inui has anyone ever told you that you look like a male version of janice soprano
No, because such a thing would be ridiculous to say right now due to my haircut and tan.
We're stating wins? Yay!!
Well here's my wins:
Alphazealot 2x
Quivo 2x
Vex Kasrani
Xzax (low mm)
I'll also state Zucco's wins since no one else has:
dmbrandon 2x
Keitaro 2x
Izumi 2x
I always thought of Zucco to be in front of Kai and I for sure but everything still looks close.
Pierce hasn't been too active this season and if he barely passes activity I don't think he'd be in the top 8/9. He's a great player but where you been Pierce!?
It would appear that Zucco certainly has you beaten, and I barely have Zucco beaten. The order between us seems quite accurate.
About Pierce, yes, you are correct, so I will ammend my previous list at the end of this post. Pierce has but only one chance to be ranked now, and that is the tournament this weekend.
I can't get over Puff calling Paradigm's tournament "Palidram". This is exactly like Inui's tournaments being held in "Princston", NJ.
1. ADHD (Diddy Kong)
2. Atomsk (Dedede/Meta Knight/Ice Climbers)
3. ksizzle (Meta Knight/Lucario/Ice Climbers)
4. dmbrandon (Meta Knight)
5. Inui (Meta Knight/Snake)
6. Zucco (Lucario)
7. Keitaro (Falco)
8. Kai (Diddy Kong/Sonic)
9. Eazy (Marth/Falco)
10. Seph (Meta Knight)
11. DaPuffster (Diddy Kong/Jigglypuff)
12. Izumi (Meta Knight/Toon Link)
13. Bleachigo (Falco)
14. Doom (Meta Knight/Game and Watch/Dedede)
1. Inui (Meta Knight/Snake/Wario)
2. Atomsk (Dedede/Meta Knight/Wario)
3. ksizzle (Meta Knight)
4. dmbrandon (Meta Knight)
5. Ether (Snake)
6. Doom (Meta Knight)
7. ADHD (Diddy Kong)
8. Pierce7d (Marth)
9. Izumi (Meta Knight)
10. Zucco (Lucario)
Talented players unranked due to activity, etc.:
-teh_spamerer (Meta Knight)
-RyokoYaksa (Zelda/Sheik)
-Yes! (Snake/Wolf)
-Cable (Donkey Kong)
-MalcolmM (Wario/Sonic)
-Orion (Meta Knight)
-Gunblade (Snake/Marth)
-JG Wentworth (ROB/Meta Knight)
-Turbo Ether (Snake/Wolf)
-Pierce7d (Marth)
Now then, this weekend is the last chance for the inactive players to get on and for those ranked lower to move up. If dmbrandon doesn't attend and I do something amazing, maybe I can retain my 4th rank... I will have to see if I actually care this time.
I am quite serious about the doubles rankings. I was opposed to it before, but after rethinking it, it's actually quite easy to make. Pierce7d is also in support of it. That's two panelists already. On top that, of the people that commented on it, most would like to see one made.