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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
I honestly do genuinely want to know what the appeal is in Geno. Like what makes him such a compelling character choice, one who's a side-character in a Mario spin-off who has only made one game appearance to date that has resonated so much with people to the point where he's become a top request for Smash.

Like I understand the uniqueness part, but I understand nothing else about him or his appeal. To me it's like if the purple Bob-Omb from Mario 64 became a top request for Smash lmao.
He’s technically a main character in his game, if party members count as main characters. He’s nowhere close to the purple bob-omb/chuckya.

People like his personality and think he’s cool, and want him to come back in some way, Smash seeming like the best, most-realistic option (plus it’d be cool in general to have him be playable in Smash). People would also like to see SMRPG’s world in general to come back, along with its other characters like Mallow, but Geno seems to have resonated with people the most.

Also, here’s this video:
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Smash Lord
May 7, 2014
The Sass Realm
I honestly do genuinely want to know what the appeal is in Geno. Like what makes him such a compelling character choice, one who's a side-character in a Mario spin-off who has only made one game appearance to date that has resonated so much with people to the point where he's become a top request for Smash.

Like I understand the uniqueness part, but I understand nothing else about him or his appeal. To me it's like if the purple Bob-Omb from Mario 64 became a top request for Smash lmao.
Here's a convincing speech from a supporter.

Also, you in regards to the Geno topic, I can tell you as one of his "fanatics" that I get it. Really, I do.

I'm a massive Square nut, I'm probably more invested in the majority of their series than any other company on my radar besides Nintendo. Yet despite how much I would lose my mind over Neku, or Terra, Or 2B, Or even Sora as much as I'm begrudging to admitting it (I still love KH to death), Geno still tops them all for me.

Which is funny, because Seven Stars isn't even my favorite Mario RPG. It's probably third, behind TTYD and Superstar Saga. But there's still something about Geno that just CLICKS with me.

I think being a fan of Mario's RPGs are a big factor. TTYD is my favorite game of all time, and I can probably guarantee you 90% of Geno's supporters love the other RPG games as well. I guess Geno was really just the spark of creativity and character that helped kick start the other Mario RPGs, honestly.

Like, Geno was SUCH a weird concept at the time. Sure, he fits well enough in the Mario universe, but compared to all the characters that came before him in other Mario games, he's easily the most out there, him and Mallow both. He represents both Mario kind of breaking out of his traditional mold, which gave way for some many games after, and also as a perfect crossover character.

He is literally the love child of Mario and Final Fantasy, the perfect hybrid of the two. That, and I still can't get over how much I love the idea of a toy being given life, and all those cheap gimmicks people used to get people to buy action figures like Rocket Arms and such being used as actual attacks. It's great. Though I certainly can understand why other Square reps might get in beforehand.

Because that one character is tied to a franchise that is arguably bigger than most of Square's library combined. At least at the time of Mario RPG's launch.

Though you're not wrong.


Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2015
Medford, Oregon
Didn’t respond to it yet, but I thought about it when I read the thing about Jon from GameXplain saying Smash fans make rules that are restricting.

Do people make up rules? Yes. Do they necessarily apply to everyone and everything? No. Let’s face it, they’re more like guidelines.

For example, it makes sense to assume that content that Nintendo is asking you to pay for like Mii costume waves would be invalidated by a whole character. Like, if I bought the Rex costume and then got Rex fully playable later, I’d be pissed that Nintendo convinced me to drop money on something whereas I’d rather have had the character at the beginning.

In addition, there’s a whole lot of precedent. The “rule” or guideline as I’d call it, that ATs aren’t getting upgraded makes sense imo. They’re fully programmed into the game, and Sakurai has hinted in the past that they count as part of the crossover in the game. Meaning, them becoming playable doesn’t bring something new to the crossover.

