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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2007
United Arab Emirate, Abu Dhabi
The latest released RPG that I enjoyed was Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. Maybe Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance if that counts as a RPG (though that is more of SRPG).

However, most of the games I have been buying since 2006 have been games from previous console generations. Heck, the only game I even purchased this year was Christmas NiGHTS into Dreams for the Sega Saturn. I am just losing interest in video games in general. The only games that I am anticipating are Smash 4, Zelda: Skyward Sword, and Kirby Wii (I still remember when that game was announced for the GameCube).

There are very few characters that I even want to see in Smash 4 (unlike Melee and Brawl). However, if those few characters don't even become playable in Smash 4, I will still not follow Smash 5. I am just sickened with video game fandom in general.
Great picture of Fin from Fire Emblem 4/5 xD love it...where did you get it ? (talking about your avatar.)


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
It ****ing sucks, that's what I think.
Unfortunately, the fans are kind of at blame here. Fans begged and pleaded for Starfy to be brought over to the Americas and sales weren't that great. Fans begged and pleaded for Ouedan to be brought over to the Americas and sales weren't that great. Fans asked for Sin and Punishment to be brought back and yet sales for Star Successor were pitiful. Fans asked for Custom Robo to be brought over and the sales for both game they actually did bring over from the franchise were terrible. There are a lot of examples like this where American fans swear to buy the games but when they actually show up on the shelves, only a fraction of the fans actually buy them.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
A clone? really?? Are you insane?!

Sure, you brought up a good point, he may not be so popular and I don't exactly stand for him 100% but to say he's a clone is ridiculous, need proof of what I'm talking about, play both games he appeared in and THEN tell me the same thing you just said.

I can respect your opinion if you don't like the character but to go as far as to say he's "a clone" without seeing him in action is absurd :glare:
How would he not be a clone? He's the same build as Ike, was taught by the same mentor as Ike, and has virtually the same weapon to boot. He pretty much has to be a clone because his story obligates him to be one.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Unfortunately, the fans are kind of at blame here. Fans begged and pleaded for Starfy to be brought over to the Americas and sales weren't that great. Fans begged and pleaded for Ouedan to be brought over to the Americas and sales weren't that great. Fans asked for Sin and Punishment to be brought back and yet sales for Star Successor were pitiful. Fans asked for Custom Robo to be brought over and the sales for both game they actually did bring over from the franchise were terrible. There are a lot of examples like this where American fans swear to buy the games but when they actually show up on the shelves, only a fraction of the fans actually buy them.
I don't think it is really the fans not owning up to the task as much as it is the disproportionate amount of people buying it and the average base consumer. It is just a matter of fact that the general public will not step out of their comfort zone to purchase game brands that are unfamiliar. Part of the reason the Wii gaming lineup has been throttled is due to Nintendo's strategy of marketing primarily to modern families. Which is not a bad thing, but most families are not going to go pick up Sin and Punishment, Xenoblade, The Last Story, Pandora's Tower. Nintendo alienated the core base which are the type of consumer who would support titles such as those.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
How would he not be a clone? He's the same build as Ike, was taught by the same mentor as Ike, and has virtually the same weapon to boot. He pretty much has to be a clone because his story obligates him to be one.
To add to that: Ike was already our first heavy, slow sword-user. Do we really need an even slower, even heavier sword-user...?

Sorry, but I'm not seeing Black Knight as likely at all.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Great picture of Fin from Fire Emblem 4/5 xD love it...where did you get it ? (talking about your avatar.)
It came from the intro to Fire Emblem Thracia 776. I found the picture on a Fire Emblem wikia.

I really loved Thracia 776, its easily among the best games in the Fire Emblem series. I even own a physical copy of it (I never download ROMs unless its from an official source such as the Virtual Console).

The only characters that I would like to see as newcomers for Smash 4 are Mewtwo, Roy, Ridley, Toad, Little Mac, Mega Man, K. Rool, and Dixie Kong. Other than these characters, there is no one else I want that has a plausible shot of getting in.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
See, when someone talks like I just did it does sound insensitve. That is what I've been trying to express for DAYS, except Hoots is the only person that gets it, but that's a tale from far off.

Go ahead I guess, rant on about your character lists. I really had no intentions to stop any off your discussions when I said "We can't get off topic now", just quoting an idiot.
Did I miss something?


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
To add to that: Ike was already our first heavy, slow sword-user. Do we really need an even slower, even heavier sword-user...?

