Shore, New York
@Bubba I never played Kain.
Edit: You mean Pane? XD I think your example just proves how little I care for em If I wanted to end it just to get a replay of a fair string. IT WAS 5 FAIRS BTW and it was sexy as **** :p and I do remember those dub matches now especially since pane got really salty about me wanting to save it xD We need to do that again ;o

@Orion I hate playing you. First that timeout then the game freeze. Nothing but trouble for me so far :c

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Bubba, have you ever been aethered by ike? Cause you didnt bring that up at all... Thats why its easier for ike to gimp ddd. If you eat a single aether offstage, you die. You either get spiked on the follow up or you get charge up or forward smashed since you cant reach the ledge. Its really gross to watch.

It a big enough deal to alter the match up because it makes it so that ddd has to go obnoxiously high to avoid possibly dying everytime hes offstage.



Smash Champion
Jan 19, 2011
Bay Shore, New York
I've been hearing this lately. Why exactly is ICs vs Bowser even? Also, am I the only one who thinks Bowser should be higher?

S: :metaknight:
A: :popo: :diddy: :olimar: :snake:
B: :falco: :marth: :wario: :pikachu2:

C: :zerosuitsamus: :lucario: :dedede:

D: :toonlink: :wolf: :gw: :fox: :peach: :rob:

E: :dk2: :kirby2: :pit: :sheilda: :ike: :sonic:
F: :yoshi2: :sheik: :ness2: :luigi2: :pt:

G: :lucas: :bowser2: :mario2: :samus2: :falcon:
H: :link2: :zelda: :jigglypuff: :ganondorf:



Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
That's my "Top/High" experience, although I'm not exactly sure if Dark.Pch can be considered top/high.
To many people, I am not a top/high player. I have the mind of one. But with my mental problem I can't play in tournament matches. I freeze up hard. The only time i really play on point is in friendlies, when nothing is on the line. Tourny matches im nearly a free win. So dispite all that I know with Peach and her match ups, I rarely execute my brains of it in tournament matches.

So if people wanted to be real, no I am not a top/high level player. My results in tourny show it.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Bowser vs. IC? Even??

I can understand an argument for -2, but even??

Somebody be trolling hard.
its hard because its like, vinnie and i think dabuz and zigsta (?) saying this stuff so its like 'well, they know their characters better than anybody, and we've never seen this match up so we kind of have to trust them'

but yea, sounds just crazy enough to be a huge troll.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
To many people, I am not a top/high player. I have the mind of one. But with my mental problem I can't play in tournament matches. I freeze up hard. The only time i really play on point is in friendlies, when nothing is on the line. Tourny matches im nearly a free win.
Then you don't have the mind of a top-level player, since being able to keep calm under pressure is imperative to success in competitive settings. That's as important as technical skill or having the ability to out-think an opponent.

It's like a person being a master at theorycrafting--A person might be able to name all the ideal options when he's not under the gun, but if he folds when his placing is on the line, all the knowledge in the world just means he's especially good in specific situations. A top player can do that in virtually any situation.

I would know--I get destroyed by Marth and Dedede all the time; that's my own fault, and I should learn how to adapt to it.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
he already said that about himself.
He said that he has some of the parts, but I was just saying that "top-level" status in anything has all of that coming together as one thing, rather than "5/5 mindgames, 4/5 tech skill, etc."


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Then you don't have the mind of a top-level player, since being able to keep calm under pressure is imperative to success in competitive settings. That's as important as technical skill or having the ability to out-think an opponent.

It's like a person being a master at theorycrafting--A person might be able to name all the ideal options when he's not under the gun, but if he folds when his placing is on the line, all the knowledge in the world just means he's especially good in specific situations. A top player can do that in virtually any situation.

I would know--I get destroyed by Marth and Dedede all the time; that's my own fault, and I should learn how to adapt to it.
You will have to excuse me if a health issue I gain over the years forces me to sandbag when it matters. All the stuff I know and said on Peach, you really believe I learned all that by sitting at computer all day and looking at frames? I'm a tournament player. And have tried all this stuff. I know what works and does not work. I know what I should and should not do. I know the risk and rewards of the choices I make. I know how to adapt to players and how to come up with ways to pushing w/e pattern I see. Thus I can pressure well with Peach, knowing that solid pressure forces an evasion. And make an educated guess to punish said evasion. Knowing my options of many frame traps and how to punish then with character options along with player reaction/habit. Along with many MORE things I already stated and broke down with Peach last week in this thread.

