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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Just got back from a night on the town with two ladies :awesome: harhar.

Really? I mean, you can't imagine him using his wolf nature to fight dirty? Basically, imagine if Wolf fought a little like this:
Well that does look like it would fit Wolf, and since its my girl Jill, I definitely approve. But I pictured something like Blanka style. You know? Neck biting, and tackling/clawing eyes out. That's my definition of dirty fighting. Well, one of them.

Seriously, though, which Capcom series has the most games out on the 3DS? Resident Evil has one out, and one coming out. What about Megs? Street Fighter only has one.

.....:) Jill Valentine. . . . .

IF she got in, I would hope it would be Jill from Revelations/Mercinaries. Not the blonde Jill from RE5. I like how vunerable Jill is. Being human is a quality a lot of Nintendo characters lack. Most are larger than life. Like Link.

Pretty much. Also, there was a picture on this Sakurai fansite that showed a room with arcade sticks. Makes you wonder....
I'm a lot less worried after reading that quote. It puts a tad bit of hope back into me. I mean, maybe we might get faster paced gameplay as well? We can hope, right?

@Star, I really like the Kanan sig you did, but it messes up my signatures and cuts them off at the bottom. I would just use that one alone, but I gotta get the word out there somehow about Operation Hoenn Rising. I even took off my SSB4 poll D: Does anyone know how to make a sig a link?


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
IF she got in, I would hope it would be Jill from Revelations/Mercinaries. Not the blonde Jill from RE5. I like how vunerable Jill is. Being human is a quality a lot of Nintendo characters lack. Most are larger than life. Like Link.
They've managed to do this to Samus, and to an extent, Fox. Both have their insecurities and fears underneath their serious demeanors. Personally, I find that very appealing because they are much easier to identify with. One of the reasons I love Po from KFP is because he reminds me a lot of myself.


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
They've managed to do this to Samus, and to an extent, Fox. Both have their insecurities and fears underneath their serious demeanors. Personally, I find that very appealing because they are much easier to identify with. One of the reasons I love Po from KFP is because he reminds me a lot of myself.
Eh, if you're referring to how she was handled in Other M, that was widely regarded as a failure in story telling. Was it a good idea? It made sense, with her family being killed by Ridley, being adopted by Chozo, who were also later killed by Ridley... Baby metroid adoption and all that. Having family/mother issues made a lot of sense.

But how it was handled in Other M was universally regarded as bad.

Extra Credits said it beautifully here: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/extra-credits/3126-Learning-from-Other-M


Anyway, I think Sm4sh would do well to gather some fresh blood. The most recent franchise is Pikmin, and that was made in 2001. Blech.

I know someone around here mentioned Jiro from The Rolling Western... that sounded like a good idea. It's all well and good to remember where you came from, but supporting up and coming characters/franchises is great.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Eh, if you're referring to how she was handled in Other M, that was widely regarded as a failure in story telling. Was it a good idea? It made sense, with her family being killed by Ridley, being adopted by Chozo, who were also later killed by Ridley... Baby metroid adoption and all that. Having family/mother issues made a lot of sense.

But how it was handled in Other M was universally regarded as bad.
I must have bad tastes or something because I had no problems with how she was handled. Now, the varia suit thing should've been handled better, but I didn't have much of an issue with the story. To me, the story line was more of one that made you think as everything wasn't spoon fed to you.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
They've managed to do this to Samus, and to an extent, Fox. Both have their insecurities and fears underneath their serious demeanors. Personally, I find that very appealing because they are much easier to identify with. One of the reasons I love Po from KFP is because he reminds me a lot of myself.
One of the few fictional character I identify with was Simon of Lord Of The Flies. Needless to say, when the time came, I cried like no other.

Anyways, yes. I like characters who are human. In most RE games, Jill isn't this super beast who basically kicks everyones ** in ten seconds because she is super fast/strong/has teleportation, like she was in RE5 and MvC3. She usually has a tough time taking down boss enemies, but she still finds a way to do it. She took down Nemisis afterall. (Who is in UMvC, which makes me beyond ecstatic)

Soul caliber characters also have that "I'm a human too" feel. Although they usually have lame voice actors.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Anyways, yes. I like characters who are human. In most RE games, Jill isn't this super beast who basically kicks everyones ** in ten seconds because she is super fast/strong/has teleportation, like she was in RE5 and MvC3. She usually has a tough time taking down boss enemies, but she still finds a way to do it. She took down Nemisis afterall. (Who is in UMvC, which makes me beyond ecstatic)
I think that was the point in her roles in RE5 and MvC3. She's controlled by Wesker, having little to no control over her actions. Knowing Wesker, making her a human weapon would be the only proper portrayal for her.


