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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Master
Aug 24, 2018
Hey guys I got a new theory.

Given the trend of returning Sm4sh Miis. We should be getting a Capcom rep and Namco rep/Character with a katana so if I had to guess.

Dante/Palicos = Monster Hunter Mii especially given the formers load of weapons
Yuri Lowell = Lloyd Irving Mii

That leaves one spot left unknown.
That last spot goes to...


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Also where did the whole theory that "Getting Cloud back also meant they had to add Sephiroth" come from? because if that was true wouldn't Sephiroth have come sooner?

Heres a Fun Forum Game: Let's say they do things like the Sephiroth challenge in the future, but not exactly like it. What do you think your most wanted's would be?

For example, here's the Frisk Challenge: You play as Frisk, and you need to go against a stronger version of Marx. There's a two minute timer, and you need to survive until it hits zero. You cannot hit him.
Saber Challenge: You play as Saber and you have to fight every sword wielder in the game in order. ending with a Saber Ditto.
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Smash Master
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC
Also where did the whole theory that "Getting Cloud back also meant they had to add Sephiroth" come from? because if that was true wouldn't Sephiroth have come sooner?

Saber Challenge: You play as Saber and you have to fight every sword wielder in the game in order. ending with a Saber Ditto.
Well Hero was meant to be in the base game but was pushed to Volume 1.

I imagine if there was a universe where Hero was in the base game, then Sephiroth probably would have taken Hero's place in Volume 1.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
Also where did the whole theory that "Getting Cloud back also meant they had to add Sephiroth" come from? because if that was true wouldn't Sephiroth have come sooner?
Not sure exactly where it started, but I think it should be noted that Hero was part of the Squeenix deal too, and apparently they were delayed from the base game to the DLC. That might've delayed Sephiroth by extension.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Also forgot.

Steve = Gil - Both having blue swords.
Sephiroth = Geno - Both from JRPGs and owned by Square
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Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
I dont know a better place so let me copy a important post here:
You are all so soft BWD Fans i think i need to fight for you Politly

First i dont hate Etika (he was probably a nice Person [definitly more Sympathetic than me] but this doesnt mean i agree with this)

then we also have this

These Videos prove that 99% of people who hate the Charachter are either (Too lazy to Reseach, dont like Kirby, dont know Kirby, are misinformed or are just really mean to a Nice Fanbase) the other 1% are Kirby fans that think someone else is more Interesting (while i would prefer Dark Matter i still Love Banda Waddle Dee)

Please at least try to understand that Kirby is a Good Franchise with more Games and Sales as Metroid, Dk and Fire Emblem actually if we think about it asking for just Bandana dee is very Nice and cosidate regarding THIS:

but if youre feeling hurt because what i said there is a way to deal with it
1st. Try to understand Kirby and then you can Disscuss again
2nd. Not try and blindly follow haters
3rd. Not hate on BWD Supporters (im by far one of the most aggresive [the others are so nice])

you dont need to want Bandana Dee in Smash but please accept That he is
1st. not a bad Character (i know theyre more interesting Kirby Character but i mean this is not Saying much)
2nd. That Kirby should get (like Zelda And Sonic) a new Rep after 2 Games!

if you do this than Congratulations i dont dislike you(in this Regard) anymore and we can Start Accepting that we have diffrent Opinions!

was that to mean if so than sorry!

if its to big i can shrink it down


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
Hey guys I got a new theory.

Given the trend of returning Sm4sh Miis. We should be getting a Capcom rep and Namco rep/Character with a katana so if I had to guess.

Dante/Palicos = Monster Hunter Mii especially given the formers load of weapons
Yuri Lowell = Lloyd Irving Mii

That leaves one spot left unknown.
Not necessarily. Namco and Capcom Mii costumes have come back with characters they didn't own.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
Between all the planned and scrapped fighters, if Chun-Li's part of them she might not have as much priority as the others. Minecraft, Ninja Gaiden, and Tales are new franchises, ARMS, Monster Hunter, and XC2 have some representation but don't have any fighters or stages, and Final Fantasy was infamously underrepresented. Street Fighter has a lot of representation, SF2-centric as it may be, and according to that leak, Chun-Li was outright replaced by Ken (Likely due to time constraints). Not to be a party pooper, but I'm not feeling her as much.


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC
Honestly I actually feel that Min Min/ARMs character was the sixth and bonus character decided upon, due to the whole special request thing with the series. I don't think the order of each DLC character that is finalized in a pass is necessarily the order they are developed on.
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Chun-Li would obviously be an aerial based fighter and her unique gimmick would be having aerial only inputs alongside ground based ones.
Street Fighter is an incredibly grounded fighting game series so I was a bit confused by this, and looking at some footage...I'm still confused. She doesn't really jump around much in any gameplay I look at, and she also doesn't have many special aerial attacks, and it looks like all it would really amount to would be a unique multi-hit Down Aerial.
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Oct 31, 2018
Also where did the whole theory that "Getting Cloud back also meant they had to add Sephiroth" come from? because if that was true wouldn't Sephiroth have come sooner?
Some people have talked about this a bit, but I wanted to do a deeper dive.

