Problem! That never happened.
Jane Butler was the public DA assigned to Tom when he was arrested for a crime. Tom had a doppleganger going around that did the crime, and he told Butler this. He said he could prove he was the real Tom because while Fake Tom had his photos, he didn't have the evidence he took them. Butler then went to where the doppleganger was, brought back negatives, which Tom proved to be a fake, but to make it clear enough to drop the charges he'd have to get his own negatives. He manages to get 30 minutes alone, gets the negatives, but also gets a tape recorder that he doesn't listen to until the end. Butler goes to where she's suppose to meet Tom, where Tom is then shot dead. But Tom outwitted them, and the tom they shot was the fake one, and the negatives on fake tom were also the fake one. Real Tom then rides away, and plays the tape recorder, which had instructions for Butler to get the negative, and that once she does it'd all be over.
Looks like someone lied
Vote: Tom