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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Woooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd, now to celebrate I'm getting a 7 topping pizza because working out today was crazy.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
The problem with the Duck Hunt dog is that it would only be added in for nostalgia, and the only way its going to get that is to be when its laughing at the camera. Now that can be one of its taunts, sure, but what about the other 99% of the time? Its just some dumb cartoon dog. You'll feel nostalgic when you taunt, sure, but the rest of the time its just nothing.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Sukapon and Lip FTW!!

Seriously, Lip needs to be in SSB4, here's a moveset!

I really enjoy Panel de Pon/Tetris Attack too. It has one of my favorite soundtracks in any video game. However, I think Takamaru is going to get in over Lip unless another katana-user (like Samurai Goroh or Ryu Hayabusa) has higher priority over him.

I also made a Lip moveset of my own. Is anyone interested in seeing it?


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I'd like it to. One of the main ideas I've thrown out so far is ID cards that personalize a player's online experience and better match them to other players that share their interests and play preferences.
Hmm... You've really got to enlighten me more on this, y'know get to the core of how this would work, ways to get the community involved, setting it up etc... I'd like to help if you so desire.

Edit- I thought for damn sure it would be Chris... Oh Well. At least your #1 Omega...
So far your way better than Chris and that's an understatement. :cool:


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Stop spamming already, it's getting really annoying.
This is what I mean by you *****s are too touchy. Lighten up son, it's not that hard to ignore 5 posts of people having fun LOL, I'm sorry I shouldn't be having fun though. This thread goes in like a ten page cycle anyways of the same stuff LOL. Like I said before the only thing new and interesting coming out of this thread is Star's sigs and Stages, Movesets like the one Hoots made, and music.

ANYWAYS let's see that moveset Chrono.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
The problem with the Duck Hunt dog is that it would only be added in for nostalgia, and the only way its going to get that is to be when its laughing at the camera. Now that can be one of its taunts, sure, but what about the other 99% of the time? Its just some dumb cartoon dog.
And, not that I want to play the x area hates x character card with something like "OMG LIEK RUSSIA HAAATTTTEES DUCK HUNT DOG". But, we have quite a bit of "Retro" characters that don't bring back memories of extreme anger. I always wanted to strangle that dog. When's the last time someone wanted to punch a hole in their wall because of something Takamaru said? Or Sukapon? The point is, I don't think the hate card is ever a 100% valid reason for any character to be looked over, but we do have a lot of options in the retro area, sooo we can pick someone else and make everyone just as/more happy.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Hmm... You've really got to enlighten me more on this, y'know get to the core of how this would work, ways to get the community involved, setting it up etc... I'd like to help if you so desire.
See, that's the thing, SSB4 doesn't start development until October so I'm starting to draw out plans now so by the time October comes around, the Smash community will have created something respectable to present to Nintendo. Where I'm at right now is literally the very beginning of the brain storming process. What I'm trying to do first is at least get an offical thread started. From there I'd like people to get people contributing ideas about what would optimize SSB4's online experience.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
I didn't know it counted as "spam" when it had it's on sub-topic. Someone kill me for trying to lighten up this place after I saw a lot of

Fatman, you should summarize what you get and send it to Nintendo. Just an idea.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I really enjoy Panel de Pon/Tetris Attack too. It has one of my favorite soundtracks in any video game. However, I think Takamaru is going to get in over Lip unless another katana-user (like Samurai Goroh or Ryu Hayabusa) has higher priority over him.

I also made a Lip moveset of my own. Is anyone interested in seeing it?
Lip definetly has potential, plus she is popular in Japan, her chances IMO are quite good.

And yes, I'd like to see your moveset Chrono, I want to compare and see the differences if you don't mind. :)


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Lip moveset:

Lip is the only female newcomer I added to my roster to Smash 4. I felt a need to add one new female character, however, for every series that had a female character for it, there was often a more ideal male counterpart for it. However, as you may know, the main focus of my roster for Smash 4 is adding characters that represent new series, with there only being five newcomers that represent series that have already been represented in past Smash games (Mewtwo, Roy, Toad, K. Rool, Ridley, and Black Shadow). The rest of the characters on my roster represent new series. Puzzle League is one of the Nintendo’s two biggest puzzle series (with the other being Dr. Mario), and I figured there was little representation for Nintendo’s history in the puzzle genre in the Smash series, so I decided to make Lip a newcomer to my roster.