I believe the idea was a Scoliosis Jones original, but he might have seen some things from industry insiders that led him to that conclusion. I've also seen the idea that Sephiroth was the backup in case Sora didn't happen, but that was just one insider who really believed that Nintendo wanted to get Sora. There's probably some truth to Sephiroth being somewhat time-consuming to include if only to get all the rights-holders on board. He comes with a lot of stuff that seems like it should have happened sooner, so it's plausible that talks to get said things included did happen earlier, but either didn't pan out immediately or were held off until Sephiroth would happen.

There's also the whole 7 Squares thing from base game that had Sephiroth, Erdrick and the Luminary, Slime, Crono, Geno, and Sora. At this point, Sora and Crono are the only two not 100% accounted for, as the rest are either in the game or, in Slime's case, are known to have been an alternate choice if negotiations went poorly. Assuming this was legitimate (it could have been very early information), then Sephiroth was at least on Nintendo's radar before base game released.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2019
Why are we still considering characters like Ryu, Doomguy, and the like after Sephiroth threw us all off? Just curious, it’s strange to see everyone shift right back into gear with those that everybody thinks is a lock after being chucked a curveball.
While you're right, I think it's also worth mentioning just because Sephiroth caught us completely off guard it doesn't mean the next 3 DLC characters will be curveballs or left field picks. Who knows we might end having 3 "safe" characters, something like Hayabusa, Crash and Rex as the final three.

And this is coming from someone who a good chunk of his most wanteds would probably be considered curveballs.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
While you're right, I think it's also worth mentioning just because Sephiroth caught us completely off guard it doesn't mean the next 3 DLC characters will be curveballs or left field picks. Who knows we might end having 3 "safe" characters, something like Hayabusa, Crash and Rex as the final three.

And this is coming from someone who a good chunk of his most wanteds would probably be considered curveballs.
Only constant is Nintendo never leaves the best for last. So, Steve and Sephiroth are the highlights. All down here from here I bet.
Aug 3, 2018
I dunno if this is a record, but it's a record for me..sorry, I'm enjoying this challenge XD
View attachment 296256
I hope they do one for the next character!
I saw a 00:02:10 earlier, the guy said he Thwack'd him with Hero.


He definitely had the favor of the RNG gods, cuz yeah, unless i'm wrong it has less than 0,5% chance of working.

Not only you have to get Thwack in the menu right off the bat but it also has to appear on top and kill Sephiroth with full hp.

Probably requires a lot of grind (unless you're incredibly lucky) but it seems like the fastest possible way to do it.
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Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Honestly I actually feel that Min Min/ARMs character was the sixth and bonus character decided upon, due to the whole special request thing with the series. I don't think the order of each DLC character that is finalized in a pass is necessarily the order they are developed on.
I don't really think there's anything that suggests Min Min was some type of bonus character who was tossed in at the end just because Sakurai wanted to be nice. Honestly, Min Min could be swapped out with a number of different first-parties and people would probably say the same thing. People were saying similar things about Byleth too ("He wasn't really part of the first pass. They just switched him out with F6 so the second pass can start on a high note).

Apparently, first-party = change of plans.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2018
I'm honestly at this point expecting a Namco rep given the Lloyd Mii costume eventually supposedly coming.

Dovahkiin is certainly a fitting reveal for next year's VGA.
Much like Sephiroth was, I've always felt like Dovahkiin is a sleeper pick.
He's got the "WTF/That's Sick!" feel, the "I can't believe he's actually in" aspect, and the "Actually...the more I think about it, that makes sense" factor. Skyrim is a ridiculously well-received game, being made almost a decade ago and still being talked about to this day. It has been the inspiration for many open-world games, including Breath of the Wild. It was a Switch launch-ish title and it was a big deal! At that point, it had been out for over 5-6 years, but people still bought it. At the Game Awards, Microsoft announced that Skyrim would be coming to the game pass, like it was a big deal. "Hey! We're adding a decade old game because we know you love it! Nevermind the content that is much newer, more expansive, and filled with more content. It's Skyrim!"
The only things that really prevent me from fully committing to "he's in" are:
1. Western reps are incredibly rare in Smash, and Microsoft has already snagged two spots in the DLC with their two reps. Sakurai/Nintendo clearly prioritize eastern reps.
2. If there was another western rep that "deserved" to get in, it would be Rayman or Crash. They seem like a better fit than Dovahkiin. Although I have no ties to him, I keep coming back to Crash.


