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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
Calabasas, California
Switch FC
1284 3127 1819
There is plenty wrong with them.

They're two Pichus with differently colored ears, legs, and arms and plus and minus theme. I don't care if they could be a duo, I hate that they exist to begin with. They do not need to acknowledged in this game.

If the third generation needs to be represented, find some Pokemon designs that weren't thrown together in five seconds. Or, at the very least, find somebody who isn't another electric rodent.
...So they aren't deserving because you don't like them? I don't exactly love them either, but I'm not using that as a reason lol.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
How many characters do you suppose Smash 4 will have? Sakurai has only thrown around the number 50 in relation to Smash 4 and its almost always rhetorical, "We can't just have 50 playable characters or double the stages". Also, keep in mind that Sakurai almost always incorporates transformation characters when he talks about the number of playable characters in a Smash Bros. game, NOT number of slots (ie. he refers to Melee having 26 playable characters not 25, and Brawl having 39 playable characters, not 35).

Also, keeping in mind that very few people want to see ANY characters cut from Brawl (aside from Lucario), we could very well be only seeing NINE newcomers for Smash 4.

I have figured under such a scenario, these would be the characters that would please the highest number of people:

1. Toad, Bowser Jr, or Paper Mario
2. Ridley
3. Zoroark or Victini
4. Medusa or Palutena
5. Little Mac
6. Lip
7. Isaac
8. Mega Man or Ryu (Street Fighter)
9. Slime, Simon Belmont, or Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden)
10. Mewtwo (who takes Lucario's place)

In this scenario, we would have 48 playable characters for Smash 4, close to the 50 that Sakurai has thrown around. I think there are few Nintendo characters left that actually deserve to be playable. While there would be no surprises with such a roster, I don't think any of these choices would upset anyone (or very few) and would please most fans.

This roster would basically bring back all of Brawl's roster (with the exception of Lucario), and add the nine newcomers mentioned on this list.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I was unaware that Black Shadow had anything to do with bulls
If you look at Black Shadow's artwork, the horns on his head resemble that of a bull. And his toes are shaped like bull hooves. Lastly, his F-Zero machine is called the Black Bull.




Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
They're not really clones but semi-clones (AKA "lugified" clones). (This term used to be used a lot so I'm surprized it has fallen out of use.) Brawl didn't have any true clones like Melee did If you ask me, I think they did a great job making Toon Link, Ganondorf, and Falco distinct from their original counterparts. They were given new moves, new animations, and the characteristics/properties of their attacks were changed. Also, with Falco and Toon Link, it makes sense that they attack similarly. Toon Link is a reincarnation of Link and Falco trained at the same military academy as Fox (and by extension it's suggested in the series that Wolf did too).

Aside from the identical Final Smashes, I think Toon Link, Wolf, Ganondorf, Luigi, and Falco were good models for how "clones" should be- similar but distinct enough that they still have a different feel to them. Semi-clones show that a decent amount of thought went into not making them too similar to their counterparts, clones are just a quick way to increase the number of characters. With that being said, semi-clones take some of the work away that allows them to put more focus on new characters instead of taking old characters and trying to make them entirely different. Going off of that you can probably accredit 2-3 completely unique characters in the roster on the time saved making semi-clones.
This is exactly why Yarn Kirby would be an extremely fine addition , just like Luigi who is a step ahead when it comes to semi-cloning , because he has one special move that is COMPLETELY different from Kirby , along with the other differences that they could add to his moveset.

a good semi-clone.


Smash Master
Dec 26, 2007
Charlotte NC :)
If you look at Black Shadow's artwork, the horns on his head resemble that of a bull. And his toes are shaped like bull hooves. Lastly, his F-Zero machine is called the Black Bull.


For some reason I was thinking Black Knight from FE. My bad.
How many characters do you suppose Smash 4 will have? Sakurai has only thrown around the number 50 in relation to Smash 4 and its almost always rhetorical, "We can't just have 50 playable characters or double the stages". Also, keep in mind that Sakurai almost always incorporates transformation characters when he talks about the number of playable characters in a Smash Bros. game, NOT number of slots (ie. he refers to Melee having 26 playable characters not 25, and Brawl having 39 playable characters, not 35).

Also, keeping in mind that very few people want to see ANY characters cut from Brawl (aside from Lucario), we could very well be only seeing NINE newcomers for Smash 4.

