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Norcal/Bay Area/DBR:NorCal Nevers: Everything in Moderation. Including Moderation.


Smash Lord
May 19, 2006
UC Santa Cruz / Santa Clara CA
1: TangySpectre (Tang + SilentSpectre)
2: Isai & Rey (Isai + LunInSpectra)
3: Marvel of the Marshmallows (Zhu + Falcomist)
4: The Frilly Toothpicks (Hyuga + ShadowBTZO)
5: ****** on Crack (Nekurbis + Bernard)
5: Narcolepsy (Yen + Frotaz)
7: The Revenge of the Lovable Sailors (Zoap + KizzoGirl)
7: Mo****as (Bootle + Phil)
9: Birds and the Bees (BB + Quak)
9: Sadicous Sadomy Supreme (DG + Freedom)
9: Cowboys of Poor Imagination (Catnip + DP)

SINGLES: Exact placings, tiebreaks from swiss included
0: ProdigyKid
1: SilentSpectre
3: Falcomist
4: Frotaz
5: DP
6: ShadowBTZO
7: Kizzo
8: Yen
9: Myko
10: Bioalp
11: Phil07
12: Hyuga
=========== BRACKET CUTOFF ================
13: Catnip
14: SwordMasterX7
15: Quak
16: bb
17: WhiteBoyNick
18: Mari
19: Vineeth
20: Rage
21: Trill
22: Sygs
23: Matt
24: JP
25: Balls
26: WhatsWithHumans

DROPOUTS: HydroKirby(6pts), KJW(0pts), Zhu(11pts), Patsu(Ian)(4pts), Bootle the Beast(1pt), Daryl(3pts)


Smash Lord
May 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
LOL trunch me regularly, but Frotaz got 4th with Yoshi, that is why I do not like swiss. I do not think I need to say anything further on why I don't like swiss, only that Frotaz got 4th with Yoshi:)


Smash Champion
Nov 17, 2005
Bay Area, Cali
i like swiss. i like double eliminations bracket

btw, who ever thought of my team name....... clever......

and im not doin teams anymore, i suck horrendously


Smash Cadet
Aug 27, 2007
San Jose, CA
Yesterday was a crazy day, I still can't believe we made it to singles on time.

I like swiss better because it's longer, but I don't mind double elimination. I don't care which one happens next biweekly.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
Swiss is ok brackets are cool too.

I went out first round at MGC, I never thought lag would be so effective but god ****. Lunin almost loses to Ian, I lost to random scrub, Hydrokirby lost to random scrub. I watched Simna almost lose on Corneria to a Peach who didnt know how to float cancle or l cancel. Lunin couldnt even use fox. Im glad he won though because at least some one wit skill was the winner.

DK Pose + Peach Pose too GOOD!


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2005
Milpitas CA (bay area)
hmmm well that biweekly was actually pretty fun. except the tourny matches. if i actually show up to another one, please stop me if i try to enter XD

but hey...does anyone have a PSX with a copy of final fantasy 7 that i could borrow? =D?
i'd <3 you forever

i feel like im missing out as a gamer because ive never played it, and i dont have any intention of buying a playstation. atleast the old SNES rpgs i can eventually get on virtual console.

so yeah. anyone? pleeaaasee? im willing to drive to pick it up (and smash with you) then drive again to return it after a week or 2. any maybe smash again.


Smash Champion
Jul 2, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
didn't record. i was gonna record the bracket matches but i obviously left before that. i was also thinking of recording swiss matches but uh... SOMEBODY was MSing xD


Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2005
Ian has never made me so mad in my LIFE!

*we select characters*
*tournament organizer comes up to us*

Tournament Organizer: "Did you guys select a stage"
Ian + Me: "No..."
T.O: "You guys were supposed to agree upon a stage before selecting a character! Now I'll select the stage for you! *opens book* BIG BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Ian + Me: "wtf No, we selected BattleField"
T.O: "You just said no *looks at Ian with a face that says, 'I'm gonna kick your white !@#'*

*Tournament Organizer walks away*

...Ian beat me on Big Blue, counter-picked Jungle Japes for the third match, and camped more than Bum.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
you think thats bad, I was told after simna vs lunin that I wasnt allowed to stand closer than 5 ft to the competitors in the final and i could not talk. ._.


Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2005
Zoap is right.

While I was playing Simna in Semi-Finals, Zoap was just giving me normal advice and guidance. He wasn't like Bob$ at ALL -- just calm and cool. After the match, the T.O. tapped him on the shoulder and talked to him about his 'disturbance to the competitors', and was told to not talk during the finals.

*shakes head in disappointment*


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2007
I will never tell. :D
Haha I know its not that bad but I have been getting mad pretty easily lately.

lol what is that guy talking about? "disturbance to the competitors" lol his noob *** doesn't even know what a competitor is. Just break his arm and all of your problems are solved.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 17, 2006
Los Angeles, California
I had fun at the tournament for the short amount time that I was there. I don't know if I'll be attending tournaments in the future. This game has just lost the magic it had when I started playing. I no longer want to spend my whole day playing video games. It's been fun when I was into it, and I've met a lot of cool people(not Zhu). Good games to those of you I've played.


Phil/Dread/Whatever you call yourself now: I'm the one who got you into competitive Smash. I remember last year when we would play all night and I'd **** you for hours. Now, the tables have turned. You scrape me for hours now. Good **** man, you've come a long *** way. I can't beat any of your characters anymore. Rise to the top and beat Zhu.

Lucien: When we met you sucked ***. Now, god ****. That Fox is a beast(like me). Just don't play like ****, you do that sometimes. You've gotten good too fast. Whoop Zhu.

Silent Spectre: No one whoops me as hard as you do. You don't talk very much.

Lunin: I remember at my first tournament you said you could 4 stock me....and you DIDN'T! That **** was funny. I had a lot of good conversations with you about Smash and hos. By the way, your Marth isn't good, stick with Fox.

Ice: I talked a lot of **** to you when I met you. You used to get mad, now you seem to laugh about it. I don't mean the negative things I say. Please, start winning more that one set in tournaments.:laugh:

Zoap: Your name rhymes with soap. I had fun talking with you and playing friendlies with you. I remember that one time you took me out of tournament. You're hella cool for giving so many people rides to tournaments. The community should seriously give you a trophy or something. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Isai: It's funny how you don't answer my questions. Where the *****es at?

Shadow BTZO: **** talking is always fun with you. I still beat you in tournament that one time. But I know that was fluke, you're leagues better than me. I also have fun telling you to shut up while you're trying to announce matches. Your Sheik sucks, I took a game off it with Donkey Kong.

Mike666: Get whooped. Always and forever. You're the superior Marth. I will admit it. Now stop being scared to play me.

Ian: Why are you boostey? Stop being mediocre and start winning. I like talking to you about Smash. Main Marth, he's cheap as ****.

Frotaz: If my name was Cheyenne, I'd want to be called Frotaz too. I want to know one thing. Who is your main?

Freedom: Get off my nuts, I'm not that good.

Little Kid/Lun's Brother: I have no idea how I beat you with Yoshi.

Quak: You're enormous. Just playing. You've gotten a lot better since I've met you. No longer a random noob. Keep it up dude.

Falcomist: I remember when you came to my house a long time ago. At that time you weren't very good. Now it's like ****. Good **** on beating Chu that one time. You're too good.

Sheridan: Your jokes always crack me up, like your haircut does. Every time I play you, I lose. It's always close. Don't main game and Watch. He's not buff enough.

DK has the biggest biceps in the game.

Good luck to those who want to keep playing and improve.

TK Wolf

Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2007
Bellevue, WA
Well, I know my say shouldn't hold much weight since I haven't been in a tourney yet, but I think I'd have more fun playing swiss. At least everyone gets to play a few rounds then, right?

