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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Ace
Jan 26, 2020
I do think that CP9 is going to be a more low key character than Steve and Sephiroth. I expect CP10 to be a big name however, as I expect an E3 2021 reveal for said character (assuming that there will be an E3 next year).
the big question is, what is a low-key fighter ? Example: Is it Lloyd a low-key pick? His games didn’t sell well comparing to Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. Nowdays, Tales of mainline games struggles to sell at least 1 million copies worldwide while Dragon Quest sells more than 5 million easily. The series isn’ extreme popular in the west, I think Persona 5 has sold more than previous Tales of games.

Deleted member

I would like another “big third party or very popular fighter” as CP9 as we would get 3 huge fighters (Steve, Sephiroth and CP9) and 3 more “niche” picks (Min Min, CP10 and CP11). I feel only 2 big-sellers is not enough to sell a $30 DLC.
You're telling me that Steve, a character from one of the most massive games to date, and Sephiroth, one of the most iconic villains in all of gaming, isn't enough to sell well?
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Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
I would like another “big third party or very popular fighter” as CP9 as we would get 3 huge fighters (Steve, Sephiroth and CP9) and 3 more “niche” picks (Min Min, CP10 and CP11). I feel only 2 big-sellers is not enough to sell a $30 DLC.
Then again, they went ahead with a FP1 that only had one character that could be considered (semi-) huge - Hero. None of the other series featured in FP1 has yet crossed 5 million copies with a single game (by traditional metrics at least): Persona 5 actually is the closest (5 + Royal apparently combine for 4.6 million), with the original Banjo-Kazooie at 3.5 and Three Houses at close to 3 million as of March 2020.

There's a very nebolous case to be made with SNK though: in the 90s, they didn't sell in huge numbers partly due to piracy, while in recent years KoF's been active on the mobile side of things (which does not abide by the standard copies sold metric because of the nature of the App Stores). I can't comment on the mobile numbers because AFAIK SNK's not published direct numbers. Characters like Mai guest-star in Honor of Kings (the most popular mobile game in China, and been absurdly huge there for the last 3 years).
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Smash Master
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC
Coincidentally Chun-Li and a Tales rep would be perfect for the new early access Challenge.

Chun-Li: She's a Street Fighter so it would be in-character for her to ask you for a challenge.

Tales: The series is known for it's Colosseum fights that have you fight previous Tales characters there.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 17, 2011
Back to my original theory. Fighters Pass 2 is following the same beats as fighter pass 1. All that happened in is CP 8 and CP 7 got switched, my guess is because they wanted Steve ready for MineCon. So I'm expecting CP9 to be a fighting game character, the problem is all the good ones don't really work. Mortal Kombat is unlikely due to it being restricted in Japan. Soul Caliber doesn't make sense after we just had a swordsman(same applies for most Guilty Gear reps). Heihachi would be good but the assumption is that the Mii Fighter rules him out.

Maybe the 4th slot isn't about being a fighter and is about being an old school legacy character. In which case Ryu Hyubasa fits pretty well, although I'm bit concerned about how much he uses his sword.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
My pipe dream pick is a Backyard Sports character, as I really got into that franchise recently. I even have a Spirit Board already created.


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
So have any of you guys seen this 4chan leak?

It's interesting because this person predicted Min Min, Steve, and Sephiroth all the way back in May. But I wouldn't put more stock on it unless Doom Slayer, Rayman, or Hayabusa is the next fighter.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
the big question is, what is a low-key fighter ? Example: Is it Lloyd a low-key pick? His games didn’t sell well comparing to Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. Nowdays, Tales of mainline games struggles to sell at least 1 million copies worldwide while Dragon Quest sells more than 5 million easily. The series isn’ extreme popular in the west, I think Persona 5 has sold more than previous Tales of games.
The definition probably going to be pretty nebulous, and/or change depending on who you'd ask. I guess we could start by listing the characters we'd generally accept to go under this definition, though I'm sure me naming them will get some disapproval. Regardless, my guess would be Joker, Banjo & Kazooie, Byleth, and Min Min for these reasons:
  • Persona 5 might be a smash hit, but I don't think the Persona series as a whole is a cultural phenomenon like the likes of Dragon Quest, SNK fighting games, Final Fantasy, and Minecraft.
  • Banjo & Kazooie are pretty much just riding off of nostalgia and rereleases to sell an online service, but their series is otherwise dead, and their target audience is mostly just Smash fans and older folk at this point.
  • Byleth is from a smaller Nintendo series. It's becoming one of their main bread and butter franchises, but only becoming at this point.
  • Min Min is from a flash in the pan game that debuted a few years back. She's very clearly the smallest of the bunch.
So I guess the definition of low-key would be in terms of their cultural impact. Sales are indicative of this, but not necessarily the biggest factor. I'd also imagine relevancy matters quite a bit here, so while characters like Ryu and Crash have had a lot of cultural impact, they doesn't really nowadays, though I'm sure someone is going to yell at me for saying so.

