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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
I got folks using fancy words like 'prominent' and 'pertains'. Life is good.
Pssshh, those aren't fancy. When somebody manages to incorporate "magnanimous" into their sentence correctly then I'll be impressed.

Still working on the stage concept.

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
I thought he was a shoe-in for Brawl.
That was one of my biggest disappointments
Well, the whole thing with Melee and Brawl is that they had to add all the more popular Nintendo characters; notice how we got characters like Peach, Bowser, Zelda, etc. added to Melee, and then characters like Wario, Diddy Kong, Meta Knight added into Brawl. Now that we got those characters out of the way, Sakurai and company can focus more on adding the "smaller" characters.

I think we'll be getting a few more antagonists in SSB4. In each sequel, we've gotten a new antagonist for some of the represented franchises (Bowser for Mario Bros., Ganondorf for Zelda, and arguably Mewtwo for Pokemon in Melee; King Dedede for Kirby, and Wolf for Star Fox in Brawl). If this pattern continues, which it probably will, I bet we'll be getting Ridley for the Metroid series and King K. Rool for the DK series. I'm surprised we have't gotten the former yet, I mean, if Star Fox, one of Nintendo's less popular franchises, can get 3 characters, then why can't Metroid have 2 characters? They resized Ridley in Melee's intro, so IMO, there's no room for excuses this time. Ridley needs to be added in SSB4, end of story (along with my mini-rant lol).

The Good Doctor

Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2007
Well, the whole thing with Melee and Brawl is that they had to add all the more popular Nintendo characters; notice how we got characters like Peach, Bowser, Zelda, etc. added to Melee, and then characters like Wario, Diddy Kong, Meta Knight added into Brawl. Now that we got those characters out of the way, Sakurai and company can focus more on adding the "smaller" characters.

I think we'll be getting a few more antagonists in SSB4. In each sequel, we've gotten a new antagonist for some of the represented franchises (Bowser for Mario Bros., Ganondorf for Zelda, and arguably Mewtwo for Pokemon in Melee; King Dedede for Kirby, and Wolf for Star Fox in Brawl). If this pattern continues, which it probably will, I bet we'll be getting Ridley for the Metroid series and King K. Rool for the DK series. I'm surprised we have't gotten the former yet, I mean, if Star Fox, one of Nintendo's less popular franchises, can get 3 characters, then why can't Metroid have 2 characters? They resized Ridley in Melee's intro, so IMO, there's no room for excuses this time. Ridley needs to be added in SSB4, end of story (along with my mini-rant lol).
I'm pretty sure characters like Game and Watch, Dr. Mario, Ice Climbers, Marth, and Pichu weren't too popular when Melee came out. Talking about Brawl now, Dedede, Metaknight, and Pit along with the forth mentioned characters that made both rosters could have been replaced with different characters. Like seriously, wasn't Katt from Starfox one of the most wanted? They could have thrown in characters like Little Mac instead of these WTF characters. Like, did we REALLY need another fox clone....I guess so...

We should have gotten King K Rool and Ridely, but we needed more characters from franchises that were long dead.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
When I think of actual characters that I think are likely to show up in SSB4, I can only think of two I would bet on.

Mii's and Zoroark.

I'm willing to bet that these two characters will be in the line up this time around. It's clear to me that the Mii series isn't going anywhere, and have actually made it to both the Wii U and 3DS. They've hit hard with new things like Street Pass which comes with every 3DS. There, the Mii's use swords and go on adventures, as well as converse with one another. In general, they're big, and are on there way to being a face of Nintendo. As for Zoroark, I really think that an Anthro Pokemon is likely, and even if Mewtwo or Lucario return, it just seems to me that Zoroark will be chosen over Victini or Genesect because he's familar in how he plays. He could play similar to both Lucario and Mewtwo, with his own little twist. I mean, that's what Sakurai seems to like doing. (Think of the Space Animals)

I'm not sure how likely Little Mac is. Considering Sakurai has already stated he doesn't like characters that can "only punch". Not to mention I don't know how popular his game was in Japan. I've heard that it's much more popular here, although I don't remember where I heard that, so take it with a grain of salt.

