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Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I'm still not sure right now. I'm reconsidering my decision to go (that's why I've been posting in the EP tournament thread).

Sadly, I'm flat broke right now:(

In all honesty though, I don't go to OOS tournaments to win money. I go to hang out and improve my game. Since Forward said he won't be attending I doubt I'll go. But I am giving serious thought to it.
Well, I might be able to pay for you, and then you can win Melee and pay me back. Haha.

I say do plan C which would be the same as B except you leave at like 12:00 PM on friday. Friday is the smashfest at the venue and crew battles remember? Unless your all scared.

edit: alpha if you come maybe you can convince forward =)
I'd love to, Arturito, but some of us have school, you know?

Bokuwa daigakuoo desu.

I am a student :D

how about a battle of the disciples!?

Kash trains Neil and Sinz trains me. Then Neil and I duke it out. Easiest win I'll ever have it'll be a fun match :D
I was actually thinking that. Of course Neil would **** your face if he actually let me train him.

Fowid won't come just because of Alpha.

Alpha didn't show fowid no love whatsoevahs whenz he came here.

If you understood that, you should be ashamed of yourself.
I am ashamed.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Ima wuv Fowad looooong time

EDIT: Who does Neil play now? Did he go back to Ike again? Or is it the blue G&W (thats how long ive been out people!). Either way it wont matter. Because *flashback to when Kash had the imported Brawl*

Neil was saying something along the lines of why Brawl needs to be more like melee and I jumped in mentioning how it was fun knowing him in the smash scene but he relies too much on tech skill and wont adapt to the concept known as a mind game

*flashes out*

sorry lol that was a funny night for those of us that were there


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Do I really have to say smash > RL. Sinz understood it thats why he can come now. right?
nope. I still don't think i can make it ;D


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2005
cromartie high school aka albuquerque, nm
Sinz: I'm positive I'm wrong but was from when I made Fowid cry?

Paul: We have the same amount of cash, which is a big fat ZERO right now for me. And I'll try to give you your MvC2 back ASAP. However I have to go through some wierd *** process to get all the data off the CD which I'm afraid to do cause I usally break things/screw something up whenever I do something.


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Paul: We have the same amount of cash, which is a big fat ZERO right now for me. And I'll try to give you your MvC2 back ASAP. However I have to go through some wierd *** process to get all the data off the CD which I'm afraid to do cause I usally break things/screw something up whenever I do something.
Don't worry about it too much. I haven't played the game in awhile so I don't really miss it that much.


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Neil, I'm gonna have to turn down your Melee MM offer. The triathlon MM still stands, though.

I wasn't being sarcastic or confident, or any other adjective. I was simply stating what is going to happen, and what my reaction to it will be.


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2005
cromartie high school aka albuquerque, nm
Paul: That's cool. What team do you use anyway? I like clockw0rk (Strider/Doom/Sentinal) and team scrub my self.

Salty: I think I can, I'm not 100% go for the fest but if I do go I'll give you a ride. And shup up, I know I screw everything up.


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
And Rare continues to make me LM proverbial AO.

A fan's letter to Rare: Did you guys know that creating Krystal in Starfox Adventures would cause such a massive array of...fan "items" for people's "enjoyment"?

Rare's response: If people want to pay tribute to her by featuring her lovely, friendly face on cross-stitch patterns and commemorative thimbles, who are we to disapprove?


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Hmmm...I haven't decided on a team yet. But I really enjoy playing some of the lower tiered characters.

That reminds me...I really want to get an arcade stick. It's really difficult doing some of the AT's with a regular dreamcast pad.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 29, 2007
Zman: that's cool I don't even think that ill be able to go to tell you the truth but ill do my best to make it well talk about it tomorrow after school. K?


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Wow, I was literally just watching the video Paul posted, along with Daigo's legendary Street Fighter comeback, when I checked this thread.

I'm currently playing Valkyria Chronicles, and will soon be playing Banjo-Kazooie Nuts and Bolts. I have no faith in CoD5 for two reasons.

