Arms has a great soundtrack really fun and energetic a perfect fit for smash it's great that it'll be easy to put the music in since its from Nintendos own pockets although some songs sound samey with the Oooooooo chanting but looking back now it gives the game its charm
top songs I think are gonna get in / Remixed they'll get a

Grand Prix (Title)

Spring Stadium (Spring Man's Stage)

Ribbon Ring (Ribbon Girl's Stage) it's perfect already don't touch it
Ninja College (Ninjara's Stage)
Mausoleum (Master Mummy's Stage)
Ramen Bowl (Min Min's Stage)

Scrapyard (Mechanica's Stage)
Cinema Deux (Twintelle's Stage)
Buster Beach (Byte & Barq's Stage)

I could see Yoko Shimomura liking this one and wanting to remix it herself.
Snake Park (Kid Cobra's Stage) it's already fantastic but i wouldn't turn down a remix
DNA Lab (Helix's Stage) already good so leave it be
Via Dolce (Lola Pop's Stage) i sure hope so
Temple Grounds (Misango's Stage)
Sparring Ring (Springtron's Stage) it's already a remix
Sky Arena (Max Brass' Stage)

[NAME REDACTED] (Dr.Coyle's Stage)

VS Hedlok (Grand Prix)
VS Dr.Coyle Hedlok
again really great soundtrack links to all the songs in spoiler