Firstly, my magnum opus, shoutouts!
S.D: First things first, my gratitude for hosting a group of Sydneysiders cannot be put into words. So the only thing I can really say is thanks. I was going to ask you in the morning if you could drive to Maitland Super Cheap to help me get a TV but another P plater arrived so you missed out.

Sorry there was no Melee present at all during the day, even during friendlies. Next time I'll definitely manage time better for a positive Melee presence. As for playing against you, what can I say? You read me like a book, it must be that extra practice. Your Pit is devilish, and I'm sure that actually playing the game would steal 1st from Shaya like everyone is hoping Toby will do. We'll hopefully have at least one meet during the next two weeks if you're interested. Also, only 2 Hunter reps in the Hunter rankings :O. We've gotta pick up the pace for the next tournament. Hunter rep!
Tim: My thanks towards hosting extends especially towards you, since your housing conditions were tight as I gathered, with your girlfriend writing studiously. In all honesty, I was surprised that you attended, with Melee being striken out, I promise that next time it will be there, as long as there's a positive growth in the scene, which I am personally hopeful for.
Shaya: King Shaya, your skill is exceptional. Utilising so many characters to your degree of skill is an enviable trait in a fellow Smasher. While your methods are morally questionable *ahem* it's evident that you're out there to win, not to win the hearts of the masses, and I can respect that. You're even a great guy out of Smash, "reminding" me how to cook scrambled eggs for your breakfast. My parents bought a vegetarian pizza for dinner thinking that you would be staying the second night, but it wasn't even touched by Scott, Nathan and myself, lol. Anyway, your skill is a testament to what the entire Sydney scene is all about.
TCR: It's a shame Shaya decided to grab release you, the finals match really had a lot of potential and while grab releasing makes you win, it's very anti climatic and doesn't make a very fun match to watch. Otherwise, the finals match was one of the most fun to watch. Pokemon Trainer is a scary, alien character who surprises me more and more every time I watch. During our match on Castle Siege when you chaingrabbed me, I was seriously scared, fearing that I couldn't actually escape the walkoff loss of stock. Our first game was one of the most enjoyable matches of the day as well, I can't wait for Sam to release that video. I also need to play you more, you should definitely come to the next Hunter meet for some epic ZSS vs Trainer matches. I'll need to beat you to get that Pokedex! (please don't hurt me, that's not a true reflection of my pokemon skill, unlike Shaya's Mew4)
MTR: You were going through the day injury free and you end up spiking it with an escalator! However cruel it may sound, having seen that and heard you scream "SAKURAI" would have made my day even more fantastic. The Squirtle Squad and their Earthbound Buddies absolutely ***** us, The Dinner of an Omega, in Doubles. However, Shaun was spying on you and we have a nasty surprise for you next time. ^_^ In singles, the first round against Ness was so tense, and ended with blocking your PKT, I was secretly relieved when you switched out to Lucas. I couldn't take it, dropped the soap and got ***** against him though, you surprised me so. You've gotta catch up to Toby and make Top 4 next time! Equalling my placing is really understating your skill, since you're so much better than I am. A big thanks for bringing PoR as well, I'm going to enjoy that a lot.
Defiled: I feel guilty about you forfieting your second match against me. I know we've discussed it, but it doesn't change it. Throwing my controller in rage doesn't really constitute sympathy in my eyes. Trust me, I've played tennis where hundred-dollar-plus rackets are broken in an instant of rage. The memory of a guy who borrowed another guys racket and broke it in the same match still rings clear in my mind. (the breaker has gone on to go professional, dropped out of school to do so). Your ROB scares me so much though, your zoning skill is incredible and just like Sam, you read me like a book. Gyro spam > Armour spam anyway. I hope you're going to EA's birthday so we can play more then!
Bjay: Great to see you come all the way for my small tourney! I talked to you only a little, a lot less than I hoped, but I at least got one friendly in against you, more than anyone else. Playing you was a lot of fun, if you learnt the matchup against me you'd definitely take the cake and eat it too. I hope to see you at more Smash events, although I know I'll miss you since you won't be at Ted's tourney on the 10th. Maybe next time will be the June Hunter tournament or September Animania :O. We shall see.
