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Official Next Smash - Speculation & Discussion Thread


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Nah. He gets gimped by items even harder cause he's slow and can't recover, and is big thus easy to hit.

Ganondorf isn't a well balanced character, at all. His moveset design is horribly done.
Alternatively: items that boost his recovery/strength make him absolutely cracked. It goes both ways and I know this from experience.

On a competitive level though he’s ****ed, I think a projectile like the slow-moving-ball-of-light would pair well with him as a pressure/engagement tool. I… can’t think of which special it would be part of because I like his kit. I’d pick down special though.
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Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2020
I’ve heard some complaints about Final Smashes been too one-sided in one way or another, so I ask…

What if Final Smashes went the other way? Should we get transformation Final Smashes back, and ditch the current cutscene/one-hit Final Smashes?

And if so, what would you like to see your favourite characters do if they had a transformation Final Smash?

Mario turning into Fire Mario? Steve getting Diamond Armour? Pyra and Mythra get Pneuma? Leave your thoughts below.
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Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
I’ve heard some complaints about Final Smashes been too one-sided in one way or another, so I ask…

What if Final Smashes went the other way? Should we get transformation Final Smashes back, and ditch the current cutscene/one-hit Final Smashes?

And if so, what would you like to see your favourite characters do if they had a transformation Final Smash?

Mario turning into Fire Mario? Steve getting Diamond Armour? Pyra and Mythra get Pneuma? Leave your thoughts below.
I think the problem was them shifting to the cutscene/one-hit route but also leaving half of the roster with unchanged final smashes or something different.

Zelda and the Princesses have the best final smashes, but they don’t follow the guidelines that the new final smashes have (outside of Zelda’s instantly KOing at 100%+). They’re disjointed hitboxes with jank that steals stocks, rather than melee strikes followed by a cool cutscene.

I don’t know if they will change Zelda’s, but I hope they give at least Peach something from her new game. I don’t know what they’d do to Daisy— I’d imagine something from Wonder?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2024
Peach's Castle
I'm surprised people are pretending that Sakurai couldn't slap TOTK Ganondorf onto the Falcondorf moveset and call it a day. TP Ganondorf, a pure swordsman, fit into the moveset just fine with a few (mostly aesthetic) adjustments. I'm sure the same can be done with TOTK Ganondorf.

I've already said it but he already has Warlock Punch and Wizard's Foot adjacent attacks in TOTK. A very strong attack with long startup using the Gloom Club, and a fast lunging attack using the Gloom Spear. Just reskin his neutral and down specials to use those weapons and replace the Spaceworld 2000 sword in his smash attacks with his sword from TOTK.

Zelda is the one who can't use her TOTK design with her new moveset. The three goddesses are never even mentioned in TOTK, so the moveset would have to be shaken up quite a bit.

I wish the go to solution to buffing heavyweight fighters like Bowser wasn’t to make them lighter and faster. Sure, it makes them better but I feel they lose something that made them stand out in the process.
Bowser never became lighter. He actually got a bit heavier in his transition from Brawl to Smash 4 and even Smash 4 to Ultimate I think.
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Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
I'm surprised people are pretending that Sakurai couldn't slap TOTK Ganondorf onto the Falcondorf moveset and call it a day. TP Ganondorf, a pure swordsman, fit into the moveset just fine with a few (mostly aesthetic) adjustments. I'm sure the same can be done with TOTK Ganondorf.

I've already said it but he already has Warlock Punch and Wizard's Foot adjacent attacks in TOTK. A very strong attack with long startup using the Gloom Club, and a fast lunging attack using the Gloom Spear. Just reskin his neutral and down specials to use those weapons and replace the Spaceworld 2000 sword in his smash attacks with his sword from TOTK.

Zelda is the one who can't use her TOTK design with her new moveset. The three goddesses are never even mentioned in TOTK, so the moveset would have to be shaken up quite a bit.
Zelda is a bit weird. Despite her changing designs twice her moveset is still largely based on Ocarina of Time. She did receive an updated Down Special when she was separated from Sheik with her now using the Phantom from Spirit Tracks, but still.