1. It's being developed by Treyarch, not Infinity Ward.
2. There are two ways of acquiring a certain gun in the game: A) Get to level 65 and unlock it, or B) Pay to download it at any level. Essentially, a level-1 player can buy him or herself a handicap, a business practice I can only call unscrupulous.


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Sadly, I know that Treyarch developed COD5. I still think its going to be a fun game...not as good as Modern Warfare...but still a good game. I really want to go to the Gears 2 midnight launch event but I don't want to go to school tomorrow with no sleep.

Ugh...I'm going to have to wait patiently until school is over to get my copy of Gears 2.

Also, I really think they should spread out the release of all the good games over the course of the entire year...instead of releasing them all in the fall. Seriously, I hardly have any time to enjoy a game before another one is released and I want to play it.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Ima wuv Fowad looooong time

EDIT: Who does Neil play now? Did he go back to Ike again? Or is it the blue G&W (thats how long ive been out people!). Either way it wont matter. Because *flashback to when Kash had the imported Brawl*

Neil was saying something along the lines of why Brawl needs to be more like melee and I jumped in mentioning how it was fun knowing him in the smash scene but he relies too much on tech skill and wont adapt to the concept known as a mind game

*flashes out*

sorry lol that was a funny night for those of us that were there
Wow. That sounds deadly accurate, amirite?

Dammit. I need to stop saying amirite...

get ahead during the week and just ditch your last to classes.

Do I really have to say smash > RL. Sinz understood it thats why he can come now. right?
I've already missed for too many classes. Normally I'd agree with you on this. Plus, everyone going would have to ditch out on class.

Sinz: I'm positive I'm wrong but was from when I made Fowid cry?

Paul: We have the same amount of cash, which is a big fat ZERO right now for me. And I'll try to give you your MvC2 back ASAP. However I have to go through some wierd *** process to get all the data off the CD which I'm afraid to do cause I usally break things/screw something up whenever I do something.
Sorry, but Zman making Forward cry is, and always will be, epic.

Also, you didn't manage to break his SD card or my computer, so that's a start.

And Rare continues to make me LM proverbial AO.

A fan's letter to Rare: Did you guys know that creating Krystal in Starfox Adventures would cause such a massive array of...fan "items" for people's "enjoyment"?

Rare's response: If people want to pay tribute to her by featuring her lovely, friendly face on cross-stitch patterns and commemorative thimbles, who are we to disapprove?
Thus is the origin of Steven's humor.

haha that commentator is legendary...check out this vid:


Anyways, what games are you guys currently playing.

Right now I'm enjoying/starting Fallout 3 and Tom Clancy's Endwar (awesome game). Also, Gears of War 2 comes out tomorrow...followed shortly by World at War (Call of Duty).
Umm... Brawl and... Brawl.

If I had the money and time (and a working 360) I'd be looking forward to Left 4 Dead and Gears of War 2. Oh well.


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2008
My house, NM
EDIT#1: My chances of attending the smashfest just went up.
:/ my group lost my deck for states this saturday :/
Lost it? Please tell me it wasn't something as expensive as a usual mtg deck and that you didn't buy most of the cards? Is this why Tanya wanted to borrow so many cards?


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Lost it? Please tell me it wasn't something as expensive as a usual mtg deck and that you didn't buy most of the cards? Is this why Tanya wanted to borrow so many cards?
Derek said that he can't find some of the stuff he had for my deck. I am actually assuming they are just using all of the pieces.

I am actually thinking that they disassemble it and used it to build faeries and another 5cc.

Its 5cc.

I want my cruel ultimatums :(


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
I called Derek, he can't find some of the cards, but he says that they aren't lost. :/
Maybe there is luck yet.


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2008
Norfolk, Virginia
@Twin_A-Yeah you and I need to fight on brawl. It'll be good.

