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Sliraobe God

Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
New Mexico: I have updated the OP on the OH SNAP! thread with a list of confirmed participants from your state, although I heard it wasn't accurate. Please let me know ASAP what adjustments I need to make. It's crunch time in the final stretch before the tournament, and I wanna make sure everything (pool assignments, housing, etc.) is in place beforehand.
Thanks for watching out for us New Mexicans Le Thien :) We'll update our status on your thread as needed.

Well that's interesting. I saw perfectly ultimate bunghole before I even asked the question for new abridged episodes. I thought you and Bryan meant that there is a separate Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged Series that LK is working on right now in conjunction with the original one. I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up :dizzy:

Dammit, Neil. I always have so much to say to you when I'm reading your post, then I quote it and I'm too lazy to re-read it and all my thoughts fly out the window and blah blah blah blah.

Omg, what'd they say about NM?

I don't doubt that. I just tease you, Neil. I really respect you, in all honesty. I'd love to call Cassandra and have her tell me all about it. Too bad we aren't talking to each other, huh?
:laugh: That's funny. I have so much to say every time I check back on this website, whether the time since my last post was a minute ago or a week ago. I could just keep conversation with any of you forever.
I know this is a stupid suggestion that you probably won't follow, but try typing out your thoughts while you read someone else's quote. I NEVER DO THAT, but it could be something you get used to. It'll be really awkward -.-
Mind you Show Me Your News podcast is an international podcast. I believe Overswarm said something along the lines of "Many regions have already taken action to ban Metaknight. Some areas such as the New England states, Florida, Idaho, Washington, the Midwest, and New Mexico have already banned him." (I totally make up a laundry list of other regions. I know that Washington and Idaho are correct though.)

@Neil- I thought you knew I was nineteen years old? Well now you know. My old job was working at the UNM.
Are you sure you really want to drop out of El Paso? I guess it doesn't matter who goes and I should never be partial to you instead of Bryan (I love you equally Bryan, trust me with all my heart).
And I did know that you were nineteen..i just kinda forgot :( Thanks for reminding though :) You worked at UNM?! My first thought was that you were secretly a pedophilic 60 year old short bald man in a KC suit. You're a professor at UNM dying for sexual relationships, whether it be with addicted Albuquerque smashers or unwilling prostitutes :chuckle::psycho::psycho: My imagination is running wild lately...
Anyways, what job did you have? Were you in the Food Court or something?

You didn't open your sarcasm tag in the first place, only closed it!

And if I were serious about the drama, I would've suggested jello wrestling, not mud wrestling! Geez, some people.

Anyway, who among you is coming to CO to get whooped in smash/sc4/gg/guitar hero?
Hey, just because I never opened the sarcasm tags doesn't mean that my post wasn't entirely sarcasm from the beginning until that point! naw but seriously, i just meant that the paragraph that was quoting you was sarcasm.
Smashboards relationships needs to be made a reality show. The storyline would be comparing the online personality of a person typing away at their computers/laptops and the real life personality of that person smashing with other friends. What an outlandish idea eh?
We haven't made plans for CO yet. I'll tell you one thing - you'll be happy to know that among all of us NM smashers, all four of those games get attention.

Ummm, what? Did I just hear that YOU are calling ANYONE a short scrawny white nerd? Hmmm...

No, you're not. Stop saying that, because you have a long way to go before you're as old or as mature as Davis is, or me for that matter. And especially the twins. In fact, just by saying that you prove you are not.



...And there it is again. Man, it's like a collection of immaturity! In fact, the only post I've seen with some intelligence from you in a while is the one directed at me about our Marth argument, which by the way I was being sarcastic in. **** IT NEIL. I'm tempted to just replace those four stars with the word that would be there without them(you PO'ed the Mormon that much). You disappoint me. You've been a complete DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDIIIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK lately, and I grow very tired of it. Did you really call August, a SENIOR, and something like three years older than you less mature than you, and did you really call him emotionally unstable? Tsch, tsch...that's disgusting.:embarrass Did you really say that to Zach? If there was a popularity contest right now, at this very instant, between you and everyone and everything that classifies as uncool or dumb, you would not receive my vote. No way. Neil, I know how you act around people and online, and let me tell you what: you are FAR from being as mature as August, and even further from how mature you think you are. If you didn't notice, every single quote from you has something offensive or rude in it. It wasn't hard to find, and I could have quoted a lot more of it with your big ego showing through behind. I'm asking you to stop. Stop being a jerk, stop flaming people, deflate your ego, deflate your big head, and stop posting with a condescending attitude. Grow up is the phrase, yes? I really just don't want to wade through it anymore when trying to enjoy myself on the boards.
All right Erich, I have an arsenal of ways to approach this:
1. Flame you and insult you (which I originally thought was appropriate)
2. Mediate the apparent conflict I have with you
3. Ignore this entirely
I've decided to go with a combination of options 1 and 2, weighted with 95% Option 2 and 5% Option 1. This is completely based on personal instinct of course.

Let me get this out of the way: In both your quotation and my response, I assume that you and I are being purely serious. No comedy or humorous asides at all. Every statement said by that person is meant in full.

Let me get this out of the way too: (this is the 5% option 1 part) I think it was rude of you to purposefully, seriously, and truthfully call me a Dick. If you are going to call out someone for being rude to other people, you don't need to be rude to them to get their attention. It would have been appreciated if I received this alternate (and if you were completely serious and wanted to get this episode over with): "Neil, lately I have been disapproving of your actions. Here is why [insert why]. I believe you should stop acting this way and return to the normal Neil or the mature side of you." Frankly, I believe you overreacted to the situation, and now I am overreacting to your overreaction with a giant wall of text, in hopes that this conflict will end. I'd rather not deal with false accusations. Erich, out of all of my friends in New Mexico, the only person I've really had weak bonds and personal terms with happened to be you. That's why I wanted our fierce male bonding sessions. I guess you want to turn me down. (Oh, and the second time I had hell was when I broke Davis's controller. That was disheartening for everyone.)

This is the other 95% part. Okay, first of all, before you are going to accuse me of said crimes, let me explain my defense. I will admit that my comment to Kyle was immature. In fact, I said a few pages back that such a statement was rather harsh, and I took it back and apologized. Wishing someone's house would burn down? That's ridiculous! My reason for posting such spiteful text was that I was in a bad mood at the time. Simple as that. My father was in the hospital for the last 3 days, and I was just in a bad mood. Please, let it go.
When I called August emotionally unstable and a white scrawny nerd, I was just kidding. Didn't I put sarcasm tags somewhere in there? And secondly, I don't know how offended August was by my comments, but I know that August and I are on peaceful terms.
When I called Zach on the coolness vote, I was simply trying to prove that Ryan Fitzgerald (the person in question, you probably don't know him) is cool. Ignore the comparative -er after the word "cool." That was just part of the joke where I called Ryan cooler than Zach. Nothing more serious than that. I would even go so far as to say that Zach and I are on good terms. I even, from the abyss of my heart, asked to be his friend.


