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Smash Master
Jul 16, 2005
cromartie high school aka albuquerque, nm
Neil: When you put it that way then yeah, I'm the only person in NM who can make Forward cry. Hey we could have a pot to see if I can make so-and-so cry.

"I got 20 dolla on ZMan making M2K cry!"

Also, Neil, I played melee this weekend (WTF) and I ledge-teched not only once, but TWICE (ZOMG :crazy: )

Also I'm just throwing this out there if anyone cares, I might be getting a camcorder this weekend, now I can put vids of my Lucas. Whee.


Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2006
Well, I suppose I CAN go then... That is if Davis is willing to loan me the money. But if you'd rather take my set up, that's ok too...



Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I would have sex with you if you made M2K cry, or Gimpyfish, Zach. No joke. Even if you don't want that, though, I'll give you $100 instead.

I distinctly remember three stocking you five times in a row one evening. I don't think it is something too hard to accomplish. Hmmmm. I'll take your bet under one condition: You have to play as Ike.

Also, I never sad I was tired or having a bad day. I just said I was playing like ****. Tired and bad day Johns annoy the crap out of me.

I also had other stuff to say, but oh well.


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2005
cromartie high school aka albuquerque, nm
I could make M2K cry. After all, I made a 20-something year old dude from Az cry. Making a skinny white boy from Jersey cry would be cake for me. My smalk talking is so bad that I've made people quit smash and video games in genral IRL.


Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2006
Wait wait wait. How the hell did you get Forward to cry? I'm taking this with a grain of salt, but I still want to hear the explanation.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Ya Paul I think we have your remote. Not sure. I'll look in better detail. BUT SOMEONE STLL HAS MY CONTROLLER!!!! And since I've narrowed it down to 4 (Paul, Davis, Steven, and Ronald) I'm just praying I get it back soon. I need to practice (Everyone who came can vouch to that), but I've only gotten a reply from Kash saying he doesn't have it. *sigh*

@Neil-I'll be playing you soon I hope. Oh and I think Kyle was just having some fun no worries. You mindgames did lack (horribly) but started to improve near the end of melees big career =D I need you to come to my place for weekend so you can teach me how to use falco a bit better. (No Paul I don't just mean "Use shines, lazers, and L-cancelling more lol)

@Z - Don't be so proud you made someone cry. Its not hard but in my opinion its not that gratifying either. But either way, Forward is a nice guy so I just hope (God forbid NM hosts another BIG tourney) that AZ, CO, TX and easy bake oven Utah (lulz) show up.

Blah I'm tired. Hasta nights everyone
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Fun smashfest David and Kyle.

David: When God gives you lemons, you FIND A NEW GOD!!!

Good times man, good times. Too bad I didn't get to show you the Lord of the Rings parodies, those are really funny. They're probably the best videos on that site I went to. The other ones are pretty funny, but the LoR are the best ones.

Anyways, good Melee matches everyone. I did indeed enjoy getting ***** in free-for-alls with Bowser, hehe...and then ****** everyone back in teams with Paul. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
It's the principal of the matter, David! Zman... made Forward... cry. The event has happened, so in retrospect we can look at it in a new light. Come on. Imagine what you'd say if two years ago I told you, "One day I'm going to host an OOS tournament for Brawl, Forward is going to come, and Zman will make him cry." You'd be like, "OMG whatever, get out!"

I'll tell you the story over AIM, August.

Anyone wanna Brawl today?


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2008
Norfolk, Virginia
Bad news, at this point I don't know if I can go to El Paso. I'll keep you updated. Sorry :(

At the most, if I make it, I can only do the plan B.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Lol touche' Kash.

Erich: Warning it may contain Sarah Kornokova... O.o

So guess what I found last night right after I got off the computer... my controller. I guess Cherysse (the random asian girl whop showed up) moved it for some unknown reason to the far corner of the room where no one goes!!! AHHHHH!!!! Some people just don't know when its a bad idea to mess with a gamer and his equipment. She'll get owned with a prank later I promise it.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Only 2 things in America are ever certain Kash. Death and taxes. Things can change in a matter of minutes. Sorry tho i know how it always sucks when these things happen.