Smash Hero
Feb 2, 2010
Rialto, CA
Switch FC
it was me... i was the original who mentioned Jiro for Smash Bros. he'd be awesome.

soviet prince

I am the terror that flaps in the night
Nov 10, 2007
I have now finished reading all the post in this thread it took a while but it was done. I am very surprised how pessimistic some are about this game, I admit I am on some things about this game but when everyone is supporting the exact worse it kind of kills the hype for the game. Yes if you don’t expect anything then you will not be disappointed but really what’s the fun in that? I am not saying expect a 55+ roster but it’s very reasonable to expect 44-50 slots considering the last game had 35 slots( or was it 36?) I think everyone is still wounded over the last game’s roster and I know how that feels ( I was expecting a 40 character roster and RIDLEY) and I was let down pretty hard, but I am not going to let it lower my expectations for this game and I see no reason for it to have lower than 45 slots, Nintendo is not stupid folks they know characters is what sells this game and I am sure we will get a decent set of newcomers just like sakurai has giving to us plenty times before.

Sakurai and Brawl
I see a lot of hate for sakurai and I don’t think he deserves as much hate, he is the one who created the smash bros series and say what you want about brawl I think all three are very solid games for the time period it was released. In the brawl days he was worshipped and the majority of members did not trust anyone else in his position. Remember is sakurai did not step up and create brawl we would have got melee 2.0 with only 5 added characters and an online mode.
I don’t see anything major wrong with brawls design, I know ppl mentioned some balancing problem with meta knight and ganondorph but that’s 2 characters out of 30+ character roster I think that pretty good feat for any fighting game especially when only one guy was in control of that aspect of the game. I mean what other game with 15+ characters can you say only 2 characters had balancing issues?
I am a casual gamer so maybe I cannot say much about the competitive seen but I don’t get why the melee players (nine :p) say brawl is not competitive worthy with the items and smashball off? The only thing that you really cannot have a good competitive seen is if there is a lot of randomness going on and tripping is the only strike against brawl in that nature( do not count stages since you have a choice to choose ones that don’t have the random things going on)

I really hope it makes a return, it makes the wait so much more bearable especially needed since ssb4 will have a long development period. Some may argue that it spoils to much but is there anything making you look at the site and if you do not have the will power to stay away from ssb topics then your are not going to have the will power to not look at the final roster when it’s posted. Also don’t you want to know what you are buying? I understand if it had a story (sse don’t count) but this is a mult. Game and finding out the details will not ruin your experience like if someone told you the ending of Bioshock before you got to play it. Plus who don’t love reading the creators commentary on certain things and read the reaction the ssbf post on the forum.

-wii u
I am excited for this console and what Nintendo has promised us with the system it’s what the Wii should have been in the first place. The Wii did sell well but as time has shown did not have the staying power and the lack of power killed the system and any 3rd party support it could have. The one fault I see with the system is that you can only have 1 (maybe 2 if rumors are true) Wii u controller. I really think that Nintendo needs to some standard controllers as their main controller and make the Wii remote a secondary controller kind of like the move that Sony has for those games that want to take advantage of motion control. If Nintendo really wants to make the Wii u appeal to the competitive console this needs to happen.

-3ds version
I personally am glad that the 3ds version is coming out, I mean its smash on the go and I am surprised it’s not getting as much attention. I guess people are scared that it will affect the Wii u version in a negative way. Also why do people think this game will just be a single player game, I know Sakurai said it will focus more on story but I am sure that there will still be a online component and a way to link 3ds so you can play against your friends plus the street pass feature is a interesting concept as well. I am really looking forward to the handheld version of this game.

