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Norcal/Bay Area/DBR:NorCal Nevers: Everything in Moderation. Including Moderation.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 17, 2006
Los Angeles, California
silentspectre said:
Your friend wasn't being serious about my skill, everyone knows that. But obviously, your friend was being racist against Asians. How would I know that? Why else would he have been only trash talked about Ken, Bombsoldier, Lunin, and myself...for practically the whole biweekly? Also, in your "20 minute interview", why did you ask me if I would physically beat up Ken? I don't hate Ken at all, and neither should you if you've never met him. If this is because of Fanime, it's really not my problem if you couldn't beat me, especially if most of the time it was 3v1.

It's funny how your friend was too oblivious to acknowledge me in any sense, didn't even played the game at all, yet criticized almost everything I did. If he wanted to play me, he should have done so, especially when I challenged him. Just face it, your friend didn't want to play solely to avoid being "5 stocked in a 3 stock match" by me. There's really nothing else you can defend about him.

I don't take discrimination lightly. If your friend keeps that attitude towards me, or anyone in general, expect the same from me. I may be not in the mood to smash anymore, but I'd still "scrape" your friend in smash like I would to you.

I like to ask people stupid questions. I have NOTHING against Ken, Bombsolider, Lunin or you. I have nothing but respect for people that are that skilled in Smash. Next time SS, just don't take my stupid questions seriously.....I don't even take them seriously.


Smash Champion
Apr 2, 2006
Fullerton, Socal
Dont hate the pros because you arent them... hating on other good smash players is pointless.. it just shows your jealousy. or you just want to get attention from them so you can go home and talk to your other newb friends like "OMFG I TALKED TO KEN LUN SS AND ISAI!"


Smash Champion
May 4, 2005
walnut creek, CA
yeah i me and clod were just practicing for teams before it started, on that couch, and man he wouldnt stop talking. all he would be saying is " ooh look at alex(?) hes ****** isai man, he should be top 5 now since he can beat isai isai aint **** anymore look at him, his falcon aint ****" over and over again. did he not realize that isai doesnt try against people? especially in biweeklies, when it doesnt matter to him.

it was getting annoying though.. and while i was playing my match with myko, ss was sitting next to me, playing clod, and all i hear is him behind ss talking more ****. i mean.. trashtalking is one thing.. but he just keeps going and going and going and going. he needs to learn to just stop for atleast 1 second. i think he seriously thought he could beat isai and ss or osmething. i dont get it.. =\


Smash Lord
May 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
Haha Jeff is hella tight, I agree with his post. Don't even worry about that Jeff, just a random scrub talkin ****, I've gotten alot of that around here before. There shouldn't be any physical fights goin on around here, but if there is, we all know I got Jeff's back, good post Jeff. And yeah, it's cool if he THINKS he's better or w/e, as long as there ain't no discrimination or nothin like dat, that ain't coo.

Ok, I'll do some shout-outs I guess (kind of long):

Scamp: Thanks for your contribution to the tournament, gj on the seedings too, still trippin that all 8 seeds made it to the final 8 of winners bracket. Good games in Teams too, you and Xander were a pretty good team.

FoxRoar (Tristan): Wow, hella impressive Luigi. Thanks for letting me stay with you guys the day before the tournament, I don't think we would've done as well without that night. Hella funny sh*t too, way too much to mention haha.

LunIn: Yeah, kinda wish we coulda played more matches than me juss kinda practicin, but it's all good, next biweekly/smashfest/whatever. GG's against FoxRoar too, that was hella crazy with that 4 stock out of no where in the end. Yeah, we'll see what I do character-wise, might stick with Sheik, but I'll pick up some secondaries, and if my main switches, then w/e.

Frotaz: Thanks for the rides and everything, I might not have made it to the tournament if you didn't give me a ride, thanks, I appreciate dat. Good sh*t in teams too f*ck Double Ganon, haha. Gotta figure somethin out against the space animals though, kinda bullsh*t that everyone uses them now.

