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Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
$10 MM for grappling david!?

and wow kash i didnt know you felt that way about me :') the great Kash knows I exist! Its like my birthday... oh wait he was telling us to shut up... normally this is where I'd snap back with a witty comeback or crappy your mom joke but frankly I dont give a **** XP

I wanna play someone in melee or brawl rigth now lol. or preferably SCIV...


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I'm not saying I disapprove of a third party's opinion or the occasionally needed rational thought (usually provided by Steven), but when you say, "Well, let's look it is time for me to work my bouncer magic," or something to that effect, that's when it bugs me.

Depends. What events are in the hat?

Do you still have my number, Johnny? 554-6123. You might have my old one.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
New Mexico
I have been out of the NM thread loop due to my looming addiction to Twilight (I can smell the sweet flaming already).
Anything smash related happening this weekend?


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2005
cromartie high school aka albuquerque, nm
Nolan, I will not flame you if you are planning on taking a girl to see twilight. Other wise I can you out on your man hood.

As for this weekend, I think Davis, Neil, Xion, and some other fools are going to El Paso. I'm free on Saturday though. If anyone wants to smash call me at 505-315-4280


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
I have been out of the NM thread loop due to my looming addiction to Twilight (I can smell the sweet flaming already).
Anything smash related happening this weekend?
No flames coming from me.

Twilight is actually a good book.


Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2006
From what I've seen, Twilight is a chick's book.
From what I've heard, Twilight is a chick's book.
From what I've read, Twilight is a chick's book.

If it looks, smells, and sounds like a duck. It's a duck.

(at least you're reading, right?)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
New Mexico
Helps my argument: Girlfriend asked me to read it before the movie.
Doesn't help my argument: I loved every page and read all four books.

Can we still be friends?


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
From what I've read, Twilight is a good book.

Helps my argument, I was asked by Girlfriend to read it.

Doesn't Help mine either, I read all four books and liked them.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
New Mexico
@Everett: Yes! I am not alone in males that like Twilight.
But in my defense, I'm a sap for romance junk. It's most of what I watch/read.

I'm not gay.


Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2006
I'm not gonna lie, the movie looks TERRIBLE.

Of course, I didn't read the books, but the movie still looks like ****. Diagnosis: B movie.

Rather than watch romantic vampires, I'd like some sophisticated Dracula-esque vampires.

Or just super bad-*** ones:

I heart MGS.


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Can we still be friends?
I guess...

From what I've seen, Twilight is a chick's book.
From what I've heard, Twilight is a chick's book.
From what I've read, Twilight is a chick's book.
Females have become obsessed with twilight.

In other news, I've beaten Gears 2 and have since commenced online play. It's really really fun...just not as fun as Gears 1 multiplayer.

Games I'm lookin forward to purchasing:

World at War
Left 4 Dead (I played the demo and it is sick)!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
New Mexico
I have mixed feelings about the movie. Some actors look pretty risky for their parts but they're all warming up to me. I think it'll be a good book to movie, better then Eragon at least. I've seen some scenes online and they aren't making me think any less of the movie.
Also doesn't help my argument: I have my ticket for the midnight release.

@Everett I agree.


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2008
My house, NM
Oh no! Nolan is getting **** for expressing himself! Way to be a real person on the internet.

Seriously, there isn't anything wrong with a guy being into romance. I still need to read Twilight.

sinz said:
Movie books tend to suck :/


Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2006
World at War looks iffy to me. Some have said that it plays like a better version of CoD4 taking place during WWII. I must say, I really liked Modern Warfare for it's modern warfare, more WWII sounds really un-appealing to me. I've also heard that the multiplayer sucks, but I don't know why they said that... Maybe it's just a general feeling they share toward Treyarch.

L4D looks great, Paul, you need to get it for PC. Mods will make that game 100X better.

Other games I'm looking forward too:

Resistance 2
Dead Space
Fallout 3
Valkyria Chronicles
Guitar Hero: WT/Rock Band 2
Motorstorm 2
Sonic Unleashed (lol that's a joke)

Argh! Too many games!

EDIT: Sure, romance isn't too bad... I'm open to most genres, but still... Chick romance novels are like porn for them...