Okay, the bulk of your argument was based on the alleged fact that I am immature. I'm not. I don't care how much you've hung around with me and how much you know how I act around people and online. I don't think it's fair to judge someone's maturity based on their behavior online and around people who just want to have fun. At smashfests, some of us act ******** and half-drunk and some of us have even went to fests stoned (I won't mention any names). Still, we are rational people in the real world. I would never have the right to seriously call you immature, since it's based on false claims. Likewise, I believe you don't have the right to call me immature. And, don't worry, I'm still growing up ;)

Now I'm getting tired of this useless conflict. Well I hope to see you at another smashfest or tournament, and I hope we have a good time together. (this is coming from the fissures of my heart, soul, mind, and body too). Try and have a good day, for me, will you? :) Also try and have fun at smashboards. I hope I'm not detering you from the fun after this outrageous post...

If you look at my avatar Falcon is like "WRAAAAAAAAAARGH"

Upon further inspection I see like another green car behind it, so maybe he's stuck in traffic :(
Ferdi you are still too good. Keep up the goodness. I'd recommend practicing against the AZ2Good mindgames, consisting of hit classics like The Realm, The Stick Game, Chinese Numbers, etc. That's the best way to sharpen your mindgames. I'm not kidding. It turns out there are ways to practice mindgames. It doesn't mean watching the Mindgames and Mindgames 2 melee combo videos over and over again. Whaddya know.

Did I mention your avatar is made of win sauce?

Oh, ****, Erich is layin' down the LAW! Wait. Was that even necessary?

Also, this might seem kinda silly, but um... Mormons don't swear? Will you fill me in on anything else?

(There weren't any Mormons in Chicago, just my Jewish peeps, so excuse my ignorance.)
Yeah... it wasn't necessary *sigh*
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Yes, it was necessary. And I refuse to take a word of it back.

I hope you understand I told you that as a friend Neil. You're still cool, but sometimes...well, to be blunt, sometimes you're not. You need to watch yourself, because you cross the line between sarcasm and being a jerk more than you might think you do. I've got a sense of humor, I'm sarcastic(in person), but it's nothing like how you've been acting lately. Kyle and David are very sarcastic, but they don't do what you've been doing. Look at the page before this where I quoted you, and look at what you posted, how different from the Neil I used to know. I hope you see what I mean(as your post above this doesn't seem to indicate). What happened to the old Neil, that friendly, laughable guy I knew so long ago? He was kind of shy, and he was never sure of himself. He kind of reminded me of Paul in the beginning of his Melee career. Now, you're a lot more defensive, a lot more on edge, a lot more cocky, a lot more...not you.

I did say here's why you should go back to normal Neil, and I said it how I thought it would impact you best. I quoted you, and I couldn't believe that the Neil I knew would EVER say anything like that, sarcastic or not. I did not flame you either, I told you the truth.

Edit: You edited, and you didn't take it that well. Oh well...here's all I have to say to you from your comments to me:

Okay, the bulk of your argument was based on the alleged fact that I am immature. I'm not. I don't care how much you've hung around with me and how much you know how I act around people and online. I don't think it's fair to judge someone's maturity based on their behavior online and around people who just want to have fun. At smashfests, some of us act ******** and half-drunk and some of us have even went to fests stoned (I won't mention any names). Still, we are rational people in the real world. I would never have the right to seriously call you immature, since it's based on false claims. Likewise, I believe you don't have the right to call me immature. And, don't worry, I'm still growing up ;)
Neil...you missed the point. My argument was not based off of immaturity, but if you want it to it can be. You're not as mature as someone 3 years older than you. You said it yourself: you're still growing up. Do you even know what the definition of mature is? You can tell how mature you are by the way you've been talking to everybody lately. I'm not judging you based on how you appear in Smashfests, I'm not judging you at all. I'm noticing a pattern you've fallen into that illustrates immature behavior, thus warranting the person as an immature being. I stated a fact, not an opinion. This is not a name calling fest, this is a simple, plain fact, like it or not. It doesn't matter if you apologize to those you insult afterward, because you shouldn't have to apologize in the first place. Just because you can say "Just kidding" at the end of everything does not mean that it is OK to say. So you were trying to prove something about your "other" friend. I don't really care, you don't do it at another friend's expense. I don't compare you to my closest friend, do I? I don't compare you to anyone Neil. THAT was a rude thing to do. Don't sit there telling me I'm rude, because you are the instigator. What if I was this way to you all the time? I could be a jerk to you and then say "Just kidding," but your feeling of resentment remains the same. Don't be a hypocrite, don't make those you call friend feel that way. Choose your words more carefully. If you can't or don't want to understand what I'm telling you now, you will in the future. And if you are offended by anything I told you, then I'm sorry. That is your pride telling you that you can not take advise from anyone, but you're not always right and I thought that you needed to hear that.

Don't worry Neil, you're still my friend, which is why these last few posts have been so hard for me to write out, and why I can't stay mad at you for that long.:)

On a lighter note, Mormons aren't that bad. I don't know why everyone always says we can't do anything. The only things we're not allowed to do are the things that hurt you. I'm sure some people find it amusing, but when I live longer than them and I'm more healthy in ten years, we'll see who's laughing. It's not like we can't have fun. It's good enough for me Davis, hehe. :) It keeps me out of trouble.


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2008
Norfolk, Virginia
@Davis- Yeah I'm cool with it. It would be better for you guys to make it our on friday evening so you can get to Arturo's place. Plus you'll be able to practice n such before the tournament. Make me proud guys, crush TX. :)

And besides, this doesn't mean I can't go on other OOS tournaments.

@Neil- I worked with data entry at the UNM for a bit. Afterwards I had to quit and get a new job out here in Los Lunas.


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
@Davis: They actually didn't take the fatalities out of MC vs. DC universe. They're still there....the violence is just toned down severly. I'm actually glad they decided to focus on the gameplay rather than the shock and awe of previous MK's. Hopefully it will make for a better fighting engine.

Also, I'm not exactly sure when Underworld comes out. I'm still looking forward to it regardless.

P.S. I'm definitely up for a lanfest. Gears 2, Cod, and Left 4 Dead. Even though Gears of War is the only shooting game I've played competitively (I went to a few tournaments), I'm definitely down for playing other games as well.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
:laugh: That's funny. I have so much to say every time I check back on this website, whether the time since my last post was a minute ago or a week ago. I could just keep conversation with any of you forever.
I know this is a stupid suggestion that you probably won't follow, but try typing out your thoughts while you read someone else's quote. I NEVER DO THAT, but it could be something you get used to. It'll be really awkward -.-
Mind you Show Me Your News podcast is an international podcast. I believe Overswarm said something along the lines of "Many regions have already taken action to ban Metaknight. Some areas such as the New England states, Florida, Idaho, Washington, the Midwest, and New Mexico have already banned him." (I totally make up a laundry list of other regions. I know that Washington and Idaho are correct though.)
I actually quoted your post BEFORE reading it this time, so that way I can type my thoughts the first time around when reading it.

Haha. Someone is going to hear that and go, "Oh, New Mexico banned him? Well New Mexico doesn't know **** so that must mean that he's good to go." No love for New Mexico.

Are you sure you really want to drop out of El Paso? I guess it doesn't matter who goes and I should never be partial to you instead of Bryan (I love you equally Bryan, trust me with all my heart).
And I did know that you were nineteen..i just kinda forgot :( Thanks for reminding though :) You worked at UNM?! My first thought was that you were secretly a pedophilic 60 year old short bald man in a KC suit. You're a professor at UNM dying for sexual relationships, whether it be with addicted Albuquerque smashers or unwilling prostitutes :chuckle::psycho::psycho: My imagination is running wild lately...
Anyways, what job did you have? Were you in the Food Court or something?
I think a "wild imagination" is an understatement.

