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Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I'm going to Parkour in an hour and going to do chores and homework after that, so I'm not going to come over. Sorry, Everett. Dammit. I really need to play someone other than Steven -.-


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2008
Norfolk, Virginia
Hey guys, man its been a while since I was on the boards.

@Davis- I was at the smashfest for about 6 hours. I thought you said you would show up early, I was there at 11:30. Maybe we can practice at this next fest if your going?

@Zman- Goodgames, I really enjoyed the special brawl match we had. It was pretty epic. :p

@Neil- Haha you got whupped by mah samus! well at least for the 1$ mm. Then you won the 5$ mm, I'll practice more with samus to get her better. wtf we didn't get to do our Ike match. Oh well, we all know I would have won anyways.

@Paul & Steven- Too bad I didn't get to play you. I wanted to try out out that Brawl+ maybe next time.

@Overgames- Fun matches, though I wanted to play singles with you. Were you stalling the FFA to see my playstyle?

@everyone else- See you next time!


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Wolf does better overall, but has a higher learning curve.

I would choose..... Peach.


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
You could just pick Meta Kni...oh wait.

Seriously though, Wolf is easier to play in my opinion but if I would go with Luigi. He is a severly underrated character. Solid aerials, good priority, great killing power. His only real problem is his approach game. But he does have a tornado to help him out in that aspect.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Paul. Come over to my house. Now. I wanna play some Brawl + with you :D


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
You could just pick Meta Kni...oh wait.

Seriously though, Wolf is easier to play in my opinion but if I would go with Luigi. He is a severly underrated character. Solid aerials, good priority, great killing power. His only real problem is his approach game. But he does have a tornado to help him out in that aspect.
For some reason, I read your post backwards, and I thought you were talking about MK, until you said Wolf is easier.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
yes we're having a smashfest this weekend at our place. so far a promising turnout considering we havent been in the scene for months (seems like years lol) and its thrown together at the last second.

I will be getting home around noon but I work at 4 so COME OVER EARLY PEOPLE! I wont be home after that till 11 or so but if anyone wants to crash at my place then more power to you k. I dont work sunday morning so we should be good to go for a night of smashing and other gaming haha.

Davis I will teach you all the fighting technique you need to know to win a simple fight. Not including the essential mental aspect. But I will train you if you want haha. Ive gotten 10x better since you last saw me too. Stronger as well :D

I miss you guys. I'm looking forward to playing you all haha. And who wanted to throw down in SC? Lewis is better than me but he'll be in cali. is hould be able to take you on decently enough tho haha.

Oh and I voted. being 21 I can do a lot of things (many of which I choose not to XP)

Text me if you need any info.

Oh IMPORTANT. Friday night I get home around 9 maybe at 8. if any of you want to come over then and stay the night we can make arrangements. You'll just have to wait from 10 to 12 while Im kicking the crap out of people in TKD :D


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
then show up and ill train with you. Come over Friday night and I'll train with you all night if needed haha. the best possible thing I can recommend for you tho is to start running and stretching every day. And do pushups and situps. Basic stuff, but you'll never be able to fight if you have no stamina lol (sparring takes a whole new kind of stamina haha). Then Over the weekend David and I can train with you if you'd like. I can also show you some basics in boxing too.

I'll add you on the confirmed list then :D


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I'll do some more stretches because I'm not very flexible, but I do body weight training every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and I Parkour (freerun) every Tuesday, Thursday, and sometimes Saturday at UNM.

Friday I'll be at a matching party, lol.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 29, 2007

did i scare anybody?

ps: nice pic


Smash Apprentice
Oct 29, 2007
I knew id get someone thanks for being honest.
anybody else scared?

ps: i know your out there

and ill be watching o_0


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
The letters "T" and "X" are banned?

Well ha makes hings kind of hard. _ is one of my favorie lers.

because the rest of NM isnt good enough >.<
lol just wait till we play. Maybe we should spar or train first. I'll just accidentaly break your wrist and make brawling a little difficult for you...

haha yeah right like I would ever do that to you XP
Well, I guess you could look at it like that.

I'd be very sad because I'm going to three out of state tournaments this month... and seeing as how I'm relying on these tournaments to determine my financial situation for the next three months... I really need my wrist.


did i scare anybody?

ps: nice pic
Not really, but your avatar did. What in Satan's glorious name is that?



The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
wait wait wait.... TX banned?

I just noticed the change in the title.........
Its been like that for three days.

Your the first one that has said anything about it.


