Gallax - you rock, man! good stuff as always
Sensei - My doubles partner, we did well!
Firelord Ozai and Sozin's Comet - had I not gotten partner johns from Sensei we would have had two Avatar named teams on there (We were supposed to be named: Prince Zuko and Uncle Iroh) lol. also, good stuff in the tourney!
Afro - thats some good arm wrestling there, son. I'll get the video on facebook soon.
Kyon - going MetaKnight against me, really? lol jk! you are amazing, man! good stuff
Kiki - A WILD KIKI APPEARS!!!! Transforrrrrrrrmmmmm!!!! lmao. welcome back, brother!
<3 - what can I say about this man right here? you, sir are amazing!
Hungrybox - Way to represent that CFL, son! and you havent played in eons!
D-Torr - good seeing you today, man! we gotta play soon!
Cecil - thanks for bringing in the Vuvuzela!
anyone I forgot - you rock!