I don’t know, people rail against rules for Smash, but in order to speculate on who the picks are, there have to be certain things to base that speculation on. Shouting into the void about anything and everything isn’t interesting, nor does it lead to interesting discussion imo.
Yeah there were some things they failed to take account for.
Like all of the mii costumes that were characters are first party characters and most of them were simply brought in from Smash 4 and Tails and Knuckles are the only third party mii costumes to return viva DLC.
Spirits and Trophies aren't really comparable since Spirits purpose is suppose to make some tweaks to the fighters in order to make them at least somewhat resemble the Spirit when it comes to fighting. While the only Trophies to become DLC fighters were veteran characters.

Tako Tuesday

Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2018
Under a nice, comfy rock
Switch FC
Better than half the crap that’s on here anyway.

“Just woke up and saw the news guys!!! SABI AND MY MOM SAID (insert character) IS NOT FP5! iS tHis TrUe?!”

then it’s some crazy ***** crying about women characters. The sexist people in the thread saying it doesn’t matter. The Geno freaks leaving their thread and attacking everyone. The anime freaks claiming their wifu is amazing. The KOS-MOS fans having a hard on and finally people fighting over Sabi if she’s fake or not.

I logged in just to say that


Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2019
ok that’s it if this is How your gonna act in here then I have no reason to stay here. Like ever

so goodbye
Making fun of awful attitudes and literal nonsense is a bad thing? It’s targeting the crap that’s basically white noise in this thing.

Deleted member

Hey, I'd be happy with KOS-MOS, as I did enjoy the Xenosaga series. Nightmare is just on my more wanted list due to the fact that I was a huge Soulcalibur fan(and a Nightmare main) and I have so many fond memories of Soulcalibur II and III(IV and V, not so much and I waited until Soulcalibur VI was on sale, but haven't gotten to it yet).
Well, can't help but say that I respect your opinion ;)

The only presence I ever had with SC prior to the reboot was a crossover fanfic I read online that featured Tekken, Street Fighter, and Mortal Kombat. It's called the Ketsueki Quadrilogy, and I highly recommend it. It's a good read. But after the reboot, and I have heard nothing but good things about it, I might just give it a try someday...if I ever owned a PS4 coz I'm broke.

Deleted member

Better than half the crap that’s on here anyway.

“Just woke up and saw the news guys!!! SABI AND MY MOM SAID (insert character) IS NOT FP5! iS tHis TrUe?!”

then it’s some crazy ***** crying about women characters. The sexist people in the thread saying it doesn’t matter. The Geno freaks leaving their thread and attacking everyone. The anime freaks claiming their wifu is amazing. The KOS-MOS fans having a hard on and finally people fighting over Sabi if she’s fake or not.
Dunno but the lol x character sucks is more useless to the conversation due to derailing it, people called her on her attitude already and did so in a manner that contributes to the convo.

Deleted member

KOS-MOS has done pretty well in Smash speculation for a character that hasn't had a game in around fifteen years, is from a company that clearly has bigger and more active series, only ever had three games, is pretty niche in 2019, and was never that huge to begin with.

Like, for the people intimating at sexism or whatever, keep in mind that Tekken and SoulCaliber are actually bigger, active series. The gender of their leading character is irrelevant, especially to Sakurai. That doesn't mean hoping for KOS-MOS is pointless, but bigger series often cultivate a greater mindshare.

So why are people talking about them more? Probably for very similar reasons as why people spoke more about Resident Evil than Ghosts N' Goblins. Or Tomb Raider more than Deus Ex. And frankly, are they talking about Tekken and SC more? Discussion extends to KOS-MOS far more often than most characters in situations like hers. I genuinely think people talk about her more than a SoulCaliber character.
Given how many people here jumped to say she had no competition left when Lloyd was disconfirmed while completely ignoring that SC and Tekken are still viable candidates it shows that she's treated way better in speculation than it's made out to be.
Like Spencer from Bionic Commando is still technically competition for Capcom but did anybody jump to him when RE got spirits and Dante was considered not possible for fighter 5?
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Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2018
I honestly do genuinely want to know what the appeal is in Geno. Like what makes him such a compelling character choice, one who's a side-character in a Mario spin-off who has only made one game appearance to date that has resonated so much with people to the point where he's become a top request for Smash.