I have figured under such a scenario, these would be the characters that would please the highest number of people:

1. Toad, Bowser Jr, or Paper Mario
2. Ridley
3. Zoroark or Victini
4. Medusa or Palutena
5. Little Mac
6. Lip
7. Isaac
8. Mega Man or Ryu (Street Fighter)
9. Slime, Simon Belmont, or Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden)
10. Mewtwo (who takes Lucario's place)

In this scenario, we would have 48 playable characters for Smash 4, close to the 50 that Sakurai has thrown around. I think there are few Nintendo characters left that actually deserve to be playable. While there would be no surprises with such a roster, I don't think any of these choices would upset anyone (or very few) and would please most fans.

This roster would basically bring back all of Brawl's roster (with the exception of Lucario), and add the nine newcomers mentioned on this list.
I can't speak for everyone but I'm pretty sure people would be okay without Lip, Mewtwo's return, and all of #9. I personally would be pretty okay if Little Mac wasnt a playable character but idk about other people on him.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
This is exactly why Yarn Kirby would be an extremely fine addition , just like Luigi who is a step ahead when it comes to semi-cloning , because he has one special move that is COMPLETELY different from Kirby , along with the other differences that they could add to his moveset.

a good semi-clone.
But Yarn Kirby's... still Kirby. They have different abilties but it's just two forms of the same person. With Link and Toon Link, it's too different people who exist at two entirely different times. Mario and Luigi are clearly two different people. Yarn Kirby is just a different form of Kirby from one game. I'm one of those old farts that can't always detect sarcasm though the internet but Yarn Kirby and Luigi are hardly comparable if that's what you're suggesting.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 1, 2009
Hiding Behind Gustaff Fire
Golden Sun character would probably be Matthew or someone from Golden Sun 3D that they announced. As much as I would love to see Isaac, Felix and one or two of Saturos, Menardi, Karst, and Agatio, I think they'd pull from the more current set of characters to hype the fourth game.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Honestly I can shed some light on this. Lucario was practically designed for furries, so was Zorark, I think Sakurai is a furry but putting Krystal in would totally take away his awesome cred so he covered up his fur-love by putting in Pokemon, because Pokemon is badass.

Mewtwo being designed for furries? Not so much. I dare you to google Lucario...it's disturbing.
So you're saying Krystal never made the roster because of Lucario? Sorry, that doesn't make sense. Also why do you think Sakurai has a "fur-love"?

But I agree with PG-13 and SSBFan, there's simply no conclusive explaination if Mewtwo was "meant" to be replaced by either Pokemon Trainer or Lucario which by now has been discussed to death.



Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
...So they aren't deserving because you don't like them? I don't exactly love them either, but I'm not using that as a reason lol.
Well, yeah, I am personally against them. I'm not stating that they absolutely won't make it (in fact I am pretty worried about it), I just hate the idea of them even being suggested. There are better third generation Pokemon out there. I wish people would think of them and not the laziest of the electric rodent designs.

Golden Sun character would probably be Matthew or someone from Golden Sun 3D that they announced. As much as I would love to see Isaac, Felix and one or two of Saturos, Menardi, Karst, and Agatio, I think they'd pull from the more current set of characters to hype the fourth game.
I don't know. To me it looks like a toss-up. Isaac has been present in all three Golden Sun games so far. He is still easily the main character of the franchise. However, Matthew deserves credit. It would be nice to have him as well, but I'm just not counting on it.

Deleted member

Fatmanonice brought up that most people in the next generation will likely remember the late N64/Gamecube era. If that is the case, then next gen, the Nintendo 64 can be considered a retro console. My opinion is that if a console is three generation behind the current, it is a retro console. Example, Melee was released on Gamecube, Ice Climbers and Mr. Game & Watch only had games on the NES. Therefore, they are considered retro characters. Brawl came around on the Wii. As such, the NES and SNES could be considered retro consoles. In this case, to add to Ice Climbers and Mr. Game & Watch, Marth (Although the main face of Fire Emblem, he did not appear in a game since Fire Emblem: Monshō no Nazo on January, 1994 for the SNES, therefore, since the console was three generations ago, it could be considered retro and so could Marth), Pit, and R.O.B. Pit and Marth have since lost that retro status by appearing in new games (Marth) or upcoming games (Pit). Now next gen come along and if this logic applies, the Nintendo 64 can be considered retro. So really, any character that has not appeared in a single game since the Nintendo 64 can be considered retro, not just NES and SNES.

