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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Legitimate Age of Calamity spoiler included, read your own risk:
Age of Calamity does have a pseudo-Last of Us 2 twist, where the game radically changes in the first hour or so with no mention of this in the pre-release. For the Last of Us 2, it was Joel's death and the inclusion of Abby. For Age of Calamity, it's that you're not actually playing the events of the calamity as they are said to unfold in Breath of the Wild. Instead, you're playing in an alternate timeline, where a time-traveling Guardian is attempting to prevent the calamity from occurring.

Obviously, the latter is already going over much better than the former. However, I'm a little disappointed with this development. As someone who bawled at both the end of generation 1 of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and season 1 of Telltale's Walking Dead, I'm a sucker for games with well-executed, legitimately tragic endings, where the heroes failing and everything going to **** isn't just a bad ending for being too slow, not collecting all the golden gooses, or making the wrong ethical choice but the actual end of the story. Plus, it feels kinda scummy to advertise the game as "play through this major event that defines the entirety of Breath of the Wild!" when the game is actually telling a fundamentally different story.
As much as the idea of it being an alternate timeline makes it worrying about the possibility of not witnessing the sad events, there is always the possibility that despite going back to stop said calamity, it could still end in a failure. Like there are Japanese games that have done this, trying to stop a bad past, but still failing to prevent said past from happening.
Who knows, maybe there will be some Flashpoint shenanigans involved, whether it'd be a consequential future or the calamity has to happen or whatnot.
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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
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Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
We take it for granted now, but when it first hit the scene, Pokemon was pretty much in same exact position as the likes of Minecraft and Fortnite currently are as the "CrInGeY kIdDiE gAmE", and I assure you if it released and simultaneously blew up today, it probably would've received the same type of scrutiny whenever it was brought up, regardless of nintendo ties and the like
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Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019

Phoenix Douchebag

Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2020
Have we learned nothing from Travis guys?

Also i don't see Fortnite getting anything more than a Mii Costume or Spirit Event. The most recent Third Parties are:

-Bayonetta, whose game came out over a decade ago.
-Joker, whose franchise has been a thing since the late Nineties.
-Steve, whose game came out almost a decade ago.

I don't see us getting a character whose game came out only 3 years ago. No, Min Min is not a good comparison, as she is a Nintendo character, and Nintendo characters have different standards compared to Third Parties. Maybe in a future Smash Game we could see some Fortnite Rep when the franchise gets older, and if the series takes the Popularity Polynomial Route like Minecraft did, i think it's pretty likely.

I wish i could care about Fortnite but i don't, it feels too much like a trendy thing. I know Flood Gate Openers will hate me for saying this but it is. Five years from now i will definetly change my tune though, as by that time the IP will prove itself as a household name instead of cultural flavor of the month. It's the same reason why i would have hated Steve's inclusion in Smash 4 but okay with it now.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
After doing a few of these, I've noticed a few patterns.
  • When you mention you want a Smash character, it's go to-tos are usually Mario, Marth, Wario, Mr. Game and Watch, and Wolf.
  • Guts Man also showed up more than once, I think (i didn't like the first Guts Man thing, so i rerolled).
  • The grabs are generally very brutal.
  • It doesn't like non-humanoid characters, as can be seen by Ameterasu and Adol Car.
  • It seems to be improving? Aside from yesterday's, it seems to be improving each time.
I feel like I should note that all of these were done on the free GPT-2 version. Dragon runs on GPT-3, which is much better (look at Deep Leffen for an example of what GTP-3 can do).

Also, if the demand's there.... ai dungeon generated story mode?
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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Have we learned nothing from Travis guys?

Also i don't see Fortnite getting anything more than a Mii Costume or Spirit Event. The most recent Third Parties are:

-Bayonetta, whose game came out over a decade ago.
-Joker, whose franchise has been a thing since the late Nineties.
-Steve, whose game came out almost a decade ago.

I don't see us getting a character whose game came out only 3 years ago. No, Min Min is not a good comparison, as she is a Nintendo character, and Nintendo characters have different standards compared to Third Parties. Maybe in a future Smash Game we could see some Fortnite Rep when the franchise gets older, and if the series takes the Popularity Polynomial Route like Minecraft did, i think it's pretty likely.

I wish i could care about Fortnite but i don't, it feels too much like a trendy thing. I know Flood Gate Openers will hate me for saying this but it is. Five years from now i will definetly change my tune though, as by that time the IP will prove itself as a household name instead of cultural flavor of the month. It's the same reason why i would have hated Steve's inclusion in Smash 4 but okay with it now.
100% this! like it or not Fortnite has made a mark on gaming, that is why a Mii costume or Spirit event would not shock me.