Katt from Starfox
I don't know about Katt, but Krystal did have a decent amount of votes in the Brawl poll. Enough for Sakurai to notice at least. (And admit to not knowing her)


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
You know I'm all about matrimony, I'll probably even support those Monday nighters over here in California.:awesome:

DVD ripping is a bit tedious, so I'm working with as many programs that I can read about.
Is it that tedious? Surely it would be easier to do such as process, no?

Bring those Monday nighters tonight, so good.



Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
I should rephrase, Waluigi is the sort of character I'd like to have in, but I think shouldn't be in. He'd be a fun lanky mad-man. But I wouldn't say he should be.

Kamek has kinda grown on me for sure! I saw forget Bowser Jr., that little runt has nothing on the classic right-hand man to Bowser;

Everything Bowser Jr. has going for him, Kamek does and more.
I wouldn't mind Waluigi in SSB4, but his inclusion would enrage and piss off many. However, he would be humorous if he appeared in a cameo in Adventure Mode.

"Waluigi charges toward Luigi with tennis racket at ready. Luigi stands back, wondering who the heck this guy is. Mario steps in and uppercuts Waluigi. Waluigi flies off away from the two and lands hard on the ground on his face. Mario and Luigi walk off while Waluigi moans over his defeat.

How about we have Assist Trophy characters or any non-playable characters appear in cameo roles in Adventure Mode? They are only involved in the story for a short segment, but helping or defeating them or whatever unlocks them for regular play. I could see, for example, a side-quest involving guiding a lost Nintendog to it's owner. Once the Nintendog is safe, you unlock it as an Assist Trophy.

Maybe even helping or defeating these characters allows you to summon their help in harder parts of Adventure Mode in their Assist Trophy form. These characters are gained as you progress through the mode and you can choose to summon any of them to help you.

Anyways, Kamek would be an interesting character, but the Yoshi series doesn't need two reps currently, especially since it seems the series is on hiatus. Heck, Wario is more deserving of two reps right now than Yoshi is, but does anyone support that?

(Well,IdoifitmeansCaptainSyrup) :p

If Yoshi got Kamek and F-Zero got either Goroh or Black Shadow, all of the original twelve SSB franchises would have at least two characters. But that's probably not going to happen.

I'm actually a big Bowser Jr. fan, and to be honest, I see him as the best candidate out of all the other Mario characters. The only one that I think stands a big chance of taking his spot is Paper Mario. He's just awesome, and I mean he's got all the right cards to get into smash.

I really wish i could engage in all the talk of "Techness" but I have no idea what it means. Just pointing out that I think making SSB4 deeper, and bringing back some Melee-esque physics would do a world of good. Also, Kuma talked about two attack buttons, which I thought could be interesting. So yeah, I support adding depth to SSB4, I just am not equipped enough to discuss it in any detail.
I feel the same when I see all these technical discussions.

I personally like Bowser Jr. as a character over Paper Mario and Toad because he's kind of a cute villain, but I do think the other two are somewhat more deserving. I'm open to any of the three characters.

The 3ds version will be taken just as seriously by Sakurai and his team, and MUCH less so by everyone else.
The truth.

@E3: High Quality Link... that is what I've been waiting for. All this Michael Jackson modeling makes me sentimental.

Maybe an alternate costume for Link is this realistic, HD version of his Twilight Princess costume while he gains his Skyward Sword look?

Interesting. But Sakurai has a point that there are very few worthy Nintendo characters left.

The only characters who really deserve the Smash Bros. treatment at this point are Ridley and maybe Little Mac. Everyone else we technically could live without.

Nintendo really has been lax on new characters and new franchises recently. Every once in a while we get something new, but it's Nintendo's style, IMO, to keep to it's faithful and trusted franchises. Nothing really wrong with that, but some more experimentation should be attempted.

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
I'm pretty sure characters like Game and Watch, Dr. Mario, Ice Climbers, Marth, and Pichu weren't too popular when Melee came out. Talking about Brawl now, Dedede, Metaknight, and Pit along with the forth mentioned characters that made both rosters could have been replaced with different characters. Like seriously, wasn't Katt from Starfox one of the most wanted? They could have thrown in characters like Little Mac instead of these WTF characters. Like, did we REALLY need another fox clone....I guess so...

We should have gotten King K Rool and Ridely, but we needed more characters from franchises that were long dead.
Pichu was decently popular back in the Melee days, and adding it was probably their way of representing "baby" Pokèmon in the Smash series. Good point about Dr. Mario, though. As for the Ice Climbers, Game and Watch and the like, I assume they were just Sakurai's way of adding classic/totally unexpected characters in the series, or a kickstart of one of the "tradition" of the series.



Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
I've gotta sift through the many programs that want me to buy their product (of course that includes their restrictions) and the ones that are out of date.

Whats up there JavaCroc?
Responses to posts I've missed. Would have included more, but I had to shut down my Internet temporarily.

Most interesting remark in the post would be the idea of non-playable characters - mostly Assist Trophies - having cameo roles in Adventure Mode. Helping or defeating them unlocks their use.



Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Nope they are two different feline ladies.

[COLLAPSE="Katt vs Krystal"]

The Good Doctor

Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2007
If Sakurai was serious in saying "not many worthy characters are left" why the **** have half the characters in Melee/Brawl to begin with?

I had never heard of Ness until 64
I had never heard of Game and Watch until Melee
I had played Ice Climbers maybe once before I saw them in Melee.
Pit? like really? have you seen Captain N? He should have died with that series....

If they wanted Third Party how about Capcom. Simon from Castlevania, Megaman, those dinosaurs from Bubble Bobble, hell even Zangief as a grappler would have been unique as hell to the series.

I don't know, I just hate outright lies and excuses.

The moment I see I character I want playable as a cameo, I may just have to break every copy I come across, especially if I actually enjoy the game.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
I thought Krystal was a cat? I think she is.
She was originally designed as a cat. When Miyamoto came in and saw Dinosaur Planet, it was retooled into a Starfox game and Krystal's species was changed as a result.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
The order Carnivora has two suborders

Feliformia and Caniformia

Cats are in Feliformia, while Dogs are in Caniformia

Foxes are Caniformia; In fact, Foxes are part of the very family of dogs, Canidae


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
..uh of course Krystal is a furry!!

What's a feline?? :O

A cat or cat-like being.

If Sakurai was serious in saying "not many worthy characters are left" why the **** have half the characters in Melee/Brawl to begin with?

I had never heard of Ness until 64
I had never heard of Game and Watch until Melee
I had played Ice Climbers maybe once before I saw them in Melee.
Pit? like really? have you seen Captain N? He should have died with that series....

If they wanted Third Party how about Capcom. Simon from Castlevania, Megaman, those dinosaurs from Bubble Bobble, hell even Zangief as a grappler would have been unique as hell to the series.

I don't know, I just hate outright lies and excuses.
Sakurai's choices often come out as weird to me.

The moment I see I character I want playable as a cameo, I may just have to break every copy I come across, especially if I actually enjoy the game.
That would be a problem with this idea. You'd disappoint many who then suddenly anticipate unlocking them, or those who wanted those characters in the first place.

On the other hand, getting a cameo in Adventure Mode or unlocking them as an Assist Trophy through the mode is better than just trophy treatment or ignoring the character altogether.

Fight-able but not playable characters? Well that would work to richen the plot tenfold.
That is if that's what you mean.

No dude, foxes are furry :troll:
Not necessarily fight-able characters. Some could maybe be fought (although given they're not playable, their movesets would be limited), some can be helped, and some just chat with you.

I gave an example of a Nintendog in Adventure Mode in the post.

I could see, for example, a side-quest involving guiding a lost Nintendog to it's owner. Once the Nintendog is safe, you unlock it as an Assist Trophy.
Another example is K.K. Slider. You encounter him playing a song on his guitar in one level, he finishes and offers you advice, and you leave him behind to his music. Just doing that unlocks him as a working feature of the SmashVille stage, or as an Assist Trophy or basic trophy or sticker or whatever.

Well, the whole thing with Melee and Brawl is that they had to add all the more popular Nintendo characters; notice how we got characters like Peach, Bowser, Zelda, etc. added to Melee, and then characters like Wario, Diddy Kong, Meta Knight added into Brawl. Now that we got those characters out of the way, Sakurai and company can focus more on adding the "smaller" characters.

