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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Now here is my second, new roster. This roster is based on the idea that the Wii U has all the exclusives and the 3DS version is a cut-down roster.

[COLLAPSE=Roster 2]*= indicates unlockable character
[Wii U]= indicates a character is exclusive to the Wii U version

  1. Mario
  2. Luigi
  3. Peach
  4. Bowser
  5. Bowser Jr. OR Toad * [Wii U]
  6. Donkey Kong
  7. Diddy Kong
  8. King K. Rool * [Wii U]
  9. Yoshi
  10. Wario
  11. Link
  12. Zelda/Sheik
  13. Ganondorf * [Wii U]
  14. Toon Link *
  15. Samus/Zero Suit Samus
  16. Ridley/Meta Ridley *
  17. Kirby
  18. King Dedede
  19. Metaknight * [Wii U]
  20. Fox
  21. Wolf
  22. Falco * [Wii U]
  23. Marth
  24. Ike OR New Fire Emblem Character
  25. Captain Falcon
  26. Samurai Goroh *
  27. Ness
  28. Lucas *
  29. Pit
  30. Medusa *
  31. Pikachu
  32. Jigglypuff
  33. Pokemon Trainer (Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard) (can choose between male or female version now)
  34. Genesect *
  35. Victini OR Meowth * [Wii U]
  36. Olimar
  37. Little Mac
  38. Isaac * [Wii U]
  39. Saki * [Wii U]
  40. Ice Climbers
  41. Mr. Game & Watch
  42. Takamaru
  43. R.O.B. * [Wii U]
  44. (Retro Character) * [Wii U]
  45. Snake * [Wii U]
  46. Sonic * [Wii U]
  47. Megaman
  48. Tetris Block * [Wii U]

Here are the numbers for this roster:
  • 29 Starting Characters
  • 19 Unlockable Characters
  • 34-33 Veterans (depends on Ike)
  • 14-15 Newcomers (depends on Ike)
  • 48 Total Characters

Feel free to comment with constructive criticism.
Forget about Genesect if Nintendo doesn't officially reveal it. Arceus never had any references in Brawl, since Nintendo didn't officially reveal it until 2009.

Tetris Block doesn't sound too promising, since it's an inanimate object. Maybe an Assist Trophy, but I did mention Rotohex being an Assist Trophy on a past post.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
ON RIDLEY AGAIN: Ridley's wings are always teensy in the 2D games, so seeing him with tiny wings compared to his body size shouldn't bother anyone. You could even make them grow in size when they're in use. I don't see it as much of a problem. I'm sure his tail would be shorter, but it's stretchy so that doesn't matter. Maybe his head would be a bit smaller. It's gigantic, lol.

Of course, my Ridley fanboyism is the STRONGEST in the whole world.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
^ LOL Omega, I am remembered (even if I haven't been on for months; school/girlfriend/brother/summer vacation/doing stuff/too busy playing other video games/making fun of Robin Williams for being a nerd only to remember I'm much nerdier/watching cute kitten youtube videos that a grown man but help but go "Awww" over like a little girl which causes him to blush johns.
I know that much, life pretty much takes you by storm, wines you and end back here on SWF. :awesome:

I didn't say Paper was unlikely, I said he was unlikely not to be considered. I would bet money he will be considered (although there could be little proof if he was considered and dropped! :laugh). Hopefully if I win that bet it's not like that guy I bet $50 if Diddy Kong would make it who never showed his face around these parks again... >.>
Well knowing Sakurai, it's really hard to say whether or not a character is even likely to return, like Jiggs for example, even though she was previously in Melee and SSB64, she was pretty much on the cutting board for getting axed, if anything can be said it's that Sakurai can instantly change his opinion about any character.

As far as Paper Mario goes, he's definetly not a total shoe-in but he would most likely be considered at least.

Truly many, many, many characters will be considered, especially with two games. I expect no less than 70-100 to be considered, and there will be anywhere from 45 to 65 playable between the two. Now having said that, IMHO there are truly no shoe in new characters yet (especially since a trailer hasn't even been revealed) like Diddy Kong, Ike, King Dedede, Lucario, and Sonice like with Brawl, aside from a 5th generation Pokémon (that new Dark thing whose name I can't remember so far seems like the best bet). There are also no hugely glaring omissions, aside from maybe a Metroid character, a 5th Pokémon (as previously mentioned), Mewtwo (IMO; that's most likely a stretch) and perhaps a new Fire Emblem main character. You could also make the argument that no generation 3 Pokémon is an omission (and the Brawl data proves Plusle and Minun were in development).