Sep 5, 2011
Switch FC
I’ve heard some complaints about Final Smashes been too one-sided in one way or another, so I ask…

What if Final Smashes went the other way? Should we get transformation Final Smashes back, and ditch the current cutscene/one-hit Final Smashes?

And if so, what would you like to see your favourite characters do if they had a transformation Final Smash?

Mario turning into Fire Mario? Steve getting Diamond Armour? Pyra and Mythra get Pneuma? Leave your thoughts below.
I was never huge on transformation Final Smashes, so I don't really miss them compared to what we have now, but I do wish more of the Final Smashes from Brawl were upgraded. I dunno what to and a lot of them have been upgraded and tweaked in slight ways, but Mario Finale has been pretty bad for like 15 years now? lol
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2024
Peach's Castle
Zelda is a bit weird. Despite her changing designs twice her moveset is still largely based on Ocarina of Time. She did receive an updated Down Special when she was separated from Sheik with her now using the Phantom from Spirit Tracks, but still.
The spells are based on OOT yes, but the goddesses still exist in canon in TP and ALTTP. So Din, Nayru and Farore aren't too out of place in her moveset. But TOTK Zelda? Her game has no association to those goddesses. This is why I think SS Zelda is a good option for the next game.
I’ve heard some complaints about Final Smashes been too one-sided in one way or another, so I ask…

What if Final Smashes went the other way? Should we get transformation Final Smashes back, and ditch the current cutscene/one-hit Final Smashes?

And if so, what would you like to see your favourite characters do if they had a transformation Final Smash?

Mario turning into Fire Mario? Steve getting Diamond Armour? Pyra and Mythra get Pneuma? Leave your thoughts below.
The new Final Smashes actually suck. They're all too samey for the most part... except for the ones that aren't. They aren't legal in competitive play because they're way too unbalanced... but they also are lame for casual play because the cutscenes that >50% of the cast has bring gameplay to a halt and kinda destroy the pacing.

They need to revamp the concept altogether. Either go crazy with transformations, gimmicks, huge area of effect blasts, etc. or give everyone consistent and balanced cutscene FS'es that show off their personality/abilities/history. The best of both worlds would be giving everyone a chaotic FS when obtaining a smash ball, and a more balanced, snappy cutscene one when meter fills up.

As for new transformation FS's, Radiant Peach from Princess Peach Showtime is an obvious choice.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2024
Should we get transformation Final Smashes back, and ditch the current cutscene/one-hit Final Smashes?
I think Transformations should return but at this point I feel like they should be seperate from Final Smashes. Not completely sure how it'd work (thinking some sort of meter), but it'd free them up to have a more "traditional" final smash for those who don't fw that.

Though I'd say Transformations would need a bit of rebalancing. Give the Giga Bowsers/Giga Macs options against camping, make them less sluggish, but let them take (reduced) damage/knockback and stuff like a normal fighter), it'd work great. And hell, even though this would never happen, I'd love to be able to play as transformations permanently (I'd do it through pressing a extra button when selecting the character. Think ZSS in Brawl).

As for ones I'd like to see? If the model works, Super Sonic would be a awesome full transformation.
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Sep 5, 2011
Switch FC
They aren't legal in competitive play because they're way too unbalanced... but they also are lame for casual play because the cutscenes that >50% of the cast has bring gameplay to a halt and kinda destroy the pacing.
This is the same reason I don't care for transformation Final Smashes lol

I don't really like that as soon as a transformation character gets a Smash Ball, it suddenly turns the game into a 15 second long game of tag against an invincible opponent while you run for your life, and a lot of times there's literally nothing you can do to prevent getting KO'd, like how Wario-Man is like mach 10 on his bike and can fling himself at you from literally anywhere.

