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NJ Finder - Tournament Finder Updated (10/8) See new thread for Brawl Rankings


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
You guys haven't known Kashif for ~5 years. You interract with him only ocassionally, didn't go to school with him, didn't spend hours and hours at his house or vice versa for years... You don't know what you're talking about.

The only thing he can hold over me is skill in a few video games. That's it. As a person, what does he have? He's not a leader. He didn't save his sister from eviction by sending her $2000. He's not giving up his privacy and having an entire big room to himself in order to save a friend from being forced into homelessness or the military. He's not generous enough to pay for a friend's meal like I do constantly with my poorer friends from college. That defines who I am, and I'm a better person than 99% of you realize because you just know me from the internet or spending one day a week at a tournament with me.

Kashif constantly bashes my skill because I'm cocky, never gives me props when I do well, and just all around bashes me all the time on Smashboards when I never do the same to him, root for him, and congratulate him when he wins. So what if I view him as beatable? He should have never lost to me if this bothers him so much. He's not God. I've seen him lose. He got 13th in a Melee tournament recently, and I was actually disappointed because I wanted him to do well. I even texted him asking how he was doing and telling him I wanted him to win, and got no response.

A few years ago, Kashif had no controller and didn't have the money to get one, so I gave him one of mine for free. He had nobody to practice with, so I would get on the bus and go play with him. If he didn't have money when over my house, I'd pay for him at Wendy's when we all went.

You guys are ignorant. The way Kashif treats me on Smashboards is not justified.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
Lol people need to stop being *******es

Stop trying to get involved in things that don't involve you

Simple fact is, Kashif is a ****. No one who posted their opinion of him has known him longer then me and Lucas(at least to my knowledge so don't flame me if i'm wrong)
Simple fact is, Kashif is a ****. No one who posted their opinion of him has known him longer thAn me and Lucas(at least to my knowledge so don't flame me if i'm wrong)



Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2006
I thought it was than too XD

Oh well least I know i'm failing that part of the SATs XD


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
You guys haven't known Kashif for ~5 years. You interract with him only ocassionally, didn't go to school with him, didn't spend hours and hours at his house or vice versa for years... You don't know what you're talking about.
Yes, because it's obviously impossible to think that I can be nice or not as arrogant as you without being funny without any of that. Oh wait.

The only thing he can hold over me is skill in a few video games.
Really? I wasn't the one taking Algebra II in my senior year at high school. I'm not the one going to community college. I'm not the one who has 294819023819023810923810294381029418094183901830929 people hating on him for being obnoxious. I could go on and on, but I have to study so I'm gonna cut this part short.

As a person, what does he have? He's not a leader.
You are and always were a ****ty leader anyways. After recruiting Shadow on the way back from SWR you were like "the only MK practice Bum has is from me and you, Shadow sucks" You were a complete **** to me on many occasions in Melee.

He didn't save his sister from eviction by sending her $2000.
That would probably because after my sister graduated from college she immediately got a job, then when she lost it because Filene's merged with Macy's she immediately got another one and never was in danger of eviction when I had $2000 to spare.

He's not giving up his privacy and having an entire big room to himself in order to save a friend from being forced into homelessness or the military.
...but that's Rigel, not you.

He's not generous enough to pay for a friend's meal like I do constantly with my poorer friends from college.
That's probably because it's never been an issue. The only time anyone's been in a situation where they needed assistance(Steve not having money to go to Red Robin a few times, Haley needing money to travel twice, doyoung asking for meals) they got it from me.

That defines who I am, and I'm a better person than 99% of you realize because you just know me from the internet or spending one day a week at a tournament with me.
None of this will make up for you treating so many people like ****. Cyanide isn't your sister, you didn't pay $2000 for him to not get evicted.