Hey, just because I never opened the sarcasm tags doesn't mean that my post wasn't entirely sarcasm from the beginning until that point! naw but seriously, i just meant that the paragraph that was quoting you was sarcasm.
Smashboards relationships needs to be made a reality show. The storyline would be comparing the online personality of a person typing away at their computers/laptops and the real life personality of that person smashing with other friends. What an outlandish idea eh?
We haven't made plans for CO yet. I'll tell you one thing - you'll be happy to know that among all of us NM smashers, all four of those games get attention.
I'll gladly wreck Colorado in Brawl and SCIV, and gladly get wrecked in Guilty Gear.

All right Erich, I have an arsenal of ways to approach this:
1. Flame you and insult you (which I originally thought was appropriate)
2. Mediate the apparent conflict I have with you
3. Ignore this entirely
I've decided to go with a combination of options 1 and 2, weighted with 95% Option 2 and 5% Option 1. This is completely based on personal instinct of course.

Let me get this out of the way: In both your quotation and my response, I assume that you and I are being purely serious. No comedy or humorous asides at all. Every statement said by that person is meant in full.

Let me get this out of the way too: (this is the 5% option 1 part) I think it was rude of you to purposefully, seriously, and truthfully call me a Dick. If you are going to call out someone for being rude to other people, you don't need to be rude to them to get their attention. It would have been appreciated if I received this alternate (and if you were completely serious and wanted to get this episode over with): "Neil, lately I have been disapproving of your actions. Here is why [insert why]. I believe you should stop acting this way and return to the normal Neil or the mature side of you." Frankly, I believe you overreacted to the situation, and now I am overreacting to your overreaction with a giant wall of text, in hopes that this conflict will end. I'd rather not deal with false accusations. Erich, out of all of my friends in New Mexico, the only person I've really had weak bonds and personal terms with happened to be you. That's why I wanted our fierce male bonding sessions. I guess you want to turn me down. (Oh, and the second time I had hell was when I broke Davis's controller. That was disheartening for everyone.)
Well, you indirectly broke it. I was simply the vessel for your means, haha. Well, I guess if you count that... Neil has made me cry twice. You and Zman would make a brutal team.

This is the other 95% part. Okay, first of all, before you are going to accuse me of said crimes, let me explain my defense. I will admit that my comment to Kyle was immature. In fact, I said a few pages back that such a statement was rather harsh, and I took it back and apologized. Wishing someone's house would burn down? That's ridiculous! My reason for posting such spiteful text was that I was in a bad mood at the time. Simple as that. My father was in the hospital for the last 3 days, and I was just in a bad mood. Please, let it go.
Even via internet I think anyone could tell Neil is being very sincere in this regard. He did apologize to Kyle after Kyle politely brought it to Neil's attention that his remarks were rather harsh. Also, Erich (I haven't read your response to this yet, so apologies in advance if you already mentioned this), if I'm not mistaken 99% of the time when you make a hateful post you, yes I'm going to say this with 99% humorous intention, John that it is because you were in a bad mood and needed an outlet for your frustration. An understandable human emotion. However, for you to judge Neil for that and excuse yourself from that same judgment? Unacceptable.

When I called August emotionally unstable and a white scrawny nerd, I was just kidding. Didn't I put sarcasm tags somewhere in there? And secondly, I don't know how offended August was by my comments, but I know that August and I are on peaceful terms.
When I called Zach on the coolness vote, I was simply trying to prove that Ryan Fitzgerald (the person in question, you probably don't know him) is cool. Ignore the comparative -er after the word "cool." That was just part of the joke where I called Ryan cooler than Zach. Nothing more serious than that. I would even go so far as to say that Zach and I are on good terms. I even, from the abyss of my heart, asked to be his friend.
I mentioned this earlier. 99% of the time (wow, I'm in a percentage mood) Neil is hardly being serious at all. Sarcasm tags, or something akin to that, shouldn't be a necessity when determining if something is meant to be humorous or not. However, this is a double edged sword.

In Erich's favor I could say you need to not suck at making a joke (which I disagree with; I think it is pretty obvious when you're joking).

Also in Erich's favor he is simply defending his friends that he believes you've wrongly insulted.


Okay, the bulk of your argument was based on the alleged fact that I am immature. I'm not. I don't care how much you've hung around with me and how much you know how I act around people and online. I don't think it's fair to judge someone's maturity based on their behavior online and around people who just want to have fun. At smashfests, some of us act ******** and half-drunk and some of us have even went to fests stoned (I won't mention any names). Still, we are rational people in the real world. I would never have the right to seriously call you immature, since it's based on false claims. Likewise, I believe you don't have the right to call me immature. And, don't worry, I'm still growing up ;)
I want to stay as neutral in this as possible, just adding my two cents, but would like to just say that when you consider Neil's circumstances he is an incredibly well developed human being mentally. I mean that literally. No implications. This isn't the Supreme Court and I'd rather not argue over implied powers (wow that was the lamest joke I've ever made; someone kill me).

Now I'm getting tired of this useless conflict. Well I hope to see you at another smashfest or tournament, and I hope we have a good time together. (this is coming from the fissures of my heart, soul, mind, and body too). Try and have a good day, for me, will you? :) Also try and have fun at smashboards. I hope I'm not detering you from the fun after this outrageous post...
Agreed. Well handled.

Yes, it was necessary. And I refuse to take a word of it back.

I hope you understand I told you that as a friend Neil. You're still cool, but sometimes...well, to be blunt, sometimes you're not. You need to watch yourself, because you cross the line between sarcasm and being a jerk more than you might think you do. I've got a sense of humor, I'm sarcastic(in person), but it's nothing like how you've been acting lately. Kyle and David are very sarcastic, but they don't do what you've been doing. Look at the page before this where I quoted you, and look at what you posted, how different from the Neil I used to know. I hope you see what I mean(as your post above this doesn't seem to indicate). What happened to the old Neil, that friendly, laughable guy I knew so long ago? He was kind of shy, and he was never sure of himself. He kind of reminded me of Paul in the beginning of his Melee career. Now, you're a lot more defensive, a lot more on edge, a lot more cocky, a lot more...not you.
That's probably my bad. I've tainted Neil's innocence.


I did say here's why you should go back to normal Neil, and I said it how I thought it would impact you best. I quoted you, and I couldn't believe that the Neil I knew would EVER say anything like that, sarcastic or not. I did not flame you either, I told you the truth.
I support you in full Erich. I like to pride myself in being an honest, even if brutally so, person, and rather than talk about someone behind their back, or something to that akin, confront the person I have an issue with. We are all human beings, however, and I'm not saying I do this all the time nor am I implying others don't do it. It's just I pride myself on those things and think they are admirable traits. I'm very... proud, for lack of a better word, of you for taking this route, Erich.