Yet there are many characters who have a shot, especially characters who have recently been revived or who have become mainstay Nintendo characters (the only I can think of is Bowser Jr).
Okay as far as the character roster goes I really don't expect to see over 55+ characters including transformations, if you read Sakurai's article he mentioned he possibly doesn't simply want to extend the game that Brawl expanded on, he mentioned that the roster might not go over 50 characters as well as stages, plus IMO having too many characters would possibly make Sora to screw the balancing, for that reason I believe that Sakurai might not expand on the roster as he did with Brawl, I'm expecting at least 48/49 characters to be included with tranformations.

Also as far as characters go I think Ike from Fire Emblem would probably return if we get no new FE game from Nintendo, and if indeed a new FE lord doesn't come to pass, I believe a 3rd rep such as the johnknight Black Knight should appear as a 3rd rep.

Bowser Jr. is another character I forgot to mention whose' chances are rising (given that he has been in NEW Super Mario and both Mario Galaxy games as a main character), although the chances of Shadow Mario as a transformation are next to nil.
I really would like to see Bowser Jr. as a character, and I agree, he has definetly been playing recent major roles in the Mario series, his chances are real likely this time around even more than Paper Mario's, as far as Shadow Mario goes, he doesn't have to be a seperate character, if anything, he could be a transformation for Bowser Jr., it would definetly work wonders on him.

Some guy name Shigeru Miyamoto (or as we call him in my household, GOD!) is friends with the man who made Pac-Man. Plus with two consoles, I can see 2 to 2 1/2 times the retro characters of Brawl happening easily (including the previous characters, of course). Brawl already opened the door for retro characters, giving us two. Why not 2 more along with Sonic and Snake? Why not Mega Man? Why not Tails (please don't talk). Why not Pac-Man, one of the most popular video game characters (well games) of all-time? He was heavily debated for last time, and I see no reason why he couldn't be considered as at least a semi-"wtf?" (3rd party) character (which was Snake in Brawl).
Sure he may be a retro character, but the problem with Pac-Man is that he's a 3rd character, but I do agree he would at least make a good WTF! character like Snake, but his chances are really doubtful next to Megaman if Sakurai decides not to expand on 3rd party guests.

Do you think that if there are 4 3rd party characters, Omega, that Pac-Man wouldn't at least be considered?
I believe if would ONLY be considered given that Namco shows interest in Smash, the reason he was in Mario Kart was because of collaboration of his rights between Nintendo and Namco, I can only see Pac-Man happening if we hear any news concerning Namco's involvement, Sakurai isn't going to go far as to request Namco for his inclusion.

Plus he beat up Mike Tyson; it doesn't get ANY sweeter than that! He's got the moves, the punches (maybe a below the belt punch will be his Final Smash! :laugh:), and he's been revived in Brawl-and in a new Punch-Out! game (which rocked!). Don't be shocked if we see him.
Agreed, seeing his revival on the Wii, plus his AT inclusion in Brawl I don't see why he shouldn't be in the roster, he is definetly popular with both modern and retro gamers alike, Punch-Out is a hit that's isn't likely to die anytime soon.

I'm not sure about Medusa. She's based on a fictional character. Palutena may be a stretch, but since Sakurai has the animations ready with the new Kid Icarus game he's making, I could see her being considered, although she may be too God-like to make it. (although Mewtwo was pretty Godly too!) I'm not sure what Pit's Final Smash would be if she's in the game, though. I'm not sure what her chances would be (other than not likely), but it could be an interesting choice. I wouldn't put it past Sakurai. He loves certain characters, especially those dang furry space animals (I don't want to see another one! Maybe switch Wolf for Krystal, but I don't care either way, really).
That doesn't make sense!

Of course Medusa is fictional along with Mario, Link, Pikachu, Sanus, Fox etc... Bringing up that point is irrelavent.

And who cares if Medusa is too "Godly" for Smash, heck the same can be said about Ganondorf he is a God like character and yet.... He's in Smash, if anything Medusa would make an awesome god-like female antagonist for Smash.

As for Palutena, she can be adjusted to be played as a character, sure she may have been Pit's Final Smash, but look at Charizard, he was previously part of the PokeBall characters yet Sakurai overlooked that and decided to scale him up to to playable character with hi-res polygons included, same can happen with Palutena, I honestly see it happening.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something


Would customizable options that determine your default matchmaking be what you're proposing?

