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Atlantic North [Nov 8, 2014] SypherPhoenix's Boosted Biweeklies! - Northern VA (Fairfax, VA, USA)


Smash Ace
May 17, 2007
Manassas, VA
thumbs, why were the two robots from transformers 2 racist? I loved mudflaps and skids, i thought they were funny and just cause theres some characters that portray a "stereotype" doesn't necessarily mean its racist. I just believe they were in the movie for some fun/humour. Rumour is they were planned to be in T3 but as of now, have been removed from the final cut :(

my favorite autobots for sureee T_T

edit: oh and yeah, kill bill 3 is gonna be his 9th movie I think? Aka he's gonna make another unrelated kill bill film before he finally makes the third. I'm excited for any films by him.. and i mean ANY :D


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
"We don't read", WHO IS THAT FOR!??!?!? My jaw dropped at the audacity of Bay and the writers to have that in there. That's incredibly offensive and good god I was cringing during every scene they had. They were removed for a reason

9th movie? Inglorious Basterds was only his 6th I believe. Cause it's Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill 1&2, Grindhouse, Basterds


Smash Ace
May 17, 2007
Manassas, VA
"We don't read", WHO IS THAT FOR!??!?!? My jaw dropped at the audacity of Bay and the writers to have that in there. That's incredibly offensive and good god I was cringing during every scene they had. They were removed for a reason

9th movie? Inglorious Basterds was only his 6th I believe. Cause it's Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill 1&2, Grindhouse, Basterds
I'm white, so maybe i don't understand.. but it's just a film.. i imagine he isn't stabbing everyone in the world with that line.. idk they just made me laugh is all..

and yeah he has done 7. maybe kill bill count as 2? I'm not sure

The reason i say 9th is cause of this line i read, "Tarantino announced that Kill Bill: Vol. 3 would be his ninth film, and would be released in 2014."

oh and. "He said he intends to make another unrelated film before that date as his eighth film"


Smash Ace
May 17, 2007
Manassas, VA
transformers was racist when the only autobot to die in da whole damm movie was jazz and if u think jazz wasnt black then u need a reality check. lol
hmmm true, but in most movies the good guys never die... Optimus died in 2, but then he was revived again later on.. also i could be making things up, but I could swear I read awhile back they had a reason for killing off jazz, something about him being alot smaller than all the other autobots, and him standing out to be the little guy. BUt then again I could be making that up O_o. not sure!

also has anyone seen Tron: Legacy?

Thoughts, opinions, anything? ^___^


Smash Hero
Dec 26, 2005
Arlington, Va
2001 wasn't really hard to understand if you read the book before the movie.

Evolution was the funniest movie ever if you know basic biology. You can just keep laughing at how it's always just wrong.


Smash Ace
Feb 7, 2010
In the Land of Amazeia...
tron was so stylized i dont even know what i thought of the movie.
i certainly didnt think it was a masterpiece of modern cinema, but it was never intended to be as such. in terms of a showy, actiony, virtual reality movie, it did well.

2001 wasn't really hard to understand if you read the book before the movie.

Evolution was the funniest movie ever if you know basic biology. You can just keep laughing at how it's always just wrong.
the book was developed at the same time as the movie to explain wtf the ending was about


*clarifying edit: i mean space odyssey

lol, glad to make you laugh out loud, we need to play more... that time with m2k was.... interesting lol
lol "**** brawl. everyone sucks"

i still talk about how he just took your controller that one time.

but yeah, we gotta play


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Tron Legacy gets worse in my mind everytime I think about it. I suppose it was worth seeing the big screen for those amazing trippy visuals and the SPECTACULAR soundtrack by Daft Punk. But overall the movie was really, really stupid and just poorly written. Loved the Dark Knight reference though lol


Smash Ace
May 17, 2007
Manassas, VA
Tron Legacy gets worse in my mind everytime I think about it. I suppose it was worth seeing the big screen for those amazing trippy visuals and the SPECTACULAR soundtrack by Daft Punk. But overall the movie was really, really stupid and just poorly written. Loved the Dark Knight reference though lol
haha yeah pretty much, it was the first movie i saw in imax and 3d in theaters, so it was a fun experience. but ITS COOL BRO, they are making a tron 3 already ^____^ haha
hopefully its super awesome.

and i wish i could smash sypherrrrrrrrrr, girlfriend johns indefinitely T_T


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
"Donnie Darko" and "overrated" were used in the same sentence.

Thanks Sumeet; I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep now.


As far as Inception goes, I don't think it was a flawless film by any means, but I would definitely say it had some mindbending aspects (like when the movie is at the climax at the end and you realize that the entire movie has taken place during the van falling into the water) . There were many things I noticed watching the movie that made me think what the deep down meaning of it was all about, but it wasn't really until I found THIS ARTICLE that I started to piece together all the stuff I was noticing (main thing that made me start questioning what was going on was when I noticed the scene where the alley closes in on him as he runs away; it was just too weird to have been a coincidence). I think the reason you may not like Inception as a film is because it is such a big metaphor that if you aren't thinking about it in the right way it just seems like a complicated, but shallow, film. I know a few very smart people who thought it was just being superfluous with its plot in an attempt to seem deep, and in many ways I think the maze of a plot with dreams within dreams actually hurt the film's value for many people. However, I feel like once you try to understand the meaning of the film from a different perspective, it becomes much more deep because a large majority of the film that was previously superfluous becomes relevant and has a very subtle touch of brilliance.