Edit: You edited, and you didn't take it that well. Oh well...here's all I have to say to you from your comments to me:

Neil...you missed the point. My argument was not based off of immaturity, but if you want it to it can be. You're not as mature as someone 3 years older than you. You said it yourself: you're still growing up. Do you even know what the definition of mature is? You can tell how mature you are by the way you've been talking to everybody lately. I'm not judging you based on how you appear in Smashfests, I'm not judging you at all. I'm noticing a pattern you've fallen into that illustrates immature behavior, thus warranting the person as an immature being. I stated a fact, not an opinion. This is not a name calling fest, this is a simple, plain fact, like it or not. It doesn't matter if you apologize to those you insult afterward, because you shouldn't have to apologize in the first place. Just because you can say "Just kidding" at the end of everything does not mean that it is OK to say. So you were trying to prove something about your "other" friend. I don't really care, you don't do it at another friend's expense. I don't compare you to my closest friend, do I? I don't compare you to anyone Neil. THAT was a rude thing to do. Don't sit there telling me I'm rude, because you are the instigator. What if I was this way to you all the time? I could be a jerk to you and then say "Just kidding," but your feeling of resentment remains the same. Don't be a hypocrite, don't make those you call friend feel that way. Choose your words more carefully. If you can't or don't want to understand what I'm telling you now, you will in the future. And if you are offended by anything I told you, then I'm sorry. That is your pride telling you that you can not take advise from anyone, but you're not always right and I thought that you needed to hear that.
For the first half of this paragraph... I don't know how I feel with the whole immaturity thing going on here. To be honest I think you are discriminating or profiling Neil simply from his age, yet simultaneously I believe Neil is overstepping his boundaries. Yet, look at me here? Saying **** and talking this nonsense when this conversation doesn't even involve me. I should apology, and in fact, will afterward. Just trying to be helpful. Hope I haven't had a negative effect.

Oh, and the second part of the paragraph: Erich has a solid point.

I remember Ellen DeGenerous (yeah, I'm referencing her, and what?) mentioning once that, "If you have to say, 'Just kidding,' after something for someone to realize it is a joke, then it either wasn't joke or you need to get better at telling jokes," or something to that effect. That is far from a universal standard, and I don't agree with entirely, but I believe it gets a point across.

On a lighter note, Mormons aren't that bad. I don't know why everyone always says we can't do anything. The only things we're not allowed to do are the things that hurt you. I'm sure some people find it amusing, but when I live longer than them and I'm more healthy in ten years, we'll see who's laughing. It's not like we can't have fun. It's good enough for me Davis, hehe. :) It keeps me out of trouble.
Oh, I'm sure it does, but I like trouble and adventure in my life, but certainly not all the time.

Also, things that hurt you? That's pretty... vague.

@Davis- Yeah I'm cool with it. It would be better for you guys to make it our on friday evening so you can get to Arturo's place. Plus you'll be able to practice n such before the tournament. Make me proud guys, crush TX. :)

And besides, this doesn't mean I can't go on other OOS tournaments.

@Neil- I worked with data entry at the UNM for a bit. Afterwards I had to quit and get a new job out here in Los Lunas.
Ok. Sorry man. Another time. We'll do you proud.

@Davis: They actually didn't take the fatalities out of MC vs. DC universe. They're still there....the violence is just toned down severly. I'm actually glad they decided to focus on the gameplay rather than the shock and awe of previous MK's. Hopefully it will make for a better fighting engine.

Also, I'm not exactly sure when Underworld comes out. I'm still looking forward to it regardless.

P.S. I'm definitely up for a lanfest. Gears 2, Cod, and Left 4 Dead. Even though Gears of War is the only shooting game I've played competitively (I went to a few tournaments), I'm definitely down for playing other games as well.
Good point. I don't see why we can't have a harmonious balance of ripping spines out and good gameplay, though :D

Yes! LAN fest sounds awesome. I'd focus more on Left 4 Dead than anything, but all those sounds SOOOO fun.

You don't need to play a game competitively to either be good at it or enjoy it. I don't play CoD4 competitively, nor does Steven (although he is considerably better than me, but that doesn't stop me from beating him sometimes and talking endless amounts of ****), but I enjoy it all the same.
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Hmmm, I actually think it was a good thing for you to say what you did Davis. It helps me to see the things I may have been rash in, but also reinforces the things that need to be heard. But one thing about my Johns and saying quick things...they're usually not offensive in the way Neil has lately appeared to be. I still see the comparison you made, but I'm not ever that harsh, am I? Usually it's just something that involves me Johning, or someone challenging my level of skill. I don't ever insult people on a personal level like that. And to be honest, the first part of that paragraph could probably be disregarded. To an extent. If it makes everyone feel better, replace the word immature with something else like irrational. Be euphemistic. For the most part that was just to show Neil I did not try to base my "argument" off of his being immature, hence the first sentence. Seriously though, thanks Davis. A mediator is a good thing, especially when it's someone like yourself who can see both sides.

As for things that harm me...I mean substances, habits, etc. Habits don't have to include substances, by the way.


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2005
cromartie high school aka albuquerque, nm
Man WTF the thread like, jumped 3 pages within a day. WTF.

Neil- I was going to write a 3 page essay on how to improve yourself, but Erich covered what I was going to say better than I ever could of.

Erich- Remind me to not piss you off. I don't want the wrath of the Mormon church on me.

Tw1n- I'm not offened by your comments bro. I'm always looking to improve myself in anyway possible.

Timotee- I can't drive, FIFTY-FIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!

As for games I'm looking forward to, nothing really. I only own a Wii and a Dreamcast so nothing new coming out on either console. But I really want Tatsunoko v. Capcom cause Viewtiful Joe got in.


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
You don't need to play a game competitively to either be good at it or enjoy it. I don't play CoD4 competitively, nor does Steven (although he is considerably better than me, but that doesn't stop me from beating him sometimes and talking endless amounts of ****), but I enjoy it all the same.
Of course...

My point is I would rather play Gears of War 2 more than anything (even though I think Gears of War 1's multiplayer is far superior). Left 4 Dead is certainly awesome. It's the perfect game to play with friends. Seriously, developed by Valve AND Zombies....how can you go wrong with a game like that?


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2008
My house, NM
Since there is so much "I want x game" Discussion, Nintendo needs to bring out Pokemon Platinum For Christmas season. I want to play Soooooooooo badly, it's not even funny. Of course, pokemon is always delayed like 8 months.....


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Hmmm, I actually think it was a good thing for you to say what you did Davis. It helps me to see the things I may have been rash in, but also reinforces the things that need to be heard. But one thing about my Johns and saying quick things...they're usually not offensive in the way Neil has lately appeared to be. I still see the comparison you made, but I'm not ever that harsh, am I? Usually it's just something that involves me Johning, or someone challenging my level of skill. I don't ever insult people on a personal level like that. And to be honest, the first part of that paragraph could probably be disregarded. To an extent. If it makes everyone feel better, replace the word immature with something else like irrational. Be euphemistic. For the most part that was just to show Neil I did not try to base my "argument" off of his being immature, hence the first sentence. Seriously though, thanks Davis. A mediator is a good thing, especially when it's someone like yourself who can see both sides.

As for things that harm me...I mean substances, habits, etc. Habits don't have to include substances, by the way.
Never on a personal level, that I can recall, but you were pretty rude when Sephi (or The Cure Gaming) was discussing his tournaments and what not. It doesn't matter, though. Everyone has their moments.

I'm so glad I could be of help. It's usually ME doing the arguing, so it's a nice change of pace. I'm sure David is going to get on me now because of your use of the word "mediating". Oh well.