I'd rather get hit by an initial hit and then have a like 4 second cutscene because there's an element of agency to it, in both me avoiding it and the opponent trying to make sure they connect it either through faking me out/mind gaming me (especially in games with friends) or through a hit confirm.
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Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
would definitely work as a final smash, but that would mean removing the only appearance of classic Ganon in the roster... I'm not sure they would do that.
OoT Ganon should still be a Boss.

No character has fundamentally changed their core playstyle at all throughout the history of Smash. This isn't special to Ganondorf. He's going to always play in that core playstyle.
What's special to Ganondorf is he's the only character that's a clone of a Fighter from a different series.

And he shouldn't be.

And if that core playstyle can be preserved through another Fighter, like Black Shadow, then there's no reason not to change him.

What if Final Smashes went the other way? Should we get transformation Final Smashes back, and ditch the current cutscene/one-hit Final Smashes?
No. Quick, Final Smashes that get right to the point and don't disrupt the flow of the match are better.

I don't really like that as soon as a transformation character gets a Smash Ball, it suddenly turns the game into a 15 second long game of tag against an invincible opponent while you run for your life, and a lot of times there's literally nothing you can do to prevent getting KO'd, like how Wario-Man is like mach 10 on his bike and can fling himself at you from literally anywhere.

I'd rather get hit by an initial hit and then have a like 4 second cutscene because there's an element of agency to it, in both me avoiding it and the opponent trying to make sure they connect it either through faking me out/mind gaming me (especially in games with friends) or through a hit confirm.
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Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2021
Forgotten Isle
I miss Transformation Final Smashes and want them to return. Final Smashes should be glorious, destructive messes of AoE attacks and flashy effects, not homogenized 6-second cutscenes.

I don't really like that as soon as a transformation character gets a Smash Ball, it suddenly turns the game into a 15 second long game of tag against an invincible opponent while you run for your life, and a lot of times there's literally nothing you can do to prevent getting KO'd, like how Wario-Man is like mach 10 on his bike and can fling himself at you from literally anywhere.

I'd rather get hit by an initial hit and then have a like 4 second cutscene because there's an element of agency to it, in both me avoiding it and the opponent trying to make sure they connect it either through faking me out/mind gaming me (especially in games with friends) or through a hit confirm.
It's interesting how you think Transformation FS's give you less agency when they're the only type (along with some AoE's) where you have access to your full movement options throughout the duration of the FS, as opposed to a cutscene FS that's one and done once your opponent lands a frankly easy-to-use huge hitbox. My biggest problem with cutscene FS's is that everything stops when the hit lands (which it will unless your opponent is impatient), while during transformations you're still playing the game and can at least try to avoid the incoming beatdown though movement, or you could try screwing others over during the chaos.

At this point I just want FS's to not all be so samey anymore.
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Sep 5, 2011
Switch FC
It's interesting how you think Transformation FS's give you less agency when they're the only type (along with some AoE's) where you have access to your full movement options throughout the duration of the FS, as opposed to a cutscene FS that's one and done once your opponent lands a frankly easy-to-use huge hitbox. My biggest problem with cutscene FS's is that everything stops when the hit lands (which it will unless your opponent is impatient), while during transformations you're still playing the game and can at least try to avoid the incoming beatdown though movement, or you could try screwing others over during the chaos.

At this point I just want FS's to not all be so samey anymore.
That's fair, and I do understand where the transformation camp is coming from to a certain extent, but the problem with trying to avoid the beatdown or screwing others over in the chaos is that most of them are too fast or too big to really effectively dodge everything. With cutscene FS, if I can dodge the initial attack (Ridley/K. Rool moving in a straight line, trying to make space between myself and Steve/Corrin, etc) I don't get hit at all and if I do I know what it's going to do and that it's only going to do it once, and if I can prevent the attack for long enough there's a chance to potentially knock the Smash Ball out of them and use it for myself instead, with the alternative being them using it quickly and hastily and potentially wasting it, creating a risk/reward dynamic for both of us. Transformations don't come with that risk for the person using it, they just become big/fast, invulnerable, and capable of beating the absolute tar out of you, sometimes for multiple stocks if you die early enough.