Lampi: Where do I begin? Your Kirby absolutely shocked me, since all I'm used to is playing Summoner's Kirby, you took me completely by surprised and showed me what Kirby has powering his engine. The finals match, sadly, was me taking advantage of your fatigue, which showed rather in your failed recoveries and stagespikes. I was surprised and scared when you picked Ike, knowing the matchup and fearing a secret trump card. I haven't yet played your Bowser and from what I've heard, it's scary. You've definitely got the potential to be one of the best in the NSW scene.
FTS: Donkey Kong scared me after I was knocked out at Ted's last tournament by Toby's friend, and you scared me the hell more after playing you, both in the singles, and amplified in the final rounds. You have me beat out in mindgames and skill, I have to train hard just to be able to touch you! Since unlike Ricky, you're a HSCer who's not going to America in the holidays, maybe we'll play some epic Smash then. In the case that you're more studious than me and won't smash during the next term, I can't wait until I play you again.
Gords You didn't best me with Diddy like the 0 to Death humiliation at Animania! It was a war of items, with you vastly more superior in the art of catching, throwing and dealing pain with items than me, but I held on and did my best, then punished your TL accordingly. >.< Funniliy enough, apart from the friendlies from November last year, they were the only truly solo matches that we've had ever. We definitely should play more. But I prefer you using TL, because bananas are sooooo unfair. ^_^
EA: Your TV is making a nice paperweight :D. It's always great to have you around, we always play tons of smash and it's great fun. You didn't pay me for that money match! $2 kthx. I do think you need to optimise your IC play, or pick up a new character, now that we've establised that ICs in Brawl are ****. So should main Falcon. But alas, you have extra Hunter practice, so you should train up and rise through the Hunter ranks, next time. Also, no sympathy for missing the train since I told you to run.
Scoot: My mother thought you were missing in the morning! She couldn't find you and then was scared when she did. >.< Personally I didn't hear EA's snoring but my sister allegedly heard it as well. I still maintain that you are the new and upcoming Shaya, your counterpicking ability and skill with the High Tiers show that you're out there to win it. The main difference is the wifi warrior part that surprised nearly everyone today was no hindrance to your play. While we spend our offgame time practicing technique against bots and standstill shells, you're playing the real thing, which is a real plus to your attitide towards the game. Again, I'm really sorry about the hosting debacle last week, it was really my fault and you were understandably angry, I'm glad it was easily resolved though. I'll see you at EA's next week!
Summoner: I hate you.
A novel and a half we have there. So some final notes from the TO, myself.
The tournament went to way too long. Everything bar Brawl doubles went overtime. We didn;t get started until a little past 9:30am, which was entirely my fault as I was away for the time before that, retrieving a TV and buying the Easter present for everyone. One thing that annoyed me was that people did not follow my specified drawsheets. It is my fault, however, for not fully enforcing them. My attempt after lunch (which was also late and caused time loss) ended in failure and caused the finals to go well into the night. Another problem, which could not be addressed, was the absence of 2 TVs, which would have made a perfect round robin. But it was inefficient, due both to time management failure, efficiency failure and equipment failure. It would have been best of me to not have participated and to have solely managed, and I will consider it for next time if the turnout is high enough and cannot be automanaged. All in all, I had a fantastic time, organising was one of the best things I've done in a long time, playing the amount of smash that I did was great, although I'll be the only one who thinks so. I have no sense of moderation with competition.
I found the stage striking system to be a little bit like this:
Just as predicted.
I found the hall to be a fantastic venue, it was very spacious, with ample resources, a kitchen, plenty of chairs and tables, and the PA system which I enjoyed using :D. I will attempt to negotiate the price down so that the prize pool can be a little higher, but if you guys aren't happy with the location and/or entry fee then I shall see what I can do about looking for another venue.
The results of this tournament will go towards Hunter rankings, which I will collate later. I'm thinking of planning the next tournament to be either on the 13th/14th/15th June (Queen's Birthday long weekend) or the 20th/21st of June. Public holidays seem to be attracting Hunter tournaments, too bad Labour Day is taken up by Rocky (maybe).
PS: I owe Toby and Ricky a trophey, keep me to it guys.