- lack of game cube controller
Like I discussed in the last paragraph wii u needs some controllers, whether it’s like the GameCube controller or an improved one. People say we are just people that cannot adapt to a new controller which is not true I can use the wii remote just fine I just don’t like it and rather have a controller, I may be crazy but they feel good in your hand unlike a remote which just fell out of place and strange. I guess I am old school but I not much on the motion control gimmick everyone seems to be jumping on.

Imo there really only 2 rules that can rule characters out
1. must originate in a video game
2. must have had appeared on a Nintendo console
Sakurai things in strange ways and if he likes a character I am sure it’s going to get in. As far as patterns I am not sure if I want to believe that at all especially the main/ally/villain theory. Why would Sakurai turn down a interesting villain character just because the game he represents only has 1 rep and just through in an ally instead? He may do that but if so he is very OSD.

Glad to hear the recent news on DLC it is needed and can expand on games that people purchase it’s about time Nintendo got with the program, this will be a good way to distribute stages, characters, and other goodies that fans demand.

- 3rd party’s
Well first off I believe snake and sonic will return, I really think people are overthinking it this is a video game not a real party. Also I do agree that there prob will not be a huge amount of third party’s but don’t get why some people are so against having them. I don’t mind them at all as long as they
1. are important to Nintendo ( sonic is Mario rival)
2. fit in with the rest of the cast ( sonic and megaman fit right in heck I am sure there people that think they are a Nintendo character, while a resident evil character will seem out of place)
I also don’t get why people don’t think 3rd party’s like sonic and megaman cannot get second reps. I am perfectly fine with them getting more reps because to be honest they fit right in and have a deep history with nintendo making them two franchise worthy of a second rep( while I don’t think megaman will get a second rep but sonic I believe can)

SSE was interesting but bland, nothing about it made me think I was fighting in the Nintendo universe except the characters. The area and enemies were generic and boring. I think the new story mode should take place in the Nintendo universe with ACTUAL enemies. Maybe something like gandorph find a way to create portals to different Nintendo universe to gather a huge armys to take over the entire Nintendo universe, and then to make sure to weaken the opposing army he scrambles the other characters in different universes.

-universal roster
Can anyone say bad idea, why should the wii u a very powerful device be on par with the 3ds? Nintendo will be absolute crazy in order to pull such a thing. Here is what I think they should do:
1. both have exclusive characters that are transferable to each other
- I doubt this will happen since Nintendo seems to be against dlc that’s just a key.
2. Wii u exclusives
- This gives the console version a reasonable roster without having to be water downed to a 3ds version
3. Each console having exclusive character which will later be introduced as dlc on the other console.

- my roster ( 46 characters)

Bowser jr/Toad
Mario RPG
Paper Mario


Donkey kong
Donkey kong/ new final smash
Diddy kong
King k rool


the legend of zelda

Gandiorph/new moveset



Ice climbers
Ice climbers

Olimar and pikimen

Star fox
Falco( new final smash)
Wolf( new final smash)

Wario ware

Meta knight
King dedede

F zero
Captain falcon

Pokemon trainer original/ hoen
Zorark/vicinity/ genosect

Kid icarus

Game and watch
Duck hunt dog/ tsukmaru(spelling)
Little mac

3rd party
Dr. eggman
Proffessor layton

- character explanation

Ghirahim- I think skyward sword needs representing and this character will do the trick. I mean what other legend of Zelda character is worth it, also with this game taking place before hyurale and gannon were born maybe this character will have more importance then we may think,

Tingle- there few characters that I out right hate but tingle is one of them. I mean he looks like a pedofile I rather have one of the pots from LOZ as playable as him heck magicarp shows more potential, at least he evolves into something useful unlike tingle who will be no more than a gay elf in my views.

Dr. eggman- this I am sure is what will be the most controversial part of my roster, he seems to be getting a lot of unnecessary hate on this thread and someone went as far saying he has no chance and if sonic gets a second rep it will be tails. Now let me ask you what two characters has been in every sonic game that came out, the answer is dr. rob.. I mean eggman :p, tails did not show up until the second game and is not even in ever game after that unlike this iconic villain. Also he would have a unique moveset with his ability to transform characters into animals and the many inventions that he has used make his moveset limitless.