Like I understand the uniqueness part, but I understand nothing else about him or his appeal. To me it's like if the purple Bob-Omb from Mario 64 became a top request for Smash lmao.
He's from the first Mario RPG. Because it's Mario, it's one of the first RPGs certain people ever played, if not their first.

Geno is the stereotypically "cool" and "badass" party member that pops up in lots of RPGs. However, because he's from a Mario game, then for many adults older than I am, Geno was the first time they EVER saw one of those archetypes in an RPG. Everyone has that first "cool" / "badass" party member they became fixated with, whether it's Kain from Final Fantasy IV or Shadow from Final Fantasy VI, etc. A big part of why Cloud is popular is because he's a part of that archetype while also being the main character, and Final Fantasy VII's story explores how this outward attitude of his is actually a facade and how he's actually assuming someone else's identity. And for many players, because Super Mario RPG is, well, a Mario game, Geno was their first time seeing that sort of character in an RPG.

Those kinds of characters make an impression. Geno also has cool powers referencing how he's a toy with removable projectile arms he can shoot bullets out of, which would be fun in Smash (edit: as others have pointed out, this character design is uniquely "Mario" in a mix of being cartoony yet cool, which adds to his appeal). Though Geno does not get a character arc (that's Mallow, who's underrated), he does explain why saving Peach should not be the end of the journey in Super Mario RPG and helps guide the party to collect the pieces of the Star Road and save the world.

None of this makes me think that Geno is anywhere near important enough to get in before Cloud or The Hero or any of the other RPG giants, or even other Mario characters. As someone who enjoyed Super Mario RPG but grew up with and prefers Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi, I would rather see Paper Mario be playable or even Fawful, and the latter is only important in two M&L games. I also dislike how back in the day some Geno supporters used his weird cameo appearance in M&L: Superstar Saga (he explains a seemingly optional mini-game you arbitrarily need to win to progress the plot) as evidence that he's important in the greater Mario canon and thus deserving of a spot in Smash, though to be fair I don't see anyone using that cameo that way these days.

However, all that, plus Sakurai's comment that he wanted to see Geno playable in an interview, plus the Smash 4 Mii Costume of Geno, are all decent points toward the possibility that Geno can happen in Smash Ultimate in the future. So that should explain everything.
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Lady Kuki

Smash Journeyman
Jan 28, 2015
As much as I would love some of the most speculated and hyped characters we're all talking about here in Smash, I also desperately want absolutely none of them to get in. I'd much rather be completely surprised by an out-of-left-field pick with a fun moveset than a character devoted Reddit users have been repeating for six months.

That's what made Joker such a wild reveal for me. I had heard of Persona in passing, but knew that it wasn't exactly the type of game that would ever end up on a Nintendo platform. Then bam, whoops, he's joining the roster. It was so bizarre, so unexpected, and so exciting, even for someone who had never even played Persona 5 at that point.

I've gotta be honest, at this point if we do get Doomguy or Dante or some of those "they're a shoe-in!" names that we've all been repeating since this time last year, I think I would be bored to tears before I even downloaded them haha. Give me someone crazy like Prince of Cosmos or Chel instead.

Alas, that's the ironic contradiction of even participating on these boards, isn't it haha
The great thing is, outside of Banjo and Hero, no one could predict Joker or Terry so we're 2 for 2 on that one. Yeah, Terry was more or less leaked a day prior, but no one was truly able to find out about him until last minute.

As for female potential female reps... well we have KOS-MOS, Reimu, Ammy, Byleth/Edelgard, and Lara Croft with possibly more I can't name atm. If spirits don't disconfirm characters (which is doubtful; I think spirits disconfirm), we could POTENTIALLY see Dixie, Chun-Li, Jill and a few others. Out of the ones not repped by spirits, I can only realistically see Croft, KOS-MOS and Amaterasu and even then they still have a lot of competition I feel. I don't have any qualms about having more female chars, (especially since some of my most wanted are girls) but due to the fact that most iconic video games are guys, it's no wonder we keep seeing male characters dropped more often. Female characters and minority characters in video games in general tend to be sidekicks as opposed to taking central role. Perhaps someday there will be more female characters to choose from. Chances would be even better if Sakurai's character parameters are a little less strict.

