have you even looked at the site Shaya?www.playasia.com
Search for gamecube controller, they're white, that's all that's available.
You'll have to import one from Japan/US, you'll need a credit card. They're about $40 each.
They don't just accept credit card.
I definately recommend getting a brand new control, from my experience it is extremely rare to find a smooth working second hand controller and the third party one suck.Can anyone tell me where to get a brand new GC controller thats officially made by nintendo?
For other payments playasia accept go to this link.
Its called 'word of mouth'. But it only works when the product is good. Instead of wasting heaps of money on advertising they pay the people who like me have the distribution rights.also how can an underground SECRET drink that nobody but the exclusive people know about be the number 1 selling energy drink in a huge country that spams energy drinks and has advertising that works.
Has anyone here heard of nutiway or nutrilite vitamin mineral suppliments?
And if not which ones do you know of?