Shadow- just no, why is this emo popular anyway he is pretty much a black sonic and if got in I can guarantee he will be a clone. The only ally’s that sonic has that I recognize is tails and sonic the others can join tingle in the hated character pit.
Lucario/mewtwo: honestly I think it’s one or another expecially if zorock gets in. do not see sakurai having 3 similar models, 2 maybe but not 3.

Zorock/ vicinity/genosect- honestly I am going with the underdog genosect. I know it’s not announced yet but I am sure sakurai has inside knowledge. Another fact I think maybe Nintendo is saving him for the inevitable next pokemon platinum type game and what better way to advertise this pokemon is in the next smash bro’s game. Personally vicinity does not appeal to me much I know he has potential and I prefer him over the lame zorock but I have a felling sakurai will give him the pokeball treatment like the pokemon before him, this is one of the patterns that I can actually see as reliable. Sorry ssbf you wrote a great article and if genosect does not make it I am rooting you get the pokemon
you want in.

Pokemon trainer- I am leaning toward pokemon being the same but with the new gold and silver remake I can see them making the switch to 2nd gen.

- left out explanation

a fire emblem rep- honestly if we got a fe rep I would go with black knight just because his model is different from the other two reps we already have. I would not be surprised if we got a fe rep just don’t think it’s big enough for three reps and marth and ike rep just fine.

F zero rep- the series is dead don’t see no reason to add another character when there a lot more deserving reps

Starfox- same as above 3 is enough, sakurai needs to focus on making each character that’s already there uniuqe.

Sakurai’s cat- this will be left out so it can be the gift for preordering the product

- cut explanation
The roster I have now has very few cuts but I also think sakurai may make some cuts anyway to diversify the character roster since it’s a well-known fact that sakurai does not want to make the same game. So these are the characters that I would cut if giving the job.

Ness- yes I said it I would cut him and add claus. I think he not only adds a villain but makes a unique earthbound character

Jigglypuff- it’s just not important anymore and I think is taking up space of a more
deserving pokemon.

Toon link- I know I picked paper Mario in my roster but toon link just seems to be to much like the other link.

Lucario- just think it’s going to happen

There it is my roster, did I forget anyone folks?


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
A person supporting Dr Robotnik Eggman???

What is you reason, please tell me why he would ever be in before Tails, Knuckels or even Shadow.



The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
You underestimate the 3DS, it can hold more than enough characters on it.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Hey, since Star didn't want to do a FE stage, here's a basic idea for one.

Based on the final stage from Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem and New Mystery of the Emblem: Heroes of Light and Shadow it's the Dragon's Altar!

This was once where the Divine Dragon, Naga, sealed the evil Earth Dragons; but it now serves as the place for the resurrection of the leader of Earth Dragons, Medeus, who was defeated by Marth in Shadow Dragon. This time, however, he has come back as a even stronger Dark Dragon!

Fighting takes place on the large stairs and stair railings, creating a simple stage about the size of Battlefield. I'd think of it as Shadow Moses with the Towers (railings) being only 1/6 as tall. With a WAY less hazardous Spear Pillar mixed in.

Most of the stage's uniqueness is taken from its dark atmosphere and ancient ruins. It also has Flying Dragons flying around the top of the stage.
The lighting from this stage comes from the glowing torches on the pillars, the evil looking skulls, and eyes of the Dark Dragon himself!

Do to being not at full strength yet, he occasionally summons his army of Earth Dragons (the brown ones) to attack Players.

When an Earth Dragon is to appear, Medeus's eyes flash, the stage will rumble and dragon skulls in the background will glow and come back to life. Once they have appeared, they will use the dragon breath to attack for high knockback and damage. They disappear when the stage lights up and are forced back.

In the background you also see the 3 Princesses (Nyna, Maria, and Marth's sister Elice) and the Priestess (Lena) standing next to Medeus becuase his minions have captured them. But they are in a deep hypnosis, so they don't do anything besides being eye candy. :awesome:

Stage example:


Stage Name: Dragon's Altar
Stage Icon: Falchion

Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem - Dark Earth Dragon (Medeus's Theme)
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem - Mystery of the Emblem Medley:
  1. Player Phase Theme
  2. Enemy Phase Theme
  3. Attack Theme
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem - Dark Emperor (Hardin's Theme)
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem - War of Heroes
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem - Divine Child, White Sage (Tiki & Gotoh's Theme Medley)
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War - Final Chapter - The Final Holy War
Fire Emblem Gaiden - A Desperate Assault - Final Chapter Theme
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light - The Chosen Ones - Final Chapter Theme (Brawl Lost Tracks)
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light - Shadow Dragon Medley (Brawl)
Fire Emblem: Gaiden - With Mila's Divine Protection - Celica Map 1 (Brawl)
Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones - Preparing to Advance (Brawl)
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light - Fire Emblem (Melee)

  • To add to the intensity of the stage, for those who don't know, an Earth Dragon was the Final Boss of FE1; but are now only minor enemies in FE3. :crazy:
  • The 1st two pics, were hard to find since they were Japanese only. The only good pics I could find were embeded to prevent copying. So I printed the pages and re-scaned the pics, so they may look a little funny. Here's a link to the original pics: http://www.fireemblemwod.net/fe12/guia/capitulo-final.htm
  • In FE3/12, the Earth Dragons leave at the beginning of the Player Phase as Marth's completed Fire Emblem pushes them away in a big flash that lights up the map.


Also the songs, Divine Child, White Sage and the FE4 Final Chapter theme, are all from the Orchestral Game Concert series. The original themes are great, but I put down this version of them for fun and to advertize my Youtube channel. One of the lost songs for Brawl was from OGC, so there's a chance they may have them for SSB4. So feel free to use them from my channel for your ideas. ;)
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!!! That's an incredible concept you got there, I love the theme as well, the way you said it's going to function made alot of sense, and those music tracks were awesome but Star's recommendation would make it more appealing, nice overall design.

Looks like I have alot of work ahead of me. :urg:



Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA

Sakurai and Brawl
I see a lot of hate for sakurai and I don’t think he deserves as much hate, he is the one who created the smash bros series and say what you want about brawl I think all three are very solid games for the time period it was released. In the brawl days he was worshipped and the majority of members did not trust anyone else in his position. Remember is sakurai did not step up and create brawl we would have got melee 2.0 with only 5 added characters and an online mode.
I don’t see anything major wrong with brawls design, I know ppl mentioned some balancing problem with meta knight and ganondorph but that’s 2 characters out of 30+ character roster I think that pretty good feat for any fighting game especially when only one guy was in control of that aspect of the game. I mean what other game with 15+ characters can you say only 2 characters had balancing issues?
I am a casual gamer so maybe I cannot say much about the competitive seen but I don’t get why the melee players (nine :p) say brawl is not competitive worthy with the items and smashball off? The only thing that you really cannot have a good competitive seen is if there is a lot of randomness going on and tripping is the only strike against brawl in that nature( do not count stages since you have a choice to choose ones that don’t have the random things going on)
We don't hate Sakurai , we just think when it comes to popularity polls , he cares much more about his japanese fellas than us westerners
Jun 8, 2009
I kind of think that Jigglypuff stole Kirby's fame and glory in Melee. Kirby should be in the top, while Jigglypuff gets humiliated.
I think Kirby should be restored back to his 64 self..... But keep the n-air though (Despite how useful his n-air was in smash 64)

Oh and weeeegeeeeeeeeeeeee derp.
Seriously, you guys ate up like fifteen pages. I'm mortified! At least it was about an awesome character.

I like the new chewed-gum color Star.
I know!

Unfortunately, I have NO idea what they were talking about. It was about pokemon unfortunately. Something that I didn't know really well.
My Charmeleon with Fire Spin, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, and Overheat is the strongest in the whole world.

...I was a little disappointed that we were ONE EVOLUTION OFF of having Charmeleon playable in Smash. U3U
I'd actually be fine if Charizard and charmeleon were playable :awesome: *Shield up*

I can't help but laugh at that. :awesome:

Great work Star, but the battle has only just begun...
I'd rather make the Zoroark and Victini alliances have a peaceful relationship...

I don't like it when it comes to wars and **** like that.

@Vote topic:

K Rool
Victini (I don't know why I like him. I DON'T EVEN KNOW HIM)
Mega Man
Jill Valentine (Actually, I'd prefer Mr. PUSH BOULDER WITH STERIODS AHFDHASFLDF)
Tom Nook
High five :cool:

*Checks if Kuma is not here*




Back to relating Nook with Wright

Sonic Poke

Smash Lord
May 14, 2011
Sao Paulo, Brazil
you answered your own question then, this is exactly why Ivysaur does not have that
Best not to mess it is in quiet! Speaking of Pokemon, who do you think would be a new best rep?