Sorry, but I'm not seeing Black Knight as likely at all.
You not wanting him in SSB4 is your opinion! It won't change a ****** bit if Sakurai considers him or not, Im not saying he has a high chance, I only mentioned and capitilized on the fact that he may or may not be in Smash.

Let's just drop this before it gets to ugly.

Like Chrono mentioned Mewtwo and Ridley are also one of my most wanted characters even if Mewtwo isn't likely.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Sukapon and Lip FTW!!

Seriously, Lip needs to be in SSB4, here's a moveset!

Okay guys! Here's my quick Lip-moveset. I mark origins and references as "O".


Bio: From Nintendo's long-running puzzle series Panel De Pon, known as Puzzle League outside of Japan, Lip is Fairy Of Flowers, who appears as the main mascot of the series.

Back in the peaceful days when she lived in her homeland Popples, the Devil King Thanatos had casted a spell all over the Popples's kingdom, affecting the residents of the land and causing fighting amongst the fairies. Lip was luckily unaffected due to her magic stick.
Lip then had to defeat each of her fairy friends to return their personalities to normal, by facing off them in fairies' favorite game called Panepon. After breaking every spell from her friends, she proceeded to face off against Thanatos.

Lip hasn't much appeared these days aside from things referring to her in SSB but she made a secret appearance in Planet Puzzle League. Recently she's also been found having developed role in Skip's action adventure game Captain Rainbow.

Personality-wise she's optimistic and little tomboyish: she has very good confidence on herself. This might be little problematic for her: despite her confidence she's not sure of herself and her destiny as a new queen.As seen from her appearances The Fairy Of Flowers has a lot of charm.

Panel De Pon (1994)
Planet Puzzle League (2007)
Captain Rainbow (2008)

Emblem: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v15/koopaul/Neon/024_paneldepon.png


Size: 4/10 (Her size is slighly same as Diddy's.)
Power: 4/10

- Overview -

- Lip's primary weapon is her flower magic which utilisizes flowers and other natural plantlife as it's inspiration. For stronger attacks, she uses her stick.
Shortly she'll be a mix of Ivysaur and Zelda, except replacing leaf powers with flower magic.

-She's very light, considering she's a fairy: in fact, she can actually "skip" on the air three times. This gives her 3 midair jumps.

-Along the battle, Lip tends to emit and drop flower petals to the ground, much like Pit losing his feathers. This also happens when she's knocked far away.

Character Animations

Entrance: Rainbow comes from the other side of the screen. Lip runs down from it, jumps off to the stage and quickly opens her stick raised, saying "Ikuso!" while looking at the camera. This then switches to her idle animation.

Stance: she rocks her body carefreely, while smiling. Surely, the Smash World isn't a stressful place for a fairy which has competed in her own puzzle game.

O:See her sprite in Vs Mode of PDP. This is also referred to her usual stance when you talk to her in Captain Rainbow.

Idle Animations:

- After some she'll hop up from the ground and starts to float for few seconds.To give you the idea, she's attempting to float like Mewtwo from Melee.

After two seconds when she confidently tries to keep herself on the air, she suddenly loses control and falls down clumsily. Lip quickly gets up back to her usual stance.

O: Her floatiness is inspired by how she tends to make funny flips and stances occasionally in Captain Rainbow, somewhat.

- Occassionally she'll groom herself, but suddenly she sees how flowers start to grow around her. She crouches down and looks at them. Then she hugs them. Aww.

Special Moves

B: Fairy Seed

Lip throws out a colored seed. (These come in six colors, red, green, cyan, violet and blue) If it latches on an opponent, they're "marked", as the seed stays on them. Pressing B again makes her throw another same-colored seed. Lip can latch three seeds on her enemies, though the opponent can be shake off the seeds.

The catch here though is not to throw seeds on the opponents only. If the opponent is "seeded" and Lip presses B while near him, she starts to bat the opponent tactically with her stick, dealing quick damage. The seeds grow by every hit of the stick, in three phases: it starts from Lip's thrown seed, becomes a sprout, then stem, and finally blooms into a flower.
If Lip hits the flower, it explodes, which has decent to semi-high knockback, depending on the how man seeds yóu've planted on your enemy, or the seeds' type.
The more seeds you've planted, the more longer you can continue your attack, Lip grows only one seed at time (shortly it means if you planted two seeds, you can attack six times.

Different kind of seeds (and thus flowers) do different kind of status effects while attacking. ( I'll borrow these now from .joel's Lip-moveset from MYM 3)

1.Green Seed. (Represents Green Circle Block from PDP, appears 40% of the time) No status effect, flower is something ordinary. damage: 2% per hit, no knockback.