KFC: Wow, another hella close match, I'm havin way too much trouble with Fox, but no excuses, you've gotten hella good. Hope to see you at the next biweekly/weekly. You can be up there with the top Fox players in NorCal, just work on the tech skill.

Zhu: Good match, I knew I would have some trouble playing you. Good matches in teams too, I just got alot of rests...haha, keep it up.

Sky: Pretty impressive, you had some good combos in there, almost got the 4 stock in the last match though, gj on stoppin me, but you gotta have more confidence, you might've done better against me, but w/e keep it up.

SS: Too good against Isai, I didn't get to see ur match against Rey though cuz I got locked out :laugh: so yeah, can't wait to see you start tearing up Fox, you'll be unstoppable.

Kokichi: It was cool meeting you, gj with Scamp in teams, we should get some friendlies in or somethin, I don't think we ever played a 1v1. Fun sh*t in teams that night though.

Yen: Yeah, sorry I forgot that we were gonna play, next time though, and gj in the tournament, you did hella better than I thought, good *** Peach...haha.

King: Congrats on 1st, I've been watchin hella videos of that Jiggly, that's why I picked her up, good luck at MLG Chicago, hope to see you with a top 5 again or somethin. GG's in teams too, Fox ***** Jiggly at Corneria though.

Nekurbis: Good matches at the end of the biweekly, we'll definitely get some more in, I gotta do Sheik dittos eventually. GJ in the tournament too, I saw ur match against KFC, hella close.

Everyone else thanks for cooperating and not playin friendlies on the tournament tv's, went pretty smoothly not just because of Dave and me, but you guys too. If I forgot anyone in shout-outs my bad, just make yourself more known by me or somethin, and you'll make the cut fo ma shoutouts haha.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 17, 2006
Los Angeles, California
sidefx said:
yeah i me and clod were just practicing for teams before it started, on that couch, and man he wouldnt stop talking. all he would be saying is " ooh look at alex(?) hes ****** isai man, he should be top 5 now since he can beat isai isai aint **** anymore look at him, his falcon aint ****" over and over again. did he not realize that isai doesnt try against people? especially in biweeklies, when it doesnt matter to him.

it was getting annoying though.. and while i was playing my match with myko, ss was sitting next to me, playing clod, and all i hear is him behind ss talking more ****. i mean.. trashtalking is one thing.. but he just keeps going and going and going and going. he needs to learn to just stop for atleast 1 second. i think he seriously thought he could beat isai and ss or osmething. i dont get it.. =\

I think I was the team you were practicing against on the couch. I was Marth and my friend was Young Link. I agree, my friend(who wasn't even playing) sounded so stupid talking **** about one of the best smashers in the nation.


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2003
Concord CA
OMG that sh** talking slu+ is lucky I didn't go, I should be in jail for so much verbal abuse against strangers I feel are stupid. If I was you Jeff, I woulda drop kicked that bit** from the top rope, but it's ok, I'll do it for you next time, Booker T style. The bottom line is, friends joke around with friends, If someone I didn't know or have never seen before is discriminating against me or my race, or screaming I suck, I'd turn around and co(k slap that bit**. I remind Jeff that he's asian all the time, and I'm sure if he could talk he'd call me a wetback watermelon seller, but that's because I've known Jeff for a long time now. How bout this, next time someone says Jeff sucks, play him a set, and if you win you can punch me in the face, and if Jeff wins, I'll punch you in the face.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2005
san francisco
sorry for the double post, but this is very important

You guys, look under Frotaz's name. see his avatar? doesn't that doctor mario picture bear an uncanny resemblance to snike? look at that moustache. I can't even believe it.


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR

This is your friendly neighborhood correspondant reporting from Grand Rapids, Michigan after getting back from FC6. Just thought I'd let you kids know that I'm having a good time here, and planning on doing well at MLG Chicago.

FC6 was fecking great, me and Kozzymoto (Omnigamer's little brother, he's like 13, plays Puff and Fox) made it past the 1st round of pools in teams, losing 2-1 only to DaShizWiz (Falco) and KeepSpeedN (Fox/Sheik), 2 quite good players from FL. SpeedN in fact beat Mike G at SAVII IIRC. We got ***** in the 2nd round of pools though. We lost against everyone, only managing to take a game from PC/milktea, Crashman/sauce, and I forget...I think Darkrain and dmac, or maybe it was Watty and whoever. Anyway it was fun.