Paul - I forgot to say it earlier but ya we have your melee and mem card k. Don't worry we'll baby it for you. Who knows, maybe I'll get tech skill just from using it =D

Sliraobe God

Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Nice new avatar Erich. You are too interested in Japanese anime characters with swordsmanship skills -.-

Okay you little ***hole, go put your money where your mouth is. Since you supposedly, allegedly, and apparently know what my weakness in melee is (even though it isn't anymore), let's go. You should be able to exploit that "weakness" and win the match instantly. How about a $25 MM, playing 2 whole best-of-3 sets. you should win if you already know you opponent.
Hopefully you realize by now that I'm confident in the completely true fact that I've got mindgames. I'm very passionate about my newly sexy mindgames. I hope your apartment burns down. And if you were just messing with me and kidding around, too ****ing bad.
So I reread this because David told me about him kidding around (which I knew already), and it was pretty harsh. Sorry for wishing your apartment would burn down Kyle :urg::( That's not cool. I was just in a bad mood when I posted it, seeing as how my dad's in the hospital right now :( But either way, that money match offer still stands, whaddya say ;)

Neil: When you put it that way then yeah, I'm the only person in NM who can make Forward cry. Hey we could have a pot to see if I can make so-and-so cry.

"I got 20 dolla on ZMan making M2K cry!"

Also, Neil, I played melee this weekend (WTF) and I ledge-teched not only once, but TWICE (ZOMG :crazy: )

Also I'm just throwing this out there if anyone cares, I might be getting a camcorder this weekend, now I can put vids of my Lucas. Whee.
It's true, but I doubt you can make so-and-so cry. Honestly, it's not that easy. You just said the right string of words during the right time at the right place. Great job on the ledge-teching, were you falcon? that would have made it 10x more impressive. Edgeteching is always so sexy, it's been that way since melee's advanced techs were in its developing stages.
Cool, make a lucas combo video. I could help with the editing.

Well, I suppose I CAN go then... That is if Davis is willing to loan me the money. But if you'd rather take my set up, that's ok too...

I may be able to lend you money. I just begged my mom to go to the bank, and she said yese and brought at least $100 home for the tournament this weekend. Adding that on to my expenses for the tournament and the money I should be paid back over time, I probably can lend it to you. If that plan won't work, then surely Davis and I combined can cover you. You really really have to go.

I could make M2K cry. After all, I made a 20-something year old dude from Az cry. Making a skinny white boy from Jersey cry would be cake for me. My smalk talking is so bad that I've made people quit smash and video games in genral IRL.
Wait, who was that? Describe him to me. And you making other people quit isn't so bad, my making you re-join the smash community was plain BAMF status.

Ya Paul I think we have your remote. Not sure. I'll look in better detail. BUT SOMEONE STLL HAS MY CONTROLLER!!!! And since I've narrowed it down to 4 (Paul, Davis, Steven, and Ronald) I'm just praying I get it back soon. I need to practice (Everyone who came can vouch to that), but I've only gotten a reply from Kash saying he doesn't have it. *sigh*

@Neil-I'll be playing you soon I hope. Oh and I think Kyle was just having some fun no worries. You mindgames did lack (horribly) but started to improve near the end of melees big career =D I need you to come to my place for weekend so you can teach me how to use falco a bit better. (No Paul I don't just mean "Use shines, lazers, and L-cancelling more lol)

@Z - Don't be so proud you made someone cry. Its not hard but in my opinion its not that gratifying either. But either way, Forward is a nice guy so I just hope (God forbid NM hosts another BIG tourney) that AZ, CO, TX and easy bake oven Utah (lulz) show up.

Blah I'm tired. Hasta nights everyone
I will admit that I focused so much more on technical skill than mindgames. I just had to face the fact that there is no sure way to learn mindgames instantly, it comes with years of experiences. Thats why I sucked, and until I realized that, I would always suck. Yeah, I will help, I know more about falco than paul does, trust me. The only thing that Paul ever has had on me in melee (currently), is moonwalking. He can moonwalk well, I still can't. It's just a technique I never bothered to practice in full.

Bad news, at this point I don't know if I can go to El Paso. I'll keep you updated. Sorry :(

At the most, if I make it, I can only do the plan B.
MOTHER ****ER. Dude. Why not? Is it a personal conflict or your parents? If it's your parents, you will have to be very frank with them. Sit them down, and talk with them for a while. You have to patient, and your parents have to be patient with the fact that you are traveling out of state and spending money not to play video games, but to have fun with friends. Work on it man, I completely trust in your ability to persuade KC. Do it.