EDIT2: Almost everything adapted into a movie sucks.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
New Mexico
@Everett, Yeah, they do, but I'm too much of a fanboy for Harry Potter and now Twilight to turn away.
@Walker, Lol thanks, but the real flame hasn't started. Where's Kneel? My sexuality hasn't been criticized yet.

Sliraobe God

Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Oooh, I saw that indirect insult. Game on, Neil.

I like Plan A more because just arriving there in the morning would be lame. Oh well. No choice.
I'm not bringing a setup. No one is. Period. Well I'm surprised that you noticed that indirect insult, and I REALLY REALLY expected you to not catch on. It was supposed to be foolproof. Having a talent for catching on to subtelties like that will land you a job in politics ;)

Neil- My HATE for you is rising. What makes him so cool anyway? He's just an asshat.

Davis- Are you gonna buy that armored vehicle that you saw in the parking lot at the Twin's apartment?
Wait, you guys saw an armored vehicle at the apartment without my presence? that's so cool! I've never seen one IRL.
Anyways, Zach, Ryan Fitzgerald is cool. He is certainly not an asshat, he's turned out to be really caring and actually became a good listener. Maybe you should see him sometime, talk to him, you know, maybe catch up and find out how he's doing. I will admit that he was *somewhat* of an asshat sometime in the past, but now he's doing just fine. He's chill and he's so fly.
Also, Zach, why do you have to HATE me? HATING is such an intense emotion, add on the fact that you put it in caps. Besides, if you 100% fully no doubt believe that you are cooler than Ryan, then you shouldn't get pissed off about something I say that isn't true. If you say that Lucas is cooler than me, and I know that to be false, then it won't phase me. It shouldn't phase you either.
Zach, I've been trying to be your friend ever since, oh I don't know, I guess since the beginning of the school year. I've tried and tried and it's not working out so well. What have I done wrong Zach?
Zachary Urbano, will you be my friend?

Oh man, plan A sounds so much better. Not much I can do though...

Also, WTF Neil? Why do call me white and nerdy? I'm offended!

(does it have anything to do with me owning you?)
Man, this is such a great post. August, you got me there. This post proves my point that I'm seeing more personality out of your posts. Otherwise, I've called you a short scrawny white nerd at some smashfest like 3 weeks ago that I hosted and it certainly didn't offend you. You didn't even react to it, and I know you heard it. Why does it offend you now? It makes no sense...
Also, to really prove if you've owned me or not, $1 mm, best of 5.

Wow so much hate in this thread now... sad stuff. Guess I need to mediate.

Davis-Don't say you'll own anyone till you do it. Because (what if here) if you lost then what would be said about all the previous **** taking? Just go there, try your best, hope you kick alot of *** =D

Neil-with that said I don't think you insulted Davis (no worries =D), I'm just glad you were honest and said you'd cheer on Davis. Supporting comrades/cheering on friends is a great way to boost their confidence and also guarantee you have a ride home lol.

Z & Neil-Who is this Ryan guy? Do I know him?... And Neil, saying someone looks better does not make them cool. I'm better friends with alot of people who are ugly as sin (no its not any of you sexy beasts on this thread) and a group vote means nothing. How someone feels about someone else is there own thing. And Z, if you don't like someone then so be it. But at least back up your claims with a reason. Or just leave it at "I don't like the guy"... <3 you guys lol

August-white and nerdy is a compliment to me. Chicks dig nerdy guys (wait till you get to college trust me) and you're cool. We'll leave it at that =D

Next smashfest date may be posted soon k.

Side note: Hey Paul guess what. My falco now lazers more and L-Cancels consistently lol. Ya I know, thats just the basics. But nonetheless I'm happy. And my shining is getting better. All summed up this means the world will end very soon because I have tech skill :O
Okay David, I completely agree with Davis that you are acting like a boss. There doesn't need to be a boss for smashboards, except for the moderators that everyone hates. (On a side note, why does everybody hate moderators? I completely respect them, with the exception of AltF4Warrior for giving me an infranction for no apparent reason.)
As for me, wait, what? What the hell did you just say? You're coaching me about friendship? Dude I watched the entire first Yu-Gi-Oh! series without fail or missing a single episode. I stared without blinking my eye at all 220 something episodes. Don't give me **** about not knowing what friendship is.