Lip, as mentioned earlier, is a character who uses a disjointed hitbox as her primary means of attack. Swords and hammers have generally been the only disjointed hitbox weapons in the Smash series. However, I have added only two new sword characters (Roy and Isaac, with the latter only using his sword for half of his attacks), with the other two new disjointed hitbox characters wielding a trident (Ganondorf) and a baton-stick (Lip). Like with the trident, the Lip’s Stick offers a variety of new attacks because its properties differ from that of a sword or a hammer. The stick will be twirled and spinned a lot, as opposed to slashing, stabbing, and clobbering that is associated with swords and hammers. Also, while the flower sprouting from an opponent’s head is a famous attribute of Lip’s Stick thanks to the Smash Bros. series, it never actually happened in the Panel de Pon games. However, since this attribute has become famous due to the Smash series, I have decided to incorporate it with the moveset, though the flower sprouting only happens when Lip does a smash-a attack.

However, there is more to Lip’s moveset than the use of Lip’s Stick. Obviously, when you attack your opponents in Puzzle League, you use something called “Garbage Blocks”. Expect “Garbage Blocks” and a regular Panels to make up a large part of Lip’s special moves and Final Smash. However, some new original attributes will be given to Lip’s moveset as have been for other characters for the Smash roster. I am really hoping to make Lip a very interesting character addition.

As for the design of Lip, the character was never brought into 3-D. Lip’s design obviously will have a radical departure from her original one much like Pit’s (compare his trophy in Melee to his Brawl model). As mentioned in my reasoning for Lip, there are several problems with her current design (which is here only one). Lip looks to be only about 10-years old (or possibly younger), and she also wears I a skirt that only goes down to her knees. There is a reason why Nintendo of America has gone out their way any game she has appeared in barring Brawl. I was seriously having second thoughts about putting Lip onto my roster due to her design. As for Lip’s design, I suggest two things. One would be for her to be made a tad older, and also give her shorts to wear underneath her skirt. Although there may possibly be a radical design change, Lip will retain the cuteness and innocence of her original design. So without further ado, here is my Lip moveset and I hope that it captures the essence of the Puzzle League series.

Lip regular moves:

A: Lip smacks her opponent with the flower-baton.

AA: Lip smacks her opponent again with the flower-baton.

AAA: Lip twirls the flower-baton continuously.

Running-A: Lip does a forward flip, and opponents are harmed if they come into contact with her while she is doing the flip.

Side-A: Lip twirls the flower-baton in front of her, this move can also deflect projectile attacks (but not reflect).

Down-A: Lip does a double-roundhouse kick (meaning she roundhouse kicks with both of her legs, she stands on her hands while doing it)

Up-A: Lip jumps up and spins with her flower-baton raised up high.

A-Air: Lip spins around and smacks any nearby opponents with the flower-baton.

Forward-air: Lip somersaults in the air with the flower-baton.

Backward-air: Lip smacks in back of her with the flower-baton.

Up-Air: This move does not damage, it simply make the petals to the flower-baton grow in size until it is like a parasol and makes Lip fall down slowly.

Forward-Smash: Lip smacks her opponent with the flower-baton two times, before doing one final smack in which she jumps up ands smacks her opponent with baton. Depending on how long you charged up the smash attack, a flower of corresponding size will sprout on the head of the opponent you attacked.

Down-Smash: Lip spins on one foot multiple times. This moves does not knock your opponent back, it instead traps them, inside the whirling attack where they will be hit by the flower-baton multiple times which will make a larger flower grow on your opponent’s head with each consecutive hit.

Up-Smash: Lip will do a flip into the air, and somersault while in the air (any opponents who get hit while Lip is somersaulting down will be get hit multiple times with the flower-baton, which will result in a large flower sprouting from the opponent’s head). If you hit A, before she hits the ground, she will block her fall by doing a leaping handstand in which she repeats the Up-Smash over again. While this can result in a lot of damage, however, there is a bit of lag time after the second leap, which will make yourself vulnerable to attack.