Anyhow thats a very practical solution to our woes, and if they don't take Kart's model as an example to work from, Mario's going to take off his left rubbe gloves 1800's style.
Basically. My idea is that when you go online for the first time, you have to "fill out a form" for your ID. Here would be an example of mine:

Name (screenname): Fatmanonice

Region: USA, Midwest) Willing to play outside of region: yes (gives you a map that lets you select which regions you want to play with)

Stage preferences (check stages you like, "x" those you don't): blah

Item preferences: (item screen comes up and you choose items and how often they all appear. There would be easy options too like "none" or "no preference"): none

Seeking to fight: (here you choose what characters you'd like to fight the most. Like the other options, you can change this at anytime and there would be quick options "like no preference." For example, if I was preparing for a tournament and wanted to get practice on fighting Wario, I could say that I'm looking for people who mostly use Wario): no preference (the game would also keep track of how often you use certain characters and would show other players who you "main", helping with the search)

Skill level: (a self assesment of how good you think you are. This would be compared to your actual win/loss ratio to determine your actual skill level): 5 (on a 10 scale)

I'm here to: (a number of options could appear here. My idea is that there would be three options: have fun, compete, and goof off. "Have fun" is more casual but still a little competitive, "compete" is where you want to climb the leaderboard, and "goof off" is things like taunt parties and people fighting with bom-ombs on high): have fun

Player # preference: (1 on 1, 4 player free for all, or 2 vs 2. Again this preference can be changed each time you sign on if you want): 4 player free for all

Stock or time: stock

Do you want challenges sent to your WiiU?: (If you're not available, players who come across you and are interested can send you challenges if you want): yes

Do you want to take part in the leaderboard: (yes or no): yes (there would probably be different leaderboards for different categories)

Do you want updates for tournaments on your WiiU?: (yes or no) yes


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I was just thinking that last time we got 1 "cute" (Sonic) and 1 "adult" (Snake) characters so maybe we could get another "cute" (Megaman) and also another "adult"

But if Snake got in because of Kojima's "begging" then I don't see much future for Ryu. After Itagaki (creator of the new games) left with sparks flying I don't see anyone being a convincing beggar. Most fans are concerned about where the series is heading now too.

So atleast for the classic version we have slimmer than slim chances. I don't know if the new version will be so demanded
Well if that were to be the case, as far as cute characters go I'd say Slime from Dragon Quest fits the role perfectly, as far as "serious" looking charaters goes, I'd say Megaman with his Network attire would work for him, personally though I prefer his original look and I hope that if Megaman does get in it will be the original, although X wouldn't be so bad I guess.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
GOT DAMN... JOHN?! I can't even try to process what you have to say.
I can't even process what I say, because I am too busy arguing with myself (mostly it's over which tastes better between plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and paper cups. I need to rank them, and then make a tier list). :laugh: :reverse: :scared:

Why would you say we need to trip more? -_-
Why wouldn't you say we need more tripping? Tripping is like air to Sakurai-if you don't have it, you die, possibly by barrel explosion. Why not have confetti pop out of your character when you trip? Why not have super trips, where your character trips 1.5 times longer but trips three times the distance? Why not have trips that make you roll into your opponent? Literally, the tripping possibilities are endless! (almost as endless as to why Luigi's Final Smash is.... Luigi's Final Smash... and why it exists, and how it exists!)

I think once SSB Wii U and DS get their own section, I'ma gonna make a "tripping needs to be expanded" thread! :grin:

Also, I would say we need more tripping for humor... although a "off" button would be appreciated!


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Corrrection: John got Johned by Johnknight's logic. This is what happens when you argue with yourself over which cereal is better between poptarts and ice cream... >.<
Looks like we are all getting johned by johnknight's long posts, and that's no John! :awesome:

Link FTW!!

Anyway as far as Skyward Sword goes, what do you have to say on the matter of possibly getting another Zelda rep? Gharaim?

I for one want Ganon to return with an all original moveset, sword? Maybe but Black Magic moves would definetly work wonders for him.

Any ideas John? You are the Zelda expert am I right? :)


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Semi-Short POST ALERT!

Looks like we are all getting johned by johnknight long posts, and that's no John! :awesome:
Everyone is a John. Including the original John. However, there is only ONE Johnknight.... until there's a Johnknight2! (which better not happen!)

Well if that were to be the case, as far as cute characters go I'd say Slime from Dragon Quest fits the role perfectly, as far as "serious" looking charaters goes, I'd say Megaman with his Network attire would work for him, personally though I prefer his original look and I hope that if Megaman does get in it will be the original, although X wouldn't be so bad I guess.
I think Mega Man will definitely have his classic attire. The last Mega Man Battle Network game came out like 5 years ago, and isn't really that popular. It would probably be a stretch to make it even an alternate outfit, considering how few there are so far. However, X should definitely be an alternate outfit, but mostly what everyone wants is the classic Mega Man (an 8 bit version would also be epic!).


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Ridley isn't universally wanted in Japan, where Metroid is more of a minor franchise. I don't know about Little Mac's popularity in Japan, although I've always thought of Punch-Out as being more of an "American" series (maybe because Mike Tyson was involved)
Punch-Out is not popular in Japan. Punch-Out Wii bombed in Japan, and Super Punch-Out was not released there until 1998.