My first pool was pretty competitive. The guy who got 5th in it, Seacove, made it to the top 64 at the last FC. 1st was Vidjo, 2nd was KeepSpeedN (I managed to beat him 2-1), 3rd was me, and 4th was the Canadian Vwins (I lost to him 2-1).

Second round 1st was CunningKitsune (very good btw, he plays a bit campy, it was very hard for me to play against), 2nd was Chinesah, 3rd was Eddie (I got a game off him, almost took the set), and 4th was me and 5th was Inui, he got a game off me when he survived a rest on Green Greens cause of hitting a falling block -_-

Third round 1st was DA Dave (I nearly beat him, he came back from 3 stock to 1 on Mute in our 3rd match), 2nd was KDJ (he ***** me, f'n 4 stocked me 1st match), 3rd was Joe Bushman (***** me 1st match, then we had a good match that he won on FoD), 4th was...I think DrDrewTheDragon. Also in the pool was Mathos (I won the first match, he 4 stocked me on Rainbow Cruise, then he won a close game on BF), Kirkq, and this guy, Lee, who plays pretty much only with Cyphus down in Louisiana, but he was very good, he beat me, and some other good people, like Aho.

So yeah it was a lot of fun, met some cool people that I only get to see on the hub, like Chesterr01 (who is really good btw), kirbstir (he's pretty good too), etc.

Next up is MLG Chicago, Me and Gabe are going to take hella teams. Boback and King are gonna be there as well, repping Norcal strong. I'm planning on coming to the biweekly on the 29th if there is one so I'll see you kids there; Rey, are we on for teams?

-The Ragadoo

P.S. Good job to the top peeps at the last biweekly, I'm seeing some new names up there, keep it up Norcal for great justice.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 22, 2006
Scotts Valley, CA
RPK said:
No way Germ not a drop kick. You should give em a stone cold stunner XD
WWE is stupid.........its fake and lame.....on the other hand i do real wrestling and that will really screw some people up lol yeayeah.........


Smash Apprentice
Apr 17, 2006
Bootleofwater said:
I like to ask people stupid questions. I have NOTHING against Ken, Bombsolider, Lunin or you. I have nothing but respect for people that are that skilled in Smash. Next time SS, just don't take my stupid questions seriously.....I don't even take them seriously. One again Spectre, you're cool and I know I would get my *** handed to me in Smash by you, I'm not stupid. I don't care about what happened at Fanime.

Also there is a reason why my friend didn't play a single match. You want to know what it is?
He SUCKS REALLY BAD! I'm confident when I say ANYONE at the biweekly could 4 stock him. He was afraid to get his *** handed to him. I have no idea if he's racist...and I don't care. I'm not defending him or anything, because he annoys the hell out of me too. Basically I think he's insecure about his skill in Smash. He also thinks he's unstoppable in real life, which is a laugh.

Also I'm sorry if I annoyed anyone when I was being loud about not getting four stocked...I'll try not to do it again.

Haha, when you were talking to SS for like 10 minutes that was so funny. Only because it seemed like he didn't want to talk to you at all. So many random *** questions, it seemed like one of those tv shows where they inteview people off the street and ask them random *** ****, and the people just kinda ignore them.

The **** talking was kinda annoying, but I used to go to school with kids like that so I'm used to it. And well, I really didn't care. I guess I'm really not that irritable though. If SS woulda challenged him to a match, that woulda put that **** to rest right there. I mean, that kid was just asking to get wooped.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 17, 2006
Los Angeles, California
PHD said:
Haha, when you were talking to SS for like 10 minutes that was so funny. Only because it seemed like he didn't want to talk to you at all. So many random *** questions, it seemed like one of those tv shows where they inteview people off the street and ask them random *** ****, and the people just kinda ignore them.