EDIT: I will add that Crash certainly isn't anything to scoff at either, but I'd personally put him more at Joker's level than Steve, Terry, or Sephiroth's.
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Smash Master
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC
So have any of you guys seen this 4chan leak?

It's interesting because this person predicted Min Min, Steve, and Sephiroth all the way back in May. But I wouldn't put more stock on it unless Doom Slayer, Rayman, or Hayabusa is the next fighter.
Someone managed to guess Hero, Banjo, and Terry in the exact same order and another person to get all of the Hero alts right. It's likely another monkey on a type writer thing.
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Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2020
Hey guys, first off I've been a long time lurker and finally decided to join in some discussions because this community send really fun so I look forward to discussing with you all!

I've been wanting to bring something up for a long time though but I've found that when discussing a Gen 8 Pokemon being in dlc usually it's ignored, looked at with a low possibility, or just scorn yet I see a lot of people bring up Rex and even Zelda much more. When it is discussed, it's usually with disappointment that it will be Cinderace. I might be biased a bit because I love Cinderace and it's fine that people dislike it because it has an odd design, but I feel like a lot of people are tossing it's chances away just because they don't want another Pokemon or hate Cinderace.
I personally think Cinderace or a different Pokemon's chances are extremely high with SwSh being a relative success and the 25th anniversary coming up in February which could be a good time for a reveal (though of course we can never rely on anniversaries). The evidence against it I often see if the Spirit Event, but not only are there many Pokemon missing but the starters are grouped together. There could easily be spirits for the evolved starters individually along with Eternatus and Expansion Pass Pokemon. As much as I think Rex or BotW Zelda would be cool, I just think there's better odds for Cinderace/Gen 8 Pokemon compared to them and I feel a bit disappointed that it's often just looked over so quickly while the other two are discussed much more. Of course people are absolutely entitled to not like the thought of Cinderace etc.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Persona 5 might be a smash hit, but I don't think the Persona series as a whole is a cultural phenomenon like the likes of Dragon Quest, SNK fighting games, Final Fantasy, and Minecraft.
Idk dude, while it's not like them, not everyone can just sell their 10+years old game on steam and have it sold 500k in a single months
While it is no Mario or Final Fantasy, Persona can just go up from here now that P5 broke the "niche" state of the serie.


Smash Ace
Dec 25, 2018
How is Steve Sakurai's choice, but not Sephiroth? Sakurai is quite a fan of Final Fantasy, including Advent Children.
The reason is that Nintendo prevents Sakurai from talking too much freely about the Microsoft series. Please don't take all of this seriously. That said, Sakurai also valued Minecraft.*


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2019
Cloud, Shulk, Sephiroth (in that order) is easily my favorite squad strike team. Just wanted to say that.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
So have any of you guys seen this 4chan leak?

It's interesting because this person predicted Min Min, Steve, and Sephiroth all the way back in May. But I wouldn't put more stock on it unless Doom Slayer, Rayman, or Hayabusa is the next fighter.
I’d love it but the Pass being half Western made and the other half Japanese seems a little wonky considering past precedent. I’d be hyped as **** for those choices though. There’s not really one in there I’m not a fan of.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Back to my original theory. Fighters Pass 2 is following the same beats as fighter pass 1. All that happened in is CP 8 and CP 7 got switched, my guess is because they wanted Steve ready for MineCon. So I'm expecting CP9 to be a fighting game character, the problem is all the good ones don't really work. Mortal Kombat is unlikely due to it being restricted in Japan. Soul Caliber doesn't make sense after we just had a swordsman(same applies for most Guilty Gear reps). Heihachi would be good but the assumption is that the Mii Fighter rules him out.

Maybe the 4th slot isn't about being a fighter and is about being an old school legacy character. In which case Ryu Hyubasa fits pretty well, although I'm bit concerned about how much he uses his sword.
There's also

Morrigan Aensland
Ragna the Bloodedge
Sol Badguy

Anyone I'm missing?


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
I’d love it but the Pass being half Western made and the other half Japanese seems a little wonky considering past precedent. I’d be hyped as **** for those choices though. There’s not really one in there I’m not a fan of.
Are they half western in appeal though? I could see them branching out more in where the characters are from so long as who these characters appeal to is still diverse.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
So have any of you guys seen this 4chan leak?