God****, this site was not loading for me for a while, and when it does, look at what I missed!

@Uh...everyone? Mostly Neil: Dekar has been telling me about El Paso, and I told him I would go. The latest I heard from him was that Nolan and Xion weren't going, and instead Kash, him, August, you, and me look to be on the venue. Have I got that right?

Also, you might be able to round the cost of the the gas down, seeing as one right by my house has it as $2.19

@Neil...again: If I got all that right, then your candy *** should team with me in doubles, and we will vanquish the villians that are Kash and Dekar.
W00T gas is at 2.19!!! zomg. the world is coming to an end! or a beginning rather.
So, sorry about the el paso tournament and your missing out on it. It's just, you are new to the scene and not ready to go OoS until you have perfected your own problems, and once you have, then you can be ready to experience new opponents and styles and mould your skills based on that. Still, I probably have no right to tell you to not go OoS, since Xion and August are just as new as you. Meh, ignore the whole last paragraph.
And as for the teams, I would not team with you bub. Not yet. I was forced to team with Mike Sullivan (the fat blonde Pit player that goes to Sandia, curly hair, my height, plays a ton of guitar hero) at the NVGA supercon. It did not go well. We lost to gonorrhea for god's sake.

I'll be ready. I used to wake up at 4am for my previous job. :p
My address is 33 Buckbrush place Los Lunas NM, 87031
Oh my god. 4 am? Holy ****. You must have a lot of diligence. 4 am?!?!???! for a job?!? You can't be waking up that early for your age?!?! Wait! How old are you?!?! WTF!?! I'm so confused. My outlook of you has just changed dramatically for no apparent reason?!!? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

woah neil breathe (3 pages ago). It was just a joke my little friend :D

but if you wanna do a $25 MM 2 sets out of 3 then im game. but first I request that we do a $50 MM best 2 sets out of 3. The sport will be either wrestling or TKD your choice. Im thinking wrestling. After that we can do our melee MM k :D
Yeah sorry for taking the joke so seriously. I was just in a bad mood because my Dad was in the hospital at the time.
For the MM, how about we do a $50 MM on the history of TKD. I probably could recall quite a bit about it, and you would certainly lose if I pull out my AIMAA (American International Martial Arts Association) handbook on TKD. I trained under a 9th dan black belt grandmaster back in middle school for almost 2 years. I know you won't care, but I became a purple belt. I know you won't care again, but I probably know more about the history than you do. This isn't for sure yet though. We'll see.


Owned, Neil. Owned.

No one needs you to "mediate" here. We're all adults, thank you very much (with maybe the exception of Neil, haha).

It's very annoying and condescending when you come in here telling everyone what to do, how to act, and like you're the be all end all figure. Both you and Kyle.

Maybe I'm the only one that thinks that, but I find incredibly frustrating. No one needs anyone to hold their hands and "mediate" their actions.

Again, except for maybe Neil, lol.

And before that I suggest a $75 MM best 2 sets out of 3 in a math competition. Neil's choice.
Thank you so much Davis. I completely agree with you on the mediating situation. I'm just as mature as you, just not physically. Emotionally, socially, mentally, other words ending in -ly, the list goes on.
I'll have to admit i got owned by august, but only temporarily. He'll feel like **** after I win the money match, especially because he's not mature in mental and emotional stability. That'll just make my ownage of him worse than his ownage of me. [/sarcasm]

Poor Neil =D

Hmmm... I'll take that as an indirect challenge from Neil!!! I accept a $5 MM from Neil in mathematics lol.
WARNING!!! MM challenges are about to fly

@Davis-$1 MM in triathalon (events drawn from a hat) best 2 of 3.
@Neil-$5 MM mathematics
@GG-$1 MM triathalon
@Kyle - $10 MM in grappling!!! (ooohhh... I wonder if he'll accept)
@Erich - $.50 MM in powerthirst slamming contest! Then we'll be good at sports ARGH!
Okay, hold it. First I need to know exactly what math class you are taking. If you somehow are taking a higher level math class than me, then I will have to decline.
If you aren't taking a higher level math class than me, then I will still decline, because I refuse to do a money match about knowledge. It makes absolutely no sense to make money from sharing the gift of knowledge. (<--- even though I do this all the time and I'm a hypocritical lying dastardly cheater) It's completely unethical.
If you still aren't taking a higher level math class than me, then I may accept. Under the condition that our topic be simple order of operations for a certain number of problems over a period of time. Whoever gets more right or more points or more completed under a certain time wins. The operations will consist of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, etc. Also this will only consist of whole number integers, no fractions or decimals or complex numbers. We will have the other kids at the fest make the test so no bias results. 5$ mm, deal??!?!

