Let's play a game, pick a character in Ultimate that you want changed.
Your job is to redesign the character, but you can only change three moves. That's it. Nothing else.
What do you do?
I'll do Mario.
Down B- Cap throw: The cappy throw from odyssey, a multihit projectile that stays in place if B is held, and returns to him when it's released. Jumping on cappy bounces him upwards, but also the opponent, so it works like Pac's trampoline. Throwing cappy can also be used to deflect projectiles. I'm generally against move references that only refer to one game because they eventually get dated, which is why i dont like FLUDD. But i feel like a cap throw works better than FLUDD because, even if odyssey gets old, mario is always going to have a hat that he can throw.
Side B- Cape Bounce: Still uses mario's cape, but works more like the glide in World. Mario leaps forwards in an arc while holding onto his cape, a burst movement tool a bit like mac's side B but higher. Pressing back causes him to pull back, potentially letting him leap forwards again if timed right. Holding Down causes him to dive downwards, causing a shockwave hitbox if he hits the stage.
Final Smash- Super Mario Combo: The joke about Mario in smash being based on Ryu, with the fireball being the hadoken, Jump Punch the shoryuken, the Spin the Tatsu, but now his final smash is based on the Super Combo technique from Street Fighter Turbo. Mario performs an invincible series of attacks while moving forwards, with each hit cycling between different power ups from the mario series. A dive from his cat suit, crushing them with the tanuki statue, pelting them with hammers from the hammer suit, a trunk attack from his elephant power up, and ending with a rising tackle from his wing cap.