So its armed
with a .3 Megapixel camera that can be transferred onto the Wii
.3 Megapixel. I'm pretty sure that's worse than my cell phone, and while my cell phone is relatively good as cell phones go, it's still a camera on a cell phone. In other words, this is pretty much useless.
This could be useful. Hey, Homebrew Channel on the DS, anyone?
This should be useful.
Integrated Internet Browser(no more use for that DS internet browser card)
Considering how much the DS Browser sucked before, I can't imagine it's been improved much, so it's nice that you get it equipped immediately but it's nothing to get excited over.
More thinner than the DS Lite...wait is that even possible?
If you're talking about grammatically, no.
Physically, yes. Although this isn't really a plus, I find the DS Phat very portable, so I don't think I need anything smaller. In any case, I'd rather have a larger handheld with nothing stripped than stripping it to its bare bones to get it small.
So basically, WiiWare and possibly VC on the DS. Unless you can transfer (TRANSFER, I don't want to have to re-purchase them) VC titles onto the DS, this is virtually (no pun intended) useless for me. Super Metroid on the go would be pure awesome. But I wouldn't buy any more titles (well, a few, since they give you 1000 points with the system and they expire eventually -- if I didn't buy some games early on I'd be wasting $10, assuming the same system of points stands here). I realized that I prefer playing the original copy, (so much that I repurchased Super Metroid for the SNES, not that it's not worth it anyways) so I'll buy a game and then buy it again, wasting time and money. If I can port current games, though, I do have a fair amount of games already purchased so it'd be useful.
And this...
But the bad news
The GBA slot got ran out of town. But there is a rumor going around that the DSiware games are old GBA games. So that kinda counter acts the no GBA slot. And no more crappy peripherals possible now with the GBA slot went bye bye.
...killed it for me. Even if it had the most amazing features in the world, I honestly don't give a crap. I own like, 9, maybe 10, games for the DS, NONE of which I play very often, (the only ones I even play remotely consistently are Kirby: Squeak Squad and Pokemon Diamond + Pearl) and as I stated before most of the use my DS gets is for the GBA compatibility. So, nice try Nintendo, killed it. Remove the god**** camera and MP3 player and add the GBA slot and I'll consider it.
Also, to whomever it was that said that GBA games will probably be available and that's a solution...I'm not made of money. I don't want to rebuy every title for the DS just so I can play them.
*Sigh*...Nintendo, why the HELL are you so anxious to get rid of the Game Boy? First we can't play GB/GBC games on the Phat/Lite, and now we don't have any GB at ALL on the DSi?
There's still only one touch screen. Why would you ever need two, anyways?
Exactly. If we DO get two...I smell complete incompatibility with new games and a load of gimmicks. As if one touch screen wasn't implemented shoddily enough.
What I'm most excited about though, is the prospect of playing VC games on the go. I'd MUCH rather play Super Metroid, Gunstar Heroes, and Alien Soldier on a DS than on a TV with a Classic Controller. Now, technically they haven't announced if this is possible, but we do know that the DSiWare encompasses "additional applications", and it's not much of a stretch to assume that Ninty could sell a "VC Player" or "Virtual SNES/Genesis/NES/etc." for a couple hundred Nintendo Points, that would allow you to put the VC games on your Wii on an SD card, put said card in your DSi, then load the VC Player and play those games on the go.
Seriously I'm buying it just for that.
If this happens, it's the ONLY thing that MIGHT persuade me to get it. (Although an SNES Portable would be so much more awesome.)
But I somehow doubt Nintendo will do this unless they do a VC Player so you have to pay extra money to do it just so they can make even more money off of it. Why? Well, it took them 2 years in the Wii's life to figure out a valid storage solution, so you tell me.
That said...I'm kind of worried about the DSiWare, and all that's concerned with the SD slot. With such direct access, it's kind of hard to imagine Ninty from keeping pirates from releasing ROM emulators by day one, and unlike the Wii, which is always connected to the internet, they can't beam a homebrew-killing patch to the DSi unless you voluntarily updated...which no self-respecting pirate would do. And putting updates in cartridges? Why buy actual cartridges when you can just wait for the ROM?
Also apparently the battery only lasts 3 hours on the highest brightness setting...
Actually, the Wii isn't always connected to the's entirely possible to choose not to update your Wii if you have Homebrew stuff. I know, I have it myself. And I don't know why the lack of an auto-homebrew-killing patch is a BAD thing. Honest to god, I spent the money on the system and I don't feel like having them tell me how to play it.
3 hours? Wow, sounds like a keeper guys. Not only do you lose the double time of using an iPod and a regular DS here, but you get about HALF the normal time for BOTH! Yeah!
Comparison of DSi, PSP-3000, and iPod Touch v1.0. Is this the start of a 3-way handheld console war?
I hope so. :D
The iPod Touch is not a gaming device, first of all. Second of all, why do you want Apple to enter the race?