Speaking of my poorness, you know what's weird? Ever since you guys showed up, everyone else has been jerks to me. I remember being a joyful, somewhat popular, Albuquerque smasher after you guys left. What has the world become?! It's so sad. I want my popularity back -.- And if you, or anyone else for that matter, were about to deny the existence of my temporary popularity, you're wrong.

I have been out of the NM thread loop due to my looming addiction to Twilight (I can smell the sweet flaming already).
Anything smash related happening this weekend?
Well, I was about to begin flaming you, but then I realized how ignorant that would be. I've never read the book and am basing my decisions of hating it based on the attitudes and opinions of other people, the movie trailer, and the book cover. So be thankful I stopped myself from flaming you under good judgment.

Paul: too true. Have fun with WOW.
August: har har. that was funny. I like ducks.
Sinz: ha I just saw the episode. You got ***** by overswarm. (and I know the first thing you will say to reply to me is that you **** me on a regular basis. It doesn't matter.)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
New Mexico
Well, I was about to begin flaming you, but then I realized how ignorant that would be. I've never read the book and am basing my decisions of hating it based on the attitudes and opinions of other people, the movie trailer, and the book cover. So be thankful I stopped myself from flaming you under good judgment.
text because apparently you need ten characters


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
World at War looks iffy to me. Some have said that it plays like a better version of CoD4 taking place during WWII. I must say, I really liked Modern Warfare for it's modern warfare, more WWII sounds really un-appealing to me. I've also heard that the multiplayer sucks, but I don't know why they said that... Maybe it's just a general feeling they share toward Treyarch.
Sadly, many people are auto biased towards Treyarch. I REALLY enjoyed Call of Duty 3, I don't see what was so bad about it. For whatever reason, people think that Treyarch can't make a good game.

Modern Warfare was really enjoyable. But I really don't care what time period the game takes place during. I just want to play a game that I'm going to enjoy. I could care less what anybody else thinks about the game...as long as I enjoy it that's all that matters.

From what I've seen, the multiplayer plays exactly like Modern Warfare except set in WWII lol. Even though I really enjoyed Modern Warfare's multiplayer, CoD 3's was more addicting to me. Again, I hold judgement until I play the game.

Ultimately, I wish people would play the games they enjoy and just ignore the games they don't enjoy. I really think I'm going to enjoy CoD WAW.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
I filled up for $1.82 a gallon yesterday, suck it!

Also, this thread is so full of drama. You guys need to just get rid of all that tension and stress. Maybe do a big Royal-Rumble mud wrestling fight. And tape it. And send it to me.




Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2006
Naw man, it's all cool. At least how I see it. All this 'drama' is just normal internet discussion, plain and simple.

Also, Neil, I don't know how you could've not seen 'emotion' or whatever from me... I've only posted a couple times, either to tell you guys I was moving here or for shout-outs... I've only started posting frequently recently. Like, starting yesterday.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
Well, if you're going to shatter my dreams like that, then I challenge you NM brawlers to a crew cash battle! Me against all 6 or 7 of you dudes, 21 stock!

Edit: In OK, I should've mentioned that, huh.


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2008
My house, NM
Nolan, I will not flame you if you are planning on taking a girl to see twilight. Other wise I can you out on your man hood.
@Walker, Lol thanks, but the real flame hasn't started. Where's Kneel? My sexuality hasn't been criticized yet.
............. It hasn't? And I'm sure Neil is going to sooner or later read the book/watch the movie. Not that I know anything.....

Is anyone going to hold a smashfest anytime soon? I really want to play smash and the fest at the twins was during MtG states (Which sucked horribly. 3/0, then 0/3? F*** that!)


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
...............The Nolan I thought I knew is officially dead.
We knew him well, didn't we? He was such a fun guy, too.