I've been brutalized by enough Landmasters and Super Sonics in my day to know that dodging some Transformations just isn't really feasible lmao
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Agency goes both ways. It's much easier to avoid the Cutscene Final Smashes and they aren't ridiculous either. Meanwhile it's much harder to avoid transformation ones, and they're often rather broken.

For the player, you aren't losing agency with a cutscene Final Smash. You need to hit with it first. You just don't need to do all kinds of extra buttons etc. and keep the game flowing. Most of them are easier to hit with too, especially ones like Super Sonic. But that one is always going to be strong. It's just not stupid ridiculous in the cutscene version.

FS's had the unfortunate side effect of slowing the game down massively, and once put into cutscene style, they noticeably were not just faster, but also weren't nearly as broken. They balanced them out a lot better in general(not that stinkers can't happen, though it's usually more some are still too weak). I'd stick with the Cutscene ones, as they're better for the game, imo.


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2021
Forgotten Isle
I suppose we can agree to disagree. Smash needing more unique Final Smash variety is a hill I am going to die on, I don't think I'll ever stop advocating for Transformations to return. At the very least, if we had more controllable AoE attacks in the vein of Petey Piranha, that would satisfy me even if transforms never make a full comeback.

Also, the fact that people in this thread can't unanimously conclude on whether transformations were too busted or garbage says to me that they were more or less balanced the way they needed to be. I don't think there is a one-size fits all for transformations anyway, but that just makes me love em more, dangit. Sometimes it's fun to just wreck stuff, let me be silly with the mach 2 wario bike.
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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
I'm more than fine with cutscene final smashes. Some moves can just all be the same across the board sometimes such is the nature of a lot of universal mechanics.

IMO a "Final Smash" is the ultimate display of a character's personality and "peak power" and that is best exhibited in a way where every detail, effect, movement, and camera angle of it is done with cinematic purpose, in order to make YOU, the PLAYER, feel sick as hell for landing it. I understand objectively it has less "control" than transforming into a dumb giant... "thing" that awkwardly shuffles around an environment not made for it... but let's be real, it was kinda lame personality-wise.

However, I do think that less of them can stand to be domain expansion final smashes that randomly... teleport you unrelated to a whole different space to play said cutscene. For characters like Sephiroth where it's canonical, absolutely, go wild, but why is Corrin taking me to a random canyon to shoot me with water?
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Sep 5, 2011
Switch FC
However, I do think that less of them can stand to be domain expansion final smashes that randomly... teleport you unrelated to a whole different space to play said cutscene. For characters like Sephiroth where it's canonical, absolutely, go wild, but why is Corrin taking me to a random canyon to shoot me with water?
For Corrin's random canyon I get it, but I love seeing Dedede teleport his opponent into a fatal cage match.

I was about to bring up Incineroar as well, but as far as I recall, the wrestling ring rising from the ground is always part of Malicious Moonsault lol


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I'm more than fine with cutscene final smashes. Some moves can just all be the same across the board sometimes such is the nature of a lot of universal mechanics.

IMO a "Final Smash" is the ultimate display of a character's personality and "peak power" and that is best exhibited in a way where every detail, effect, movement, and camera angle of it is done with cinematic purpose, in order to make YOU, the PLAYER, feel sick as hell for landing it. I understand objectively it has less "control" than transforming into a dumb giant... "thing" that awkwardly shuffles around an environment not made for it... but let's be real, it was kinda lame personality-wise.

However, I do think that less of them can stand to be domain expansion final smashes that randomly... teleport you unrelated to a whole different space to play said cutscene. For characters like Sephiroth where it's canonical, absolutely, go wild, but why is Corrin taking me to a random canyon to shoot me with water?
Honestly I think Terry shows this off best. If that Final Smash was done fully in-engine it would be pretty lame, but with the cutscene it's amazing because of the tense buildup to the Buster Wolf. And even the bits that are in-engine are still cinematically framed, as is also the case with the likes of Pyra/Mythra and Chrom.