The most popular choices for a retro character in Japan are Takamaru and Lip.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
Okay guys, it's time for me to show my roster, for the sheer of boredom and no new updates.


- Toad +

+Bowser Jr. (He would be cool to be honest, I believe he would be very good and unique. But still choosing Toad over him.)

Donkey Kong

-Donkey Kong
-Diddy Kong
- Dixie Kong +
- King K.Rool




-Wario ( Wario Land Style, Sakurai didn't give any damn to WarioLand, which led for the fact that Smashtards think Wario appeared in WarioWare-games first time.)


- Meowth +
- Zoroark +

The Legend of Zelda

-Link (Skyward Sword-style)
-Zelda (Shiek though is kinda doubful to appear, since I don't know what Skyward Sword's gonna do.)
-Ganondorf (Declone more, please.)

- Tingle +
(Comic Relief. He's awesome. His game series are hilarious and fun. HATERS GONNA HATE)

+ Vaati (Obscure Villain. My wishlist character.)


-Meta Knight
-King Dedede


-Samus & Zero Suit Samus
- Ridley + (Bowser and Ganondorf will bow down to his wickedness in general.)

Fire Emblem

- *New FE Representative*+

Star Fox

- Krystal +

+ Wolf (Declone up.)

-Captain Falcon
-Samurai Goroh +

Kid Icarus


(Under Construction. Will be updated after I get my hands on Kid Icarus Uprising when it's released)



Mother-series has died away long time ago, though. Ness wouldn't removed though.

Densetsu No Stafy/Legendary Starfy

-Stafy +

Golden Sun

-Isaac +



+ Loiue (Clone...? With other Pikmin mechanics opposed to Olimar)

Sin and Punishment
- Saki +

Ice Climber

+ Ice Climbers (They don't still have a new game. Why abuse em with SSB-appearances then? I wonder...)

Game and Watch

- Mr. G&W

R.O.B Series

- R.O.B

Panel De Pon
- Lip +

Nazo no Murasame-jo
- Takamaru +

-Little Mac +

Tomato Adventure:

- Demille +

3rd Party ( Though I might actually not mind the third party characters being cut for good. Smash Bros is a Nintendo crossover franchise, after all.)

- Pacman +
-Megaman +

There ya go... maybe ya want to tell me that who I should consider cutting out and telling why, and who I should add, also telling along that characters potentials.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I think once SSB Wii U and DS get their own section, I'ma gonna make a "tripping needs to be expanded" thread! :grin:

Also, I would say we need more tripping for humor... although a "off" button would be appreciated!
Not if I beat you to it!! ;)

But I agree, tripping should be removed, it just complicates everything.

As an option? That would be nice, the reason people gave Brawl alot of flame was because they made it mandatory, which really took out of the competitive game, casually however it was sort of entertaing, but not much.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Punch-Out is not popular in Japan. Punch-Out Wii bombed in Japan, and Super Punch-Out was not released there until 1998.

The most popular choices for a retro character in Japan are Takamaru and Lip.
Little Mac as a starter, Takamaru as an unlockable... (Little Mac still has that old game smell to me)

I think that'd be the best compromise. :3



Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I see all that happening very nicely, however the reoccuring interface options should also include a straightforward match selection. Much of which you've probably come to expect.

I do see a few problems, which don't have much to do with forward thinking ideas as the proposed, moreso on the basis of history.

1. Would smash be abandoning the random stage switch as an achievement? Perhaps matchmaking might suggest maps to vote on or have a built in generator for the sake of matchmaking.

2. Leaderboards might be a challenging thing to warrant. Check out the leaderboard topic on the Iwata Asks issue for Brawl.
My concerns have moreso to do with how they are aggreated, especially in the face of character dynamics and balancing (<--- which is another concern in itself)

3.Matchups- Could it be asking too much to want to play specific characters as you proposed? Though I support the idea, is it practical? What if a person switches their choice before the match?

4. What about different people that play on the same wii? What about the style that PS and Xbox approached, where you can have seperate accounts before putting the game it? I say that only because you included a name option in the survey: A Wii U controller feature perhaps?
All of these are legitmate questions and I'd love to see other people's opinons on them. Right now I'm just fiddling around with the idea until there's more input and that's part of the reason why I'm starting this now so, if this does turn into something big, the community will have something decent mapped out by October.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Everyone is a John. Including the original John. However, there is only ONE Johnknight.... until there's a Johnknight2! (which better not happen!)
Well when I get my name changed soon I'll just have to do that! :p

I think Mega Man will definitely have his classic attire. The last Mega Man Battle Network game came out like 5 years ago, and isn't really that popular. It would probably be a stretch to make it even an alternate outfit, considering how few there are so far. However, X should definitely be an alternate outfit, but mostly what everyone wants is the classic Mega Man (an 8 bit version would also be epic!).
Yea, Ive always wanted everybody to have at least an alternate version of themself, like classic Wario got in Brawl, and Dr. Mario being Mario's alt costume, not as a seperate character.