From what I've seen, Twilight is a chick's book.
From what I've heard, Twilight is a chick's book.
From what I've read, Twilight is a chick's book.

If it looks, smells, and sounds like a duck. It's a duck.

(at least you're reading, right?)
No, reading can't justify such a crime.

Helps my argument: Girlfriend asked me to read it before the movie.
Doesn't help my argument: I loved every page and read all four books.

Can we still be friends?
Uuugugughghguggh. If I hadn't gotten to know you so well before hand, I'd say no, but I guess >.>

@Everett: Yes! I am not alone in males that like Twilight.
But in my defense, I'm a sap for romance junk. It's most of what I watch/read.

I'm not gay.
Actually, I enjoy romantic stuff as well. I'm a sucker for it. Novels, though? I'm not so sure about that.

You're talking to the guy who has gotten two manicures and a pedicure and continually flirts with guys just to revel in their reaction, while maintaining 110% heterosexuality.

Don't worry. You're just secure in your sexuality. Lol, I spelled secure as sexure the first time.

I guess...

Females have become obsessed with twilight.

In other news, I've beaten Gears 2 and have since commenced online play. It's really really fun...just not as fun as Gears 1 multiplayer.

Games I'm lookin forward to purchasing:

World at War
Left 4 Dead (I played the demo and it is sick)!
We must have a LAN party, Paul! Agreed?

Oh no! Nolan is getting **** for expressing himself! Way to be a real person on the internet.

Seriously, there isn't anything wrong with a guy being into romance. I still need to read Twilight.

Since when has being a real person on the internet mattered?

What does that even mean?

P.S. No one NEEDS to read Twilight.

World at War looks iffy to me. Some have said that it plays like a better version of CoD4 taking place during WWII. I must say, I really liked Modern Warfare for it's modern warfare, more WWII sounds really un-appealing to me. I've also heard that the multiplayer sucks, but I don't know why they said that... Maybe it's just a general feeling they share toward Treyarch.

L4D looks great, Paul, you need to get it for PC. Mods will make that game 100X better.

Other games I'm looking forward too:

Resistance 2
Dead Space
Fallout 3
Valkyria Chronicles
Guitar Hero: WT/Rock Band 2
Motorstorm 2
Sonic Unleashed (lol that's a joke)

Argh! Too many games!

EDIT: Sure, romance isn't too bad... I'm open to most genres, but still... Chick romance novels are like porn for them...

EDIT2: Almost everything adapted into a movie sucks.
LAN party for August, too?!

You, me, Paul, and...?

I'm not bringing a setup. No one is. Period. Well I'm surprised that you noticed that indirect insult, and I REALLY REALLY expected you to not catch on. It was supposed to be foolproof. Having a talent for catching on to subtelties like that will land you a job in politics ;)

Wait, you guys saw an armored vehicle at the apartment without my presence? that's so cool! I've never seen one IRL.
Anyways, Zach, Ryan Fitzgerald is cool. He is certainly not an asshat, he's turned out to be really caring and actually became a good listener. Maybe you should see him sometime, talk to him, you know, maybe catch up and find out how he's doing. I will admit that he was *somewhat* of an asshat sometime in the past, but now he's doing just fine. He's chill and he's so fly.
Also, Zach, why do you have to HATE me? HATING is such an intense emotion, add on the fact that you put it in caps. Besides, if you 100% fully no doubt believe that you are cooler than Ryan, then you shouldn't get pissed off about something I say that isn't true. If you say that Lucas is cooler than me, and I know that to be false, then it won't phase me. It shouldn't phase you either.
Zach, I've been trying to be your friend ever since, oh I don't know, I guess since the beginning of the school year. I've tried and tried and it's not working out so well. What have I done wrong Zach?
Zachary Urbano, will you be my friend?

Man, this is such a great post. August, you got me there. This post proves my point that I'm seeing more personality out of your posts. Otherwise, I've called you a short scrawny white nerd at some smashfest like 3 weeks ago that I hosted and it certainly didn't offend you. You didn't even react to it, and I know you heard it. Why does it offend you now? It makes no sense...
Also, to really prove if you've owned me or not, $1 mm, best of 5.