I mean yeah, now and then you get "Shulk teleports you to the blank void of nothingness," but over all I prefer it immensely to transformations. Wario went from having a kind of funny but still not great Final Smash with Brawl and 4 Wario Man, to getting one with SIGNIFICANTLY more personality in Ultimate when it became a cutscene Final Smash.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I like cinematic Final Smashes. I actually think they're big improvements for King Dedede, Wario and the Star Fox crew.

If anything, I dislike that some character have LESS cinematic Final Smashes than previously.

Link's new one is lame. Pit's new one is lame. Meta Knight's new one is lame. I don't mind each of these in theory, but compared to how cool they used to be, they seem like downgrades.

And then some others might be more cinematic but are just limp. Sonic and Diddy Kong have Final Smashes that just feel limp and bland. The idea is essentially the same, but they don't have the oomph they used to have.


Sep 5, 2011
Switch FC
Pit's new one is lame.
Frankly I'm surprised they keep changing Pit's Final Smash every game, but especially to something like Lightning Chariot when they could just use The Great Sacred Treasure, since it was LITERALLY created by Dyntos to REPLACE the old Sacred Treasures.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
Frankly I'm surprised they keep changing Pit's Final Smash every game, but especially to something like Lightning Chariot when they could just use The Great Sacred Treasure, since it was LITERALLY created by Dyntos to REPLACE the old Sacred Treasures.
And said FS was the main reason why Dark Pit was even separated from Pit in the first place.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
OK so...Super Smash Bros. does experiment with its characters. It does so for a variety of reasons, but I think the most common/obvious 3 are to set one fighter apart from another, to hone in on what their playstyle was supposed to be if they didn't quite get there, and to see what makes the mechanics the character brings to the table work better in that game or just in general.

Actual reworks are pretty few and far between, generally happening to characters with only one game under their belt who typically have also skipped at least one game. Given that, it's pretty unlikely that Ganondorf will receive one, especially given he's in the camp of characters who continuously get smaller updates to their kits. On that note, it's highly likely that he will receive meaningful changes, it just isn't going to be a rework or overhaul like the community might want.

As for Final Smashes, cutscene Final Smashes are way more hype than any other type due to the cinematic angles, which I think works better for the purposes of Final Smashes in general. As for pacing, that's not a cutscene Final Smash problem, that's a Final Smash problem. There's really not a whole lot you can do if the goal is looking as epic as possible.


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2014
Something I've noticed about the cutscene Final Smashes is that a lot of them can be summed up with "The character summons the homies". The only character in FP1 who doesn't summon the homies is Terry. And for FP2, one of the characters who it would make perfect sense to summon his homies is legally not allowed to summon them.

And I find it funny that Samurai declared the Landmaster "retired" and then just gave all three space animals the same Final Smash anyways


Smash Rookie
Jul 24, 2024
About what characters will the community support, i really hope that Goemon gains more support than he had for the last 2 Smash games. Say whatever you want, but i think Goemon is one of the best candidates for Smash. His wacky personality and charm and his unusual fighting style about hitting people with a pipe and throwing them coins would make him a very fun fighter. Also, many great things have happened lately to the franchise: the majority of the Japan-only games are now translated thanks to the hard work of the fans, Goemon is in a Smash mod which can help his popularity, and Mystical Ninja 64 is starting to have more of a cult following. And, of course, his Mii costume, which definitely means that he's in the Sakurai and Smash Team's radar. In fact, in the video where Sakurai says that 1986 is the best year of gaming, he considers Goemon to be ONE of the reasons why he thinks 1986 was the best gaming year. Sakurai definitely has RESPECT for the franchise. So i really hope that Goemon has a chance for any next Smash game.
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Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
I guess I just don't feel that strongly about what they do with final smashes. Some of them in Ultimate are boring, some of them are cool. King Dedede, Ridley and Incineroar have cinematics that I think work exceptionally well and I'd like them to keep. Genuinely, the Masked Dedede cutscene we get now is way cooler to me than a transformation. Maybe controversial, but I like Yoshi's new final smash way better as well. Maybe one of the spacies should have kept Landmaster but the new Falco cinematic is perfect for him, at least.