My Samus is ok, but my Ike is a beast. Neil is still upset about losing to my Ike. :D


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Goes great with milk and a little sugar ontop.

Lol I was hoping to play your melee samus, but if you wanna bring on Ike then im game :D

I dunno after playing Lewis' Ike too may times (he doesnt know the concept of switching it up when he 3 of us are just playing for fun), Ike is less and less intimidating. He got one powerful hit off, yay, but oh wait I got 20 more and his stock O.o


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Ok so here's some new news. I ran into ABP, Pice, and Lrin. They may come too =D And these past few pages have been funny. Love you Paul, Neil and Sinz ( *Borats voice*- hi five).

So are you coming Sinz? Bummer about your deck tho. If you do come bring some spare decks lol. I'll play you =D

I've got a surprise in store for that day not even kyle knows of yet... suspense.

Kyle: Who's Sephi??? I know the whole GH awesomeness but we know him?! I've never seen him so ya.


We need set ups! T.V.'s, games, consoles and all. We may have a small gears 2 tournament (we'll have 1 or 2 set ups for that pending a group vote) if anyone is up for it. Same with many other things. But we need the goods first.

@Erich- I'll see you tomorrow at the XC state thingy then. Maybe I can mindgame you into coming too O.o


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
I'm about to go get my copy of Gears 2 in a few minutes.

@David: If ABP, Pice, and Lrin show up there probably going to end up playing Gears of War 2 more than anything. In fact, if Gears 2 is at your fest...I doubt I'll be playing smash that much.

Sliraobe God

Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Neil why are you so afraid of this Xion kid? I could probably beat him with one hand and one eye closed!

Oh we're talking melee!? Oh that changes everything! No hands it is!

lol all seriousness I've heard nothing but good things about your Samus, definitely have to play you bro
I can confidently say that I can win the ike ditto against him. I'll put it off for after the El Paso tourney, because I currently have no money right now, and the people that do owe me money haven't paid me back yet. And it's not melee :)
And trust me, his samus sucks. it's just a regular amateur samus without any advanced techniques on it, nor smarts. All he really has is zair. He can't even kill.

Ugh for the last time people

I DO THINK MARTH IS GAY He is a **ggot to be more exact. Only a complete pathetic excuse for a man needs to use a 10ft sword to own others. If Marth was so manly why doesn't he decide to man up and use his fists? Because, he is a gay ***ggot who would become bottom tier because he cannot fight.

Seriously, even Peach (a damsel who regularly gets kidnapped by Bowser) uses her arms and legs to fight. Marth is such a pansy.

Not only that but he's compensating for his small d*** with that long sword. For all we know he's probably gotten a sex change. That would explain the tiara and his constant obsession with how his hair looks.

Marth is gay. I don't know what I was ever thinking when I considered he wasn't.

Also, Marth is truly a **ggot because he has to gimp and chaingrab spacies in order to beat them. Captain Falcon doesn't need to gimp, he just combos into a knee or a falcon punch...talk about manly.

Could Marth ever Falcon Punch? The answer is NO!!!!

Marth is sooooo gay that his arm breaks at even the thought of doing a Falcon Punch.
Thank you. Of course had I said the same thing, it wouldn't have been as funny since people are biased against me :(

Ok :D
I will teach you :D
Your awesome enough.
Sorry Neil, but your not up to either twins level in awesome.
What are you talking about? I never even said or implied that I am "up to either twins level in awesome." I would willing concede anytime that trying to compare me to them in terms of awesomeness is so impossible. Its just as impossible as having peach falcon punched through her genitalia and survive.

Also, I will do that. I planned on practicing (yes, lol) howling for massive embarrassment of my opponents. I already chest pound when I taunt with DK, why not howl with Wolf?

Come on, Paul. Easiest $150 you'll ever make.

EDIT: Currently I owe you $21! I told Nolan to pay you the $10 I ***** won from him in our Pokemon Snap MM.