Grab-A: Lip hits her grabbed opponent with the flower-baton.

Forward-Grab: Lip smacks her opponent forward with the flower-baton.

Backward-Grab: Lip kicks her opponent to the back of her (very weak).

Down-Grab: Lip smacks her opponent downward with the flower-baton.

Up-Grab: Lip will toss her opponent up (again it is a weak throw).

Lip special moves:

Regular-B: Junk Block: Lip’s flower-baton will glow and she will throw it a bit into the air, and then a junk block will appear over a nearby opponent’s head and land. A regular junk-block does 15% damage. However, Lip can summon bigger, and even multiple junk blocks as she gets more damaged.

Down-B: Petal Barrier: Lip will use the flower-baton in front of her, and the petals to it will temporarily grow. It will appear that Lip is using the flower-baton as a protective parasol. If opponent attacks her while in the stance, the flower-baton will shoot out seeds which will cause a flower to sprout on the attacking opponent’s head (the size of the flower though depends on how powerful the attempted move was going to be).

Side-B: Panel Toss: Lip tosses a random panel from the Puzzle League series at her opponents. The power and effect of the panel depends upon the symbol. Triangles do 10% damage but have a shocking effect to them and little more knock back. Hearts do 15% damage, and have a fire effect to them, but have less knockback than the triangle panels. Circles do 15% damage, but have no knockback. Star panels do 20% damage but have no knockback. Exclamation blocks are the rarest but getting hit by one does 40% damage, and result in a KO if your opponent has more than 50% damage done to him or her. If you get three of the same type of panel in a row, your opponent will get instantly KO’d, though this circumstance only has a 10% chance of happening.

Up-B: Watabou: The floating balloon-like creature in which Lip sits on in the options menu for Panel de Pon. When you do your Up-B, Watabou appears from underneath Lip and she rides it upward, however, Watabou goes up very quickly and if Lip does not get off quickly she will be KO’d by riding it off screen.

Final Smash: Combos and Chains: The combo and chain fanfare plays, and Lip will spin her flower-baton around quickly like she does when she does a combo or chain in Panel de Pon. Lots and lots of junk blocks fall all across the arena. It is quite likely that your opponents will be KO’d if the arena happens to be small, and your opponents are not proficient at dodging.

Lip’s taunts are as follows:
1. Lip will spin around and wink at the screen, and giggle a bit.
2. Lip will throw the flower-baton up in the air, and make a ^_^ expression.
3. Lip will sit down, and then a ring of flowers will grow around her, when she gets back up the flowers disappear.

Lip’s victory animations are as follows:
1. Lip will do some flips and laugh with happiness.
2. Lip will be sitting down and have a whole bunch of flowers around her, and she will appear to be dowsing off.
3. Lip will stretch and then wink at the camera, and spin the flower-baton.

Running animation:
Lip will sort of have skipping aspect to her running animation, however, she has a determined “I must win this” cute look on her face while doing so.

Idle animation:
Lip will either be twirling the flower-baton or throwing it up in the air a bit. She will also hop a bit in place, all the while smiling (while sometimes her smile will turn to an arrogant smirk). Truly, Smash is not a stressful place for Lip.

1. Lip’s dress will be blue.
2. Lip’s dress will be green.
3. Lip’s dress will be white.
4. Lip’s dress will be red.
5. Lip’s dress will be black and she will have white hair and red eyes (creepy).

Kirby Hat:
Kirby will gain Lip’s hairstyle upon absorbing her. He will also gain Junk-Block special move, however, the attributes about the move related to damage will not be carried over to Kirby.