Haha, of course not. It makes sense, and probably is the better course of action. To each his own. That goes to everyone. I trash on a lot of stuff ranging from people, races religions, habits, etc. Never, however, do I mean offensively, and if I do, you'll know because I'll be talking directly to someone or you. If I say ******, I don't hate black people. If I say Catholics can be so ********, I'm speaking generally and if you're Catholic don't jump the gun.

If I ever say something that personally offends you, then just let me know and I'll do my best not to do it in YOUR presence. Like if I say ****** and some black guy was like, "I'd appreciate it if you didn't use that word." That's what I'm talking about.

Why am I rambling on like this, lol? I should stop while I'm ahead.

Of course...

My point is I would rather play Gears of War 2 more than anything (even though I think Gears of War 1's multiplayer is far superior). Left 4 Dead is certainly awesome. It's the perfect game to play with friends. Seriously, developed by Valve AND Zombies....how can you go wrong with a game like that?
Seriously, man. Like, wow.
I've still yet to play Gears 2. I'm sure it is lots of fun.

Since there is so much "I want x game" Discussion, Nintendo needs to bring out Pokemon Platinum For Christmas season. I want to play Soooooooooo badly, it's not even funny. Of course, pokemon is always delayed like 8 months.....
Shut up. I need a Star Fox game for the Wii soon, or AT LEAST an announcement, lest I start to disappear.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
@Neil: http://yugiohtheabridgedseries.com/

He has had this entire website for a while now. I recently downloaded all of Season 1 and the movie from his website and onto my Zen (I forget where it is on the site, but it opens up a Limewire torrent I believe).

@Kash: Am I on board then, or what? Casey (sitting at my house playing Brawl now) is telling me we are leaving late...

@Xion: Sorry you can't go, bud. :-( If I am indeed going, I'll hope to try to represent yah well.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2006
Farmington, NM
Hey thanks for smashing with us last night Kash and you too steven.

And as far as all this friction between you guys, I saw roll a fatty then talk about it.I think youll resolve things much more in the fashion of friends .


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
@Neil: http://yugiohtheabridgedseries.com/

He has had this entire website for a while now. I recently downloaded all of Season 1 and the movie from his website and onto my Zen (I forget where it is on the site, but it opens up a Limewire torrent I believe).

@Kash: Am I on board then, or what? Casey (sitting at my house playing Brawl now) is telling me we are leaving late...

@Xion: Sorry you can't go, bud. :-( If I am indeed going, I'll hope to try to represent yah well.
Yeah, you're on board. The earlier we can leave tomorrow the better, though.

Hey thanks for smashing with us last night Kash and you too steven.

And as far as all this friction between you guys, I saw roll a fatty then talk about it.I think youll resolve things much more in the fashion of friends .
Agreed, haha. And no problem. It was cool chillin' with you guys.

Sliraobe God

Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
More and More Quotes.

Yes, it was necessary. And I refuse to take a word of it back.

I hope you understand I told you that as a friend Neil. You're still cool, but sometimes...well, to be blunt, sometimes you're not. You need to watch yourself, because you cross the line between sarcasm and being a jerk more than you might think you do. I've got a sense of humor, I'm sarcastic(in person), but it's nothing like how you've been acting lately. Kyle and David are very sarcastic, but they don't do what you've been doing. Look at the page before this where I quoted you, and look at what you posted, how different from the Neil I used to know. I hope you see what I mean(as your post above this doesn't seem to indicate). What happened to the old Neil, that friendly, laughable guy I knew so long ago? He was kind of shy, and he was never sure of himself. He kind of reminded me of Paul in the beginning of his Melee career. Now, you're a lot more defensive, a lot more on edge, a lot more cocky, a lot more...not you.

I did say here's why you should go back to normal Neil, and I said it how I thought it would impact you best. I quoted you, and I couldn't believe that the Neil I knew would EVER say anything like that, sarcastic or not. I did not flame you either, I told you the truth.

Edit: You edited, and you didn't take it that well. Oh well...here's all I have to say to you from your comments to me:

Neil...you missed the point. My argument was not based off of immaturity, but if you want it to it can be. You're not as mature as someone 3 years older than you. You said it yourself: you're still growing up. Do you even know what the definition of mature is? You can tell how mature you are by the way you've been talking to everybody lately. I'm not judging you based on how you appear in Smashfests, I'm not judging you at all. I'm noticing a pattern you've fallen into that illustrates immature behavior, thus warranting the person as an immature being. I stated a fact, not an opinion. This is not a name calling fest, this is a simple, plain fact, like it or not. It doesn't matter if you apologize to those you insult afterward, because you shouldn't have to apologize in the first place. Just because you can say "Just kidding" at the end of everything does not mean that it is OK to say. So you were trying to prove something about your "other" friend. I don't really care, you don't do it at another friend's expense. I don't compare you to my closest friend, do I? I don't compare you to anyone Neil. THAT was a rude thing to do. Don't sit there telling me I'm rude, because you are the instigator. What if I was this way to you all the time? I could be a jerk to you and then say "Just kidding," but your feeling of resentment remains the same. Don't be a hypocrite, don't make those you call friend feel that way. Choose your words more carefully. If you can't or don't want to understand what I'm telling you now, you will in the future. And if you are offended by anything I told you, then I'm sorry. That is your pride telling you that you can not take advise from anyone, but you're not always right and I thought that you needed to hear that.

Don't worry Neil, you're still my friend, which is why these last few posts have been so hard for me to write out, and why I can't stay mad at you for that long.:)

On a lighter note, Mormons aren't that bad. I don't know why everyone always says we can't do anything. The only things we're not allowed to do are the things that hurt you. I'm sure some people find it amusing, but when I live longer than them and I'm more healthy in ten years, we'll see who's laughing. It's not like we can't have fun. It's good enough for me Davis, hehe. :) It keeps me out of trouble.
Hmmm, I actually think it was a good thing for you to say what you did Davis. It helps me to see the things I may have been rash in, but also reinforces the things that need to be heard. But one thing about my Johns and saying quick things...they're usually not offensive in the way Neil has lately appeared to be. I still see the comparison you made, but I'm not ever that harsh, am I? Usually it's just something that involves me Johning, or someone challenging my level of skill. I don't ever insult people on a personal level like that. And to be honest, the first part of that paragraph could probably be disregarded. To an extent. If it makes everyone feel better, replace the word immature with something else like irrational. Be euphemistic. For the most part that was just to show Neil I did not try to base my "argument" off of his being immature, hence the first sentence. Seriously though, thanks Davis. A mediator is a good thing, especially when it's someone like yourself who can see both sides.

As for things that harm me...I mean substances, habits, etc. Habits don't have to include substances, by the way.
Erich, I love you buddy, and I don't want any **** to get between our friendship. I'm leaving it at that. At this point my posts would have consisted of arguing for the SAKE of arguing. As for you, if you were just trying to teach me a lifelong lesson, then I'll assume that I've learned it. If I haven't learned it, another opportunity will come up. Right now i'm too busy practicing for el paso :laugh: But since you reinforced the point you wanted to make, I will surely listen to you. I can guarantee you that I can control my cockiness and revert to the old loveable Neil :) You'll see my lighter side. I promise.