Deleted member

I honestly do genuinely want to know what the appeal is in Geno. Like what makes him such a compelling character choice, one who's a side-character in a Mario spin-off who has only made one game appearance to date that has resonated so much with people to the point where he's become a top request for Smash.

Like I understand the uniqueness part, but I understand nothing else about him or his appeal. To me it's like if the purple Bob-Omb from Mario 64 became a top request for Smash lmao.
One day I'm gonna make my thesis revolve around the psychology of the Geno community.

Deleted member

Like Spencer from Bionic Commando is still technically competition for Capcom but did anybody jump to him when RE got spirits and Dante was considered not possible for fighter 5?
Spencer could be a pretty cool character, honestly. I would rather have almost anyone else from Capcom, but at least his wife arm could make for some fun gameplay.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
No way, pal, Geno's been a lock for 20 years and counting. :4pacman:
The thing is that Geno's fanbase collapsed after Brawl's release. There was even a point where he was barely within the Top 50 during pre-Smash 4. Geno did not become a thing again until the Mii costume was released. I have a pre-Smash 4 poll from October 2014, of which I will talk about the results at a later point (its really interesting), that is kind of a snapshot to what I am talking about. But the idea that Geno has been continually highly requested for 20 years is not true at all. Heck, the point where Geno even began to become highly requested was during the summer of 2006. So it was basically a year and half period where Geno was within the Top 10, and then basically a nearly decade long hiatus where he was behind most big Mario characters in terms of requests up until Sakurai resurrected it through the Mii costume and admitting that he himself is a Geno fan.

The point where Geno mania even began again (back to pre-Brawl heights) was Ridley and especially K. Rool being confirmed, which it seemed like Sakurai was going to put in every single character that has been big with the Smash Bubble.

That being said I am 90% positive Geno is going to be announced for the post-pass DLC.
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Smash Master
Sep 4, 2019
While maybe there's some people who actively dislike KOS-MOS (a thing that happens to all characters) thinking people underestimate her because she's a female character is simply wrong. Well, maybe someone's dislikes her for that reason, but that's it.
I mean, I think KOS-MOS chances are a bit overestimated, if I'm honest with you guys. I don't think she's impossible, she has decent chances. But making her the most likely Namco rep is a bit of a stretch if you ask me. Yeah, Lloyd is out of the run for FP5, but there's still Heihachi and other possible picks like Soul Calibur or Dark Souls (this last wouldn't be a surprise for me). And that's if FP5 is a Namco character because post-pass a Tales character is totally possible.

Hey, thinking she isn't the most likely Namco newcomer in normal circumstances isn't a bad thing neither means I think she's impossible. But I feel that putting her at the same level of franchises like Tales or Tekken is more of a personal bias and desire than the truth.
I mean, take a look at Phoenix Wright. In normal circumstances he's under Resident Evil and Dante. RE is deconfirmed and Dante isn't supossed to be FP5, so now more than ever Wright is being discussed. He isn't the most likely Capcom newcomer and in the end he maybe gets in.

For example, Amaterasu is one of my impossible picks. I would love seeing her in Smash but I know she has at best 1% having DMC, Ace Attorney or even Monster Hunter as a competition. Resident Evil would be there as well a few days ago.
Another example. It's a bit different but the point is clear, I think: I want Sol Badguy in Smash and while I think he has a shot, I'm not assuming he's super likely or something because that would be changing the reality. And speaking of Sol, if he's has been discussed recently alongside Nightmare is, if I'm not wrong, because both were mentioned by Fatman alongside Dante and Lloyd, and these last two were recently deconfirmed for FP5.

I'm not saying all this to hurt KOS-MOS chances or his fanbase. Is she is FP5 or a post-pass character I would be happy for you. I have to play Xenosaga, but the character looks really cool so I'm totally okay with her. I want to clarify that. But I don't know, I'm being honest when I say that I feel some people overestimate a bit her chances. Maybe I'm wrong, of course, and Sakurai would only think of her when thinking of adding another Namco character.
If she was still a Monolith/Nintendo property maybe she would have already been added to the game before or instead of Shulk, but that's not the case and she has some tough competition in Namco. The average gamer thinks first of Pacman, Tekken and Dark Souls when they hear Bandai Namco and if we're speaking about role playing fans most people know Tales before Xenosaga.


Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2018
Milky Way
Alright since this thread is going down the dumpster between KOS-MOS vs Nightmare argument, I'll put my thoughts in.

-You cannot deny that she has a vocal fanbase ever since the cat leak, and especially since Monoltih-Soft decided to use her as the face of their 20th anniversary. Even during the beginning of the Grinch leak she was decently well received, but she was overshadowed by Isaac/Banjo/Geno fans. On top of this she was shown to not be in the leak after a bit.
-Namco Bandai clearly considers her a decently popular character, considering that they keep on making figurines for her. Even Harada (general producer of Namco Bandai) complemented how popular she still is during his interview with Takahashi.
-She has a ton of moveset potential, and would be a solid second rep for the Xeno metaseries.
-Her series is dead but so was Banjo and Kazooie's, so what's the difference? FAN DEMAND is not a good reasoning, as there were plenty of other characters that also had a ton of fan demand, but did not manage to get in. You do not need an active series to be in Smash.
-She has crossed over with a ton of other franchises.

-The series is decently known, and is active compared to Xenosaga which is inactive.
-Nightmare himself isn't extremely known (better then KOS-MOS outside of Japan) but would also bring in some cool new moveset.
-Series is described as being "successful" by Namco. 15 years ago the series was massively successful.
-Known to crossover with other franchises, only usually most franchises cross over with IT and not the other way around. This would be a nice change of pace for the series.

Both characters have their own completely valid reasons to get in over each other (but are both small fish in a huge pond, making either of them decently unlikely).

My problem is with people that say Tales of "is too niche to be shown off at the Game Awards"; and then support KOS-MOS or Nightmare (usually Nightmare), as worthy character to be shown off at the game awards. SoulCalibur nowadays is 100% lesser known then Tales, and really the only thing mainstream about it was the custom character creation tools, not the actual series original characters themselves. I don't even know how well Soul Calibur 6 has done; probably around 1 million?

TL;DR: If you support KOS-MOS or Nightmare while actively being against Tales of being shown off at the Game Awards because "too niche"; you're a hypocrite. That said, both characters have their own reasoning to get in over each other, even if both of those characters are unlikely in the long run. Hopefully fans of both characters can get what they want.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2018
Given how many people here jumped to say she had no competition left when Lloyd was disconfirmed while completely ignoring that SC and Tekken are still viable candidates it shows that she's treated way better in speculation than it's made out to be.
I'm honestly not surprised a lot of Smash fans dont consider Tekken or Soul Calibur as likely, since they probably aren't familiar with it. So in their heads, that makes them less likely.

Sometimes, the obvious choice isn't so obvious. How many people talked about SNK prior to Terry's leak reveal? I think the "KOS-MOS is a lock" crew should temper their expectations a little


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Given how many people here jumped to say she had no competition left when Lloyd was disconfirmed while completely ignoring that SC and Tekken are still viable candidates it shows that she's treated way better in speculation than it's made out to be.
Like Spencer from Bionic Commando is still technically competition for Capcom but did anybody jump to him when RE got spirits and Dante was considered not possible for fighter 5?
Yeah, some peoples' perspective is a little out of whack. KOS-MOS is cool, but at the same time, no one should seriously need to ask the question as to why she isn't being discussed as much as a series that has moved like twenty-five times the units, and has, what, maybe five times the games?

She does receive treatment in excess of her station; she's lucky. I mean, Klonoa has a similar amount of games. They went dormant around the same time. His games were never huge. Why aren't people wondering why he's not a bigger fixture of discussion?

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
You sound extremely egotistical. In my thought out opinion, the way you present yourself is ridiculously awful and you manage to create a post that’s far more “stupid” than my mii fighter post because of it. Now you’re trying your best to regain the image of intelligence because we point out why your previous post is dumb, which is hilariously ironic.
Who is we?