Ridley could be the same, having Meta Ridley maybe even having Omega has an alt.

I've always wanted DLC content for Smash, hopefully Sakurai and Nintendo FINALLY realiase that they could potentially make extra money through DLC, it would them as well as fans.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
Little Mac as a starter, Takamaru as an unlockable... (Little Mac still has that old game smell to me)

I think that'd be the best compromise. :3

Back in Melee Sakurai mentioned something though like Sukapon might not be considered (I found an official source to this in translated Melee interviews in Erathbound Central)'

So it might be Lip? I wonder.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2007
That's what I get for sleeping in and having to cruise through several pages.

I've already stated my disliking of Paper Mario so I'm not even going there again.
Completely subjective.

At least Link and Toon Link are completely different people, unlike Mario and Paper Mario.
Maybe in Brawl, but Young Link and Link in Melee were the exact same people from the exact same game.
I don't really count them as different people since each Link from each different game is different. TP Link is different from OOT Link. When it comes to Zelda, it doesn't mean crap.

Well, Magnus only appeared in one game. Medusa has an important role in the series plus she's obviously more important than Magnus in general.
Of course she is.
Just like Ridley is more important than Zero Suit Samus... wait.

Is Paper Mario different from Mario? I heard he's just another Mario from some other dimension/universe. Just asking.
It never was fully explained.

Okay, you guys... why isn't Palutena considered an ally? Why Magnus before Palutena? Why Medusa before Palutena? She's been in all three games while Medusa was in two of them and Magnus was in one game.
It is kind of hard to tell, but I'm sure we're not getting Medusa unless she's a 3rd rep.

Isn't Palutena more of "The Chief" and less of a figure of action?
You could say the same thing about Zelda.

Who do you not want to see in SSB4? Think of characters that actually have at least a minuscule chance. I'll give an answer this evening.
As long as Ridley's in and he doesn't suck, Sakurai's cat could get in as a playable character and I wouldn't give a ****.

Also I don't get this speculation over the 'ally' formula. I don't think pikachu and jiggs are buddy buddy, nor Ike and Marth, or ness and lucas for that matter.
Pokemon, Fire Emblem and Mother don't count in my formula because they don't have recurring protagonists and characters for the most part. So instead of following the formula, they just add the more important and iconic protagonists. Or whatever. But when it comes to games that do have recurring protagonists, my theory is very accurate and would explain why ZSS got in before Ridley.

I agree with K. Rool, I'd rather see him than Dixie as herself.
Villains are always the third rep. K.Rool has a fantastic chance of making it in.
Dixie could be added to Diddy as a team, after all that's what Sakurai originally planned.

As for the new Zelda rep, Grahaim is the new SS boss, but it's unlikely that we would probably get both Ganon and Grahaim, fans would be upset if Gharaim would to replace Ganon, I also think it's unlikely that we'll even get 5 Zelda reps including ToonLink/ Young Link.
I don't think a series, any series, will have TWO villain slots.
and I definitely don't think he'll be in before Tingle.

I disagree, Paper Mario being from a different parallel universe i.e. Paper realm would totally be a different franchise, at least in Smash it would, it makes sense since Paper Mario has his own line up of games, plus he's pretty much different from Mario in terms of moves and style.
So is Toon Link.

I really got to add that I like Ridley's chances of being a wild card character. In Brawl, a ton of people (myself included) thought his chances were very high. However, I don't think Sakurai wanted to risk having a flying-based character. Meta-Knight, Charizard, and Pit all fly, sure, but none of them would be nearly as airborne-based as Ridley. He could potentially break the game. Think about it. Sakurai could give him air shields (which sounds funny to say out loud! AIR SHIELD POWER ACTIVATE! :laugh:) He could also be a game maker, and a character as flight-based as him could counter many characters, or be solely used as a counter (such as DK in Melee). Although it is funny to talk about counters before we even get a picture of the dang game, his play style, body type, and whatnot could warrant him to having limited or unlimited potential because of that.

I won't say he's a few steps away from a shoe in like I did with his speculation in Brawl. But I will say he is being considered, they might try to make him, and the developers need to make extremely carefully if they do. Plus c'mon! He's a purple friggen dragon! He could be like the anti-Barney! :laugh:
Meh, I don't think it would be that hard. I'm definitely sure Sakurai could make it work. He never really provided an excuse as to why he wasn't in Brawl anyway.