Due to some stupid mental problem, that does not mean I don't know what I should and should not be doing. Average players don't even think like that. They think all they need to do is learn the basics of a match up, rely on a few gimmicks and hope for the best. They don't look for anything a top player would like how one would react when one goes near then. Being observant to player a lil more instead of focusing on the character so much. Then figure out a a way to bait this habit and punish. That's just one example.

So don't tell me what kind of mind I have. You are not in it. if I could not focus cause I was lost, inexperience, not well at adapting, etc. Then you be right. But that's not the case. I been in this sence for 4 years. I proved what I know, what I can do and what Peach can do. Visually or information. If a top player was to lose their hand in some accident and unable to play, you gonna sit here and tell me he does not have the mind of one anymore, cause he can't play? you really gonna sit here and tell me that? I don't think so.

So don't give me that Reflex.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
So don't tell me what kind of mind I have. You are not in it. if I could not focus cause I was lost, inexperience, not well at adapting, etc. Then you be right. But that's not the case. I been in this sence for 4 years. I proved what I know, what I can do and what Peach can do. Visually or information. If a top player was to lose their hand in some accident and unable to play, you gonna sit here and tell me he does not have the mind of one anymore, cause he can't play? you really gonna sit here and tell me that? I don't think so.

So don't give me that Reflex.
If a top player lost his hand and couldn't play well as a result, I would tell him that it's unfortunate, but he doesn't have the technical skill of a top player (unless he made it work, in which case, hats off to him; L to Grab, D-Pad to stuff, top ICs player).

However, if his hand still existed, but is only physically incapable of working optimally when he feels the pressure of tournament play, I'd call it a weakness to improve at best and a convenient excuse at worst. Either way, it takes reasonable physical and mental health to manage the feats necessary to be a top player, and both of those are things that individual people can strive to improve.

It's the combination of a lot of things, and having extreme technical prowess but being awful at predicting opponents can only get someone so far. I feel that it's misleading for someone to say, "He has top-level technical skill," since part of its effectiveness comes from, say, understanding the best situations to use it, knowing matchup-specific variations, etc. You can't really have one without the other(s).


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
If a top player lost his hand and couldn't play well as a result, I would tell him that it's unfortunate, but he doesn't have the technical skill of a top player (unless he made it work, in which case, hats off to him; L to Grab, D-Pad to stuff, top ICs player).

However, if his hand still existed, but is only physically incapable of working optimally when he feels the pressure of tournament play, I'd call it a weakness to improve at best and a convenient excuse at worst. Either way, it takes reasonable physical and mental health to manage the feats necessary to be a top player, and both of those are things that individual people can strive to improve.

It's the combination of a lot of things, and having extreme technical prowess but being awful at predicting opponents can only get someone so far. I feel that it's misleading for someone to say, "He has top-level technical skill," since part of its effectiveness comes from, say, understanding the best situations to use it, knowing matchup-specific variations, etc. You can't really have one without the other(s).
Stop dodging my question to make yourself look legit Reflex. With my example, I said the mind. Not the physical strength. If he hand is lost, he is obviously not able to play. But the knowledge he has that has got him to where he was is still there. He could even teach people what it takes to be good. How to go on about a match. How to start it. What to look for. How to deal with common things such as approaching a camper, dealing with pressure and not panic to basic evasion, etc.

My question was, if he lost his hand, does that mean he also has lost the mind as a top player. And you tried to dodge it. If I was talking about BOTH mental and physical, then what you say would mean something here. But I am not. He would not be a top player anymore cause he can't play. But he still has the mind of one. I had to answer this question for you since you can't seem to do it just to make yourself look legit.

Im not a top player, and I will never become one as long as I have this heavy mental problem. Does that does not mean I don't know what it truly takes to win with my character and how to go on about winning correctly in general as I explained in my other post. I have the mind. I know what to do. I have not spend years mentoring Peach players world wide cause I did not. As well as other players in general.

I try to be cool with people and show respect. I rather not have enemies. Waste of time. But I also don't like being treated like a fool cause of it. And when this happens I start to lose w/e respect I had. Don't try to play this slick game on me. My question was very simple and you tried to talk your way out of it. I'm not as stupid as you think.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
However, if his hand still existed, but is only physically incapable of working optimally when he feels the pressure of tournament play, I'd call it a weakness to improve at best and a convenient excuse at worst. Either way, it takes reasonable physical and mental health to manage the feats necessary to be a top player, and both of those are things that individual people can strive to improve.
Focal Dystonia is a neurological condition that causes a stimulus driven disconnect between my conscious active commands and my intuitive motor functions. Essentially, my stimulus is anxiety or extreme level of focus on a specific task and I lose all muscle memory I've developed in my right hand when playing.