In retrospect, it probably wasn’t the best reply to give but that was my general feeling and still is. Still, I admit it was a **** move and I probably shouldn’t of said that and escalated it as a staff member.

What was your issue with my initial post? I listed Namco as likely but you seemed to disagree that other companies are unlikely and that Namco is all but a lock as F5. I’m not the kind of person to go off and say “Yeah, Heihachi/Namco is a lock” when I don’t have any actual factual evidence aside from assumptions and patterns. I feel there are a number of potential and likely candidates, not just one.
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Smash Master
Mar 21, 2019
Given how many people here jumped to say she had no competition left when Lloyd was disconfirmed while completely ignoring that SC and Tekken are still viable candidates it shows that she's treated way better in speculation than it's made out to be.
Like Spencer from Bionic Commando is still technically competition for Capcom but did anybody jump to him when RE got spirits and Dante was considered not possible for fighter 5?
If that cat ""leak"" didn't pop up then no one would be entertaining KOS-MOS this much and giving her the time of day.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC

Beautiful how the argument has devolved to this.

Deleted member

Hey, I'd be happy with KOS-MOS, as I did enjoy the Xenosaga series. Nightmare is just on my more wanted list due to the fact that I was a huge Soulcalibur fan(and a Nightmare main) and I have so many fond memories of Soulcalibur II and III(IV and V, not so much and I waited until Soulcalibur VI was on sale, but haven't gotten to it yet).

Both of them are fine characters. Mitsurugi just has that issue where there are alot of characters like him though and he doesn't really have anything unique himself. With Sophitia, she's a CERO magnet. Like, it's not even subtle when she has two grab moves where she shoves her crotch in the opponent's face.
Just like with Nightmare we don't have any heavy armored BFS guys, we don't have a samurai yet in the roster let alone a katana user. Sophitia point is fair though.
I honestly do genuinely want to know what the appeal is in Geno. Like what makes him such a compelling character choice, one who's a side-character in a Mario spin-off who has only made one game appearance to date that has resonated so much with people to the point where he's become a top request for Smash.

Like I understand the uniqueness part, but I understand nothing else about him or his appeal. To me it's like if the purple Bob-Omb from Mario 64 became a top request for Smash lmao.
I think he is just something that appeals to a lot of the fans for whatever reason. Maybe the aspect of being a 3rd party Mario character that is tied behind other company, makes the supporters pity his status.

As for me, I appreciate SMRPG for being my proper introduction to the JRPGs in general but I would lie if I told anyone I am interested in Geno, even more so after my last replay of the game where I realized the best character is Bowser.

Gamma Ray

Smash Apprentice
Oct 22, 2019
Like, if I bought the Rex costume and then got Rex fully playable later, I’d be pissed that Nintendo convinced me to drop money on something whereas I’d rather have had the character at the beginning.
I'm really struggling to follow your logic here. If you bought the fighters pass just for the Rex Mii costume, and then Rex was revealed at the end you'd be pissed for not getting him at the start? That was the whole reason Sakurai apologized though, for not being able to include him due to time constraints. There's no way he could have been at the start of the pass, but if he made the effort to include him at the end to please his fans I don't see why they would be angry with Sakurai.

Deleted member

I'm honestly not surprised a lot of Smash fans dont consider Tekken or Soul Calibur as likely, since they probably aren't familiar with it. So in their heads, that makes them less likely.
Which is weird considering we live in a world where this happened