Lol touche' Kash.

Erich: Warning it may contain Sarah Kornokova... O.o

So guess what I found last night right after I got off the computer... my controller. I guess Cherysse (the random asian girl whop showed up) moved it for some unknown reason to the far corner of the room where no one goes!!! AHHHHH!!!! Some people just don't know when its a bad idea to mess with a gamer and his equipment. She'll get owned with a prank later I promise it.
It's Anna Kournikova, the hot tennis player. and I mean HOT. smoking hot. Argh I need to play more tennis -.- Well anyways, nice for finding your controller :) I lost my wavebird adapter (the part that goes in the gamecube controller slot), someone probably took mine by mistake. I NEED IT BACK WHOEVER HAS IT.

Only 2 things in America are ever certain Kash. Death and taxes. Things can change in a matter of minutes. Sorry tho i know how it always sucks when these things happen.

Paul - I forgot to say it earlier but ya we have your melee and mem card k. Don't worry we'll baby it for you. Who knows, maybe I'll get tech skill just from using it =D
Too true.

IS anyone doing anything today? I'm kinda bored. call me before it's too late @ 400-9215.


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2008
Norfolk, Virginia
@Davis- I'm trying everything to make it to this. Thats why I said plan B will work for me.

@Neil- I moved out of my parents house over a year ago. Its the fact that I have to be here all day Friday for my first day in my new job. I will try everything I can for this event. Trust me, this is something I don't want to miss. Thanks for the advice though. :)


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
@Neil - Don't worry. My dad gave me $100 for El Paso as well (I didn't even ask him o.o). We can definitely cover August. [indirect smack talk]After he wins Melee[/indirect smack talk], he can pay me back.

@August - I got you covered.

@Everyone involved in El Paso - Dekar and Ax are interested in going as well, but in order for them to go we have to go with plan B as well.

So plan A involves me, Neil, and August

Plan B involves me, Neil, August, Dekar, Xion, and Ax, so I guess we'll go with that even though I'd much rather go with A. However, I only have room for five in my car. That'd me first dibs, so it would be me, Neil, August, Dekar, and Xion.

Sound good?

Sliraobe God

Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
@Davis- I'm trying everything to make it to this. Thats why I said plan B will work for me.

@Neil- I moved out of my parents house over a year ago. Its the fact that I have to be here all day Friday for my first day in my new job. I will try everything I can for this event. Trust me, this is something I don't want to miss. Thanks for the advice though. :)
Oh, congratulations :) I don't even have a job because I'm a lazy bum! (actually because no employer wants to hire a 15 year old. Don't forget the fact that I'm east indian, and no employers wants Apus around saying "thank you, come again.")
But, back to the topic, I hope living alone has been working out well for you.

Neil: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=52UUy1Q8QhM And I was Falcon for one ledgetech (I was all like WTF) and the other time it was Roy (:crazy:) And the people I made quit smash were Ryan (he's a ********** anyway) and Lucas (not the kid I play in Brawl). I'm pretty sure I've made other people quit, I just can't remeber them off the top of my head.
Ryan is not a **********. He is 10x more badass than you, and his sister is a bad***. Lucas is just a scrawnier freshman nerd (worse than August, trust me), so he doesn't count. Seriously, you're just bullying stupid freshman that have no place in society anyways. That does not count. Plus they are not hardcore gamers like you, and they don't spend 10 hours a day looking at 4 chan for tips on how to beat boss battles on intense or whatever the hell that website contains. It's probably full of obscure internet references, just like joey's deck. Speaking of which, thanks for posting the link to the next episode. I thoroughly enjoyed it. LK is too good, he just needs a thicker british accent :(

@Neil - Don't worry. My dad gave me $100 for El Paso as well (I didn't even ask him o.o). We can definitely cover August. [indirect smack talk]After he wins Melee[/indirect smack talk], he can pay me back.

@August - I got you covered.

@Everyone involved in El Paso - Dekar and Ax are interested in going as well, but in order for them to go we have to go with plan B as well.