2. Yellow Seed (Represents Yellow Star Block from PDP, appears 40% of the time) - Flower might be a daisy or a sunflower? Spark element, 2-3%. per hit.

3. Red Seed (Red Heart Block, appears 30% of the time) Fiery, effect, would be fiery flower, to codify this we might put in a Fire Flower as the growing flower. 4-6% per hit.

4.Purple Seed (Purple Diamond Block, appears 20% of the time) - Dark element, poisons, damage: 8-9 per knockback.
A poisoned, or disturbing-looking flower.

5. Cyan Seed (Cyan Triangle Block, appears 10% of the time), Icy effect, 10%-12% per hit. Enemies are frozen for quick period if the flower is exploded. A shardy flower.

6. Blue Seed (Blue Upside Down Triangle, appears 10% of the time), 13%-15 per hit, fiery explosion occurs if you explode the flower, with a huge knockback.

The effective way to use this, is to throw in decent amounts of seed depending on your skill. You must also press the button quickly to deal the damage and carry the combo to the end.

When you hit the enemy with a seed on it, a combo marker (from PDP) shows your current hits as the combo. Say, if you land six hits (by planting two seeds on your enemy), you get a 6x combo with a fanfare.

O: I had to think a for a long time until I came up with an unique way to give her a great alternative that translates the combo system of Panel De Pon, while keeping her incharacter and making use of her powers. This took me sometime to write out thoughtfully.

Side B: Quick Swap

Lip waves her wand quickly, and suddenly, a luminent, glass dome-like lines shaped like the "cursor" from Puzzle League-games appears around Lip: another side of it appears also in front of her. This cursor quickly swaps the position of Lip and her target at her front.
Can be used on one opponent or projectiles.This is usable as a counter attack or dodge maneuver similar to Mario's Cape, as well potential projectile reflector. This won't deal any damage though.

Up B: Watabou

The floating, fluffy balloon-like creature in which Lip is holding on in title screen for Panel de Pon appears to aid Lip. When you press Up-B, Watabou appears from underneath of Lip and catches a breeze, which makes it float up. Lip quickly grabs it's tails and holds into it, while drifting upward signifantly. Watabou though can't carry Lip long: it acts like a cotton flower, which is first taken with a windy breeze, then losing it after a moment, so it has to descend on the ground.

When used on the ground, Lip does the same, but the enemies near her are damaged by Watabou rapidily (like in Peach's Parasol) and at the top height of attack's range, the creature explodes into fluff of cotton! This deals 8% and decent damage.
(This is intended to refer at Dr.Mario's Super Jump Punch.)

Down B: Garbage Block:

This is a chargaeble attack. Lip builds in magical power (which can be charged 4 seconds), and when you release the button, she shouts "Ikuso! while waving her stick.
Suddenly her garbage block will rain down on front of her. Lip takes a second to do this attack and then become controllable again.

A regular, small block does 15% damage. However, Lip can summon bigger, and if being lucky (20-10% prosent at time), multiple junk blocks.
These will deal from 16%, to 24% damage.

When a garbage block has landed on the ground, it acts as an additional platform. These are breakable.

Final Smash: Walk On Rainbow

(I hugely recommend that you take a look at the origin of this move below, so you'll understand more how this move works like.)

Lip will create a rainbow above her, (about a width of that of Battlefield) which goes above the stage. She'll then run on top of it.

Now you get a another screen which lets you play Puzzle League! Score combos and chains sto build up Lip's power to her wand.

After seven-second play, the screen disappears, and Lip will unleash a huge flower spell that spreads across the stage, the range depends on your score. Everyone gets a flower on their head, which deals a lot of rapidfire damage. The flowers are hard to remove. Along with it Lip fills the stage in flowers of all kind as a temporary decoration.
When the FS is done, Lip can as well as knock out her opponents out.

To give this move a catch so it will not be overpowered, her attack isn't very effective if it's used on the ground, because the range of flower spell will be quite small, even if you score very well done chains and combos. Her flower spell gets more range the more she's above the ground. So try use this at much high as you can! That will ensure your success.

O: I'm kinda dumbfounded by the fact that everyone thinks her final smash should consist her using panels and junk block to attack her opponent.

But in Captain Rainbow she was able to do this:


IMO this kind of magic spell as her final smash is more incharacter for her, besides Lip has always ran on rainbows during PDP: this has been referred on Captain Rainbow where she has a drawing on her room depicting herself on a rainbow.