Honestly though, I don't care enough to argue. lol

Also I should be coming next weekend with DJ, and maybe Voodoo.


Smash Ace
May 17, 2007
Manassas, VA
"Donnie Darko" and "overrated" were used in the same sentence.

Thanks Sumeet; I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep now.

As far as Inception goes, I don't think it was a flawless film by any means, but I would definitely say it had some mindbending aspects (like when the movie is at the climax at the end and you realize that the entire movie has taken place during the van falling into the water) . There were many things I noticed watching the movie that made me think what the deep down meaning of it was all about, but it wasn't really until I found THIS ARTICLE that I started to piece together all the stuff I was noticing (main thing that made me start questioning what was going on was when I noticed the scene where the alley closes in on him as he runs away; it was just too weird to have been a coincidence). I think the reason you may not like Inception as a film is because it is such a big metaphor that if you aren't thinking about it in the right way it just seems like a complicated, but shallow, film. I know a few very smart people who thought it was just being superfluous with its plot in an attempt to seem deep, and in many ways I think the maze of a plot with dreams within dreams actually hurt the film's value for many people. However, I feel like once you try to understand the meaning of the film from a different perspective, it becomes much more deep because a large majority of the film that was previously superfluous becomes relevant and has a very subtle touch of brilliance.

Honestly though, I don't care enough to argue. lol

Also I should be coming next weekend with DJ, and maybe Voodoo.
Wow, intense response lol. um....... i got nothing

Whoever thinks Inception is a terrible movie.
I will NEVER take their opinion on movies. Ever.
I wouldn't say it was terrible, but I'm far from saying i loved it.. I was not pleased with the mind bending nightmare dream 2010 a thon.

aka i didn't like it ^_^


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
Ya, bones, you're right, i think i just didn't understand it. I was thinking about going to see it for the second time, but first i wanted Thumbswayupsmash's opinion.

What do you think thumbs? Should i see it a second time? Thumbs?


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
Oh thats weird... i thought you were a man, because we shook hands and had an agreement, but thats ok.... if you can look youself in the mirror at night knowing you're word means nothing thats straight.


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
Wow Bones SPOILER ALERT please for those that haven't seen it ...
I've been thinking about seeing it at some point ...


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA

Inception was a 8/10 and you should go see it ONCE... but people will try to get you to watch it 5 times to REALLY GET IT because they are stupid


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
Ya sure, we definitely got this.... i mean Running Kings won the last tourney...

Also, i offered them a MM against us, and CK accepted but Thumbs declined.... sounds like someone is scared


Smash Ace
May 17, 2007
Manassas, VA
I'll be here saturday, haven't played since pound T_T.

also side note, i'll record if epsilon doesn't come.. i know its spring break, so people are home etc...

yayy, hype! ;)
Oct 5, 2008
I'll be here saturday, haven't played since pound T_T.

also side note, i'll record if epsilon doesn't come.. i know its spring break, so people are home etc...

yayy, hype! ;)
I'll be there

And Sypher, you mind if I swap that TV that doesn't have a composite cable input for my TV? I want to dual record


Smash Ace
May 17, 2007
Manassas, VA
I'll be there

And Sypher, you mind if I swap that TV that doesn't have a composite cable input for my TV? I want to dual record
hmmm alright, well if youre dual recording.. maybe ill still bring my recording setup, that way we have 3 recording set ups and i can get a few matches atleast :D

i'm sure you don't mind.. ill just record some tv away from the main setup


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
hmmm alright, well if youre dual recording.. maybe ill still bring my recording setup, that way we have 3 recording set ups and i can get a few matches atleast :D

i'm sure you don't mind.. ill just record some tv away from the main setup
WTF dude, how dare you try that....

ok we'll give you a tv in the corner, but ONLY FRIENDLIES, thats all you get!

.... It's funny because i know Roger is thinking that, but he probably won't say it lol


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
Ya, bones, you're right, i think i just didn't understand it. I was thinking about going to see it for the second time, but first i wanted Thumbswayupsmash's opinion.

What do you think thumbs? Should i see it a second time? Thumbs?

Inception was a 8/10 and you should go see it ONCE... but people will try to get you to watch it 5 times to REALLY GET IT because they are stupid
It's not really a matter of "understanding" it (although a lot of people enjoyed the complex plot, myself included), more than it is a matter of getting the correct perspective from which to evaluate it. If you try to watch it like any other movie, I think it loses a lot of its value, which sounds like what you were doing since you were talking about the acting/casting and stuff. Obviously that's important in movies, but I didn't think that is what made Inception spectacular. It was the underlying meaning and insane amount of nuance (a subtle difference or distinction in expression, meaning, response, etc.) that would be just as amazing if the movie was acted out by 12-year-olds or produced with clay-mation.

Wow Bones SPOILER ALERT please for those that haven't seen it ...
I've been thinking about seeing it at some point ...
My bad. I'm amazed you've gone this long both without giving in and just watching it as well as having not heard anyone spoil it (it's pretty spoiler-prone, but it doesn't really ruin the movie anyway).


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
I keep forgetting that Inception's only been out for 8 months, feels a lot longer. See it immediately Wenbo, it's really one of those movies you should have seen in theaters. Great movies don't come out often, so when they do they must be cherished and watched as they were meant to be watched, in a theater.
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