I actually quoted your post BEFORE reading it this time, so that way I can type my thoughts the first time around when reading it.

Haha. Someone is going to hear that and go, "Oh, New Mexico banned him? Well New Mexico doesn't know **** so that must mean that he's good to go." No love for New Mexico.

I think a "wild imagination" is an understatement.

I'll gladly wreck Colorado in Brawl and SCIV, and gladly get wrecked in Guilty Gear.

Well, you indirectly broke it. I was simply the vessel for your means, haha. Well, I guess if you count that... Neil has made me cry twice. You and Zman would make a brutal team.

Even via internet I think anyone could tell Neil is being very sincere in this regard. He did apologize to Kyle after Kyle politely brought it to Neil's attention that his remarks were rather harsh. Also, Erich (I haven't read your response to this yet, so apologies in advance if you already mentioned this), if I'm not mistaken 99% of the time when you make a hateful post you, yes I'm going to say this with 99% humorous intention, John that it is because you were in a bad mood and needed an outlet for your frustration. An understandable human emotion. However, for you to judge Neil for that and excuse yourself from that same judgment? Unacceptable.

I mentioned this earlier. 99% of the time (wow, I'm in a percentage mood) Neil is hardly being serious at all. Sarcasm tags, or something akin to that, shouldn't be a necessity when determining if something is meant to be humorous or not. However, this is a double edged sword.

In Erich's favor I could say you need to not suck at making a joke (which I disagree with; I think it is pretty obvious when you're joking).

Also in Erich's favor he is simply defending his friends that he believes you've wrongly insulted.

I want to stay as neutral in this as possible, just adding my two cents, but would like to just say that when you consider Neil's circumstances he is an incredibly well developed human being mentally. I mean that literally. No implications. This isn't the Supreme Court and I'd rather not argue over implied powers (wow that was the lamest joke I've ever made; someone kill me).

Agreed. Well handled.

That's probably my bad. I've tainted Neil's innocence.


I support you in full Erich. I like to pride myself in being an honest, even if brutally so, person, and rather than talk about someone behind their back, or something to that akin, confront the person I have an issue with. We are all human beings, however, and I'm not saying I do this all the time nor am I implying others don't do it. It's just I pride myself on those things and think they are admirable traits. I'm very... proud, for lack of a better word, of you for taking this route, Erich.

For the first half of this paragraph... I don't know how I feel with the whole immaturity thing going on here. To be honest I think you are discriminating or profiling Neil simply from his age, yet simultaneously I believe Neil is overstepping his boundaries. Yet, look at me here? Saying **** and talking this nonsense when this conversation doesn't even involve me. I should apology, and in fact, will afterward. Just trying to be helpful. Hope I haven't had a negative effect.

Oh, and the second part of the paragraph: Erich has a solid point.

I remember Ellen DeGenerous (yeah, I'm referencing her, and what?) mentioning once that, "If you have to say, 'Just kidding,' after something for someone to realize it is a joke, then it either wasn't joke or you need to get better at telling jokes," or something to that effect. That is far from a universal standard, and I don't agree with entirely, but I believe it gets a point across.
I decided to quote your post and now I've forgotten all the things I wanted to say. Damnit! This is a load of extremely rotten tit-for-tat. Okay, I'll reread the post >_<
I hate that bias against New Mexico. I'm almost certain that everyone has had the experience: My version was when I bought an item from a user on ebay, and they decided to send it for international shipping :mad: The *******s.
A wild imagination is an understatement! W00T! I never thought I was creative...
That controller thing still makes me feel like **** I've gotten over it now, but jeez I was depressed then. The funniest thing that Cameron ever said to me in his lifetime so far was one thing, a long time ago: "Man, you broke Davis's controller! Dude he should be happy you broke it! I mean since you paid him back it's basically getting a brand new and improved game. I wish you broke my controller!!!!" I would team with Zman to be brutal, but he won't let me :(
The biggest point in that pointless discussion was your reference to Ellen DeGeneres. She's a BAMF. I must agree though, the reasoning for kidding about something that could be interpreted as direly serious should not be said at all. Silence is golden. Oh, better yet, If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. I'm just thinking aloud about such proverbs is all.

@Davis- Yeah I'm cool with it. It would be better for you guys to make it our on friday evening so you can get to Arturo's place. Plus you'll be able to practice n such before the tournament. Make me proud guys, crush TX. :)

And besides, this doesn't mean I can't go on other OOS tournaments.

@Neil- I worked with data entry at the UNM for a bit. Afterwards I had to quit and get a new job out here in Los Lunas.
DAVIS I'm GOING TO BE AT YOUR HOUSE AT 6:00 PM FRIDAY EXACT, AND I'M NOT BRINGING A TV. I am bringing a wii and brawl/melee though.
KC, that's manly. I don't know anything about data entry. So basically you were staring at a computer screen somewhere in UNM typing in numbers and letters at 5 am? How long did you take it before you gave up and moved to Los Lunas? Seems like a job where I would do crack and heroine instead. Because I fight for my friends.

@Davis: They actually didn't take the fatalities out of MC vs. DC universe. They're still there....the violence is just toned down severly. I'm actually glad they decided to focus on the gameplay rather than the shock and awe of previous MK's. Hopefully it will make for a better fighting engine.

Also, I'm not exactly sure when Underworld comes out. I'm still looking forward to it regardless.

P.S. I'm definitely up for a lanfest. Gears 2, Cod, and Left 4 Dead. Even though Gears of War is the only shooting game I've played competitively (I went to a few tournaments), I'm definitely down for playing other games as well.
I'm not sure why I'm quoting you Paul, I just want to......GO TO EL PASO! I bribed your coach to kick you off the track team if you don't go to El Paso. So on Monday, expect yourself to have nowhere to go.

Neil- I was going to write a 3 page essay on how to improve yourself, but Erich covered what I was going to say better than I ever could of.
God Zach could you ever be kind or supportive of me? And will you even answer my question, because even though I know the answer, i still want to read it. Also use proper grammer - "could of" is not equal to "could have." And I doubt you write good essays.

@Neil: http://yugiohtheabridgedseries.com/

He has had this entire website for a while now. I recently downloaded all of Season 1 and the movie from his website and onto my Zen (I forget where it is on the site, but it opens up a Limewire torrent I believe).
Never mind, nobody understood my question :mad:


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
You thought that the same person (LK?) had two separate abridged series for Yu Gi Oh involving different humor, perhaps, in each. Right? Well, I don't think he does.

Practice away, Neil. See you then. We should work out together. That's not an invitation for gay sex, either. Working out is awesome.


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
So the vampire discussion was a while ago, but I thought I'd go ahead and post the VBR (Vampire Back Room) official tier list.

Top - Dracula
High - Raphael
Middle - Nanomachines! (Vamp)
Low - Twilight characters


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
New Mexico
So the vampire discussion was a while ago, but I thought I'd go ahead and post the VBR (Vampire Back Room) official tier list.

Top - Dracula
High - Raphael
Middle - Nanomachines! (Vamp)
Low - Twilight characters
Chameleon Collosus is obviously top tier, far above Dracula.
And Twilight characters are rogue, potential yet to be fully discovered. I'm sure they are a hard counter to dateless nights (No joke, ask Walker, told some girls I read all of the twilight series and I got a call at midnight asking if I was looking for a good time. I forwarded their number to anyone who has read twilight.)