Zoroark is my favorite!

I also want a second trainer, an antagonist, as Team Rocket, Giovanni or Plasma Team.

Sonic Poke

Smash Lord
May 14, 2011
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Team Rocket

The rocket team will work primarily with the original three playable Pokemon (Arbok, Lickitung, Victreebel) and will interact in the same way that Red interact.

Down Special Move: PKMN
Final Smash: Robot Diglett

Final Smash: Robo Diglett

To protect the world from devestation
To unite all peoples within our nation
To denounce the evils of truth and love
To extend our reach to the stars above
Jesse, James
Team Rocket, blastoff at the speed of light
Surrender now or prepare to fight
(Meowth, thats right)

After quoting the motto, something will pop up!

The new and improved than the old Robotti Diglet which is controlled by Meowth controls' s. It also has arms to grab things. Three networks of fire out of your body, and can also walk along the walls. Act similarly with the Landmaster.

After the Final Smash there will be an alternation of character, similar to Samus and ZSS. Since Meowth is who will control the Diglett, Meowth is controlled this time, without having to split the 'down special move'.


A: Scratch
AAA: Combo with scratches.
Side Smash A: Scratch strong.
Up Smash A: Similar to 'Smash Side A', only up.
The Down Smash: Roundhouse with the syrup.

B: Pay Day
Side B: Bite
Up B: Fury Swipes
Down B: Cut



It will be fast as Diddy Kong, but will jump down as Link.

A: Headbutt
AAA: Series head like pikachu, but slower.
Side Smash A: She gets ready to pounce, bite and giving electric shocks.
Up Smash A: Similar to 'Side Smash A' but up.
Down Smash A: Roundhouse with the syrup.

B: 'Sting Poison'
Side B: 'Toxic'
Up B: 'Wrap'


It will be a little lighter than Bowser, and equally fast like DK, and jump down as Ganondorf.

A: Slap simple using the tongue
Side Smash A: Slap strong with the tongue
Up Smash A: Beat up.
Down Smash A: Roundhouse with the tongue

B: 'Shadow Ball'
Side B: 'Lick'
Up B: 'Slam'


A: Vine Whip
AAA: Vine Whip Combo
Side, Up and Down Smashes A: Similar to Ivysaur

B: Energy Ball
Side B: Razor Leaf
Up B: Vine Whip
Jun 8, 2009

Team Rocket? Hmmm..... I'm not really a fan of them. They should appear as a cameo in the game if Meowth appears (Keep Jigglypuff).

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
If there's one thing that I consider an absolute lock for Smash 4, it's voice chat. It's a no-brainer, really; the Wii U is already capable of it and video calls, and Sakurai said himself that the Wii's limitations (which got a headset late in its life with Black Ops) were the main thing holding him back from voice chat. Sakurai is going to improve on a lot of Brawl's issues for SSB4 (online was a prominent one), and Nintendo is stepping up its game on the online and digital scenes, so voice chat will definitely happen for SSB4.

I also think Nintendo will remake the Classic Controller or the GameCube controller, since GameCube games will be re-released on the Wii U's virtual console. This also means that the Wii U will have more memory with the final version of the console, since GameCube games are almost 1.5 GB in size, much bigger than the cartridge-based N64, NES, SNES, Genesis, etc. games.

Jun 8, 2009
Actually, that isn't even a lock or a shoe in suggestion.

The only shoe in fact I see is that there is a new smash bros. and it's a fighting game.

Sonic Poke

Smash Lord
May 14, 2011
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Team Rocket? Hmmm..... I'm not really a fan of them. They should appear as a cameo in the game if Meowth appears (Keep Jigglypuff).
But Team Rocket is almost as likely as Meowth, if they works with Meowth, the way I proposed, it becomes so much likely than he. The talking Meowth who we know, only appeared in Pokemon Naranja, but Team Rocket Jessie and James, appeared in Pokemon Yellow and Pokemon Naranja.

Meowth 1
Team Rocket 2
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