I'll almost definitely be coming for the next one. Gah, I need to find a place to buy a new GC controller!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2006
Melodies of my life
I had fun at the tournament for the short amount time that I was there. I don't know if I'll be attending tournaments in the future. This game has just lost the magic it had when I started playing. I no longer want to spend my whole day playing video games. It's been fun when I was into it, and I've met a lot of cool people(not Zhu). Good games to those of you I've played.


Phil/Dread/Whatever you call yourself now: I'm the one who got you into competitive Smash. I remember last year when we would play all night and I'd **** you for hours. Now, the tables have turned. You scrape me for hours now. Good **** man, you've come a long *** way. I can't beat any of your characters anymore. Rise to the top and beat Zhu.

Lucien: When we met you sucked ***. Now, god ****. That Fox is a beast(like me). Just don't play like ****, you do that sometimes. You've gotten good too fast. Whoop Zhu.

Silent Spectre: No one whoops me as hard as you do. You don't talk very much.

Lunin: I remember at my first tournament you said you could 4 stock me....and you DIDN'T! That **** was funny. I had a lot of good conversations with you about Smash and hos. By the way, your Marth isn't good, stick with Fox.

Ice: I talked a lot of **** to you when I met you. You used to get mad, now you seem to laugh about it. I don't mean the negative things I say. Please, start winning more that one set in tournaments.:laugh:

Zoap: Your name rhymes with soap. I had fun talking with you and playing friendlies with you. I remember that one time you took me out of tournament. You're hella cool for giving so many people rides to tournaments. The community should seriously give you a trophy or something. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Isai: It's funny how you don't answer my questions. Where the *****es at?

Shadow BTZO: **** talking is always fun with you. I still beat you in tournament that one time. But I know that was fluke, you're leagues better than me. I also have fun telling you to shut up while you're trying to announce matches. Your Sheik sucks, I took a game off it with Donkey Kong.

Mike666: Get whooped. Always and forever. You're the superior Marth. I will admit it. Now stop being scared to play me.

Ian: Why are you boostey? Stop being mediocre and start winning. I like talking to you about Smash. Main Marth, he's cheap as ****.

Frotaz: If my name was Cheyenne, I'd want to be called Frotaz too. I want to know one thing. Who is your main?

Freedom: Get off my nuts, I'm not that good.

Little Kid/Lun's Brother: I have no idea how I beat you with Yoshi.

Quak: You're enormous. Just playing. You've gotten a lot better since I've met you. No longer a random noob. Keep it up dude.

Falcomist: I remember when you came to my house a long time ago. At that time you weren't very good. Now it's like ****. Good **** on beating Chu that one time. You're too good.

Sheridan: Your jokes always crack me up, like your haircut does. Every time I play you, I lose. It's always close. Don't main game and Watch. He's not buff enough.

DK has the biggest biceps in the game.

Good luck to those who want to keep playing and improve.

Ur goodbye post was most moving and of course very funny. I always liked u around the smash communityand thought u were ****ing funny as **** funny! :) please find that magic once again and join those who feel it. It's really sad u lost the fire. really.

i really hope i see u around again!
Maybe u lost that magic cause it was becoming too gey and less fun.....

*picks falco* *goes FD* *shoots fifty bajillion ****ing gey lasers* *camps more* *camps more part 2*


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2006
Bay Area, CA

I need a ride to SCC. I will be a good passenger. I do not bite. That, and I'll pay for gas, etc. Contact me pls.


Smash Lord
May 19, 2006
UC Santa Cruz / Santa Clara CA
On the topic of Vanessa and her college experience:

Rey: "Vanessa will have No friends at UC Davis no one will talk to her"
Minh: "Well I mean if worst comes to worst, Vanessa can always go talk to the cows."

and also, during Rey's MGC interview:

Minh, in Kiwi's voice: "OHHHHHHHHHHHH GIMPYFISH" *Zhu and Ian both spit out their soda*


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
he also said smash was the most boring game there(Wii Bowling, NBA Something or other and Madden were all present, along with a cell phone game). I also would like to say I had more fun helping Rey with advise than I did playing that day lol
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