- Lip throws her fist in the air and says "Yatta!" (Might be localised as I did it/Yeah!)

O: Refers to her sprite from her stage in PDP when in one-player.

-Lip takes a flower and smells it. Suddenly she makes a powerful sneeze, blowing off the petals of that poor flower.
The sneeze can push her opponents a bit.

O: According to Captain Rainbow she has developed an allergy for flowers. This would make her humorous, seeing as she's ironically a Fairy of Flowers.*

- Lip floats up, while enveloped by gust that spins around her while carrying petals around.

O: Might be inspired by Lip's backdrop art from PDP which also had petals flying around her.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I just asked permission for a new thread to be made. Hopefully I'll get a response later tonight. Just because code names are all the rage, I think I'd like to call it Operation Smash Community. :laugh:


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Thanks LiM8d, Star did do an awesome job yo. No comments on Lip, tbh I don't like the idea but then again idk her so I'll just stay quiet one this one.

...Operation what...You know outside of this thread there are Brawl, Melee, and Smash 64 sub-forums that make up the Smash Community LOL. Probably 80% of Brawl people or Brawl hacked versions will move to SSB4, Smash 64 will play it, if the elitist half of Melee people learn to be smart for once they'll probably play it, and you have to count new players, maybe even ones from different fighting game communities. I think SSB4 will have a fine community.

In other words, better name please lol.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Thanks LiM8d, Star did do an awesome job yo. No comments on Lip, tbh I don't like the idea but then again idk her so I'll just stay quiet one this one.

...Operation what...You know outside of this thread there are Brawl, Melee, and Smash 64 sub-forums that make up the Smash Community LOL. Probably 80% of Brawl people or Brawl hacked versions will move to SSB4, Smash 64 will play it, if the elitist half of Melee people learn to be smart for once they'll probably play it, and you have to count new players, maybe even ones from different fighting game communities. I think SSB4 will have a fine community.

In other words, better name please lol.
I chose that name because I'm hoping to get input from all sorts of different Smash fans about what would make a good online experience for SSB4. I'm aware that there are a lot of different sub-forums and I'm hoping people from those and other sites would contribute if the idea takes off and gets big enough. I named it Operation Smash Community because I truly want it to be a COMMUNITY project.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
HURM. In a way, Lip and Sukapon are kind of in competition with each other, huh. Except not really, but it's more fun to think of it that way.

I'm kind of curious why Panel de Pon is so extremely girly. Was that the market for puzzle games at the time? lol.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Online Smash Community Experience? If that can fit, that sounds a lot better tbh.

Also, I heard my ***** LiM8d going in on people. LOL


Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2006
New Jersey, USA
I like how the Duck Hunt Dog is now considered a serious retro character, unlike last time which was on par with a Tetris block for joke character. :p
Nothing new. It was suggested for Brawl heavily. And check GameFaqs, they won't shut up about it. I never understood the fascination of a whit two animation sprite dog that is programed to taunt you.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I suppose it could have a better name but that's the basic idea that I'm going for. One of the first things I would like to talk about is what makes a good online experience? My experience with online games is very limited and I'll like to hear other people's opinions about what other games have done right in that category.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2007
HURM. In a way, Lip and Sukapon are kind of in competition with each other, huh. Except not really, but it's more fun to think of it that way.

I'm kind of curious why Panel de Pon is so extremely girly. Was that the market for puzzle games at the time? lol.
There's a bunch of games aimed exclusively at guys. IDK what's the big deal over a game that's really effeminate.

Nothing new. It was suggested for Brawl heavily. And check GameFaqs, they won't shut up about it. I never understood the fascination of a whit two animation sprite dog that is programed to taunt you.
It's kind of become a meme/icon in it's own right, even to those not experienced with video games.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Tbh, other than adding some games to wifi, fixing the lag that's like a broken computer will stop 99% of people's *****ing.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I suppose it could have a better name but that's the basic idea that I'm going for. One of the first things I would like to talk about is what makes a good online experience? My experience with online games is very limited and I'll like to hear other people's opinions about what other games have done right in that category.
So is this project going to solely expand? In SWF? You've got me quite curious to the matter, if you want I could suggest to a mod.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
So is this project going to solely expand? In SWF? You've got me quite curious to the matter, if you want I could suggest to a mod.
I'd like it to. One of the main ideas I've thrown out so far is ID cards that personalize a player's online experience and better match them to other players that share their interests and play preferences.
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