So plan A involves me, Neil, and August

Plan B involves me, Neil, August, Dekar, Xion, and Ax, so I guess we'll go with that even though I'd much rather go with A. However, I only have room for five in my car. That'd me first dibs, so it would be me, Neil, August, Dekar, and Xion.

Sound good?
Oooh, indirect smack talk. That's tough. Truthfully I can't even think of a way to counter that, even online, where I have time to think. Damn. Nice. Your dad is pretty cool.
As for the new plan, Dekar (casey, for those of you who don't know his name) just called me and asked about it. He said that it would be preferable if we all leave on saturday at 6:00 in the morning. If you will go with Plan B, then just have us sleep over at your house until saturday morning.
On a side note, I kind of prefer plan A as well, not that I don't like Dekar. But why do you prefer plan A? Is there some other reason I'm missing? Casey would make the 8 hour ride round trip so much more enjoyable.
I've looked through the thread (and thanks for covering my back Davis and Paul), and so many people are ditching, including Hylian :( If that's the case, the more people the better, and since so few people are coming, the setups should be adequate enough already.

I would propose a plan C. The plan we ditch ax, and since we have 5 spots in the car and 4 people, we can play on the TV in the meantime (mainly august and I in the back). If only August or I could drive, then we could have Davis and Dekar play in the back :( That setup will net us $20 (free entry to the brawl and melee tournament). I call dibz on bringing my own setup. If it's my setup, it's my free entry ;)

For plan D, in case Dekar and Ax are unable to go, then we should probably bring over any remaining melee enthusiasts in New Mexico. Since Paul can't go, what about Steven? And if August and Paul can't go, then what about Erich?

Sounds great, where are we meeting at to hit the road?
Don't you read? The original plan was to leave Davis's house (nearby Tramway and Indian School) at 6:00 pm or so on Friday, November 14.


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2008
Norfolk, Virginia
@Neil- Thanks, jobs are great for the money! That sucks, maybe next year you'll have your chance eh?

Yeah its been good. I left due to personal problems with my parents. Put in short, I refuse to live with them anymore.

Oh I must have missed that. Any chances someone wants to pick me up? >_<b

Sliraobe God

Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
I'm going to repost for two reasons.
1) Xion can't read.
2) Under the assumption that everyone is similar to Xion, other people can't read as well.

EDIT: Reposting my tournament information for those that didn't see it. it got swept 5 pages back awfully fast.

El Paso, TX

Plan A)
-Leave Friday the 14th at 6:00 PM
-Crash at Arturo's House
-Saturday = Brawl Singles/Melee Friendlies
-Crash at Arturo's Again
-Sunday = Melee Singles/Brawl Doubles

Plan B)
-Same as plan A except we leave Saturday at 6:00 AM instead

I'd rather go with plan A.

Alternative: Leave after Melee singles if there isn't much interest in Brawl doubles

Car: Mine. I'd rather not take this vehicle, but if it is are only ride then I guess we have no choice. If any alternatives could be thought up that'd be great.

People: Davis, Xion, and Neil. We need two more (I'm looking at you Paul, Everett, August, Steven!).

Gas: Assuming gas prices at $3 a galleon and 30 MPG, round trip will be $58 or so. In a five person car this would be about $12 per person.

Housing: Free

Food: $5 a day should be fine.

Fees: Venue = Free - Melee = $10 - Brawl = $10

Total: Shouldn't be more than $40. Safe zone = $50+

A very poor attendence list suggests about 30 people and Arturo said he's got about 20 scrubs to come. Top Brawl prize should be about $350 and I'd expect Melee (which seems to be a large focus at this tournament) to be about $150. That's just a guess, though.
I would recommend a safe zone of 75$. I remember at AZOneTwoStep I ended up borrowing money from tons of people, namely Paul, Steven, and Lewis. that's three of the four people -_- Even though Arturito Burrito is housing us, more than likely, he's not going to feed us. After all, he's got a freakin Mr. Resetti avatar. That's just bad news for us. It's obvious he's a dick. I'm betting El Paso has very expensive restaurants, even fast food chains won't be so reliable there. If you're entering everything and doing money matches, bring $100.