@ChronoBound: You have a point there, but I think we'll see at least 46 characters without transformation included mainly because the Wii-U disc can handle about three times the size of the Wii's disc, meaning more information can be put in. Obviously a lot of it will go into modes and visuals, but as we're not expecting any big story mode on the Wii-U version, so I can see a roster in the late 40s without transformation easily occurring, not to mention the likelihood of DLC characters. But if we only get 44 characters, I think what would please the most fans is if Lip was replaced with King K. Rool/Dixie Kong and the fourth third-party character (Not Mega Man) with Saki Amamiya/Isa Jo since I doubt with just ten changes to the roster that we'll see a fourth third-party character.

Also, Toad could be removed. This is probably the only major site where Toad is generally supported, other sites such as IGN and GameFAQs are either against his inclusion or mixed. I see more support for Bowser Jr. and even Paper Mario. Ryu could be removed as well since many more people want Mega Man.
Fatmanonice said:
Well, he basically admitted that the clones were added only a few months before Melee was launched to stuff the roster so that fans wouldn't be mad.
Why would people be mad with just 20 characters in Melee? If anything, I would have preferred a roster without Pichu and Dr. Mario (I preferred Roy over Marth in that game and Mewtwo was unique, so not including those).
Fatamonice said:
I would say that it will be roughly the same, with about a 3 month standard deviation. The original Smash Bros was a very basic project and Melee was finished so fast because Sakurai worked on it 10+ hours a day, 6 days a week, for 11 months. One of the reasons Brawl was delayed was because of complications with the online features since it was the team's first time working with online for the Wii so that obstacle probably won't be present this time around as the WiiU's online infrastructure should be considerably easier to work with and the team has experience now.
You're forgetting that they have to update everything to HD and improve the models of all the characters in the game to above PS3/360 levels and considering how good Brawl looked, they're most certainly going to try to push close to the limit in not only visuals, but pack it with contents. It's not the characters, stages, and online that needs to be improved, it's that they're going to be adding new styles to fight with and new modes.
Fatmanonice said:
F-Zero's technically a dead franchise so its chances of getting anymore reps are virtually zilch. It's been seven years since the last installment and, for whatever reason, Nintendo keeps shooting down requests from third parties to pick up the series again.
I wouldn't say the franchise is dead yet nor do I think the chances are small. They may have very well skipped the Wii generation because a great F-zero game couldn't handle it and chosen to put it in the Wii-U instead where it has better online, is much more powerful, and that it'll likely sell better then F-zero GX. You should also consider that Samurai Gorah was an Assist Trophy and I can't see the game going without upgrading at least one player from Assist Trophy status to playable character.
kenshen said:
what about some body from ff like cloud or Cecil
It will almost certainly not happen. Dragon Quest reps will get in before Final Fantasy.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Keep in mind that the 360's technology is now almost 6 years old so I don't think working with the WiiU will be that much of an issue especially since most of the developers that Sakurai hires for these games are free lance and work around the industry. Like with Brawl, there's also the fact that they are using Melee's engine as a base so they don't have to build a new one from the ground up. Something else to consider is that most of Brawl's development focused on the SSE and Sakurai said that a good chunck of that time was creating all the cutscenes. From what I've gathered so far, the 3DS Smash Bros will mostly focus on single player leaving SSB4 to focus more on multiplayer, something that development wise is less time consuming. In a strange turn of events, I think it will actually take longer to develop the 3DS game than the WiiU game for this reason alone. Also, as unprofessional hackers with Brawl have shown, updating character skins can be done in a matter of days so I don't think updating the graphics will be that much of an issue either.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
mewtwo will not be in ahead of lucario... there's no reason for it now that he has an even larger fanbase... mewtwo's pretty much SOL. Zoroark will be in. Lucario might. though if he does it will because zoroark fills his place. Lucario would be in much higher demand than many other characters... and lol cutting lucario would please the highest ammount of people... 2many lucario fanboys brah.