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2008
My house, NM
Chameleon Collosus is obviously top tier, far above Dracula.
And Twilight characters are rogue, potential yet to be fully discovered. I'm sure they are a hard counter to dateless nights (No joke, ask Walker, told some girls I read all of the twilight series and I got a call at midnight asking if I was looking for a good time. I forwarded their number to anyone who has read twilight.)
I hate you. Mirror Entity> Chameleon Colossus. Going inf FTW! And you should have called me and given me the book immedeatly. :(

Magic References will dominate these boards! :chuckle:


Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2006
No. The vampire tier list goes like this:

Top: Dracula
High: Alucard (any version will do)
Mid: Vamp (wtf, Steven? MGS spoilers. I though you never played through the series?)
Low: Nosferatu
Bottom: Raphael and everyone else


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
No. The vampire tier list goes like this:

Top: Dracula
High: Alucard (any version will do)
Mid: Vamp (wtf, Steven? MGS spoilers. I though you never played through the series?)
Low: Nosferatu
Bottom: Raphael and everyone else
I find this list more accurate.

Sorry, Steven. Gay vampires just don't make the cut.

Chameleon Collosus is obviously top tier, far above Dracula.
And Twilight characters are rogue, potential yet to be fully discovered. I'm sure they are a hard counter to dateless nights (No joke, ask Walker, told some girls I read all of the twilight series and I got a call at midnight asking if I was looking for a good time. I forwarded their number to anyone who has read twilight.)
I find that you should commit suicide, Nolan. I'm sorry.
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Erich, I love you buddy, and I don't want any **** to get between our friendship. I'm leaving it at that. At this point my posts would have consisted of arguing for the SAKE of arguing. As for you, if you were just trying to teach me a lifelong lesson, then I'll assume that I've learned it. If I haven't learned it, another opportunity will come up. Right now i'm too busy practicing for el paso :laugh: But since you reinforced the point you wanted to make, I will surely listen to you. I can guarantee you that I can control my cockiness and revert to the old loveable Neil :) You'll see my lighter side. I promise.
Oh, I found him again!! I love you too Neil.:) There's the Neil I remember. Sarcasm doesn't work on the internet, especially when you're saying things that sound really bad anyways. You can have a sense of humor, just don't make it so...twisted, literally. If you haven't learned it yet then you will, believe me. You will...*cue ominous music*

For the record, I'm probably the best essay writer in here. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Good luck in EP over the weekend you guys. Kick you-know-what, and take names!

Erich- Remind me to not piss you off. I don't want the wrath of the Mormon church on me.
I'm sorry, but that was really funny to read. That was good ZMan, you gave me a very good laugh with that. Props.:laugh:

You too Davis. Funny stuff man. Mmmm, I feel better than I did a couple of hours ago.:cool:

Anyways, good luck taking out anyone from OOS.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
@Kash/Xion: Cool beans >_>b

@Neil: Uhhh...what question?

Also, I saw you use "tit-for-tat" in one of you're posts...awesome, I thought only I said that.

Sliraobe God

Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Don't feel alone Neil, I rarely support anyone, you're not special. And I bull**** all essays and homework I do.
I know you bull**** everything. For writing, bull****ing is a valuable skill. But for AP English classes, that doesn't work, sorry. If you plan on doing that, good luck in Mrs. Storey's class (she's who I have right now).

You thought that the same person (LK?) had two separate abridged series for Yu Gi Oh involving different humor, perhaps, in each. Right? Well, I don't think he does.

Practice away, Neil. See you then. We should work out together. That's not an invitation for gay sex, either. Working out is awesome.
Well, it's just the way other people worded it that made me believe he had two abridged series out at once. And thanks for jumping in on a conversation I doubt you care about much. LK is the username of the guy who makes the series (a slightly chubby British 20-30 year old white guy married to a fugly redhead who always wears a trenchcoat). It stands for Little Kuriboh. Wow, I know too much about this. Maybe I should get brainwashed.

And yeah, I'll see you. Get ready to get *****. And for working out, I'd love to. I worry for your sake, since if I were you, I would not want to see my man boobs.

So the vampire discussion was a while ago, but I thought I'd go ahead and post the VBR (Vampire Back Room) official tier list.

Top - Dracula
High - Raphael
Middle - Nanomachines! (Vamp)
Low - Twilight characters
...It's hard to find the perfect balance between posting a little yet packing a ton of humor into such a small post. God that was funny. I choked on a wafer when I read this -.- I'm going to sue you on the charge of making me laugh, Steven.

LOL. Where's Blackula at?
I'm a noob at vampires. Who's blackula?

No. The vampire tier list goes like this:

Top: Dracula
High: Alucard (any version will do)
Mid: Vamp (wtf, Steven? MGS spoilers. I though you never played through the series?)
Low: Nosferatu
Bottom: Raphael and everyone else
Even though just a second ago I said that I'm a noob on blackula, I believe someone should ABSOLUTELY be on the vampire tier list. That someone's name is Jack the Ripper? I've seen him before. I was so startled!

I find that you should commit suicide, Nolan. I'm sorry.
Don't listen to Davis, Nolan. He just taints everyone's innocence. That'll be his second job besides the one in politics that he gets (for having such a talent at recognizing indirect insult subtleties). Don't commit suicide.
Instead, you should kill Daisy, then commit suicide. That way your entire household is up for grabs, in which case I'll file the obituaries, seize the property, and donate my two new dogs to Davis. He can then have the choice of either breaking their necks and eating them for breakfast or sending them to the pound ;)

Who was the gay vampire? And also, the vampire tier list is based on tournament results right? Well I remember that match between Wife (Nosferatu) and Alucard (Alucard) @ the No Johns Biweeklies. It pretty much proved that Nosferatu should be higher than Alucard.

Oh, I found him again!! I love you too Neil.:) There's the Neil I remember. Sarcasm doesn't work on the internet, especially when you're saying things that sound really bad anyways. You can have a sense of humor, just don't make it so...twisted, literally. If you haven't learned it yet then you will, believe me. You will...*cue ominous music*

For the record, I'm probably the best essay writer in here. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Good luck in EP over the weekend you guys. Kick you-know-what, and take names!
Look's like I've finally pleased my man :lick:

And how about a $1 essay money match, just like the Twinz mathematics money match. We'll have to worry about the conditions later, just a proposal. After all, I could gain access to your colorful username and forum room ANYTIME I want to.

@Davis I love youuuuu.
Share the love this way. You gotta make up for Zman's hate of me.

@BRYAN! Yeah i say that phrase too. Actually my mom uses it on a regular basis, that's probably where I subconsciously picked it up...

AT EVERYONE: Good night and have a happy friday! Sleep tight, and don't let the metaknights bite!


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
I'm not sure why I'm quoting you Paul, I just want to......GO TO EL PASO! I bribed your coach to kick you off the track team if you don't go to El Paso. So on Monday, expect yourself to have nowhere to go.

1. I don't have any money
2. I have to work on a project this weekend
3. No good melee competition (besides you and August)
4. There aren't any free seats left in the car

Btw, track doesn't start until january/february...so I have no idea what you are talking about.

If I didn't have a project to do this weekend and somehow found enough money then I would go. If that were the case, I would just drive myself there. And if that happened I could take a whole other carload of people.

