I want to respond to all this arguing but its so goddamn terrible there's nowhere to start. I'll just post my list, of the people who entered, with actual explanations...
There are some tied because I don't want to arbitrarily decide to favor consistency over peak performance or vice versa, and because most of the people outside of the top 4 are so matchup dependent.
(?) Cyrain, Savedge. I can't rank these guys, for obvious reasons.
1). Chillin. He may have lost this recent GFs to Chu, but they split the sets 1-1, and he has the advantage in the head to head vs. Chu overall. He also beats Vist quite consistently, while Vist has had the advantage vs Chu recently. Sometimes loses to thumbs/mahone/whatever in winners, but pretty much always wins the rematch in losers. Still my favorite to win a tournament he's at over anybody, except possibly a serious Cyrain, who I can't rank.
2). Chu. Not much to say, clearly top 2 by results, and I've already argued for Chillin at 1.
3). Redd. Can be really ****, and is definitely capable of beating Chillin/Chu, but way too inconsistent to put over them.
4). Azen. Only putting him this low because of recent results really; he's way too smart. I'm convinced he's here at least, if not 3rd. Sypher doesn't think too much of him based on their tournament set, but I think that must be an anomaly, or a style counter, or something.
From here there start to be some ties:
5, 6, 7). Vist, Thumbs, Mahone.
Not really ordered within here because they each are favored/unfavored vs different people. Mahone and Thumbs have shown that they can take sets off Redd/Chillin. Vist doesn't do quite as well vs the foxes, though almost as well, but he does a LOT better vs Chu. Thumbs and Vist go pretty even from what I can see, Mahone is favored vs Thumbs somewhat, and Vist is favored vs Mahone. I'd pick these guys to beat pretty much everyone below, with the exception that Vist goes even-ish with G-reg. Thumbs has the best peak performance between these three but I can't say he's clearly better because he's also the least consistent of the three.
8). G-reg. Very close to the above three, and does really well vs. Chu (and probably well vs. Azen, I haven't seen them play that matchup though). Will pretty consistently beat those below him. The only reason I put him below those three is he does significantly worse vs Redd/Chillin, from what I've seen.
9). Voodoo. Often gives the top players close games but doesn't often take sets from them. I might be slightly underrating him here, it's hard to say because of inactivity.
10, 11). CK, Laijin. CK is really consistent, but doesn't really beat people above him. Laijin sometimes beats Vist, Thumbs, whatever, but I'd say he's not favored over them. He's also not so great vs Space Animals, which is really important.
12, 13). Wenbo, Sypher. Strong mechanics in a lot of areas, but they also have some bad habits/weaknesses, and bad matchups (cough falco).
14, 15) Milkman, Bones. Sorry Bones, this placing isn't gonna change my mind, since I look at who beats who, not the number next to the result. =\ I know you beat Wenbo, but he was seriously playing terrible there. I might be biased against you because I play you so much, I'm not sure.
After that, whatever. Sorry Minkyu, Eric, etc.