Lip-Snake Codec Conversation:
Snake: Uh, colonel there looks to be some cute-looking girl with a flower stick as my opponent.
Campbell: Careful Snake, your opponent is Lip, the fairy of flowers.
Snake: *laughs*
Campbell: What’s so funny?
Snake: How do you expect me to fight a flower fairy, she is just a defenseless girl.
Campbell: Snake, that flower-baton she uses has a strange power. It can makes a vampiric flower sprout from the heads of the opponent’s she hits it with. If this flower is not removed, it slowly drains the life energy of its opponents.
Snake: Whaaaaat?! You got to be kidding me colonel. A cute girl like that would not harm even a bug.
Campbell: Not only that, she has ability to summon massive heavy blocks above the heads of her opponents which she uses to devastate and eliminate them, as well, as throw these mystical objects called panels. There seems to be a correlation between the symbol on them and their power, and I will say avoid the ones that have exclamation points on them at all costs.
Snake: This is the most absurd thing I ever heard, I think you are describing someone else to me.
Campbell: Snake remember, not everything is what it seems in Smash Bros. Things that would go against common sense and logic are the norm here. Lip is not an opponent you should underestimate, she has uncanny determination and power. Please don’t let her outward appearance fool you.
Snake: *sigh* I guess you are right, everything here is bizarre, would it be so hard to ask for a normal opponent in Smash Bros.
End of codec.

End of Lip moveset.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Garchomp, the Mach Pokemon​

While SandStorm is being used Garchomp’s ability is Sand Veil. This boosts evasion in a sandstorm, which makes him slightly faster, and has a slightly larger gap when he uses a forward/backward dodge. You know “Dodge Dancing”. If Sand Storm isn’t in play he keeps the ability Rough Skin, which inflicts a 1% damage on your opponent when they attack you. (I realize this would need to be adjusted for different moves, I understand that)Garchomp can also glide like Charizard.[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="B Specials"]Special Attacks:

Basic Special - Sand Storm (After use if becomes sand tomb) This move makes a four bowser radius covered in sand. When an opponent steps into the radius they are slowed down. A sand storm is blowing across the whole screen. Once you use this, the sand storm area lasts for a full minute, and cannot be moved until time is up and it fades. Once the Sand Storm is placed your Basic B move becomes Sand Tomb and Sand Attack. It is sand tomb when you are in the Sand Storm. This move grabs the opponent, sucks them into a sand twister and spits them into the air. Sand Attack is used when the Sand Storm is placed, and you are outside the Sand Storm area. It works just like Flood does, minus the charging aspect.

Sand Storm can be used to slow down your opponent because they are truging though sand, which will keep you at an advantage in the battle.

Sand Tomb can be used to KO a high percentage opponent, or get a low percentage opponent ready for a combo or some juggling.

Side Special - Dragon Rush/Dragon Claw This attack combo will vary depending on the amount of times you click the B button. One click will push Garchomp into a forward dragon rush. Two clicks will do that, and he will end it with a dragon claw. Three clicks will top that with a second dragon claw. If you hold BOver You will use a charageable Crunch attack. Crunch similar to a smash attack, except when it is fully charged, you do a double bite.

Up Special - Dragon Rage Red flames engulf Garchomp while he soars directly up into the sky. He leaves behind a pillar of flame that has static damage.

Down Special – Dig Garchomp dives into the ground, here he is able to stay unharmed. Only his fin is visable in this state. From here he can use three attacks:
Grab Button: Garchomp pushes his hands through the soil and grabs this opponent, he then jumps straight up into the air, and does a dive bomb into the ground holding the opponent.

Special Button (Chargable):
You dive straight into the air, the height depends on how long you hold down the button.

Attack Button (Chargable): You dive forward and slide on the ground, tripping opponents.

Final Smash: Draco Meteor Garchomp's body glows orange and a orange ball of light appears inside its chest. The glow fades and a ball of orange energy appears in front of Garchomp's mouth. Garchomp fires the ball into the air and it explodes, releasing many orbs at the opponent.[/COLLAPSE]

I posted this again if anyone is interested. also, I would like to make a complete moveset, do we have a list of all the other attacks?

I realize Garchomp isn't likely. I was FOR FUN you crazy cats.
Jun 8, 2009
I did this just for fun, I don't think he is likely. Heck, I've made a Plum moveset!