There are legitimate reasons to not want a Fortnite character like for instance, not wanting it because the game feels like a fad. but I feel like hating something because it's popular is flimsy reasoning for disliking something. That was what I was trying to say with my last posts

EDIT: Not Being interested in the game is a valid reason to dislike it I'm exclusively saying that if you dislike it because it is popular is the flimsy reasoning,
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Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
After doing a few of these, I've noticed a few patterns.
  • When you mention you want a Smash character, it's go to-tos are usually Mario, Marth, Wario, Mr. Game and Watch, and Wolf.
  • Guts Man also showed up more than once, I think (i didn't like the first Guts Man thing, so i rerolled).
  • The grabs are generally very brutal.
  • It doesn't like non-humanoid characters, as can be seen by Ameterasu and Adol Car.
  • It seems to be improving? Aside from yesterday's, it seems to be improving each time.
I feel like I should note that all of these were done on the free GPT-2 version. Dragon runs on GPT-3, which is much better (look at Deep Leffen for an example of what GTP-3 can do).

Also, if the demand's there.... ai dungeon generated story mode?
Evidently, Adol Car is a Transformer


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Do most of you hate Fortnite because you genuinely dislike the gameplay/other aspects of the game/Epic games admittedly shady tactics? or do you hate it because it's popular and kids play it, because NEWS FLASH Smash Bros. Is Popular and played by kids.
All three. An alright game being just alright is no big deal, but an alright game being one of the biggest games around sucks because you know the market's going to follow it because it's successful, and we could be doing much better. It's the same deal as that time when Transformers movies were the biggest **** around, you can't help but be disappointed in humanity. The ugly truth is that a successful mediocre product influences the industry much more than a successful good product because the mediocre one is easier to mimic.

Epic being scumbags is a whole other ballgame and absolutely adds to the hate, but it would be hypocritical to pretend that there's tons of people who hate Fortnite because of it and didn't hate it beforehand.


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2018
A hot dog stand at the end of time and space
Switch FC
I didn't buy Vol. 2 with the intent of getting a fighter I want. Rather, I bought it with the intent of having every character, even though I don't want to use the characters in the pass, because of the case that someone does want to use a character in the pass. Generally speaking (of course not now because Corona), it's great to be up to date for parties, gatherings, tournaments, and so on.

Anyways, like I said (I think), I don't want Fortnite in Smash, but I'd be okay with it and wouldn't be surprised if it got something in Smash.
Y'know, how would anyone in this thread feel if Madotsuki ended up being a DLC fighter? Now granted, despite it being my personal most wanted I think it's a long shot to the point of nigh-impossibility, but if, if it happened, how would you take to it? If you don't know who the character is, well you're kind of just lacking in culture, to be blunt.
During the initial reveal, I'd feel something I haven't felt since Joker's reveal: genuine surprise. As for her actual release, it depends on how she plays.
I fear not being allowed to complain about Jonesy on this site more than more 10 year olds buying Smash.
Nah you can complain, it's just that people will complain about you doing it.
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Among Waddle Dees

Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2017
I'm gonna bring this up now: the fact we are even considering something like Fortnite getting into Smash... is quite scary. Not remarkable, not eye-opening, just frightening.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Don't really know what to feel from a Fortnite character if one does happen. I don't have any dislike for it. I was just never interested in it. So I'm not sure how I'd really feel with a Fortnite character.

I guess it's mostly because since I never had an interest in Fortnite, there are just many other characters that I want compared to a Fortnite character. Like I wouldn't hate a Fortnite character, but I'd honestly still be a bit disappointed.

Mii costume would be fine though.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
I'm not a Fortnite fan but this "Fortnite bad" mindset just sounds like "Minecraft bad" or "Undertale bad" to me tbh.
just like minecraft, I just dont like fortnite at all. only thing Minecraft has going for it is that it's enjoyed play both adults and kids. Fortnite I've only seen annoying loud whining kids play it because Lord knows no streamer on Twitch is playing it anymore
I don't believe you, but just in case maybe take a deep breath before doing that okay? Lol
I know that's what I had to do with Minecraft. I took a deep breath when I thought about doing that and came to the conclusion that Minecraft isn't that bad, I was just unhappy.I relized how immature I was a few days later pff

I doubt I'd delete the game over fortnite being in there but Lord knows I'll be more than unhappy because I legitimately cannot stand fortnite or riot
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Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
The difference between Minecraft and Fortnite for me is that while I'm not really into either game, I always appreciated the creativity and mechanics of the former and that it was such a great source for user generated content. The latter isn't a bad title nor do I think it necessarily has any negative impact on the industry, but its a game that just feels low on the list of interesting things it could offer Smash in terms of playable characters, at least to me.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Damn man, do I really need a reason to not want Fortnite in Smash beyond I don't like the game and I'd rather have characters from a number of other games? Yall realize it's a zero-sum game and after the next 4 characters we're not getting characters for the next seven years?

Yeah I'd kinda rather those characters be from games I like, rather than games I don't, success be damned. That's kinda human nature isn't it?


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2014
A neat thing about NMH1 and 2 on Switch someone pointed out - buying either game (currently $17.99) gives you enough gold coins (5% of purchase value = 90 gold coins) to get the Travis Mii costume (75 cents).

So if you wanted Travis in Smash as a fighter, you still don't get him. But if you're fine with him as an extra costume on top of a game you actually love, you get him for effectively free.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Another twofer

Is Richter



Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
Another twofer

Is Richter

Is that a reference to those images of Kirby as Bayonetta's adopted son?


