What characters would you expect to see as Assist Trophies in the next game?
Personally, my vote goes for Toy-Con Robot, because even if it doesn't get a character, I'm expecting Nintendo LABO to get something. Even if it does get a character I kind of expect this one to pop up alongside it unless it itself is the new character.
Generally speaking, I guess I don't really have any
expectations in terms of who's going to be an AT next Smash. If nothing else, I suppose I see Nintendo especially dipping into their C-List and D-List series, if anything. In terms of 3rd parties, perhaps Smash could ask for things like Namco's arcade stars Bravoman, Wonder Momo, Mappy, etc.) as ATs?
With that said? For as much as I'd like for Lark (or a Pilotwings
64 character in general, really) to be playable, I can see... well, SOMEONE from Pilotwings 64 being an Assist where they'd board their Gyrocopter and fire missiles from the foreground upon opponents.
So, how likely do you think it is that Pikmin gets a new character? Or is Olimar/Alph all we'll ever get?
With how prominent Pikmin's been becoming recently? I see it being pretty likely. I mean, I certainly wouldn't mind Oatchi at this point. His unique design could definitely lead to some attacks from his own end, rather than solely relying on the Pikmin.
Speaking of Alph though... while I'd far-and-away prefer him to at least be an Echo, I can't deny the possibilty that Sakurai could have Captain Olimar pull a 'Hero' and add Alph, Louie, and Pom/Lisa alt. skins for Olimar.
People always talk about Ayumi when it comes to Smash Bros, and obviously for good reason. Sakurai mentioned her, and she's the one who had a trophy in Melee.
But I have a question, what about the bloke who is always standing in front of her on the games boxart? Who is he? It always throws me off when Ayumi isn't the one front and centre
Technically, HE'S the real main protagonist of the Detective Club games. I guess you could say that he's the 'Phoenix Wright' to Ayumi's 'Maya Fey', if nothing else.
If I remember correctly, his 'default' name is Taro, right?
OK, here's a hypothetical question.
If Terry makes it into the next game, and if we get a second SNK rep that isn't from King of Fighters, Fatal Fury or Art of Fighting, what are the chances it may either be Haohmaru or Nakoruru from Samurai Shodown or a Metal Slug character (Marco w/ Tarma, Eri and Fio as alts or the titular tank itself)?
Wow, I'm legit surprised Athena Asamiya isn't coming up in these discussions more often. Not that I wouldn't want other SNK characters like Mai, Rock Howard and so on, but I REALLY thought she was looked at more intensely as another major SNK option...
Honestly, I never understood why there should be a reserved spot for villains for every big franchise.
I don't mind bad guys but so many people act like Smash is a failure of a crossover if it doesn't meet an arbitrary quota of them.
THANK YOU. Like, I'm not opposed to villain characters in the slightest, but I've been quite intrigued by the rather notable desire many have for them to join Smash...
Well then if anything we're probably overlooking Don-Chan.
Don-chan is among my most wanted Namco characters for Smash! However, I can't shake this feeling that, for as huge as he is? He's probably NOT up there on Namco's list of potential Smash additions...
There's also me, the only person who wants the Sable Prince playable
You're not alone. Prince Sable for Smash supporter right here!