The **** talking was kinda annoying, but I used to go to school with kids like that so I'm used to it. And well, I really didn't care. I guess I'm really not that irritable though. If SS woulda challenged him to a match, that woulda put that **** to rest right there. I mean, that kid was just asking to get wooped.

Yeah, my questions were meant to be stupid and have no point at all. Just ignore the **** talker....all he wants to do is piss people off, which he is good at doing.

BTW PHD, were you the guy who mained Sheik?


Smash Master
May 30, 2002
bioalp43 said:
WWE is stupid.........its fake and lame.....on the other hand i do real wrestling and that will really screw some people up lol yeayeah.........
You have that backwards. WWE is fake and AWESOME. At least it was, I haven't watched it recently.

Real wrestling is pretty lame to watch. There's no spectacle, it's just two people saying "no homo" over and over. At least in UFC someone gets knocked the **** out once in a while. Sure wrestling is a very effective fighting style in real life, but I don't watch real life for entertainment.

It's true for other people too. Just the other day I was trying to kick someone off of my personal flying island, so I pulled a beamsword out of the ground and threw it at him. It knocked him off and he fell then exploded. The people watching didn't start cheering or anything, they just got all horrified screaming "murder" and other things I couldn't make out.

I think I'll stick to Smash on the gamecube.


Smash Master
May 30, 2002
Bootleofwater said:
Yeah, my questions were meant to be stupid and have no point at all. Just ignore the **** talker....all he wants to do is piss people off, which he is good at doing.
Isn't the accomplice to evil the one who turns his head and looks away, allowing it to happen?

It's not so simple to just ignore it. Especially if he keeps going on and on.

I blame stupid lawsuits for allowing people to get away with being an ******* far too often. This kind of thing wouldn't happen if people got knocked the **** out more often.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 22, 2006
Scotts Valley, CA
Scamp said:
You have that backwards. WWE is fake and AWESOME. At least it was, I haven't watched it recently.

Real wrestling is pretty lame to watch. There's no spectacle, it's just two people saying "no homo" over and over. At least in UFC someone gets knocked the **** out once in a while. Sure wrestling is a very effective fighting style in real life, but I don't watch real life for entertainment.

It's true for other people too. Just the other day I was trying to kick someone off of my personal flying island, so I pulled a beamsword out of the ground and threw it at him. It knocked him off and he fell then exploded. The people watching didn't start cheering or anything, they just got all horrified screaming "murder" and other things I couldn't make out.

I think I'll stick to Smash on the gamecube.
omg.....WWE....awsome??!?!?! All they do is talk about kicking each others ***** for 55 minutes and there is only 5 minutes of fighting which is all fake.......and i dont do wrestling for self defense lol or kicking peoples *****, i do it because i like it, like smash, and i find it entertaining....and what are u saying, i mean wrestling is a pretty safe sport, but at least once in every tournment someone will get back-supleid and completely mess up there arm or some ****...............actually when i went against this kid from aptos, i picked him off the ground, put my hip into it and completely through him over my body......when he hit the ground he broke his collerbone....so people do get knocked the **** out in wrestling, not just as commen as UFC though, since the point of wrestling is not too completely annilate the crap out of the other person


Smash Journeyman
Oct 13, 2004
San Jose, California
ACk maybe i will do shoutout later i am so lazy.

lunin if i will not b going to oc2 it will b because my parents. my college starts sept 5th

HpPY biRthDAy MyKO! ACkk UR **** 19!! loLPO!LOP!LP!L! YEAHJ UI gO mY KO KOk o ko ko ko COCHI-co!! lO!L u biSh! wARkawkrAK FI-YAH!!!!!!!


Smash Journeyman
Nov 15, 2004
LunInSpectra said:
Kentu--I mean Souroush, Wow what happened? Lost it or something? You were 2x better at AznDanny's

I was just too worn out, the only way i can compete with u in a fox ditto is if i have some crazy luninspectre energy rush or if i bring coke to smash fests


Smash Apprentice
Apr 17, 2006
Bootleofwater said:
Yeah, my questions were meant to be stupid and have no point at all. Just ignore the **** talker....all he wants to do is piss people off, which he is good at doing.