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2018
My house
Switch FC
I mean, I just want Jonesy in Smash because I think his game is neat and I like him. Not much to it. And I think that's the nice thing about Smash; you can totally support characters just because you find them cool.
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Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016
I'd might be Smoking Something when I say this, but I've been bringing up the Idea of Apex being a legit contender for a Spot this Past month, not from bias but some observation that been brought to my attention by some folks

Assuming that the "No comment" thing is a pro towards Fortnite being in Smash in Some form, I actually think this might be a Pro for Apex Character because Fortnite would be a Complementary Mii Costume in a Hypothetical Pack. Fortnite is the bigger game, but Apex is also huge, and the characters have more defined abilities and character than Fortnite does, so that's why in this scenario it might be Apex Over Fortnite.

Of course though Fortnite over Apex is also big Huge likelihood if we got BR Character, Especially considering it's older, more popular, and has a Switch bundle Currently like dragon Quest and Minecraft, though Apex is upcoming so I don't know


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
After thinking about It I realize. I don't actually care why you do or don't want a character, Everyone has their own opinions and tolerances, Trying to force my opinions onto others is not radical. You don't need to write a thesis about why you don't want mother****ing Jonesy Fortnite.

To end this, I think a Fortnite Mii costume and/or a spirit event could be pretty cool, But I don't really see a character coming any time soon.
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 7, 2020
I would mainly be surprised at getting two modern western characters if we get something Fortnite.


Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016
Actually though, in the Tweet, they mention that the new event coming to Fortnite would be the biggest Event yet...

What if it was Smash and/or Nintendo X Fortnite, in both Fortnite and Smash. Pokemon is the biggest entertainment media in the World, and Mario is one of the biggest Icons in the World. This Also doesn't include Huge 3rd parties like Sonic and Pac-Man, and other big 1st parties like Zelda and Animal Crossing

I also remember a Rumor about Some Splatoon content coming to Fortnite, or vice versa, with like data in the game. yes

EDIT: https://twitter.com/HYPEX/status/1169426618063970304?ref_src=twsrc^tfw

This was the Tweet showing the Datamine. this came out around September of last year, when FP2 was being Finalized

I don't know if there were other Squid related items that came to Fortnite, but if there wasn't, well...
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Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2018
My house
Switch FC
Actually though, in the Tweet, they mention that the new event coming to Fortnite would be the biggest Event yet...

What if it was Smash and/or Nintendo X Fortnite, in both Fortnite and Smash. Pokemon is the biggest entertainment media in the World, and Mario is one of the biggest Icons in the World. This Also doesn't include Huge 3rd parties like Sonic and Pac-Man, and other big 1st parties like Zelda and Animal Crossing

I also remember a Rumor about Some Splatoon content coming to Fortnite, or vice versa, with like data in the game. yes
I doubt it. Nintendo would never allow their IPs to potentially be accessed on their competitors platforms. Do you really think they would allow, let's say Splatoon costumes, to be obtained on Sony or Microsoft's consoles?


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
I doubt it. Nintendo would never allow their IPs to potentially be accessed on their competitors platforms. Do you really think they would allow, let's say Splatoon costumes, to be obtained on Sony or Microsoft's consoles?
Could they be Switch exclusive? Though it would kinda defeat the point of costumes if the people you're playing with might not see them.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Actually though, in the Tweet, they mention that the new event coming to Fortnite would be the biggest Event yet...

What if it was Smash and/or Nintendo X Fortnite, in both Fortnite and Smash. Pokemon is the biggest entertainment media in the World, and Mario is one of the biggest Icons in the World. This Also doesn't include Huge 3rd parties like Sonic and Pac-Man, and other big 1st parties like Zelda and Animal Crossing

I also remember a Rumor about Some Splatoon content coming to Fortnite, or vice versa, with like data in the game. yes

EDIT: https://twitter.com/HYPEX/status/1169426618063970304?ref_src=twsrc^tfw

This was the Tweet showing the Datamine. this came out around September of last year, when FP2 was being Finalized

I don't know if there were other Squid related items that came to Fortnite, but if there wasn't, well...
No Octopus related items smh

Octoling > Inkling, thems the facts. I demand a Squid vs Octopus Splatfest rerun


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2018
My house
Switch FC
Could they be Switch exclusive? Though it would kinda defeat the point of costumes if the people you're playing with might not see them.
Maybe? I doubt it cause Fortnite has cross-saves, meaning you can access your stuff on any platform. If they were to be Switch exclusive then you might run into some problems. Playstation had some skins that were exclusive to PS plus members, but you could still use them anywhere else.


Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016
No Octopus related items smh

Octoling > Inkling, thems the facts. I demand a Squid vs Octopus Splatfest rerun
If it is Really gonna happen, they could add more Items from Splatoon in the meantime. this datamine was a year ago afterall

Fortnite in Smash rumors now? Can't say I'd be too hyped for it. Is Fortnite even popular in Japan?
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