For an IC main, you can see the obvious problem
Reflex, meet Delux :reverse:

(just to illustrate a point)


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Stop dodging my question to make yourself look legit Reflex. With my example, I said the mind. Not the physical strength. If he hand is lost, he is obviously not able to play. But the knowledge he has that has got him to where he was is still there. He could even teach people what it takes to be good. How to go on about a match. How to start it. What to look for. How to deal with common things such as approaching a camper, dealing with pressure and not panic to basic evasion, etc.

My question was, if he lost his hand, does that mean he also has lost the mind as a top player. And you tried to dodge it. If I was talking about BOTH mental and physical, then what you say would mean something here. But I am not. He would not be a top player anymore cause he can't play. But he still has the mind of one. I had to answer this question for you since you can't seem to do it just to make yourself look legit.

Im not a top player, and I will never become one as long as I have this heavy mental problem. Does that does not mean I don't know what it truly takes to win with my character and how to go on about winning correctly in general as I explained in my other post. I have the mind. I know what to do. I have not spend years mentoring Peach players world wide cause I did not. As well as other players in general.

I try to be cool with people and show respect. I rather not have enemies. Waste of time. But I also don't like being treated like a fool cause of it. And when this happens I start to lose w/e respect I had. Don't try to play this slick game on me. My question was very simple and you tried to talk your way out of it. I'm not as stupid as you think.
What are you even talking about? -Your- example was a hand, which is why I used it in the first place. The point still stands that I feel it is a combination of various aspects that make a top player a top player, mind as well as body. There are plenty of people who are exceptionally good at giving advice, but are awful at playing. I wouldn't call that person a top player, because telling other people what the right thing to do is not a necessary skill for a top player. The only thing that matters is their ability to win when it counts.

That's what I said in the previous post, and you still draw the conclusion that I'm avoiding your post for the sake of looking good. I do not care what anyone in this thread thinks; I don't say things for the purpose of saving face. I am not in the community with the intention of making myself look good to a bunch of people I've never met.

I never suggested that you (or anyone else who has some roadblock, be it physical or mental) don't know what it takes to become a top player. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't improve yourself and reach previously-unachievable goals. I only said that having an issue that strongly interferes with one's ability to play means that they're not a top player, and that it takes some work to get around it in order to potentially become a top player, and until they manage to do that, it's in poor taste to say, "I have part of what it takes to be a top player," because we'll never know until they get there. If you have faith in yourself, that's great, but, outright saying that you have certain aspects of a top player sounds a lot like an excuse similar to, "If not for (insert excuse), I would be winning." Just play or don't play. Win or don't win. Winning is the hallmark of a top player, not quantifiable game knowledge.

Of course, I'm sure not everyone agrees with me, and that's fine. Still, you shouldn't pretend that I fit some weasel-y formula as if you're on some superior ground. For everyone's sake, get over yourself.

Reflex, meet Delux :reverse:
That's understandable. Sucks, but it's something he'll have to get around in order to become a top player. I think he can do it, and more power to him if he's moving forward with it.

Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
just ignore reflex. he's not good like you all think. we have a running joke out here about him being actually known as badflex. he camps with wario in ****ty region. props. he also masturbates to frame data. he left a booklet at our house with every frame and animation for everything ever in the game. ultimate theory crafter.

ultimate tryhard.

ultimate badflex.

fogo plz


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
@Bubba I never played Kain.
Edit: You mean Pane? XD I think your example just proves how little I care for em If I wanted to end it just to get a replay of a fair string. IT WAS 5 FAIRS BTW and it was sexy as **** :p and I do remember those dub matches now especially since pane got really salty about me wanting to save it xD We need to do that again ;o
Oh gosh, nooooo! :facepalm: As you can see, I'm very terrible with names, calling Problem Trouble and mixing up Pane and Kain... I also made the mistake a couple days ago of confusing Standardtoaster and Monkunit, since they're bros. I even called the only true Diddy in our region (Nuke) Tank for the longest time. :awesome: I'm much better with faces. It's rare that I forget anyone whom I've actually met in person. ;) Yeah, we need to do that again! Doubles so fun. :)

Tl;dri - Every time I'm fighting trouble, I'm actually wrestling a problem, and Kain = Pane. :cool:
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