EDIT#2: I'll teach you how to be good at Brawl, Neil! I have a feeling you wouldn't want to learn/let me though.
Deal. You are WAAAY too persistent for that single dollar, it's pathetic. And yes, sorry for confusing you with the Nolan bet. That's another example of how much $$$ I need to keep track of.
You're not that much better than me in brawl in the first place. I mean, sure, you easily deserve the title of being better than me, especially for placing 7th in AZ and having such a ridiculous, unfeasible momentum which none of NM has ever seen from you before. But, whenever we fight Ike vs Wolf, it's usually a 1-stock. The only reason I lose is because I don't know how to overcome your speed and aggresiveness with my incredible spacing and range thanks to Ike. You win at that, and it's my fault for not knowing exactly how to counter that speed. That's something I need to learn by myself, not from you. I would still be very willing to learn from you, irregardless of the entire preceding paragraph :)
Paul will not even make that money because I'll be going. He'll have quite a bit of difficulty placing 1st with me around.

I say do plan C which would be the same as B except you leave at like 12:00 PM on friday. Friday is the smashfest at the venue and crew battles remember? Unless your all scared.

edit: alpha if you come maybe you can convince forward =)

Of course that would make it

1. El paso
2. AZ
3. NM
...We'll just wait and see how accurate your power rankings REALLY are.

how about a battle of the disciples!?

Kash trains Neil and Sinz trains me. Then Neil and I duke it out. Easiest win I'll ever have it'll be a fun match :D

I was actually thinking that. Of course Neil would **** your face if he actually let me train him.

I am ashamed.
I am ashamed as well Sinz. Deadly Alliance is too good.
If I even attempt to **** his face, all of the little cracks and orifices at his mouth would burst due to the size of my dick, leaving a huge puddle of blood. Even as a doctor, I'd leave him to clean that up. Don't forget that my balls are 4 Ganondorf Units, estimated to be greater than the size of Jupiter. AND YOU AGREED :psycho::lick::lick:;)

Ima wuv Fowad looooong time

EDIT: Who does Neil play now? Did he go back to Ike again? Or is it the blue G&W (thats how long ive been out people!). Either way it wont matter. Because *flashback to when Kash had the imported Brawl*

Neil was saying something along the lines of why Brawl needs to be more like melee and I jumped in mentioning how it was fun knowing him in the smash scene but he relies too much on tech skill and wont adapt to the concept known as a mind game

*flashes out*

sorry lol that was a funny night for those of us that were there
I've always stuck with Ike. My game and watch is gone. I picked him up that tournament and I trashed him at that tournament. The shortest main I've ever had. I have secondaries in brawl, which I never use in tournaments though. Anyways, for the last week or so, I've been experimenting with a character in particular that NO ONE ELSE KNOWS ABOUT :) Otherwise, that flashback seems really funny. Almost as funny as the time I hit puberty.

Neil, I'm gonna have to turn down your Melee MM offer. The triathlon MM still stands, though.

I wasn't being sarcastic or confident, or any other adjective. I was simply stating what is going to happen, and what my reaction to it will be.
I never accepted the triathlon MM. Let me hold it off until all other debts are cleared, at the same time when I ike ditto xion, all right?

I remember that vid. Some good **** right there. Melee and Brawl need better commentators.
The super smash brothers community has seen some of the greatest commentary in the history of commentary! Really, you are wrong. There are so many great commentators out there, I can't even give an example. I just want to burst out with at least 20 names at once, none of which you will even recognize or watch videos of, so I won't.

@Twin_A-Yeah you and I need to fight on brawl. It'll be good.

My Samus is ok, but my Ike is a beast. Neil is still upset about losing to my Ike. :D
Wow..I never even lost to your ike. Get your facts straight, or else I'll have to assume that your facts are gay. And remember, you are what you know :laugh: Besides, I've placed higher than you in every tournament we've both competed in to date.