Smash Ace
Jan 26, 2020
I would like another “big third party or very popular fighter” as CP9 as we would get 3 huge fighters (Steve, Sephiroth and CP9) and 3 more “niche” picks (Min Min, CP10 and CP11). I feel only 2 big-sellers is not enough to sell a $30 DLC.

PK-remling Fire

Smash Ace
Sep 22, 2018
The Warp
Eh, I'd much rather have Morrigan than Chun-li, though with CERO there's a fat chance of that happening.
I'm almost certain that one of the remaining three is going to be from Capcom, though I think it'll be from a series that doesn't already have a character. I think the Capcom character will likely by CP10 though, with CP9 and CP11 being more low-key characters
Heres a Fun Forum Game: Let's say they do things like the Sephiroth challenge in the future, but not exactly like it. What do you think your most wanted's would be?

For example, here's the Frisk Challenge: You play as Frisk, and you need to go against a stronger version of Marx. There's a two minute timer, and you need to survive until it hits zero. You cannot hit him.
Seen this one mentioned before, but a Rathalos challenge with Monster Hunter, where you have to beat a buffed Rathalos would be cool.

Also a Master Hand challenge if he ever gets released as a fighter would be cool: Fight the original 12 Smash Bros characters consecutively in a 1v1 gauntlet, with Master Hand at the end.
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Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2013
It wouldn't be Sans, but some sort of Undertale rep in general. Frisk, Papyrus, Kris, take your pick.
I doubt it. Sans is the clear favorite out of the NPCs, so I doubt they'd choose anyone other than Sans, even if they wanted to due to the Mii Costume's popularity.
As for Frisk, I doubt Sakurai would choose them since there'd be no adequate way to implement their pacifist/genocide gameplay that they are known for.
Saber Challenge: You play as Saber and you have to fight every sword wielder in the game in order. ending with a Saber Ditto.
Makes sense to me, along with Saber fighting all Weapon Users Period.
I saw a 00:02:10 earlier, the guy said he Thwack'd him with Hero.

View attachment 296262

He definitely had the favor of the RNG gods, cuz yeah, unless i'm wrong it has less than 0,5% chance of working.

Not only you have to get Thwack in the menu right off the bat but it also has to appear on top and kill Sephitoth with full hp.

Probably requires a lot of grind (unless you're incredibly lucky) but it seems like the fastest possible way to do it.
Oh, I know, most of the great times you'll see are all 'get stupid lucky' lol


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2013
It wouldn't be Sans, but some sort of Undertale rep in general. Frisk, Papyrus, Kris, take your pick.
I doubt it. Sans is the clear favorite out of the NPCs, so I doubt they'd choose anyone other than Sans, even if they wanted to due to the Mii Costume's popularity.
As for Frisk, I doubt Sakurai would choose them since there'd be no adequate way to implement their pacifist/genocide gameplay that they are known for.
Saber Challenge: You play as Saber and you have to fight every sword wielder in the game in order. ending with a Saber Ditto.
Makes sense to me, along with Saber fighting all Weapon Users Period.
I saw a 00:02:10 earlier, the guy said he Thwack'd him with Hero.

View attachment 296262

He definitely had the favor of the RNG gods, cuz yeah, unless i'm wrong it has less than 0,5% chance of working.

Not only you have to get Thwack in the menu right off the bat but it also has to appear on top and kill Sephitoth with full hp.

Probably requires a lot of grind (unless you're incredibly lucky) but it seems like the fastest possible way to do it.
Oh, I know, most of the great times you'll see are all 'get stupid lucky' lol


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
Eh, I'd much rather have Morrigan than Chun-li, though with CERO there's a fat chance of that happening.
I'm almost certain that one of the remaining three is going to be from Capcom, though I think it'll be from a series that doesn't already have a character. I think the Capcom character will likely by CP10 though, with CP9 and CP11 being more low-key characters
To be fair, Morrigan is a lot more covered than Mai. She's closer to Bayonetta in terms of coverage. Plus, in the hypothetical scenario that she's a fighter, she'd get a lot more attention and effort put into her than what would just be a stage cameo.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
I do think that CP9 is going to be a more low key character than Steve and Sephiroth. I expect CP10 to be a big name however, as I expect an E3 2021 reveal for said character (assuming that there will be an E3 next year).

Deleted member

Look, yes. I get it. Chun Li's chances went up due to Sephiroth. But she isn't the likeliest character all of a sudden. She still has fierce competition.

Though if Chun Li does make it in, she would be quite cool. She's just as iconic as Ken in Street Fighter.


Drifting Soul
Sep 4, 2018
I would like another “big third party or very popular fighter” as CP9 as we would get 3 huge fighters (Steve, Sephiroth and CP9) and 3 more “niche” picks (Min Min, CP10 and CP11). I feel only 2 big-sellers is not enough to sell a $30 DLC.
Smash DLC will sell like hotcakes regardless of its character choices because it's Smash DLC.

I'm certain that Fighters Pass 2 has already turned a pretty profit.
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