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Norcal/Bay Area/DBR:NorCal Nevers: Everything in Moderation. Including Moderation.


Smash Ace
Feb 16, 2006
San Jose
fo sho zhu. we must definitely play together more often. *Shakes fist*. I hate you by the way.

Anyways... Scamp is the man, great format, everyone got to play tons of matches against many different people to know more about where they stand for rankings, and it was run VERY smoothly... oh yeah... smooth =p. I needa get better at blokus... getting 4th both times sucks.

Really though, I was so glad to play so many matches that count, its not really practice to go to the biweekly once a month just to lose 2 matches and thats all your tounement experience is composed of, cause we all know friendlys and tournement matches are different. I haven't been going to the biweeklys for a very long time, so I don't know many people there but I felt a lot of pressure match after match (espcially the ones where I lost the first match and had to come back for the other 2).

too fun.


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
You Probably Can Tell After IP Tracking Me.
..This NCB was actually the best one i went to.

..KING will say he felt that weird combo too..LOL [that was fun playing ^^]

theres..too much to say?

i messed up in teams..yes..i agree..sorry Kurtis. i just underestimated the opponents..oh well, that's what i get.

..just, WOW, good games..to everyone, esp BLAKMAGE, played falco ditto...for so long..and any other falcos..esp Condomboi, good excellent stuff.

whoever played me today, that was crazy, all of it was.^^


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2005
san francisco
that was pretty fun

i wish i lived in SF so i could play the baysians more

<3 baysians

im sad that i couldn't participate in this bad boy. i think i would have done well. i was on a roll today.

but friendlies were so fun

myko lol we didnt even get to play a whole match

during winter break i'll come to ncb's

Dark Iori Yagami

Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2006
Memphis,TN(Raliegh) (Equestria)
Hey sir smashers im iori from planet memphis i was wondering how and were is the death by **** or dbr thread at any help may save your planet im in the insomnia in the atlantic south is the reginal zones but basically what im look for is the song to zelgadis shinded blinded bob money overdose and the king i have to have their songs its driving me crazy any help is appreciated

Ps Oh hey myko


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2004
The DRIFT thing was cool, because we all got to play numberous matches instead of just just a few (based on whether or not we lost 2 matches). It was also fairly fast. We can do that again. Just one question Scamp, how do we do results?..

I'd like to thank Yemer (or whatever - Mike) for being my teams partner - we did good. And I'd like to thank Frotaz for being a racist sandbag. It is the case.


Smash Champion
May 4, 2005
walnut creek, CA
i liked the drift system that dave came up with too.. but there are a few things that i dont like about it. one thing, is the placings from past the #8 spot.. theres no direct way to figure out what place we got.. i knwo its not meant to be used every biweekly, but id still like to know what place i get, if at all possible.. in an accurate way

and also, it did seem to go by fast, but we started at around 2ish, and ended at around 7ish, for only 26 people, thats quite a long time.. just imagine if we accually had the normal amount of people there, the usual 35-40 people. it would take alot longer =\.

but i did enjoy playing alot of people rather than the few i get to play.


Smash Master
May 30, 2002
DRIFT went well and I'm glad people seem to be happy with the results so far. There were a few problems, which I'm going to try to address.

For everyone who said it was smoothly run, you're too kind. I think it went well, but I didn't think it was smoothly run. Making up new brackets each round was exhausting and tiring, and it loaded up all the TVs with friendlies making it even harder to get the next rounds going. For the next one I'm going to try to have some kind of pool printout where the next pool is already pre-determined based on where you finished in your pool, instead of me making new pools each time. It's just too much of a hassle to look through all the results and try to separate people. Playing someone twice isn't THAT bad, is it?

I don't really know how to rank people per se. I'm just going to list everyone's wins and losses and you can be the judge. Boback expressed interest in placing people based on their results, so he can do that. Personally, though, I didn't really think that tourney placings were that important to people. Anything after 5th is more about brackets than how you played, but if people want more direct results I can work something out for that.

Perhaps the pools can start being dropped based on making the final eight? That is, once you have no chance of making the final eight we can just drop those matches. Everyone should still get at least five matches if this is done.

And to all the people I lost to, I call tourney-running johns.

But yeah, I'm gonna take these losses and turn them into lessons.

Okay I'm going to go compile the results now. See you all in a few hours.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2005
Salinas, CA

As to scamp, next time (if I come) I'll bring my laptop to help you out. Good job on running the system.
Well I don't think we could do the scamp's system with tio XD. The laptop does make things a little quicker, but I don't mind making brackets and taking signups if it's any trouble for you to get your laptop to the biweeklies. Either way is fine with me :D


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2005
Milpitas CA (bay area)
alright i think i need to get my shoutouts going.

scamp: nothing needs to be said, the tourny was just too fun.

kizzo: thanks as always, your ability to get these things going is awesome

ian: i played lots of games with you, sorry i beat you so many times XD i know you'll do better once you want to play more. oh well friendlies didnt go great. its all good.

bootle: you crossed a few lines, but you aplogized so all is forgiven @_@ just cool it next time

afro pika: good luck 4 stocking me. looks like that dream is slowly fading =D

isai: already becomming the "isai" of blokus, hmm?

bryant: you did pretty good. im glad for you, now i must learn more from you

hung: oh man it was soooooooooo close. im sure i wouldnt have 3 stocked you if you were feeling better though haha

spectre: my falcon is getting better, hmm? =D

myko: glad you could start comming to these again ^_^ lets friendly next time

lutian: sorry if i didnt spell your name right. fun friendlies! work on your fox mindgames, your tech skill is already pretty good

MC mike: dude you are way better than i expected you to be. you kicked my *** every game and deserved the win. well done.

