Just realised I wrote a wall of notes on the poster haha, hopefully it's helpful. xD
- Not enough colour contrast. Make the background blue or something. Insta-readability!
- Text formatting/positioning is all over the place.
--- Some of the text doesn't need to be nearly as big (URL/"QR Code"). If you're printing this at poster size, some of it will be offputtingly huge on paper.
--- Also change the font for some things, a good rule of thumb for print is sans-serif headers and serif body text.
--- "hvSMASH" seems kinda iffy. I don't know what I feel about it, but my gut tells me it's probably better to spell it out as "HUNTER VALLEY SMASH" in full. I dunno. Sticks out in a bad way. Also make it white.
--- "+" seems iffy, take it out, unnecessary, etc etc.
- Notes on reception.
--- Take out the Falcon thing, I don't think too many people will "get it". Remember you're trying to attract people not already in the scene, not people who can already appreciate the reference.
--- And yeah, don't mention items, it implies a preference, which is true but it's probably better to leave the decision of play styles to the viewer rather than telling them how we/to play.
--- Move "Monthy Tournaments" from the top to 3rd (before "All are Welcome!"), again a focus thing, we obv want them attending tournaments but for the casual player the social aspect should come first. And yeah, exclamation mark.
- QR Code stuff.
--- Put the QR Code in the bottom left corner, remove "(for mobiles)" bloat.
--- Don't blur the QR Code (duh), you should know better.
--- Make "QR Code" text as small as possible, just big enough so that it's actually legible when printed. If people already know what it is there's no need for it, if they don't then all that's necessary is (very) small text telling them what it is.
--- The rest of the bottom edge is for the URL, resize that appropriately.
Better Captain Falcon Art.
I'm sure S.D will be able to contribute greatly to the reception side of things, he seems to know what's up public-wise as a journalist, haha.
A good effort so far.