I'd argue Soul Calibur's long history with crossovers is exactly what makes it likely beyond it's general popularity and history. It's crossed over with about as many series as KOS-MOS herself has, if not more.
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Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2018
A hot dog stand at the end of time and space
Switch FC
how would you rate this roster and what do you think?
View attachment 248702
  • Lloyd: Not my taste but okay.
  • Dante: Most wanted.
  • Geno: Rather have Isaac but okay.
  • Shantae: Rather not have her in but okay.
  • Prof. Layton: He should've been base roster.
  • Doomguy: Yes please.
  • Sol Badguy: See Lloyd.
  • Sakura: See Lloyd.
  • Frogger: See Shantae.
  • Hayabusa: See Lloyd.
  • Crash: See Lloyd
Why are so many of you opposed to modding your own music into the game?
I'm not. It's probably because I don't know how, but you've given me the idea to learn to do that now that you mention it.
Here's a fun and depressing game to play: We are probably going to get more third party spirit events in the future, so by using the companies already present in smash which games would be best to get 4 spirits on the board?
  • Nintendo: Astral Chain.
  • Konami: Silent Hill.
  • SEGA: Jet Set Radio.
  • CAPCOM: Darkstalkers.
  • Bandai Namco: Some of their retro games (Dig Dug, Rolling Thunder, Splatterhouse, etc.).
  • Square Enix: The World Ends With You.
  • Microsoft: Either Killer Instinct or Battletoads.
  • SNK: Metal Slug
We all know it's gonna be Byleth right?
Not for CP#5 but yes.
Better than half the crap that’s on here anyway.

“Just woke up and saw the news guys!!! SABI AND MY MOM SAID (insert character) IS NOT FP5! iS tHis TrUe?!”

then it’s some crazy ***** crying about women characters. The sexist people in the thread saying it doesn’t matter. The Geno freaks leaving their thread and attacking everyone. The anime freaks claiming their wifu is amazing. The KOS-MOS fans having a hard on and finally people fighting over Sabi if she’s fake or not.
Sounds like /v/.
Still hoping for Fortnite guy.
Hot take: I'm cool with that.
So now that the anime swordfighter is out of the running, our next best bet for Bamco is the other most loathed archetype of Smash fans: the traditional fighting game character. Yall aren't safe yet and I'm gonna laugh my ass off if the boomer crime lord ends up creating another salt mine.
Actually, I'd love to see more fighting games get into Smash and I'm glad that Terry got in. I wouldn't mind Heihachi at all.
>Sora survived the Killing spree even though he's one of the most popular characters
>But it's because no one think he's possible, so there no need to asks for a deconfirm
>Or actually it's because the Source can't say it's name because there a Mickey Mouse Sith and a Nintendo Yakuza behind them, ready to strike the moment they leak Sora
>But actually it's really nothing


No seriously,

-Crash Bandicoot
-Doom Slayer from Doom
-Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden
-Tracer from Overwatch
-Scorpion from Mortal Kombat
-Dante from Devil May Cry
-Geno from Super Mario RPG
-Any Resident Evil character
-Any character from Ubisoft
-Any character from Falcom
-Any character from Nippon Ichi Software
-Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia

Who the hell it is?



Phoenix Time.
Not to bring your hopes up but I think Sora is looking likely. Of course, with mental gymnastics, anyone can seem likely.
Does anyone think we may get the first Post Pass character announced with FP5?
Sakurai's team seems to be way ahead of the original schedule.
I wouldn't bet on it but it's a possibility.
It seems the thread really has a bias for males, though it seems like it really is the reality of this community.
It seems that the majority of characters circlejerked in this thread happen to be males, and some may mistake it as the people of this community being misogynistic.
I guess that's how I'd say it. No one is really misogynist here (at least as far as I know).
>Sweats nervously while hiding framed picture of Shadow the hedgehog
I still want him though.
KOS-MOS sucks lol
That was a joke. I have to explain myself because some wingnut will take this seriously.
Damn, I thought after Daisy Ridley got in that Vader was a shoo in for sure. Can never predict what Sakurai's thinking.
I know it's done to death already but Imma make the joke anyways.

>Daisy is in:ultdaisy:
>Ridley is in:ultridley:
>Isabelle is in:ultisabelle:


Deleted member

Sigh...what a flame war it has been.

I'll be taking a break here for the moment to practice my Marth/Lucina skills. Page me if anything of my interest would be happening.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
He's from the first Mario RPG. Because it's Mario, it's one of the first RPGs certain people ever played, if not their first.