I had a big bowl of Ike for breakfest this morning :D

Davis: Oh yeah I didn't break that. That's a win in my book. Same with making Fowid cry :p
I'm still so proud of you for making Fowid cry. That's been the manliest moment you've ever shown to me Zach. Funnier yet was when fowid mistook me as you. God damn that was one of the greatest Sean Benner moments I've seen with my own two eyes, besides the face that he made to Kyle. I have yet to see that. Especially because NeilSquared is such a bad cameraman and couldn't get footage of his face. He could get footage of Kyle running out of my bedroom into the hall and living room at perfect speed (without any blur) but not a single shot of the center of attention -.-

By the time you're reading this, I'm probably in San Francisco right now, attending a very pointless engagement ceremony of my Indian cousin (who has an extremely thick Apu-like accent). And no, he does not work at Kwik-E-Mart, he's a doctor also -.-
Once again, sorry I can't make it Twinz. VERY VERY rarely do I miss smashfests or tournaments, let alone this extremely unique one :urg:


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Yeah that was funny when I cuddled with forward (thats what you get for taking the other guys bed! XP)

But just curious, why is making Forward cry manly? He's a cool guy. Thats like you guys saying me wrestling Kash and making im cry is manly... oh wait that example is. But anyways maybe its just me. But I dont find comments about crabs and making someone cry manly. Now Falcon holding Megan Fox, thats as manly as it gets...


I will be home at noon. So come then please. I work at 4 so I want to get as many matches in as possible. And if any of you stay the night I will bring food from work (crumbs kash, lots of crumbs).


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
I'm busy with church stuff until around 7:00 tomorrow, it's still cool for me to show up then, right?

Awwww ****, you best be bringing crumbs.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Almost as funny as the time I hit puberty
That's funny. I don't remember that happening.

Also, I'm pretty sure I would three stock you Neil. If you don't think so $1 MM me in Brawl. I mean, you two THEN three stocked me last time, do it again.

Yeah that was funny when I cuddled with forward (thats what you get for taking the other guys bed! XP)

But just curious, why is making Forward cry manly? He's a cool guy. Thats like you guys saying me wrestling Kash and making im cry is manly... oh wait that example is. But anyways maybe its just me. But I dont find comments about crabs and making someone cry manly. Now Falcon holding Megan Fox, thats as manly as it gets...


I will be home at noon. So come then please. I work at 4 so I want to get as many matches in as possible. And if any of you stay the night I will bring food from work (crumbs kash, lots of crumbs).
I don't think it's manly. I just think it's ****ing hilarious. I mean, come on! Zman made Forward cry. Hahaha.

yeah dude of course. Im not off work till 11 tho :'(

I'll bring chicken, crumbs, root bear, and most improtantly: myself XD
I was excited until the end of that list.

EDIT: Reposting my tournament information for those that didn't see it. it got swept 5 pages back awfully fast.

El Paso, TX

Plan A)
-Leave Friday the 14th at 6:00 PM
-Crash at Arturo's House
-Saturday = Brawl Singles/Melee Friendlies
-Crash at Arturo's Again
-Sunday = Melee Singles/Brawl Doubles

Plan B)
-Same as plan A except we leave Saturday at 6:00 AM instead

I'd rather go with plan A.

Alternative: Leave after Melee singles if there isn't much interest in Brawl doubles

Car: Mine. I'd rather not take this vehicle, but if it is are only ride then I guess we have no choice. If any alternatives could be thought up that'd be great.

People: Davis, Xion, and Neil. We need two more (I'm looking at you Paul, Everett, August, Steven!).

Gas: Assuming gas prices at $3 a galleon and 30 MPG, round trip will be $58 or so. In a five person car this would be about $12 per person.

Housing: Free

Food: $5 a day should be fine.

Fees: Venue = Free - Melee = $10 - Brawl = $10

Total: Shouldn't be more than $40. Safe zone = $50+

A very poor attendence list suggests about 30 people and Arturo said he's got about 20 scrubs to come. Top Brawl prize should be about $350 and I'd expect Melee (which seems to be a large focus at this tournament) to be about $150. That's just a guess, though.