Kashif constantly bashes my skill because I'm cocky, never gives me props when I do well, and just all around bashes me all the time on Smashboards when I never do the same to him, root for him, and congratulate him when he wins. So what if I view him as beatable?
*****, this is what happens at every tournament you go to.

you play someone
A) You win and the other person was playing at the best they play
B) You lost because you were playing the absolute worst you've played in your life

Of course, when anyone else says that they're playing badly against you it means nothing to you. You don't deserve to be treated any better if that's how you act. You constantly spread nonsense about everyone else's skill levels and act like you're significantly better than you actually are. Props for doing well? Hmm...the only time you've done anything I'd consider significant was when you did really good at Evo, which I'm pretty sure I gave you props for. I'm sorry that I'm not impressed at you listing Dave as a spectacular victory. Actually no, I'm not sorry.

He should have never lost to me if this bothers him so much. He's not God. I've seen him lose.
Right, I lost to you 2-3x in Melee in 2005-2006 and lost twice in Brawl, once from not really caring and once from playing badly. So obviously I should treat you like you're hot **** because of that.

He got 13th in a Melee tournament recently, and I was actually disappointed because I wanted him to do well. I even texted him asking how he was doing and telling him I wanted him to win, and got no response.
You got no response because the text was "You better be at SPOC" when I posted numerous times saying I was going and staying at LKs. IF there was any reason I didn't go to SPOC, it would be because I couldn't. I also didn't notice I got the text until hours after I got there because I didn't hear the sound of my phone over all the Melee.

A few years ago, Kashif had no controller and didn't have the money to get one, so I gave him one of mine for free. He had nobody to practice with, so I would get on the bus and go play with him. If he didn't have money when over my house, I'd pay for him at Wendy's when we all went.
NONE of this means that you can get away with treating me and many others like ****. Why the hell do you think being nice means that you can seriously be a **** to someone? That's not how it works.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
League of Legends, New Jersey
Wow this thread is outta control...

Guys instead of putting ALL of your business out here for everyone to read on smashboards I suggest you talk to each other via text message, AIM. the phone or in person. These details are far more than I wish to know about either of you guys without asking. I come in here wanting to post this hilarious DBZ voice over clip (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFz3rLBW1WI) and I find myself feeling uncomfortable reading about people's evicted sisters and amazing feats of charity. These issues that you guys are having are not for public forums. This is the NJ Finder thread with brawl and melee rankings. This is not the Inui-and-Spam-reveal-personal-things-and-attempt-to-trash-each-other-over-a-video game-forum thread. If you want to create that thread then go ahead, but until then its time to take the argument off of smashboards. You both are pretty cool in person, but this is absolutely ridiculous.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
Wow this thread is outta control...

Guys instead of putting ALL of your business out here for everyone to read on smashboards I suggest you talk to each other via text message, AIM. the phone or in person. These details are far more than I wish to know about either of you guys without asking. I come in here wanting to post this hilarious DBZ voice over clip (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFz3rLBW1WI) and I find myself feeling uncomfortable reading about people's evicted sisters and amazing feats of charity. These issues that you guys are having are not for public forums. This is the NJ Finder thread with brawl and melee rankings. This is not the Inui-and-Spam-reveal-personal-things-and-attempt-to-trash-each-other-over-a-video game-forum thread. If you want to create that thread then go ahead, but until then its time to take the argument off of smashboards. You both are pretty cool in person, but this is absolutely ridiculous.
I'd agree, but I'm not going to just lie down and take his bull**** for saying that he didn't actually beat 16 top players, some of them multiple times.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
Im for creating a "Inui-and-Spam-reveal-personal-things-and-attempt-to-trash-each-other-over-a-video game-forum" thread XD


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Yes, because it's obviously impossible to think that I can be nice or not as arrogant as you without being funny without any of that. Oh wait.
You haven't shown me this.

Really? I wasn't the one taking Algebra II in my senior year at high school. I'm not the one going to community college. I'm not the one who has 294819023819023810923810294381029418094183901830929 people hating on him for being obnoxious. I could go on and on, but I have to study so I'm gonna cut this part short.
You're better than me at math and worked harder in school? Oh my God, you're so much better than me at stuff! For all those people that hate me, I probably have two friends that I consider close enough to be family, because I can actually maintain meaningful relationships, unlike you, who let our relationship turn into this crap because you feel the need to constantly attack me.