Of course, my Ridley fanboyism is the STRONGEST in the whole world.
PFF I got into Metroid games because of Ridley.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Garchomp, the Mach Pokemon​

While SandStorm is being used Garchomp’s ability is Sand Veil. This boosts evasion in a sandstorm, which makes him slightly faster, and has a slightly larger gap when he uses a forward/backward dodge. You know “Dodge Dancing”. If Sand Storm isn’t in play he keeps the ability Rough Skin, which inflicts a 1% damage on your opponent when they attack you. (I realize this would need to be adjusted for different moves, I understand that)Garchomp can also glide like Charizard.

Special Attacks:

Basic Special - Sand Storm (After use if becomes sand tomb) This move makes a four bowser radius covered in sand. When an opponent steps into the radius they are slowed down. A sand storm is blowing across the whole screen. Once you use this, the sand storm area lasts for a full minute, and cannot be moved until time is up and it fades. Once the Sand Storm is placed your Basic B move becomes Sand Tomb and Sand Attack. It is sand tomb when you are in the Sand Storm. This move grabs the opponent, sucks them into a sand twister and spits them into the air. Sand Attack is used when the Sand Storm is placed, and you are outside the Sand Storm area. It works just like Flood does, minus the charging aspect.

Sand Storm can be used to slow down your opponent because they are truging though sand, which will keep you at an advantage in the battle.

Sand Tomb can be used to KO a high percentage opponent, or get a low percentage opponent ready for a combo or some juggling.

Side Special - Dragon Rush/Dragon Claw This attack combo will vary depending on the amount of times you click the B button. One click will push Garchomp into a forward dragon rush. Two clicks will do that, and he will end it with a dragon claw. Three clicks will top that with a second dragon claw. If you hold BOver You will use a charageable Crunch attack. Crunch similar to a smash attack, except when it is fully charged, you do a double bite.

Up Special - Dragon Rage Red flames engulf Garchomp while he soars directly up into the sky. He leaves behind a pillar of flame that has static damage.

Down Special – Dig Garchomp dives into the ground, here he is able to stay unharmed. Only his fin is visable in this state. From here he can use three attacks:
Grab Button: Garchomp pushes his hands through the soil and grabs this opponent, he then jumps straight up into the air, and does a dive bomb into the ground holding the opponent.

Special Button (Chargable):
You dive straight into the air, the height depends on how long you hold down the button.

Attack Button (Chargable): You dive forward and slide on the ground, tripping opponents.

Final Smash: Draco Meteor Garchomp's body glows orange and a orange ball of light appears inside its chest. The glow fades and a ball of orange energy appears in front of Garchomp's mouth. Garchomp fires the ball into the air and it explodes, releasing many orbs at the opponent.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Villains are always the third rep. K.Rool has a fantastic chance of making it in.
Dixie could be added to Diddy as a team, after all that's what Sakurai originally planned.
Yes, I'd rather see K.Rool playable instead of having a Diddy/Dixie thing, DK needs to have an antagonist plus Smash could always use another antagonist.

It would be better if both Diddy/Dixie and K.Rool got in, though the chances of that happening look somewhat unlikely.

I don't think a series, any series, will have TWO villain slots.
and I definitely don't think he'll be in before Tingle.
Agreed, the same can be said for the FE series, we don't need another protagonist lord, if anything it should be an antagonist such as the Black Knight or maybe perhaps a new one if we were to get a new FE which at this point I'm having doubts.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2007
Heh, I would love if Garchomp made it in. He's like a dragon and a shark had a baby. An awesome baby.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2007
United Arab Emirate, Abu Dhabi
Garchomp, the Mach Pokemon​

While SandStorm is being used Garchomp’s ability is Sand Veil. This boosts evasion in a sandstorm, which makes him slightly faster, and has a slightly larger gap when he uses a forward/backward dodge. You know “Dodge Dancing”. If Sand Storm isn’t in play he keeps the ability Rough Skin, which inflicts a 1% damage on your opponent when they attack you. (I realize this would need to be adjusted for different moves, I understand that)Garchomp can also glide like Charizard.

Special Attacks:

Basic Special - Sand Storm (After use if becomes sand tomb) This move makes a four bowser radius covered in sand. When an opponent steps into the radius they are slowed down. A sand storm is blowing across the whole screen. Once you use this, the sand storm area lasts for a full minute, and cannot be moved until time is up and it fades. Once the Sand Storm is placed your Basic B move becomes Sand Tomb and Sand Attack. It is sand tomb when you are in the Sand Storm. This move grabs the opponent, sucks them into a sand twister and spits them into the air. Sand Attack is used when the Sand Storm is placed, and you are outside the Sand Storm area. It works just like Flood does, minus the charging aspect.