Norman, Oklahoma

Plan A)
-Leave Friday at 3:00-4:00PM (the earlier we leave the better)
-Crash at Hazygoose's
-Saturday = Brawl 1v1, 2v2, Low Tier Tournament (Looking at you, Neil), Melee 1v1, Melee 2v2, and other random crap
-Crash at Hazygoose's
-Leave Sunday Morning

Plan B)
-There is no plan B

Car: Dekar's van(?). That's assuming we can get enough people to come. If not then I think Dekar's car(?).

Gas: It's 1100 miles round trip. Assuming $3 a galleon and a car that gets 30 MPG it would be about $110 (or $22 per person) in gas, round trip, in a five person car.

If we take a seven person van, not only could we play Brawl on the way, but at $3 a galleon and assuming 25 MPG it would be $132 ($18 per person) in a seven person van.

It'd be great if we can take the van.

People: Dekar, me, Ax, Neil, and JT. This is enough for a car, but we need two more to take the van which would be MUCH better (come on Steven, Everett, Erich, or anyone else!).

Housing: Free

Food: $5 a day should be fine. Unless you're fat. *cough*Dekar*cough*. Just kidding, baby.

Fees: Venue = $5 - Brawl 1v1 and 2v2 = $10 - Melee 1v1 and 2v2 = $5

Total: Shouldn't cost more than $60. Safe Zone: $100+

Attendance: 100+ people. First place (aka NM) should land about $500+.
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Tsk tsk to you as well Erich. First of all, if you were a space animal main, you would feel bitter towards marth's incredibly easy ability to gimp. Now you may argue that it is exclusive to amateur play, but it's not. After watching M2K for so long, whenever he fights a space animal since the beginning of 2008, when his marth became #1 in the world, he edgeguards the opponent to death over half the time, unless he is sandbagging. In other words, to make it simple, watch the M2K vs DSW set at FAST1. DSW dies off the edge over half the times he's knocked off in th e first place. That should be an adequate axemple.
And besides, you get beat by gay guys all the time also. Take brawl, before november 1st. I'm not sure how often you fought a metaknight, but if you lost to him, you would certainly feel slightly bitter and mixed emotions against the gay metaknight, even after knowing how broken and top tier he is. You should feel that way, given you're a reasonable person. And Paul may be speaking from his Nintendo child-fanbase side, but from the realistic side, he's wrong. And my dignity remains fine as long as I can prove you wrong and show that marth truly is gay.
Hmmmm, do I hear JOHNS?:p I don't play gay like M2K dude, I play like Ken. And you know what? If I win, I win. That's like saying(for the last freaking time) if Falco didn't have his SHL he would so much easier to fight. Well, he still has it, and I still beat him. Don't try to tell me that if M2K DIDN'T edgeguard he would have lost. DURRRRRRRRRR. Make do with what you are given. And just so you know, I don't play Marth in Brawl, so this is obviously talking about Melee. Yea in Brawl, I agree on all accounts that Marth is gay beyond reason, but in Melee he's cool.

Ike's do taste pretty good. I think that fresh MK might taste a little more...gratifying though.

Now...I'm going to ask my parents about OK and EP, but I doubt it. We shall see. I don't think they'll let me go anywhere, dang blast it. I don't have money either right now. Hmmm...


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2005
cromartie high school aka albuquerque, nm
I like sauteing MK then throw it in bowl of Ike, then add the Falco wings matrinated in Teriyaki then BAM! One Smash Meat Salad!

Neil: Smash commentators are boring as **** sitting out for 5 days in the Sahara. Mahvel commentators could make said **** the most hype thing on the planet.


Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2006
Ok, I can go to this smash fest. I can also bring a full set up. It's a predominately melee fest, right?

Also, I'll need instructions on how to get there.

On a side note, I want to pick up a new character to compliment my Fox/Samus. Maybe Falcon?
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