I knew the moment I looked in this thread I would have to answer to stupidity. Yes your diddy beat me fairly easily. I had no idea how to play against diddy and I couldnt even glide toss because I had no clue what it was. I dont know if diddy is a bad matchup for sonic at all but the fact is that I suck vsing diddy. Besides, Chrome has a much better Diddy than you anyway so if I wanted anyone's opinion I would ask him. The characters I don't like vsing are MK, diddy, Lucario, and Olimar.
Keitaro, thx for the support but lets be honest, you beat me pretty badly in game three XD. It's all good though, your a fun opponent and I like playing you regardless of the outcome. Only people I don't like playing are Puff and cyonide bc they kind of get on my nerves outside of the game. I'd rather play Snakeee or shadow than them. I know I'm gonna lose but at least its still fun in the process.
BleachigoZX, I have no idea if you can beat me. Regardless, I really dont care. If you see me in person and want a match I will be more than willing to give you one.