It's interesting because this person predicted Min Min, Steve, and Sephiroth all the way back in May. But I wouldn't put more stock on it unless Doom Slayer, Rayman, or Hayabusa is the next fighter.
Fake. I feel after the VGA which would have been perfect timing given the date and anniversary, at this point, I wouldn't expect Doom Slayer.
In terms of potential Namco reps you're missing KOS-MOS and Klonoa.
Those are fighting game characters?
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Deleted member

Why are we still considering characters like Ryu, Doomguy, and the like after Sephiroth threw us all off? Just curious, it’s strange to see everyone shift right back into gear with those that everybody thinks is a lock after being chucked a curveball.
I guess Seph's inclusion made people have doubts on a few characters instead of a lot. The main character I see people doubt now for Vol 2 is Dante since they're both white haired swordies with trench coats, so that just only crosses 1 potential name off a list of many.

Also it looks like a great amount of people are doubling down on Monster Hunter because pretty much every character in Vol 2 so far have something that lines up in favor with the series. Min Min and Sephiroth prove franchises with preexisting content in smash can get a Challenger Pack, and Minecraft is a money racking monster just like the Monster Hunter series is. With Rise coming in March, it's no wonder nothing has really changed the possibility of a playable Monster Hunter character.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
Back to my original theory. Fighters Pass 2 is following the same beats as fighter pass 1. All that happened in is CP 8 and CP 7 got switched, my guess is because they wanted Steve ready for MineCon. So I'm expecting CP9 to be a fighting game character, the problem is all the good ones don't really work. Mortal Kombat is unlikely due to it being restricted in Japan. Soul Caliber doesn't make sense after we just had a swordsman(same applies for most Guilty Gear reps). Heihachi would be good but the assumption is that the Mii Fighter rules him out.

Maybe the 4th slot isn't about being a fighter and is about being an old school legacy character. In which case Ryu Hyubasa fits pretty well, although I'm bit concerned about how much he uses his sword.
Technically, Ryu Hayabusa IS a main character in a fighting game. Dead or Alive.


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
I guess Seph's inclusion made people have doubts on a few characters instead of a lot. The main character I see people doubt now for Vol 2 is Dante since they're both white haired swordies with trench coats, so that just only crosses 1 potential name off a list of many.
That's so stupid. Dante and Sephiroth are owned by 2 different companies so Dante's chances shouldn't reflect on Sephiroth's inclusion because they look similar.
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Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2014
Campo Grande, MS - Brazil
Hey guys I got a new theory.

Given the trend of returning Sm4sh Miis. We should be getting a Capcom rep and Namco rep/Character with a katana so if I had to guess.

Dante/Palicos = Monster Hunter Mii especially given the formers load of weapons
Yuri Lowell = Lloyd Irving Mii

That leaves one spot left unknown.
Makes sense. Not for the characters, but the companies. A Capcom, a Namco and a Nintendo rep, most likely a gen 8 Pokémon. If you guys think Nintendo will not push a gen 8 Pokémon in FP2, you're all in denial.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
The Mario Park looks incredibly cool but even after COVID. after using the interactive blocks around the park I will need to stick my hand into a vat of Sanitizer.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
In regards to MH, it does seem like March would be the perfect timing to announce a playable Hunter. So perfect, in fact, that I can see their perceived chance dropping if they aren't CP9.
Watch in a twist of fate we end up with Palicos.

Sakurai convinced Nintendo, not to mention his love for cats.

Monster Hunter Miis comes with Palicos.

I'm actually expecting that surprise to happen.


Smash Lord
Jan 26, 2020
I think the only time that a character was "perfect" to be announced only ever happened with Steve, unless a similar thing happened before.


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
If you guys think Nintendo will not push a gen 8 Pokémon in FP2, you're all in denial.
If you think Nintendo would put something like ARMS or a second unique fighter for a third party series in FP2, you're in denial.
The Mario Park looks incredibly cool but even after COVID. after using the interactive blocks around the park I will need to stick my hand into a vat of Sanitizer.
I would dip my hands in sanitizer after using them even before COVID.


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2018
A hot dog stand at the end of time and space
Switch FC
I just realized that Dante's VAs (both English and Japanese) voice a character in Smash. Langdon voices Ken, and Morikawa voices Sephiroth. I don't think it means anything for Dante's chances; I just thought that was interesting.
Finally confirmed after all these years.

View attachment 296285
So the Mario Bros. are actually the Miyamoto Bros.? How does that work? Weren't the Mario Miyamoto Bros. American? Are they adopted?
If you guys think Nintendo will push a gen 8 Pokémon in FP2, you're all in denial.
Fixed that for you.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
As for Frisk, I doubt Sakurai would choose them since there'd be no adequate way to implement their pacifist/genocide gameplay that they are known for.
I made a Frisk moveset that I think handles it well. Basically, their neutral b makes them enter a mode where they need to dodge attacks (either by shielding or moving out of the way). If they dodge enough attacks (I had 3 sets of 5), their neutral B becomes SPARE, which is an instant KO. All the normals are Genocide, which is basically just regular smash.
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