Hey Kash how do you wolfs fair and reduce the recovery time. I remember seeing someone do it? Or am I crazy?
Umm, I don't know **** about wolf, but most likely, he's auto canceling it. That means that when he short hops (or full jumps for that matter), he activates his fair at the earliest possible moment after jumping, and after the fair ends, he's still in midair. When wolf lands, he will not be in any attacking animation and just land normally, without any kind of lag. But don't trust me on this, I don't know **** about wolf or how long his fair lasts or how high his jumps are, including his short hop.

@Neil- Thanks, jobs are great for the money! That sucks, maybe next year you'll have your chance eh?

Yeah its been good. I left due to personal problems with my parents. Put in short, I refuse to live with them anymore.

Oh I must have missed that. Any chances someone wants to pick me up? >_<b
I will have my chance next year. I'm going to apply at a ton of places this upcoming summer 09.
I'm glad you're holding up alone also KC. I don't know **** about living alone either. I'm so useless. Well, I hope one day you'll come to terms with your parents, you need them. Trust me on that. Even if you don't want to live with them any longer, at least compromise and mend your relationship with them.
...Picking you up? ****. Since you are on the way to El Paso from Davis's house, you'll just have to be ready for the 4 of us to come get you at Saturday 6:00 in the morning OR on Friday evening, depending on the plan.

Sliraobe God

Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Neil- Do you know what Ryan I am talking about? Ryan Fitzgerald? If that's the case I'm going to have to punch you in the face, because "Ryan" and "cool" do not belong in the same sentence.
Ryan Fitzgerald is a BAMF, and I know exactly who I'm talking about. At the next smashfest, I'm going to bring him over and have everyone that's there submit a vote as to who is cooler based on the general definition of cool. You're going to lose. If that smashfest never happens, then I will go at great lengths: I will post a picture of him here and compare it to a picture of you. Obviously everyone will agree that he is sexier and cooler than you based on appearance and everything else about both of you two's personality and character. You'll lose. Trust me.

fixed. lol
I'm not doing any work for you. I'm a lazy bum, don't you remember?

By the way since the three of us are online at the same time, let's have another online conversation like sinz and I had that other night -_-


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Oh, congratulations :) I don't even have a job because I'm a lazy bum! (actually because no employer wants to hire a 15 year old. Don't forget the fact that I'm east indian, and no employers wants Apus around saying "thank you, come again.")
But, back to the topic, I hope living alone has been working out well for you.

Ryan is not a **********. He is 10x more badass than you, and his sister is a bad***. Lucas is just a scrawnier freshman nerd (worse than August, trust me), so he doesn't count. Seriously, you're just bullying stupid freshman that have no place in society anyways. That does not count. Plus they are not hardcore gamers like you, and they don't spend 10 hours a day looking at 4 chan for tips on how to beat boss battles on intense or whatever the hell that website contains. It's probably full of obscure internet references, just like joey's deck. Speaking of which, thanks for posting the link to the next episode. I thoroughly enjoyed it. LK is too good, he just needs a thicker british accent :(

Oooh, indirect smack talk. That's tough. Truthfully I can't even think of a way to counter that, even online, where I have time to think. Damn. Nice. Your dad is pretty cool.
As for the new plan, Dekar (casey, for those of you who don't know his name) just called me and asked about it. He said that it would be preferable if we all leave on saturday at 6:00 in the morning. If you will go with Plan B, then just have us sleep over at your house until saturday morning.
On a side note, I kind of prefer plan A as well, not that I don't like Dekar. But why do you prefer plan A? Is there some other reason I'm missing? Casey would make the 8 hour ride round trip so much more enjoyable.
I've looked through the thread (and thanks for covering my back Davis and Paul), and so many people are ditching, including Hylian :( If that's the case, the more people the better, and since so few people are coming, the setups should be adequate enough already.

I would propose a plan C. The plan we ditch ax, and since we have 5 spots in the car and 4 people, we can play on the TV in the meantime (mainly august and I in the back). If only August or I could drive, then we could have Davis and Dekar play in the back :( That setup will net us $20 (free entry to the brawl and melee tournament). I call dibz on bringing my own setup. If it's my setup, it's my free entry ;)

For plan D, in case Dekar and Ax are unable to go, then we should probably bring over any remaining melee enthusiasts in New Mexico. Since Paul can't go, what about Steven? And if August and Paul can't go, then what about Erich?