Sand Storm can be used to slow down your opponent because they are truging though sand, which will keep you at an advantage in the battle.

Sand Tomb can be used to KO a high percentage opponent, or get a low percentage opponent ready for a combo or some juggling.

Side Special - Dragon Rush/Dragon Claw This attack combo will vary depending on the amount of times you click the B button. One click will push Garchomp into a forward dragon rush. Two clicks will do that, and he will end it with a dragon claw. Three clicks will top that with a second dragon claw. If you hold BOver You will use a charageable Crunch attack. Crunch similar to a smash attack, except when it is fully charged, you do a double bite.

Up Special - Dragon Rage Red flames engulf Garchomp while he soars directly up into the sky. He leaves behind a pillar of flame that has static damage.

Down Special – Dig Garchomp dives into the ground, here he is able to stay unharmed. Only his fin is visable in this state. From here he can use three attacks:
Grab Button: Garchomp pushes his hands through the soil and grabs this opponent, he then jumps straight up into the air, and does a dive bomb into the ground holding the opponent.

Special Button (Chargable):
You dive straight into the air, the height depends on how long you hold down the button.

Attack Button (Chargable): You dive forward and slide on the ground, tripping opponents.

Final Smash: Draco Meteor Garchomp's body glows orange and a orange ball of light appears inside its chest. The glow fades and a ball of orange energy appears in front of Garchomp's mouth. Garchomp fires the ball into the air and it explodes, releasing many orbs at the opponent.
NONONONONO plz this is so wrong....Garchomp have 0 chances over Zororark and the game isn't SSBPOKEMON....guys plz be more reasonable.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Meh, Garchomp is alright..

But I'd rather see Zoroark, Victini or Genosect instead, they ALL have better chances, I can only see Garchomp as a Pokemon Pokeball item at most.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2007
Yes, I'd rather see K.Rool playable instead of having a Diddy/Dixie thing, DK needs to have an antagonist plus Smash could always use another antagonist.

It would be better if both Diddy/Dixie and K.Rool got in, though the chances of that happening look somewhat unlikely.

Actually, I see it as very likely. I don't see why you think it's unlikely. The real question is if DK will be considered as for having 3 slots. Because of that the Diddy/Dixie combo has a better chance of making it in, unless Sakurai runs into the same problem as last time (whatever it was), but I doubt it.

Agreed, the same can be said for the FE series, we don't need another protagonist lord, if anything it should be an antagonist such as the Black Knight or maybe perhaps a new one if we were to get a new FE which at this point I'm having doubts.
FE does not have recurring characters, so I'm sure they're only going to stick to protagonists.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I did this just for fun, I don't think he is likely. Heck, I've made a Plum moveset!


O oo o o o o obsessed Why you so obsessed with me? Boy I wanna know.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2007
United Arab Emirate, Abu Dhabi
Actually, I see it as very likely. I don't see why you think it's unlikely. The real question is if DK will be considered as for having 3 slots. Because of that the Diddy/Dixie combo has a better chance of making it in, unless Sakurai runs into the same problem as last time (whatever it was), but I doubt it.

FE does not have recurring characters, so I'm sure they're only going to stick to protagonists.
Trust me I believe Black knight had a major demand for SSBB in sakurai poll.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Now look who's contributing to in the direction of this "idiotic thread" (not my words). What else can we discuss about Fatmanonice's survey. I figured it to be very intuitive.
I'm going to ask the MODs later on if I could make an offical thread for it so it doesn't get buried under the responses in this thread. Like I said earlier, I think it would be something that most people in the Smash community could get behind if a decent number of people sat down and hammered out the details.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Now look who's contributing to in the direction of this "idiotic thread" (not my words). What else can we discuss about Fatmanonice's survey. I figured it to be very intuitive.
I just kind of doubt we'd get an online service so robust.

I suppose each name you make could have its own profile. You could maybe save your settings from multiplayer, and have them as your preferences for online. They would probably compare that with other players, find ones with the most similar preferences, then sort of have a 'voting' system in place to decide which preferences you would share. The voting system would be done by the computer, not you.

The matchmaking would probably work by putting you against people with a similar skill level. I'm not sure how that works, but it would probably involve some kind of "hidden away" leaderboard... Keeping track of your wins and losses, I suppose. It's they should stop hiding away.