Deleted member

Fatmanonice said:
Also, as unprofessional hackers with Brawl have shown, updating character skins can be done in a matter of days so I don't think updating the graphics will be that much of an issue either.
All of your arguments are good except this one. Updating characters skins in Brawl is different from updating a character into the next gen system. Not only that, they're two completely different thing and we may see Mario use his Dr. Mario costume, so alternate costumes could also lengthen the development. And like I said, updating visuals from what we see in Brawl to above PS3 is a large jump.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Fair enough. In regards to ALTs, I wonder if they will take advantage of DLC with this. I want to bring back an idea that I had in the pre-Brawl days where the game has an "ingame store" (perhaps run by Tom Nook) that updates on a weekly basis that offers things like new stages, music, and ALTs.

Deleted member

Fair enough. In regards to ALTs, I wonder if they will take advantage of DLC with this. I want to bring back an idea that I had in the pre-Brawl days where the game has an "ingame store" (perhaps run by Tom Nook) that updates on a weekly basis that offers things like new stages, music, and ALTs.
That would be a great idea. Just add in highly-requested characters on the occasional basis and I think this would along perfectly. The game is likely to see DLC, so why not?

vVv Rapture

Smash Lord
Writing Team
Sep 20, 2009
Fair enough. In regards to ALTs, I wonder if they will take advantage of DLC with this. I want to bring back an idea that I had in the pre-Brawl days where the game has an "ingame store" (perhaps run by Tom Nook) that updates on a weekly basis that offers things like new stages, music, and ALTs.
Would be nice, but that would require a ton of work to have the development team create all of that new content every single week.

A better idea would to have that same sort of marketplace (I love the Tom Nook idea, by the way) for user-created content. Obviously everything would be free, but it would be some much more organized and available for people looking to download new things. Custom stages could be put up, people could maybe use an in-game or online (like PC or web-browser) program to create original music or character costumes) and then put them up on the marketplace to be downloaded, reviewed, scored, etc.

Then there could be a special section where developer-made DLC is put and user-created content recommended by the developers.


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
But Yarn Kirby's... still Kirby. They have different abilties but it's just two forms of the same person. With Link and Toon Link, it's too different people who exist at two entirely different times. Mario and Luigi are clearly two different people. Yarn Kirby is just a different form of Kirby from one game. I'm one of those old farts that can't always detect sarcasm though the internet but Yarn Kirby and Luigi are hardly comparable if that's what you're suggesting.
well you're lucky because I'm not being sarcastic at all on this one, you're going into existence considerations that are exactly the same as Young Link and Dr. Mario for Melee , and what they fixed in Brawl to make the clones into semi-clones is the movesets feel compared to the original

I don't see how they couldnt do exactly the same. Thats where I'm comparing Luigi to Yarn Kirby, not its existence or not comparing the fact that Luigi is Mario's brother to Kirby's different form

Deleted member

iirc the wiiu will not have the HDD to really support DLC
Doesn't really matter. If there is good enough size flash memory, developers will support it anyway, plus you're forgetting that it allows external HD's. I can't imagine DLC being affected that much if any.

@Thino: The less clones/lugified clones, the better. I'd rather have unique characters.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
the only things close to clones in Brawl are Toon link and link. and maybe CF/ganon

every other former clone plays completely differently. especially spacies :I

Deleted member

Wait Chrono, why did you say 39 for Brawl when if we're counting transformation, it would be 40? Samus, Zelda, and Pokemon Trainer all have different transformations. That's five, therefore, 40 characters including transformations.


Smash Cadet
Jun 8, 2011
I have always wanted a smash bros where you can unlock alternate costumes to turn them into "alternate characters"

Link vs. Young Link,
Mario vs. Dr. Mario,
Peach vs. Daisy,
Yarn Kirby vs. Kirby,
Fox vs. Falco,
Anyone of the Fire Emblem Lords vs. Anyone of the Fire Emblem Lords,
Pokemon Male vs. Pokemon Female.
Warioware Wario vs. Wario

This would seriously condense the roster, I think it would be great if they were all clones of each other but different skins, completely redone character designs with the same physics/moveset but the move animations would be tweaked as well.

vVv Rapture

Smash Lord
Writing Team
Sep 20, 2009
I have always wanted a smash bros where you can unlock alternate costumes to turn them into "alternate characters"

Link vs. Young Link,
Mario vs. Dr. Mario,
Peach vs. Daisy,
Yarn Kirby vs. Kirby,
Fox vs. Falco,
Anyone of the Fire Emblem Lords vs. Anyone of the Fire Emblem Lords,
Pokemon Male vs. Pokemon Female.
Warioware Wario vs. Wario

This would seriously condense the roster, I think it would be great if they were all clones of each other but different skins, completely redone character designs with the same physics/moveset but the move animations would be tweaked as well.
I'm really confused as to how you say they would be all clones of each other, but have different designs, movesets and animations.