@Davis, I am not. I am busy saturday and sunday. I am always busy, I am sorry. :/

I'd be very sad because I'm going to three out of state tournaments this month... and seeing as how I'm relying on these tournaments to determine my financial situation for the next three months... I really need my wrist.
Welcome to why I play smash. But, now I play more for fun :D

Sliraobe God

Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
P.S. Neil... ANSWER YOUR TEXTS!!! Or if yu changed your number let me know. Mine is 977-7914 if anyone forgot. peace \/ \/ \/ \/ Knuckles still wins
I've always answered my texts, since the beginning of time. Back when I first got my phone, at the time you're referring to, I did take a long time to respond, but I answered nonetheless. For the last 6 months or so, I've developed into a speedy, professional cellular phone device text messager :)

Kneel, I prefer to spell your name this way, you candle sniffing ****fence. Also, Zman is just jealous cause his hair lacks volume.
You're right. In fact, way back in elementary school, I was called on several ocassions "banana peel." God I hated those times. That is the remarkable advantage of being the prince of persia.

I think Dekar is on to something, Kneel.

Shame you didn't show up at the fest, Dekar. It was pretty sweet. Thanks for the recommendations.
Dekar's been on to something for a while. He's been on my dick. And yeah, I still don't understand why you didn't show up, it was a blast. We shared unforgettable moments called Pokemon Snap MoneyMatches.

I'll be at the smashfest, and I'll bring SC4. I'll challenge anyone to $5 triathlon MMs. 3 games of Melee, 3 games of Brawl, 3 games of SC4. Whoever wins the most games gets $5 richer.

Also, **** yeah, the day has come. METAKNIGHT BANNED (Not to be confused with Metaknight Band, the wildly popular Rock Band spin-off, featuring hits like "Zero Lag All Day" and "Whorenado, Baby").
I may challenge you to the triathlon, given that I win all melee matches (which is ensured) and the brawl set (2 of the 3). I may accept. Give me some time to think. Your jokes are too funny. I would counter with a joke right here, except that telling jokes in person are WAAAAAAAY better than telling jokes online.

Neil: Paul Squared Eh? Has a nice ring to it.
really, then I'm going to call you that from now on. Have fun. Too bad you're not really a square.

When I first read this post, I was planning on mounting a full-scale argument back towards the original post (OP) creator. But then I decided that it was too much work and I had a huge AP physics assignment to work on instead that night. I'll do it this weekend. It won't take a lot of convincing to prove that marth is in fact homogeneously sexually oriented.

Sigh...I tried explaining that to Neil and August at your fest a couple weeks ago and it looked like they were about to kill me.
Go suck a bag of dicks. For two reasons, 1) for thinking that marth is not gay. 2) for sucking at tetris so hard that your salivary glands need a transplant.

Well, I disagree with it, but oh well.

I couldn't possibly imagine myself arguing Marth more manly than Captain Falcon. That's ridiculous.
Thank you.

Marth manlier than Falcon? WTF is the world coming to an end?
@Neil: There is no reasoning for my actions.
Thank you, and I guess we both have work to do. I need to think before I speak, and you need to think before you act ;)

Wow... We all know that Marth is far less manly than falcon, which both lose to Chuck Norris which then loses to me... (wait for laughs and people to wipe off the drinks the just sprayed accross the screen).

Ok few things about the fest. Its going to be at my place. please bring set ups (and if you're going to bring soul cal please bring the system. We only have the Wii...)

Games that will be played for the most part:
Melee, Brawl, Brawl+ (if anyone brings their hacked wii), Guilty Gear, Soul Cal, Guitar Hero. and if you have anything else you want to play just bring it =D

Lewis will not be in attendence sadly. he will be in Cali for a wedding (Johns anybody???)

I will accept a $5 MM kash but not in any of the above. I will MM in this way. 3 vs one clean sparring match. Note: no I'm not in any martial art and clean sparring by our definition means body shots only. You tap you're out.
Any takers... oh and maybe...MAYBE a melee MM =D

My cell is (505) 977-7914. Send me a text or call and leave a message (again LEAVE A MESSAGE!!!) if you can come or have any questions.

My address is 9180 Coors Blvd NW Apt 3001 Alb. NM 87120

I'll keep in touch before then =D

So far I have confirmed (and please please correct me if I'm worng or missing anyone)
Me (> Chuck Norris... oh come on)
Kyle (The other one)
Steven (Double G)
Davis ($)
Paul (AlphaSexy)
Neil (Kneel... priceless aka SilkyRobe God)
Zman (Sorry I have nothing creative for this one yet. Check back later =D)

Oh and for those of you who don't know me. My name is David. Nice to meet you.

Exact times will be posted later. I'm going to be attending the XC state championships and doing some other stuff till roughly 3 or 4 but Kyle is open from noon to 4. Its his call when it will start my call on when it ends (never anyone?)