I think we'll be getting a few more antagonists in SSB4. In each sequel, we've gotten a new antagonist for some of the represented franchises (Bowser for Mario Bros., Ganondorf for Zelda, and arguably Mewtwo for Pokemon in Melee; King Dedede for Kirby, and Wolf for Star Fox in Brawl). If this pattern continues, which it probably will, I bet we'll be getting Ridley for the Metroid series and King K. Rool for the DK series. I'm surprised we have't gotten the former yet, I mean, if Star Fox, one of Nintendo's less popular franchises, can get 3 characters, then why can't Metroid have 2 characters? They resized Ridley in Melee's intro, so IMO, there's no room for excuses this time. Ridley needs to be added in SSB4, end of story (along with my mini-rant lol).
Ridley and King K. Rool are plenty due for the Smash Bros. treatment now - Ridley more than K. Rool, but both nevertheless.

There is little reason to keep Ridley out. SSB4 team, you should have the time necessary to create a playable Ridley - use it.

Those "smaller" characters are obviously Nintendo's lesser franchises. I think, for example, we should start giving Punch-Out, Golden Sun, and a couple other noteworthy franchises representation - preferably before we expand the already represented franchises even.

I'm pretty sure characters like Game and Watch, Dr. Mario, Ice Climbers, Marth, and Pichu weren't too popular when Melee came out. Talking about Brawl now, Dedede, Metaknight, and Pit along with the forth mentioned characters that made both rosters could have been replaced with different characters. Like seriously, wasn't Katt from Starfox one of the most wanted? They could have thrown in characters like Little Mac instead of these WTF characters. Like, did we REALLY need another fox clone....I guess so...

We should have gotten King K Rool and Ridely, but we needed more characters from franchises that were long dead.
Dr. Mario and Pichu were literally just roster buff meant to make the roster seem "bigger". The original plan for the game had only the non-clone characters. All of those six characters you see at the far sides of the character select screen were thrown in for the sake of making the roster feel bigger.

Mr. Game & Watch and the Ice Climbers weren't popular because they were retro characters; their games had passed. Sakurai probably added them because he wanted to represent Nintendo's past. In Brawl, Pit and R.O.B. expanded the selection of these retro characters (although Pit was at least a popular character for inclusion). Marth was Japan-only, but his popularity among the Japanese as well as being the first recurring lord in his own franchise merited him the Smash Bros. treatment.

TBH, I think now that we've got very good retro character representation already; let's get some modern franchises represented. Then expand the few existing franchises who really deserve or need characters (Metroid, Donkey Kong). Then you can consider retro characters or expanding franchises who aren't in nearly as desperate of a need (Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Mario).

The Good Doctor

Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2007
If Birdo and Waluigi are in the next game, I will never play it.
Just, no...
Or a Shyguy....or Koopatroopa or something along those lines...


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
^^I agree with you, but don't get your hopes up, Sakurai might go crazy and include them out of nowhere, just a thought!


Deleted member

@Shortiecanbrawl: I don't think we can bet on anyone getting in, not even very likely characters as there are no guarantees. The closest I can say is Little Mac, but even then I'm cautious in regards to betting.

Also, you just brought up a painful reminder as to why I am against Zoroark inclusion. Characters being chosen based on being similar to other characters is kind of lazy on Sakurai's behalf and why I can't be bother to give half a **** about him. I do acknowledge he is likely, that I will say.



Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
Dude, that was bad. We left JavaCroc Hanging like that.
Happens a lot to me, but it happens to everyone, so I usually just sigh and let it pass.

(NeverhappenstoSSBFanthough) :troll:

^^I agree with you, but don't get your hopes up, Sakurai might go crazy and include them out of nowhere, just a thought!
I sometimes feel like Sakurai should share his leadership role with someone else. He's just unpredictable, and his choices range from great to questionable to "Why the **** did you waste you time on THIS?!?!"

Giving him someone like Miyamoto to share his position may help solidify what's good or not or what should be in SSB4 or not.

Or what's balanced or not in the character roster. :/


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
I sometimes feel like Sakurai should share his leadership role with someone else. He's just unpredictable, and his choices range from great to questionable to "Why the **** did you waste you time on THIS?!?!"

Giving him someone like Miyamoto to share his position may help solidify what's good or not or what should be in SSB4 or not.

Or what's balanced or not in the character roster. :/
Could be worse, he could ask advice from the guys who made the roster for the first 2 MvC games. lol


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
I really liked your idea there Java. It could be very rewarding to delve off avenues from the main story for unlockables.

I think the next story should have an overworld much like Super Mario World, then you can further develop that sort of stuff. :)


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Lol.. Let's not provoke anything that would lead to debating now.. You don't want him all over your statements like he was to Steam lol..

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