O oo o o o o obsessed Why you so obsessed with me? Boy I wanna know.
At least you have a follower :awesome:

@SSBFan: I forgot. Try clicking the moveset list in my sig. You'll see Ryu Hauabysa. I'm going off for a while since I'm gonna play MvC 3


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
From the Online Smash Community Operation. Lol sorry I left out a word in quote.
Oh, well, that's what I intend to do: break down the discussion into no more than 5 ideas fans believe would make SSB4's online experience one of the best out there. The online ID card idea is one idea, for example. Basically what I want to do is create a "project summary" no more than two pages long to send to Nintendo. How to send it is another big thing that needs to be talked about. Should it be done in the mail? Should it be done online? Should only one be sent or should a ton of people send in copies of it? Again, brain storming.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
See, that's the thing, SSB4 doesn't start development until October so I'm starting to draw out plans now so by the time October comes around, the Smash community will have created something respectable to present to Nintendo. Where I'm at right now is literally the very beginning of the brain storming process. What I'm trying to do first is at least get an offical thread started. From there I'd like people to get people contributing ideas about what would optimize SSB4's online experience.
So I assume you've at least got a basic layout planned right?

I can definetly see something big coming out of this, so much activity is required in order to succeed, and if enough suppport comes out of it, Nintendo might actually listen.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Oh, well, that's what I intend to do: break down the discussion into no more than 5 ideas fans believe would make SSB4's online experience one of the best out there. The online ID card idea is one idea, for example. Basically what I want to do is create a "project summary" no more than two pages longer to send to Nintendo. How to send it is another big thing that needs to be talked about. Should it be done in the mail? Should it be done online? Should only one be sent or should a ton of people send in copies of it? Again, brain storming.
When do you plan on sending it? Right now all of NoA is being spammed with Xenoblade Mail. Soon we will spam TLS and PT mail. How effective is online? Is there another option?
Jun 8, 2009
I'm sure that there are a lot of SWF members that support the idea but that's not enough. I'm sure the idea will be supported. The problem is, will nintendo listen

Become friends with Sakurai in real life

@Chrono: I checked it out. Good moveset. Now.... Did you make a Crono moveset?


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Lip is a odd subject mostly due to the fact that she doesn't really have much to work with, yet still does at the same time. There's Lip's Stick, which is already in Smash, as well as garbage blocks. Other than that, there really isn't much outside of making stuff up based around flowers or puzzle blocks. (There's also walking on a rainbow, but whatever) One thing though that I think would be interesting is if she could use her Piranha Plant from Captain Rainbow to attack.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
No comments on my Lip moveset?

I thought several users asked me to post it.
I'm sorry I didn't comment. Yes I did like it. What is the growth percent of the flower being on the opponents head?

I'm sure that there are a lot of SWF members that support the idea but that's not enough. I'm sure the idea will be supported. The problem is, will nintendo listen

Become friends with Sakurai in real life

@Chrono: I checked it out. Good moveset. Now.... Did you make a Crono moveset?
I could try being Sakurai's friend :awesome:


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
No comments on my Lip moveset?

I thought several users asked me to post it.
I'm actually skimming through it, I'm trying to read every little detail, I'll comment on it once I finish. :)

So far I'm like the way her Smash attacks would work, I think it would offer good knockback if done properly.. Okay


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
No comments on my Lip moveset?

I thought several users asked me to post it.
Was reading it, seems detailed as usual. Never been a large supporters of hers but she seems fascinating enough from the way you paint her. Well done.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Was reading it, seems detailed as usual. Never been a large supporters of hers but she seems fascinating enough from the way you paint her. Well done.
I am not much of a Lip supporter. I just really like Panel de Pon. Personally, I don't think she will be playable in Smash 4 unless Ryu Hayabusa or Samurai Goroh gets in before Takamaru.

I also made movesets for these characters:
Dr. Mario (decloned)
Roy (decloned)
Ganondorf (decloned)
Mewtwo (altered)
K. Rool
Little Mac
Ray (Custom Robo)
Mega Man


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Chrono, do you have a moveset "template"? I want to get better at making movesets, but I can't do that without a template to follow.
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