Also, Fox and Falco are different characters and are as de-cloned as they'll get. They both play very differently.

Deleted member

Wait Chrono, why did you say 39 for Brawl when if we're counting transformation, it would be 40? Samus, Zelda, and Pokemon Trainer all have different transformations. That's five, therefore, 40 characters including transformations.
No, 39. You're counting four characters for Pokemon Trainer, not three.

There's 35 characters, not counting transformations. Add Zamus, Sheik, and the Trainer's other two Pokemon, and you have 39.


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
iirc the wiiu will not have the HDD to really support DLC
Storage:The console will have internal flash memory, as well as the option to expand its memory using either an SD memory card or an external USB hard disk drive.

this console better support extension with the game saves cuz if so my HDD is soooo ready for this game

500 GB of SSBU

@Thino: The less clones/lugified clones, the better. I'd rather have unique characters.
true, but that doesn't mean they cant be considered


Smash Lord
May 13, 2006
Western NY
One of the problems with speculating on new characters and so often "looking backwards" is that, well, Nintendo hasn't had many new IPs during the Wii/DS generation-. Well, they have, but they rarely have had any "smashable" characters. I think Sakurai even talked about this after SSBB came out.

I mean, the only franchises that could really provide "Smash" characters are the Mii Franchise (and I think it is safe to speculate we WILL see your Miis in SSB4, it just seems so... obvious) and Professor Layton (which isn't even owned by Nintendo, just only shows up on Nintendo consoles). I mean, it's not like they are going to have the Endless Ocean scuba diver show up. Maybe they could raid one of the Japan-only games, like "Last Story" or "Captain Rainbow".

(And yes, I'm sure somebody will point out some Nintendo-published games I missed and I'll slap myself on the head and go "OH YEAH!")


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
One of the problems with speculating on new characters and so often "looking backwards" is that, well, Nintendo hasn't had many new IPs during the Wii/DS generation-. Well, they have, but they rarely have had any "smashable" characters. I think Sakurai even talked about this after SSBB came out.

I mean, the only franchises that could really provide "Smash" characters are the Mii Franchise (and I think it is safe to speculate we WILL see your Miis in SSB4, it just seems so... obvious) and Professor Layton (which isn't even owned by Nintendo, just only shows up on Nintendo consoles). I mean, it's not like they are going to have the Endless Ocean scuba diver show up. Maybe they could raid one of the Japan-only games, like "Last Story" or "Captain Rainbow".

(And yes, I'm sure somebody will point out some Nintendo-published games I missed and I'll slap myself on the head and go "OH YEAH!")
Well there weren't very many new franchises but there are a few franchises that have seen revivals and those that weren't represented last time around. For example, you have Punch Out, Golden Sun, and the Legendary Stafy to draw fighters from.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2006
Western NY
Well there weren't very many new franchises but there are a few franchises that have seen revivals and those that weren't represented last time around. For example, you have Punch Out, Golden Sun, and the Legendary Stafy to draw fighters from.
Yes, and "Sin and Punishment" too. But what I meant was that there have been very few "new-new" franchises, not revived or anything.


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
One of the problems with speculating on new characters and so often "looking backwards" is that, well, Nintendo hasn't had many new IPs during the Wii/DS generation-. Well, they have, but they rarely have had any "smashable" characters. I think Sakurai even talked about this after SSBB came out.

I mean, the only franchises that could really provide "Smash" characters are the Mii Franchise (and I think it is safe to speculate we WILL see your Miis in SSB4, it just seems so... obvious) and Professor Layton (which isn't even owned by Nintendo, just only shows up on Nintendo consoles). I mean, it's not like they are going to have the Endless Ocean scuba diver show up. Maybe they could raid one of the Japan-only games, like "Last Story" or "Captain Rainbow".