BTZO: stop dissing yourself, you're pretty **** good! you kicked the **** out of me!


dread: its awesome having a fan...but you shouldnt even bother root for me when i dont win against you argh! gg's tho

yemes...mike?: welcome to norcal. its awesome to have more talent showing up! fun games, even though you're ahead of me.

raves: **** me for underestimating you and letting you rest my knee TWICE. i should have had you, ugh. no johns though, you got me.

prodigyminh: your roy wasnt so much of a challenge...i wish you played your iceys against me. im still not sure if i can beat them, we'll see next time.

art: you've still got the up on me, but i think im slowly closing the gap. watch out!

king: props, as always. you kick *** and deserve first whenever isai doesnt want it ^_^

im sure there are a cupple more shoutouts due, but i didnt play everyone. thanks to everyone for making that one of the most enjoyable NCBs i have been to! wii forever!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 30, 2006
Union city
Man i had a good time. Big promps to scamp for setting this all up i dont know if i want to do it everytime but its definitely something we should do again.
kizzo: Ur young link is just fun to watch you should make a combo video or someting lol.
scamp: as i said early great job with the whole thing and not a half bad peach either lol
Ice:O ice all always be ur fan win or lose!
ian: Good seeing u and next time all mm ur marth with my roy for a quater
raves:Lol it looks like the first we played each other u didnt play ur best and second time i didnt play mine hopefully we can have a better match next time
deren: Fun falco dittos ill make sure u have some warm ups before we play lol
Snap: ur one of the few people who's actually walked up to me ur cool guy and love the game and watch
Mc mike: good *** falco/fox im glad i got a chance to play against u look foward to a rematch next time
Art: U should enter singles ur wayy to good to be sitting around just playin friendlies
Germ: Lol u whooped up my falco pretty bad but just to let u know by this next month u wont be able to cuz thats how much better ill be
King: Get bob$ money to come! tell him that guy with the dreads told him to come!lol
Spectre: Lol i always enjoy a quick whooping its always a humbling experience palying u


Smash Ace
Feb 16, 2006
San Jose
lol what do you mean? The results aren't really black and white. If we did double elimination, we could look at the 1 paper and just be like rank 1, 2, 3 and 4, but only the top 8 ranks are clear for this tournement.

I believe for the rest, scamp is writing down who everyone won against, and lost against.


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2005
Cupertino (Norcal!), CA
ahhh i see...

on a side note, mike how long have u been playing fox / falco... cause seriously u were so close to taking me / falcomist out... and we've been playing fox / falco since they were deemed broken XDD... it was crazy ><.


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
GG to all. No johns.

I have a few suggestions/observations about DRIFT that would take a while to write up now, and I have to go to bed soon so I'll do it later.

Just from reading the posts I think the people that did "well" seem to like it more than those that didn't. Coincidence? Only thing I'm going to say is that I had fun. ^___________^

PS Hi Snap.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 1, 2006
San Jose, CA
any news on the replacement of NCT2 blue?
yea, i was wondering about this too.. i wonder if king ever got that venue he mentioned. and if it is happening...someone needs to make a thread or something on it to inform peoples.


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
there is a thread on the boback WC forums for the tourney discussion.


Smash Ace
Feb 16, 2006
San Jose
Just from reading the posts I think the people that did "well" seem to like it more than those that didn't. Coincidence? Only thing I'm going to say is that I had fun. ^___________^
True, but I think everyone can agree that it's nice having more matches.

I mean, it really sucks in double elimination when people get stuck with two amazing players and get owned out of the tournement espcially when tournements only happen twice a month.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2005
I'm back in Idaho now. NorCal is way cooler.

KizzoGirl: lol, you are actually a guy. :p Thanks for teaming with me it was fun.

I'll see you guys later in brawl next year!

MC Mike

Smash Journeyman
Aug 15, 2006
Salinas (Deep NorCal)
on a side note, mike how long have u been playing fox / falco... cause seriously u were so close to taking me / falcomist out... and we've been playing fox / falco since they were deemed broken XDD... it was crazy ><.
Ive been using Falco seriously for about 3-4 months.

And ive been using Fox seriously for maybe a month or so..

Actually ShadowBTZO taught me alot of Fox/Falco so its basically because of him why they're good (if they are even good) so yeah thank you BTZO for my Fox/Falco skill :]
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