Don't you read? The original plan was to leave Davis's house (nearby Tramway and Indian
School) at 6:00 pm or so on Friday, November 14.
This post hurts my head and I don't want to re-read it.

1) El Paso is 4 hours away.
2) Ok, **** it. Guess I need to re-read it.
3) I perfer plan A because I don't want to have driven for four hours in the ****ing cold and then show up, register, and get my *** kicked because I haven't practiced and my fingers are frozen. But we will do plan B.
4) You were talking about 8 hours round trip. Nvm.
5) Well, Hylian not being there means it will be that much easier for me to win :) And FUriousDuffman says he expects 60 people or so, still. Mostly scrubs, probably. So Melee and Brawl will still have a lot of entrants, but easier money.
6) I'm confused about the setup and who is going now. Please clarify.

Hey Kash how do you wolfs fair and reduce the recovery time. I remember seeing someone do it? Or am I crazy?
You buffer the Fair, or do it immediately after, leaving the ground.

Sliraobe God

Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
This post hurts my head and I don't want to re-read it.

1) El Paso is 4 hours away.
2) Ok, **** it. Guess I need to re-read it.
3) I perfer plan A because I don't want to have driven for four hours in the ****ing cold and then show up, register, and get my *** kicked because I haven't practiced and my fingers are frozen. But we will do plan B.
4) You were talking about 8 hours round trip. Nvm.
5) Well, Hylian not being there means it will be that much easier for me to win :) And FUriousDuffman says he expects 60 people or so, still. Mostly scrubs, probably. So Melee and Brawl will still have a lot of entrants, but easier money.
6) I'm confused about the setup and who is going now. Please clarify.

You buffer the Fair, or do it immediately after, leaving the ground.
The post hurts my head too, and I don't want to reread it myself. In fact, I just like your first ever original post describing two plans (A and B). That post was good enough. I just don't want to man up and read the stupid nonsensical post I made.

Now I understand why you don't want to bring 5 people. It makes good sense. You'll have to do plan b anyway, because you're our designated driver, unless dekar comes so that you two can switch off. Still the best brawl players in the car (dekar) will be busy with driving, so you'll have to fight me or august, both of whom suck at and don't play brawl. It won't be adequate practice.

EDIT: God I am confusing myself. I now understand why you don't want to do Plan B. Hopefully Arturito Burrito's house is cozy and warm and is finger-warming. Fuck the setup. We're not bringing anything. (i might bring a wii though)

Darn, I wanted to see you fight hylian. Sorry bub, I know how much you hate him, but he is GOD at chaingrabbing, and I would expect you to lose by a very very small margin :( I would cheer you on too.

Wow, looks like I was right about the fair, except for the fact that I never mentioned the word buffer. Oh well. Attacking with fair at the earliest possible moment after leaving the ground with a jump = fair. Woot. I actually DO know **** about wolf.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Oooh, I saw that indirect insult. Game on, Neil.

I like Plan A more because just arriving there in the morning would be lame. Oh well. No choice.

So did you want to bring a setup? We might be able to fit a small TV in the trunk and still bring five people including myself. Also, Dekar says that if we have a working lighter thingy in the car we can play on the way there.

Yeah, I wanted to fight Hylian, too. He'll be at OHSNAP, though. I'll pwn him then.

Yeah, I mean... it's kind of common sense, when you think about it.


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2008
Norfolk, Virginia
I'm going to repost for two reasons.
1) Xion can't read.
2) Under the assumption that everyone is similar to Xion, other people can't read as well.

I would recommend a safe zone of 75$. I remember at AZOneTwoStep I ended up borrowing money from tons of people, namely Paul, Steven, and Lewis. that's three of the four people -_- Even though Arturito Burrito is housing us, more than likely, he's not going to feed us. After all, he's got a freakin Mr. Resetti avatar. That's just bad news for us. It's obvious he's a dick. I'm betting El Paso has very expensive restaurants, even fast food chains won't be so reliable there. If you're entering everything and doing money matches, bring $100.

Umm, I don't know **** about wolf, but most likely, he's auto canceling it. That means that when he short hops (or full jumps for that matter), he activates his fair at the earliest possible moment after jumping, and after the fair ends, he's still in midair. When wolf lands, he will not be in any attacking animation and just land normally, without any kind of lag. But don't trust me on this, I don't know **** about wolf or how long his fair lasts or how high his jumps are, including his short hop.