(And yes, I'm sure somebody will point out some Nintendo-published games I missed and I'll slap myself on the head and go "OH YEAH!")
At this point , despite the lack of new IPs, I'm pretty sure we should not worry about if characters can be made "smashable" be I believe that so far , we always had pleasant surprises when it comes to it


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2010
One of the problems with speculating on new characters and so often "looking backwards" is that, well, Nintendo hasn't had many new IPs during the Wii/DS generation-. Well, they have, but they rarely have had any "smashable" characters. I think Sakurai even talked about this after SSBB came out.

I mean, the only franchises that could really provide "Smash" characters are the Mii Franchise (and I think it is safe to speculate we WILL see your Miis in SSB4, it just seems so... obvious) and Professor Layton (which isn't even owned by Nintendo, just only shows up on Nintendo consoles). I mean, it's not like they are going to have the Endless Ocean scuba diver show up. Maybe they could raid one of the Japan-only games, like "Last Story" or "Captain Rainbow".

(And yes, I'm sure somebody will point out some Nintendo-published games I missed and I'll slap myself on the head and go "OH YEAH!")
There has been rumors that Miyamoto is designing a new IP for Nintendo. The last one I think he did was Pikmin. It will be interesting to see what he comes up with. Does anybody know what his new hobbies are?


Smash Lord
May 13, 2006
Western NY
There has been rumors that Miyamoto is designing a new IP for Nintendo. The last one I think he did was Pikmin. It will be interesting to see what he comes up with. Does anybody know what his new hobbies are?

I don't know. Nintendo made him stop talking about them.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
This is exactly why Yarn Kirby would be an extremely fine addition , just like Luigi who is a step ahead when it comes to semi-cloning , because he has one special move that is COMPLETELY different from Kirby , along with the other differences that they could add to his moveset.

a good semi-clone.
What if, instead of Yarn Kirby they add Prince Fluff? They can avoid the SSB's Kirby clone risk because Fluff is a new character and we have no idea if he can inhale, or multi-jump. It can be a good way to add Yarn Kirby without adding Yarn Kirby; they have the same moves but they're different characters. It would be the same as adding Roy in Melee and Marth not being playable whatsoever throughout the Smash series. Fluff would be a clone, but a very loose definition because there'd be no fighter like him in Smash even though he and Yarn Kirby have the same moves. This makes Fluff a clone in Kirby's Epic Yarn, but they can avoid him being a clone in smash if Yarn Kirby is absent.

With this idea, Yarn Kirby wouldn't appear, and for those who would be..."upset" about Fluff's inclusion over Yarn Kirby, they can have an alt costume for the prince. HOWEVER, even though I'm suggesting this, I'm not saying that this alt would be Yarn Kirby himself. I'm suggesting that we have a pink Prince Fluff who still retains his facial features (the big eyes, bushy brows and crown). The only difference is that his skin is pink; this idea is exactly like Mario/Luigi's Wario and WaLuigi outfits, Link's Dark Link alt, and Diddy's Dixie costume.

I would suggest that the alt simply be Yarn Kirby instead of a pink prince, but when you think about the examples in the last sentence, it kinda goes against the alt outfit tendencies of the series. Also, having entirely different characters as alt costumes will lead to problems that I will detail later if people are unsure of them.



Smash Cadet
Jun 8, 2011
There has been rumors that Miyamoto is designing a new IP for Nintendo. The last one I think he did was Pikmin. It will be interesting to see what he comes up with. Does anybody know what his new hobbies are?
Sadly the last IP Miyamoto developed was the Wii series. Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Music, Wii Sports Resort.

The Mii games are the new IP for the Wii generation.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
I didn't know that. Curse Zeldas games! Been trolling us from the beginning. Well according to the post above me at least.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 4, 2011
Queens, New York
Honestly a new Nintendo IP needs to happen

2 reasons:

No prominent Ip's came out this gen other than the Wii series

We are running out of significant characters to put in Smash.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
if prince fluff made it into smash before ANYTHING, I'd probably kill myself.
Stop giving me nightmares.

Honestly a new Nintendo IP needs to happen

2 reasons:

No prominent Ip's came out this gen other than the Wii series

We are running out of significant characters to put in Smash.
3rd Party characters This ^
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