Omg, it's Toon Titan! Not Team Titan XD! And that's so lame that I came last. All the games I lost were down to the last stock and we were both on high damage (Johns). I'm doing better next time. Don't get me wrong though, I had such a great time. (Nathan, could you thank your mum for having me, I forgot to thank her and I feel bad now.)
Luke: Nice to finally meet you. Your Fox owns. Watching you do everything I wish I could do was one of my highlights. You should totally main Fox from now on, or at least have him as a definite secondary.
Gords: Toon Titan was ****! Thanks also for bringing Four Swords, that game is so much fun. And how good was the "Training" aka, everyone plays Toon and spikes/self-destructs at every single oportunity.
Ted: Thanks for the advice man. I'm getting better, fast, and I've got you to thank for it. I'm glad we finally got round to having some games at the end there. Also, read the bit at the bottom concerning tomorow.
Scoot: Dominant as ever. I didn't really catch up properly with you though, so I'll make sure I do next time.
Meteor Master: That, sort of, doubles match we played together was heaps of fun. Such sweet team combos! It's a shame we couldn't have stayed in the same team for longer. Still, it was fun while it lasted.
EA: Thanks for hosting the Tourney man. So, have me and Gords brainwashed you into considering Toon yet? You picked him up surprisingly fast. I was quite impressed. Just think about it, ok? XD
EA's brother....... : You just keep doing your thing man XD.
Gopo: Thanks for those matches verses your Falco, it was much needed matchup experience. Hopefully next time we verse our matches will be even closer and more intense.
Leisha: It was nice to meet you. Thanks for letting me win a match XD, that was another highlight. Again, it was much needed matchup experience as I'd never versed a R.O.B. before. Unlucky getting teamed with a computer. Even then, I thought you did quite well considering.
I think that's everyone. Overall, getting 3-4 hours of sleep and all up around 26 hours of smash, I had a great time and I hope to make it to more Tourney's in the future.
So Ted, what's the absolute latest I need to be at your house tomorow? I can be there at no sooner then 9:20 and that would be pushing it. If that's too late and you need to leave earlier, then pretty much, I can't go. No presssure XD.