I will have my chance next year. I'm going to apply at a ton of places this upcoming summer 09.
I'm glad you're holding up alone also KC. I don't know **** about living alone either. I'm so useless. Well, I hope one day you'll come to terms with your parents, you need them. Trust me on that. Even if you don't want to live with them any longer, at least compromise and mend your relationship with them.
...Picking you up? ****. Since you are on the way to El Paso from Davis's house, you'll just have to be ready for the 4 of us to come get you at Saturday 6:00 in the morning OR on Friday evening, depending on the plan.
I'll be ready. I used to wake up at 4am for my previous job. :p
My address is 33 Buckbrush place Los Lunas NM, 87031


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
It's $25,000. I really want to, but I can't afford it. If it is still there several years from now you bet your *** I will, haha. It's just so awesome!!!

EDIT: Stopping by your house is going to cost us an extra hour for the trip, Xion. Anyway we can meet you somewhere? I'd rather not leave at 5:00 AM.


Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2006
Oh man, plan A sounds so much better. Not much I can do though...

Also, WTF Neil? Why do call me white and nerdy? I'm offended!

(does it have anything to do with me owning you?)


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Wow so much hate in this thread now... sad stuff. Guess I need to mediate.

Davis-Don't say you'll own anyone till you do it. Because (what if here) if you lost then what would be said about all the previous **** taking? Just go there, try your best, hope you kick alot of *** =D

Neil-with that said I don't think you insulted Davis (no worries =D), I'm just glad you were honest and said you'd cheer on Davis. Supporting comrades/cheering on friends is a great way to boost their confidence and also guarantee you have a ride home lol.

Z & Neil-Who is this Ryan guy? Do I know him?... And Neil, saying someone looks better does not make them cool. I'm better friends with alot of people who are ugly as sin (no its not any of you sexy beasts on this thread) and a group vote means nothing. How someone feels about someone else is there own thing. And Z, if you don't like someone then so be it. But at least back up your claims with a reason. Or just leave it at "I don't like the guy"... <3 you guys lol

August-white and nerdy is a compliment to me. Chicks dig nerdy guys (wait till you get to college trust me) and you're cool. We'll leave it at that =D

Next smashfest date may be posted soon k.

Side note: Hey Paul guess what. My falco now lazers more and L-Cancels consistently lol. Ya I know, thats just the basics. But nonetheless I'm happy. And my shining is getting better. All summed up this means the world will end very soon because I have tech skill :O


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2008
Norfolk, Virginia
@Davis- Hmm, how about somewhere in los lunas and peralta? Thats as far as I could probably meet you if I ask a friend to take me there.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
God****, this site was not loading for me for a while, and when it does, look at what I missed!

@Uh...everyone? Mostly Neil: Dekar has been telling me about El Paso, and I told him I would go. The latest I heard from him was that Nolan and Xion weren't going, and instead Kash, him, August, you, and me look to be on the venue. Have I got that right?

Also, you might be able to round the cost of the the gas down, seeing as one right by my house has it as $2.19

@Neil...again: If I got all that right, then your candy *** should team with me in doubles, and we will vanquish the villians that are Kash and Dekar.


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2008
Norfolk, Virginia
I would still be able to go but I would need to get a lift from Los Lunas. If its too much trouble don't worry about me, I don't want you to wake up early and going throw all kinds of trouble for my sake.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
woah neil breathe (3 pages ago). It was just a joke my little friend :D

but if you wanna do a $25 MM 2 sets out of 3 then im game. but first I request that we do a $50 MM best 2 sets out of 3. The sport will be either wrestling or TKD your choice. Im thinking wrestling. After that we can do our melee MM k :D


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Oh man, plan A sounds so much better. Not much I can do though...

Also, WTF Neil? Why do call me white and nerdy? I'm offended!

(does it have anything to do with me owning you?)

Owned, Neil. Owned.

Wow so much hate in this thread now... sad stuff. Guess I need to mediate.