Geno is the stereotypically "cool" and "badass" party member that pops up in lots of RPGs. However, because he's from a Mario game, then for many adults older than I am, Geno was the first time they EVER saw one of those archetypes in an RPG. Everyone has that first "cool" / "badass" party member they became fixated with, whether it's Kain from Final Fantasy IV or Shadow from Final Fantasy VI, etc. A big part of why Cloud is popular is because he's a part of that archetype while also being the main character, and Final Fantasy VII's story explores how this outward attitude of his is actually a facade and how he's actually assuming someone else's identity. And for many players, because Super Mario RPG is, well, a Mario game, Geno was their first time seeing that sort of character in an RPG.

Those kinds of characters make an impression. Geno also has cool powers referencing how he's a toy with removable projectile arms he can shoot bullets out of, which would be fun in Smash (edit: as others have pointed out, this character design is uniquely "Mario" in a mix of being cartoony yet cool, which adds to his appeal). Though Geno does not get a character arc (that's Mallow, who's underrated), he does explain why saving Peach should not be the end of the journey in Super Mario RPG and helps guide the party to collect the pieces of the Star Road and save the world.
It's also worth mentioning that the archetype Geno serves is a huge rarity in the Super Mario series. In fact I think he's still the only character like this.

Sigh...what a flame war it has been.
Yeah. I feel like I'm the one responsible for it too. Sorry everyone.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2019
Yeah, some peoples' perspective is a little out of whack. KOS-MOS is cool, but at the same time, no one should seriously need to ask the question as to why she isn't being discussed as much as a series that has moved like twenty-five times the units, and has, what, maybe five times the games?

She does receive treatment in excess of her station; she's lucky. I mean, Klonoa has a similar amount of games. They went dormant around the same time. His games were never huge. Why aren't people wondering why he's not a bigger fixture of discussion?
You have a point. While she always had a loyal fanbase, she's more discussed in Smash speculation than bigger franchises like Tomb Raider, Soul Calibur or Dark Souls, specially these last months. Of course rumours and fake 4chan leaks helps to boost speculation on characters that some people ignore, and that's a good thing (the only one, I think, from fake leaks).
Considering the popularity of his franchise and the amount of competition she has as a Namco character, I think she's relatively "lucky" to be that discussed in comparison to other characters in a similar position, like Morrigan.


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2019
I honestly do genuinely want to know what the appeal is in Geno. Like what makes him such a compelling character choice, one who's a side-character in a Mario spin-off who has only made one game appearance to date that has resonated so much with people to the point where he's become a top request for Smash.

Like I understand the uniqueness part, but I understand nothing else about him or his appeal. To me it's like if the purple Bob-Omb from Mario 64 became a top request for Smash lmao.
Bandwagon mentality. If enough people say they want something, others will mentality convince themselves that they want it too.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
It’s interesting that, despite Geno’s support seeming to die in Smash 4, Sakurai still said Geno gets a lot of requests in the interview where he talked about the Mii costume.

Bandwagon mentality. If enough people say they want something, others will mentality convince themselves that they want it too.
I don’t think this is as common as you imply; if people don’t genuinely like a character or want them, then they wouldn’t pretend they do unless they’re those stupid Grotesque Steve guys on twitter that Steve fans other than me also don’t like. Some people just like a character but don’t think of the idea of them in Smash until something makes it come to them, and some people just stop being vocal because they’re tired of trying after so long or some are nearly never vocal because of trolls or haters yelling at them.

As long as they like the character, they may as well like to see them in at least, essentially wanting them by some amount.
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Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2019
Who is we?

In retrospect, it probably wasn’t the best reply to give but that was my general feeling and still is. Still, I admit it was a **** move and I probably shouldn’t of said that and escalated it.

What was your issue with my initial post? I listed Namco as likely but you seemed to disagree that other companies are unlikely and that Namco is all but a lock as F5.
There was another person who pointed out the irony of the “this post is not worth responding” post.

The direct itself is heavily foreshadowing a Namco rep. The Heihachi thing is one detail, but Sakurai blurted out about how Namco only had one rep as everyone laughed about. Keep in mind that blurting out stuff like this is extremely abnormal in these videos. What’s funny is how none of Namco’s mii stuff has never returned when they arguably have many chances to put in one mii costume as dlc. The fact the Namco has no mii costumes in the game yet is incredibly strange.
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