Biggest losers were obviously the existing transformations though. Pac-Man is one that is kind of a letdown. The version in Ultimate is still quirky and fun, but the power fantasy of being able to control the big OG Pac-Man as if you were playing the game is just exactly what it should be. Wario Man... I'm kinda neutral on? I love how stupid the old one is, but I think the new cinematic is fun. I guess I'll agree with the sentiment that maybe they should just pick a side and stick to it, give everyone streamlined cinematic final smashes or something, but I don't actually care all that much.
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Just out of curiocity, I took a look at the moves Ganondorf still shares with Captain Falcon (bold indicates that it's a completely different move that is heavily inspired by the old one):
  1. Up Tilt
  2. Dash Attack
  3. Neutral Aerial
  4. Back Aerial
  5. Up Aerial
  6. Down Aerial
  7. Forward Throw
  8. Back Throw
  9. Up Throw
  10. Down Throw
  11. Warlock Punch
  12. Flame Choke
  13. Dark Dive
  14. Wizard's Foot
14 out of 24 moves (not counting getup attacks) is actually quite a lot (58%). If we say we don't care about the grab and throws, that brings it down to 10/14, which is 71%. Given that these two characters aren't related I can see why people are upset here.

As for decloning him further goes, his throws are the easiest thing to change, as all that entails is changing the animations. In fact, his forward and up throws already have different animations, and I was hesitant to count them, but they do have the same concept as the originals, so you'll probably have to get a tad more creative here.

But throw animations are mostly just fluff, and there's only so many ways you can throw someone anyway so a lot of characters will share certain concepts. His aerials and specials are the more impactful ones to change. For his aerials, neutral aerial is one of Ganondorf's best moves, and changing it makes him feel worse to play (as seen in SSF2) so that needs to stay. Down aerial is a fan favorite move in the roster, and should stay as well. Up and back aerials are kind of difficult to conecptualize, so that's probably why they've stayed the same, but there's no real reason why they can't change. For a conservative example, instead of backfisting for his back aerial, he could torque himself in the other direction and deliver a palm strike.

The specials are probably the biggest thing that fans look for when determining a character's clone status, so I'd say these need the most consideration. Unfortunately, the specials are all iconic, and kinda have to stick around in some form. Except for Dark Dive. It was never a strong concept for Ganondorf, and if nothing else, should be replaced with a simmilar move that isn't a command grab. If Ganondorf isn't given a reflector, I think Wizard's Foot really should be altered to allow him get around and/or through projectiles more easily. Warlock Punch staying is probably a hot take here, but I think it should be given added utility, that can be accessed by not going through with the full punch. Maybe make it like Failnaught where the move has a baseline functionality, but allows you to commit to the dummy strong casual option if you want to. Or just say "screw it" and make it a reflector and/or counter and watch the world burn.

The point to this that I probably didn't properly convey is that there's still some room to declone Ganondorf, and while I don't know how they'll go about that, a full rework isn't required; just substantial tweaks. When it comes to his special moves, a lot of these tweaks could be justified entirely on the basis of making him more functional as a character. lol


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Some of the Final Smashes were changed for the better IMO. That said, a couple of them definitely need to be toned down or buffed up a bit. But overall, I think the changes were a step in the right direction.

Anyway, let's talk about music for a bit. Like always, there are a ton of games which's music needs to be in Smash Bros, like Super Mario Land 2, the Wario Land games that aren't the Wario Land Shake It theme, Paper Mario, hopefully Dragon Quest will get more music next game, Fire Emblem Fates tracks that aren't just the main theme, etc.