Final side note:
|-o-| <----- does that look like a Thai Fighter to anyone else?!
This is too funny. THank you for agreeing with the fact that marth is less manly than falcon. Also, it's a coincidence, I said to you earlier that I can't make the smashfest due to a trip to California. Oddly enough, it's also for a wedding. Maybe Lewis and I have the same flight. I'm already fantasizing :chuckle::chuckle: So, yeah, sorry I can't make it. I really do want to show you why I am the best melee player in NM (which I will easily challenge another player, namely Steven, Paul, or August on).

I've got a dance that day, and XC, so I'll be able to stay for a few hours(maybe?), but not for too long. I'm sorry Twins...we don't get our well earned male bonding time...
Hey. "Male bonding time" is my phrase. You thief. And remember you still owe me our fierce male bonding sessions. Even after I die you still owe it to my corpse.

@Neil- Haha you got whupped by mah samus! well at least for the 1$ mm. Then you won the 5$ mm, I'll practice more with samus to get her better. wtf we didn't get to do our Ike match. Oh well, we all know I would have won anyways.
You noob. You can't even spelled "whooped." And yeah, I'll win the ike ditto later. Wanna put money on it?

I came. I love you Everett. Have sex with me sometime, ja? :lick::lick:

Well that's enough for one post, I'm getting tired.
Sorry again that I can't make the fest Twinz.

Sliraobe God

Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2006
Albuquerque, NM

So yeah, I was bored so I decided to fool around in Melee with Bowser.
Wasn't I the one who took a picture with bowser having the huge hand, and you took the picture on your cell phone and became so happy and overcame with joy? Yeah, I totally remember it, it was on battlefield and items were on. EXCEPT the picture was where bowser was on the TOP middle platform of FD and he carried some other item, then I paused on the right frame. ALSO, the picture was not at that angle, it was the default angle at which when you press the start button.

I'm confused. Did you just take that picture?
And read my quote of your quote about the "marth is not gay" explanation.


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Wasn't I the one who took a picture with bowser having the huge hand, and you took the picture on your cell phone and became so happy and overcame with joy? Yeah, I totally remember it, it was on battlefield and items were on. EXCEPT the picture was where bowser was on the TOP middle platform of FD and he carried some other item, then I paused on the right frame. ALSO, the picture was not at that angle, it was the default angle at which when you press the start button.

I'm confused. Did you just take that picture?
And read my quote of your quote about the "marth is not gay" explanation.
I seriously don't remember that. If it did happen it was probably a long time ago. Yup, I just took that picture about a half hour ago...along with this....

Some stupid soul stunner glitch on three bowsers.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
While you're messing with glitches, figure out the Super Yoyo Glitch so I can use it and become a doom bringer.

Oh, and come to CO Paul >.<


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Why is TX banned? we welcome yall to any and every event of ours. Or at least my city does(houston)


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
@Neil - So I guess Lewis was semi wrong. He's going to Luisiana or some crap. He wants us to get his Fire Emblem back from you whenever we see you next too. And here's an idea. Lets steal a small indian school boy and put him in your plane seat. Your family will thinks its you and by time they realize it you'll be here and they'll be there =D Perfect

@August - Which gamer tag are you... Samus 4 President (think about it. 1st woman pres and she has bigger cohones than all 44)

@Erich - Dude, you're going to make me cry. I miss our male bonding time too... *tear* see there I go. I'll be getting to my place for the fest at about 2 or 3. So please try to still be here.

@Paul - Hi =D

@Kyle - you say haha and lol alot. Seriosly. Read your posts.

@ Sinz - That picture owns

@ @ - you get overworked for being a character symbolizing a 2 letter word...

@Everyone else. Yes we're having a smashfest. If you want to come you must you must and one more for luck you must text us k. Even if its right before you are planning on heading out the door, message one of us letting us know you're coming (unless you have already said you're coming...)

My number 977-7914
My brothers 977-7926

Oh and to a select few of NM smashers elite who will be attending, my brother and I are going to try to plan something to 1) bring a spark back to the NM scene and 2) Finally let us crawl back and re join. But we need to talk with you guys about it.

At the very least (stop reading if you don't want a spoiler alert) we will most likely be hosting once a month smash fests/tournaments. Better details for later.

@ Sleep - I'm heading your way now.

P.S. Here's a list of who said they are coming
Steven, Kash, Paul, ZMan, Erich (you better *shakes fist), Eric, Wraith, Rahul (most of you dont know him), and I believe thats it so far. If anyone wants to come they can. I especially want to meet the August person. Hasta Laters everyone.

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