You are and always were a ****ty leader anyways. After recruiting Shadow on the way back from SWR you were like "the only MK practice Bum has is from me and you, Shadow sucks" You were a complete **** to me on many occasions in Melee.
Shadow did "suck" up until the last few months... We didn't recruit Shadow yet when you won that tournament, IIRC, and he did pretty poorly there in both singles and teams. That's not an instance of being a bad leader. I love how you're mentioning this in order to create bad blood between Nick and I. Not happening.

You ever stop to think that there's a reason I'm always in powerful positions on the FE boards? Leader of the strongest crew in the nation? Leader of NJ as a whole pretty much? Great host? I'm harsh and expect a lot out of people, but I'm not a bad leader. Look at how good you got in Melee! What was a major part of your motivation? Wanting to beat me! Don't even deny it! So, it worked. Stop complaining. I hope Dave someday gets good enough to beat me.

That would probably because after my sister graduated from college she immediately got a job, then when she lost it because Filene's merged with Macy's she immediately got another one and never was in danger of eviction when I had $2000 to spare.
Your sister actually having both parents around and having a real family and better opportunities means...what? You're better than me? Is this your "john" for not being as generous as me? Should I add that I paid for Ivan's plane ticket when he and I went to Jenni's house in the summer of 2007?

I asked you to help pay for Magus's plane ticket to Genesis, and since you're easily the most well-off in terms of money, you should be able to give him $100, no problem. But you only offered to pay his doubles entry fee, a mere $10. You're far from generous.

...but that's Rigel, not you.
No, it's me.

Allow me to educate you on my life right now.

I'm moving into Rigel's house because my dad is kicking me out. I'm not moving into his room. I'm moving into their basement. I'd have the entire basement to myself for $300 per month. I convinced Rigel's mom to let Dave move in with me, since Dave is being forced out of his house in the next two months, and this is making the rent $600, and I'm going to pay for Dave if he can't find a job soon enough.

That's being generous and being a good friend, something you can't understand.

NONE of this means that you can get away with treating me and many others like ****. Why the hell do you think being nice means that you can seriously be a **** to someone? That's not how it works.[/color]
You seem to be confused...

"I think I can beat you because I've done it before and I've seen others beat you."...

isn't me treating you like crap, or being mean, or anything like that.

However, what you do to me, is straight up being a jerk. No way around that.

You're so defensive and arrogant that me saying I can beat you sets you off for some reason. Me bragging about things not even relating to you sets you off.


If Dave wants to be happy about beating Yes! and BlackWaltz, I'll let him be happy. I'm not going to say "oh they suck now" to him just to be a huge jerk like you do.


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2006
Forests of Newerth
Allow me to educate you on my life right now.

I'm moving into Rigel's house because my dad is kicking me out. I'm not moving into his room. I'm moving into their basement. I'd have the entire basement to myself for $300 per month. I convinced Rigel's mom to let Dave move in with me, since Dave is being forced out of his house in the next two months, and this is making the rent $600, and I'm going to pay for Dave if he can't find a job soon enough.

Shadow 111

Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Staten Island, New York
MY GOD! haha. i knew inui said stuff like that back then, it was true that i was bad at singles, but it's still not nice to hear. =/
it's not like it really offends me now though


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
really though guys who gives a ****. dave beat me at a point when i stopped giving a **** about the game, whoopty ****in doo. i can beat him anytime i want if i cared enough.

also, this argument is stupid and has been going on for years.

*gives inui a tissue*
*gives kashif something better to do*

New thread topic. Systems Physiology sucks!


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
i was watching the Hobo live stream they seem like such a family :) you guys are dogs...


Smash Master
Nov 23, 2003
Staten Island, NY
well what actually happens is kashif and inui have a behind the scenes deal with smashboards where they make everyone wanna refresh continually and revisit the page like hundreds of times to watch the drama unfold, where in reality the two are actually getting a cut of the advertising revenue they are providing by making people keep looking at the page. In reality they're the best of friends and so is new jersey!!!
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