BTW PHD, were you the guy who mained Sheik?

That guy??? I hate him. Haha. Yeah that was me.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 17, 2006
Scamp said:
Isn't the accomplice to evil the one who turns his head and looks away, allowing it to happen?

It's not so simple to just ignore it. Especially if he keeps going on and on.

I blame stupid lawsuits for allowing people to get away with being an ******* far too often. This kind of thing wouldn't happen if people got knocked the **** out more often.
Whoa man. I'm not sure that guy deserved to get his *** beat. It was annoying, but it wasn't really worth it ( I don't think). I've had a few fights before, and if I fought everyone who tried to talk **** I would have at least had 20 more. Embarassment is usually the best way to go. They're usually insecure about something so they end up getting very defensive and humiliated.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2005
san francisco
i get so nervous man

ok heres the best way
for me to not be nervous
i give some money to my best friend
in the beginning of the day
and then eventually
i forget about it
and then someone asks if we want to play
and then
i say yes
and then i beat them
and then they surprise me and say
and it turns out they made a money match with my business partner by proxy so i won money

that way i wont be nervous and i wont **** up and airdodge when im way up high in the stage so that my enemy can just run up to my and up air and kill me at 70 percent


Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2005
...uh...so you get moneymatches for you by having your friend ask & carry your money without you knowing its a moneymatch?

Hahaha, I actually think you should learn to Cope with the pressure &...nervousness! What if you make it to finals and there are 30 people watching your every move? Yeah...learn to take it...


Smash Journeyman
Jan 17, 2006
Los Angeles, California
PHD said:
Whoa man. I'm not sure that guy deserved to get his *** beat. It was annoying, but it wasn't really worth it ( I don't think). I've had a few fights before, and if I fought everyone who tried to talk **** I would have at least had 20 more. Embarassment is usually the best way to go. They're usually insecure about something so they end up getting very defensive and humiliated.

I think he's right on about this.

Next time PHD, let's have some friendlies.


Smash Master
May 30, 2002
PHD said:
Whoa man. I'm not sure that guy deserved to get his *** beat. It was annoying, but it wasn't really worth it ( I don't think). I've had a few fights before, and if I fought everyone who tried to talk **** I would have at least had 20 more. Embarassment is usually the best way to go. They're usually insecure about something so they end up getting very defensive and humiliated.
I didn't say he deserved to get his *** beat. Just that this sort of thing wouldn't happen if that were a realistic possibility.

Embarassment is usually the best way to go? What do you mean by that?

Bioalp, you don't know **** about what WWE is about. Even now when it's crappy, it's still far more entertaining to watch than amateur wrestling. And they get far more serious injuries too, because they're doing things that are way more over the top.

I mean, if you find wrestling entertaining and everything, that's cool. But don't go about trying to say that it's better than WWE. Even if it is, it doesn't prove anything. It's like Smashers and Tekken players arguing over which game is better. Denouncing the other game doesn't make your game better. (Though it does kind of seem like it does.)

Did I just contradict myself? Yes I did. For clarification, the first part is just in my opinion. This should be pretty obvious when Bioalp replies. We'll note how he disagrees with my opinion, and how the second part takes effect.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2006
San Jose, CA
i'm confused as to whether or not there's a smashfest/tourney this coming saturday or not... anyone wanna fill me in?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 17, 2006
Scamp said:
I didn't say he deserved to get his *** beat. Just that this sort of thing wouldn't happen if that were a realistic possibility.

Embarassment is usually the best way to go? What do you mean by that?

Oh ok. It just seemed like that's what you meant. I'm still not sure that would have stopped him from talking though, but that's just my opinion. By embarassment I just meant that it'd be easier to talk him down than beat him up. It wouldn't have really been hard to make fun of him. I think he just realized that there wasn't a realistic possibility that anyone there would start talking about him.

@ Bootle: Yeah, we'll definitely play next time.

@ Bioalp: Haha. They were good games. As long as you learned something to help make you better thats all that matters. We'll play more next time.
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