Let's get some discussion going on this. Yehs.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2007
Trust me I believe Black knight had a major demand for SSBB in sakurai poll.
Yeah, a poll of several years ago. Wait until a new FE comes out with completely new characters and a new villain. Then that villain will score high on another poll and so on and so forth. Not seeing it, really.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Actually, I see it as very likely. I don't see why you think it's unlikely. The real question is if DK will be considered as for having 3 slots. Because of that the Diddy/Dixie combo has a better chance of making it in, unless Sakurai runs into the same problem as last time (whatever it was), but I doubt it.
I never said it wasn't going to happen, I only implied that it might not happen, of course there's a chance for all 3 to make it in, it all depends whether Sakurai thinks about K.Rool inclusion, hopefully he does get in.

FE does not have recurring characters, so I'm sure they're only going to stick to protagonists.
There might be an exception to that rule, if a character is highly demanded in this case the Black Knight, his chances are definetly improved, I don't why he wouldn't be in if Sakurai got overwhelmed by requests.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2007
I never said it wasn't going to happen, I only implied that it might not happen, of course there's a chance for all 3 to make it in, it all depends whether Sakurai thinks about K.Rool inclusion, hopefully he does get in.
I figure if Ridley got in, K.Rool would too.
I'm not Sakurai, I can't say for sure, but I think K.Rool is one of the most likely characters to get in.

There might be an exception to that rule, if a character is highly demanded in this case the Black Knight, his chances are definetly improved, I don't why he wouldn't be in if Sakurai got overwhelmed by requests.
Ridley is a ****ton more important than ZSS and probably has/had a lot more popularity and fan support, and ZSS still got in before he did.
Don't get your hopes up.

Let me put it this way shortie, If I called you out on your **** would you say its not yours? Lighten up, I don't want to argue about something stupid like this, we can't get off topic now.
Dude, I think if anybody has a stick shoved up their *** here it's you.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
...People actually think Black Knight has a chance? The guy screams clone. The guy isn't really that popular or demanded. The guy isn't relevant. Yeah unpopular characters have shown up, and characters without relevancy have shown up, but that's really not the case for established series which have since moved on. :/


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Dude, I think if anybody has a stick shoved up their *** here it's you.
Thank you. I finally figured out how to block him so I don't have to be spammed with 40 PM's every freaking day.

I'll be on here a lot more now thanks to that discovery :)

Nintendo of America has recently said that they have no plans right now to release The Last Story, Pandora's Tower, and Xenoblade. What do you guys think about this? I'll post the quote in a second. I want your thoughts on their wording.

Thank you for your enthusiasm. We promised an update, so here it is. We never say “never,” but we can confirm that there are no plans to bring these three games to the Americas at this time. Thanks so much for your passion, and for being such great fans!
Does anyone else see a 2012 "suprise" at E3? Or, are these three games just not coming out at all? Thoughts?


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
...People actually think Black Knight has a chance? The guy screams clone. The guy isn't really that popular or demanded. The guy isn't relevant. Yeah unpopular characters have shown up, and characters without relevancy have shown up, but that's really not the case for established series which have since moved on. :/
A clone? really?? Are you insane?!

Sure, you brought up a good point, he may not be so popular and I don't exactly stand for him 100% but to say he's a clone is ridiculous, need proof of what I'm talking about, play both games he appeared in and THEN tell me the same thing you just said.

I can respect your opinion if you don't like the character but to go as far as to say he's "a clone" without seeing him in action is absurd :glare:

Operation Rainfall FTW!!

I have already submitted my letter via snail mail.



Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2007
Nintendo of America has recently said that they have no plans right now to release The Last Story, Pandora's Tower, and Xenoblade. What do you guys think about this? I'll post the quote in a second. I want your thoughts on their wording.
It ****ing sucks, that's what I think.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
It ****ing sucks, that's what I think.
The latest released RPG that I enjoyed was Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. Maybe Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance if that counts as a RPG (though that is more of SRPG).

However, most of the games I have been buying since 2006 have been games from previous console generations. Heck, the only game I even purchased this year was Christmas NiGHTS into Dreams for the Sega Saturn. I am just losing interest in video games in general. The only games that I am anticipating are Smash 4, Zelda: Skyward Sword, and Kirby Wii (I still remember when that game was announced for the GameCube).

There are very few characters that I even want to see in Smash 4 (unlike Melee and Brawl). However, if those few characters don't even become playable in Smash 4, I will still not follow Smash 5. I am just sickened with video game fandom in general.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Nintendo of America has recently said that they have no plans right now to release The Last Story, Pandora's Tower, and Xenoblade. What do you guys think about this? I'll post the quote in a second. I want your thoughts on their wording.
We all know that Nintendo will put characters from those games in Smash 4 in order to see if there is interest to bring those games over here (Worked for FE). That way they get even more of our money!

Those Evil, Greedy, Geniuses! :laugh:
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