Davis-Don't say you'll own anyone till you do it. Because (what if here) if you lost then what would be said about all the previous **** taking? Just go there, try your best, hope you kick alot of *** =D

Neil-with that said I don't think you insulted Davis (no worries =D), I'm just glad you were honest and said you'd cheer on Davis. Supporting comrades/cheering on friends is a great way to boost their confidence and also guarantee you have a ride home lol.

Z & Neil-Who is this Ryan guy? Do I know him?... And Neil, saying someone looks better does not make them cool. I'm better friends with alot of people who are ugly as sin (no its not any of you sexy beasts on this thread) and a group vote means nothing. How someone feels about someone else is there own thing. And Z, if you don't like someone then so be it. But at least back up your claims with a reason. Or just leave it at "I don't like the guy"... <3 you guys lol

August-white and nerdy is a compliment to me. Chicks dig nerdy guys (wait till you get to college trust me) and you're cool. We'll leave it at that =D

Next smashfest date may be posted soon k.

Side note: Hey Paul guess what. My falco now lazers more and L-Cancels consistently lol. Ya I know, thats just the basics. But nonetheless I'm happy. And my shining is getting better. All summed up this means the world will end very soon because I have tech skill :O
No one needs you to "mediate" here. We're all adults, thank you very much (with maybe the exception of Neil, haha).

It's very annoying and condescending when you come in here telling everyone what to do, how to act, and like you're the be all end all figure. Both you and Kyle.

Maybe I'm the only one that thinks that, but I find incredibly frustrating. No one needs anyone to hold their hands and "mediate" their actions.

Again, except for maybe Neil, lol.

@Davis- Hmm, how about somewhere in los lunas and peralta? Thats as far as I could probably meet you if I ask a friend to take me there.
That would be convienent. Take my address (1713 Hiawatha Dr NE) and the end address (find that in the El Paso thread) and put that in Google maps. Click add destination and figure out if you can find a middle path that would make the trip not as lengthy. With the address you gave me the trip goes from being roughly four hours and seventeen minutes to five hours and four minutes, or something like that.

God****, this site was not loading for me for a while, and when it does, look at what I missed!

@Uh...everyone? Mostly Neil: Dekar has been telling me about El Paso, and I told him I would go. The latest I heard from him was that Nolan and Xion weren't going, and instead Kash, him, August, you, and me look to be on the venue. Have I got that right?

Also, you might be able to round the cost of the the gas down, seeing as one right by my house has it as $2.19

@Neil...again: If I got all that right, then your candy *** should team with me in doubles, and we will vanquish the villians that are Kash and Dekar.
Smashboards is gay like that sometime.

If Xion can't go, then you can go first, but it's first come first serve. Right now it is me, Neil, Xion, Kitsune, and Dekar. Sorry.

Also, Kash + Dekar = Too Sexy, so don't even try to beat us.

woah neil breathe (3 pages ago). It was just a joke my little friend :D

but if you wanna do a $25 MM 2 sets out of 3 then im game. but first I request that we do a $50 MM best 2 sets out of 3. The sport will be either wrestling or TKD your choice. Im thinking wrestling. After that we can do our melee MM k :D
And before that I suggest a $75 MM best 2 sets out of 3 in a math competition. Neil's choice.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
No one needs you to "mediate" here. We're all adults, thank you very much (with maybe the exception of Neil, haha).

It's very annoying and condescending when you come in here telling everyone what to do, how to act, and like you're the be all end all figure. Both you and Kyle.

Maybe I'm the only one that thinks that, but I find incredibly frustrating. No one needs anyone to hold their hands and "mediate" their actions.
I'm not straight up saying act this way or that way I'm just saying hey saying stupid **** all the time is pointless and save it for during/after the match.

Again, except for maybe Neil, lol.
Poor Neil =D

And before that I suggest a $75 MM best 2 sets out of 3 in a math competition. Neil's choice.
Hmmm... I'll take that as an indirect challenge from Neil!!! I accept a $5 MM from Neil in mathematics lol.
WARNING!!! MM challenges are about to fly

@Davis-$1 MM in triathalon (events drawn from a hat) best 2 of 3.
@Neil-$5 MM mathematics
@GG-$1 MM triathalon
@Kyle - $10 MM in grappling!!! (ooohhh... I wonder if he'll accept)
@Erich - $.50 MM in powerthirst slamming contest! Then we'll be good at sports ARGH!
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