Smash Master
Apr 10, 2018
Lima, Peru
Anyway, let's talk about music for a bit. Like always, there are a ton of games which's music needs to be in Smash Bros, like Super Mario Land 2, the Wario Land games that aren't the Wario Land Shake It theme, Paper Mario, hopefully Dragon Quest will get more music next game, Fire Emblem Fates tracks that aren't just the main theme, etc.
An extended version of Opera of Light from TMS.


Sep 5, 2011
Switch FC
Anyway, let's talk about music for a bit. Like always, there are a ton of games which's music needs to be in Smash Bros, like Super Mario Land 2, the Wario Land games that aren't the Wario Land Shake It theme, Paper Mario, hopefully Dragon Quest will get more music next game, Fire Emblem Fates tracks that aren't just the main theme, etc.
God I hope Paper Mario gets a bunch of music next game. There's a lot I hope Paper Mario does next game tbh but with the Switch era games from the series being Origami King and the remake of TTYD, Paper Mario could go nuts with its music selection.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 3, 2020
My take on the Final Smash discussion is that I'd prefer it to take a more gameplay focused direction like prior games but I understand the pros for the cinematic route too. Call me a fence sitter but I think there's a good enough argument to have both as long as it fits the character. Like; they could've kept the Landmaster FS for Fox, Arwing cinematic for Falco and then something unique for Wolf while they were working on bringing him back. They could make Yoshi's FS what they did in Ult but keep Wario's FS a playable Wario-Man. It depends on the individual character. I have a personal idea on how they could revamp the Final Smash system and integrate it into a meter akin to a comeback meter like Joker's but I bet Sakurai and co. don't have the same vision as I on that matter.

Anyways, I was mostly coming here to ask -- and I bet this question has been asked to death but I haven't really seen any discussion in my time around here -- When do we think the next Smash game will release? Realistically the next Nintendo console will come out next year given that it should be revealed soon-ish and I bet Nintendo will want to capitalize on Smash DLC like through Ultimate so I'd imagine it would be released soon into the console lifespan. So 2026? Next year console release then year after next new Smash like w/Ultimate's release?

Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
I’ve heard some complaints about Final Smashes been too one-sided in one way or another, so I ask…

What if Final Smashes went the other way? Should we get transformation Final Smashes back, and ditch the current cutscene/one-hit Final Smashes?

And if so, what would you like to see your favourite characters do if they had a transformation Final Smash?

Mario turning into Fire Mario? Steve getting Diamond Armour? Pyra and Mythra get Pneuma? Leave your thoughts below.
I had a similar idea in a concept for a videospiel-man plattfighter!
Basically every character has a unique transformation and a bar to go alongside it! Some make you giant, some make you stronger and some let non flying characters soar into the sky! Heres a couple of ideas for trnasformations:

Kirby Flys of with the warpstar grabs the star rod and returns to the battle field now he shoots projectilcs with all his normal his specials are now the evoleved forms of his abilitys and inhale gets replaced with a swing from the starrod!

Toon Link Throws away his sword and pulls out the four sword which splits him into 4 diffrent links! (they are either all 4 colours from FS or The MC clones depending on the toon linjks in the battle the clone links fight independatly Also Toon Links Sword beam now fires of even if he doesnt have full health!


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
The spells are based on OOT yes, but the goddesses still exist in canon in TP and ALTTP. So Din, Nayru and Farore aren't too out of place in her moveset. But TOTK Zelda? Her game has no association to those goddesses. This is why I think SS Zelda is a good option for the next game.
the phantom must drive you nuts

I like cinematic Final Smashes. I actually think they're big improvements for King Dedede, Wario and the Star Fox crew.

If anything, I dislike that some character have LESS cinematic Final Smashes than previously.

Link's new one is lame. Pit's new one is lame. Meta Knight's new one is lame. I don't mind each of these in theory, but compared to how cool they used to be, they seem like downgrades.

And then some others might be more cinematic but are just limp. Sonic and Diddy Kong have Final Smashes that just feel limp and bland. The idea is essentially the same, but they don't have the oomph they used to have.
yeah I get that. link's really does like a downgrade. and yet the other two links still have it. and shiek for some reason
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