But again, it's not going to happen.


For the record, I'm probably the best essay writer in here. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
$10 Best Essay Writer MM?


Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2006
The new legal stages are what I've expected this entire time (you'd often hear me exasperatedly ask about the legitimacy of the stage at hand) and while I feel that the rules are a little tight, that's what should be expected when handling a shallow game at the competitive level (truth hurts, brawlers).


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Man there's alot of long posts here. Essay writing MM huh? I'll be on the panel of judges lol.

Hey guys. Me, Lewis and Kyle (along with ronald aka wraith) were discussing the next fest. We're wanting to do it obviosly as soon as possible but december is really tough (finals & Christmas & all). So if anyone want to start throwing out their suggestions for which saturday to do it on please do.

P.S. Record matches of you're OOS matches (whoevers going) just so at the fest we can watch them and be laughing whenever we see someone get owned.

Edit: Oh ya Neil. I got some of the references (rules... lulz). And what during the podcast did they say about NM???
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
$10 Best Essay Writer MM?
Dang it...I was about to edit my post and put you in it Paul, but alas! I am too late. Nope, I don't want to bet money on that against you, because you do write essays very well. No lie there. I remember Romero's class, and let me tell you what: I'm not going to challenge you to an essay writing contest. Although, my essay writing skills have dramatically increased since his class, hehe. I'm on a consistent 7-9 streak now!

And how about a $1 essay money match, just like the Twinz mathematics money match. We'll have to worry about the conditions later, just a proposal. After all, I could gain access to your colorful username and forum room ANYTIME I want to.
Not sure what your deal is with the smash debate hall, but whatever. ANYBODY can get in at ANYTIME, you're nothing special in that regard. There's that condescending attitude I was talking about, always implying you can do something better than someone else. The debate hall has nothing to do with how well you write essays. Just tell me what you get on your ACT in the reading comprehension and writing areas, and I'll be good.:p

Share the love this way. You gotta make up for Zman's hate of me.
...Do you really not know why he doesn't like you that much Neil? I'm only being half serious, by the way.

And remember to eat Ike's for breakfast(and all other forms of OOS possible) this weekend, everyone who's going to EP!


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2008
Norfolk, Virginia
@Neil- I had the job for two semesters this beginning year then after summer it was no longer available. Now I'm just getting jobs in Los Lunas because they're much closer to where I live. Nah, punching in information that early was nothing, my previous job before this was a full time warehouse stocker for the Commissary. :p


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Erich, "implying that you can do something better than someone else" is a funny thing to call Neil out on, considering you proclaimed yourself to be the "best essay writer here". Just sayin'.

Also, I don't know why you care about ACT scores. But if anyone's interested, I got a
lol, you actually thought I was egocentric enough to brag about my ACT score
on my ACT.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I love you too, Nolan.

You guys can start showing up at 6:00 PM today. We're leaving as soon as everyone is ready.

And yeah, I'll see you. Get ready to get *****. And for working out, I'd love to. I worry for your sake, since if I were you, I would not want to see my man boobs.

Don't listen to Davis, Nolan. He just taints everyone's innocence. That'll be his second job besides the one in politics that he gets (for having such a talent at recognizing indirect insult subtleties). Don't commit suicide.
Instead, you should kill Daisy, then commit suicide. That way your entire household is up for grabs, in which case I'll file the obituaries, seize the property, and donate my two new dogs to Davis. He can then have the choice of either breaking their necks and eating them for breakfast or sending them to the pound ;)

And how about a $1 essay money match, just like the Twinz mathematics money match. We'll have to worry about the conditions later, just a proposal. After all, I could gain access to your colorful username and forum room ANYTIME I want to.

AT EVERYONE: Good night and have a happy friday! Sleep tight, and don't let the metaknights bite!
Working out doesn't necessarily mean taking of our shirts. Stop jumping to conclusions, hound!

Can I break their necks then send them to the pound, or does the pound not accept dogs with broken necks?

I thought about going into politics for awhile. Being the president would simultaneously rock and suck.

I'll beat you in a MM in an essay writing contest. The stakes for losing such a contest are too high for me. Losing money AND wasting my time writing an essay? No thanks.

The new legal stages are what I've expected this entire time (you'd often hear me exasperatedly ask about the legitimacy of the stage at hand) and while I feel that the rules are a little tight, that's what should be expected when handling a shallow game at the competitive level (truth hurts, brawlers).
Far too few counterpicks.

Also, don't even get me started on the depth of Brawl.

Man there's alot of long posts here. Essay writing MM huh? I'll be on the panel of judges lol.

Hey guys. Me, Lewis and Kyle (along with ronald aka wraith) were discussing the next fest. We're wanting to do it obviosly as soon as possible but december is really tough (finals & Christmas & all). So if anyone want to start throwing out their suggestions for which saturday to do it on please do.

P.S. Record matches of you're OOS matches (whoevers going) just so at the fest we can watch them and be laughing whenever we see someone get owned.

Edit: Oh ya Neil. I got some of the references (rules... lulz). And what during the podcast did they say about NM???
Ok. Can do.

Also, I doubt any time this month or next is going to work. Shoot for January.

Erich, "implying that you can do something better than someone else" is a funny thing to call Neil out on, considering you proclaimed yourself to be the "best essay writer here". Just sayin'.

Also, I don't know why you care about ACT scores. But if anyone's interested, I got a
lol, you actually thought I was egocentric enough to brag about my ACT score
on my ACT.
No, I was just curious. Alternatively, you could've been kind enough to boost our egos with your ridiculously pathetic and low ACT and SAT scores. That's what a real friend would do.
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Mmmm, yes Steven. But I'm not being serious. If you didn't notice my evil laughter at the end of the phrase there, that would mean I'm trying to make a joke to end an inevitable argument. Let me edit that if you feel I must. Though I did not imply that either. I stated it. Jokingly. Why am I rambling?

I don't really care about ACT scores. Notice the tongue guy? Also, Davis' comment was full of OUCH(but also comedy).

Let's lay this out real quick...if I ever use a smiley or something like maniacal laughter(usually with a B in front of the laughter), it means I'm trying to sound like Bowser and laugh maniacally. If I ever post anything without smiley's and such, then I'm serious. Smiley's and maniacal laughter are used to lighten the connotation of a phrase, yes? At least, that's what I always used them for. Maybe if what I'm saying sounds too tense, then I'll use it for making sure I don't piss someone off too badly. But normally it's because I'm trying to act like I would offline and be not serious.

And I don't do MM's. Period.


Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2006
Davis, I won't get into an argument about why Brawl is shallow, but you can't defend all the craptastic stages that had good reason to be banned.

And as we near closer and closer to the end of competitive Brawl, I say we play Custom Robo competitively instead.

Yay for Custom Robooooooo!


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
If you put a G in front does that mean you are trying to sound like Ganondorf? HAHAHAHAHA! Look, I'm Hannah Montanna.

I agree, August! It would be full of win and awesome and epic... epicly won awesomes...

It's that great that it has inhibited my ability to make coherent sentences.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Ok, so Ax is sick and isn't coming.

Does someone have Xion's number? Call me at 554-6123 if you do. I need to call him and see if he can still come.

If not, would anyone else be willing to fill up our last seat? Paul, Erich, Steven?
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