Okay David, I completely agree with Davis that you are acting like a boss. There doesn't need to be a boss for smashboards, except for the moderators that everyone hates. (On a side note, why does everybody hate moderators? I completely respect them, with the exception of AltF4Warrior for giving me an infranction for no apparent reason.)
As for me, wait, what? What the hell did you just say? You're coaching me about friendship? Dude I watched the entire first Yu-Gi-Oh! series without fail or missing a single episode. I stared without blinking my eye at all 220 something episodes. Don't give me **** about not knowing what friendship is.

W00T gas is at 2.19!!! zomg. the world is coming to an end! or a beginning rather.
So, sorry about the el paso tournament and your missing out on it. It's just, you are new to the scene and not ready to go OoS until you have perfected your own problems, and once you have, then you can be ready to experience new opponents and styles and mould your skills based on that. Still, I probably have no right to tell you to not go OoS, since Xion and August are just as new as you. Meh, ignore the whole last paragraph.
And as for the teams, I would not team with you bub. Not yet. I was forced to team with Mike Sullivan (the fat blonde Pit player that goes to Sandia, curly hair, my height, plays a ton of guitar hero) at the NVGA supercon. It did not go well. We lost to gonorrhea for god's sake.

Oh my god. 4 am? Holy ****. You must have a lot of diligence. 4 am?!?!???! for a job?!? You can't be waking up that early for your age?!?! Wait! How old are you?!?! WTF!?! I'm so confused. My outlook of you has just changed dramatically for no apparent reason?!!? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Yeah sorry for taking the joke so seriously. I was just in a bad mood because my Dad was in the hospital at the time.
For the MM, how about we do a $50 MM on the history of TKD. I probably could recall quite a bit about it, and you would certainly lose if I pull out my AIMAA (American International Martial Arts Association) handbook on TKD. I trained under a 9th dan black belt grandmaster back in middle school for almost 2 years. I know you won't care, but I became a purple belt. I know you won't care again, but I probably know more about the history than you do. This isn't for sure yet though. We'll see.

Thank you so much Davis. I completely agree with you on the mediating situation. I'm just as mature as you, just not physically. Emotionally, socially, mentally, other words ending in -ly, the list goes on.
I'll have to admit i got owned by august, but only temporarily. He'll feel like **** after I win the money match, especially because he's not mature in mental and emotional stability. That'll just make my ownage of him worse than his ownage of me. [/sarcasm]

Okay, hold it. First I need to know exactly what math class you are taking. If you somehow are taking a higher level math class than me, then I will have to decline.
If you aren't taking a higher level math class than me, then I will still decline, because I refuse to do a money match about knowledge. It makes absolutely no sense to make money from sharing the gift of knowledge. (<--- even though I do this all the time and I'm a hypocritical lying dastardly cheater) It's completely unethical.
If you still aren't taking a higher level math class than me, then I may accept. Under the condition that our topic be simple order of operations for a certain number of problems over a period of time. Whoever gets more right or more points or more completed under a certain time wins. The operations will consist of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, etc. Also this will only consist of whole number integers, no fractions or decimals or complex numbers. We will have the other kids at the fest make the test so no bias results. 5$ mm, deal??!?!

Speaking of my poorness, you know what's weird? Ever since you guys showed up, everyone else has been jerks to me. I remember being a joyful, somewhat popular, Albuquerque smasher after you guys left. What has the world become?! It's so sad. I want my popularity back -.- And if you, or anyone else for that matter, were about to deny the existence of my temporary popularity, you're wrong.

Well, I was about to begin flaming you, but then I realized how ignorant that would be. I've never read the book and am basing my decisions of hating it based on the attitudes and opinions of other people, the movie trailer, and the book cover. So be thankful I stopped myself from flaming you under good judgment.

Paul: too true. Have fun with WOW.
August: har har. that was funny. I like ducks.
Sinz: ha I just saw the episode. You got ***** by overswarm. (and I know the first thing you will say to reply to me is that you **** me on a regular basis. It doesn't matter.)
We did see an armored vehicle, and it was awesome.

I know you are, Neil. I just tease you. Don't worry about it. If it sincerely bothers you just let me know and... I might stop :p

Thanks for the sarcasm tags. I would've been screwed without those.

I filled up for $1.82 a gallon yesterday, suck it!

Also, this thread is so full of drama. You guys need to just get rid of all that tension and stress. Maybe do a big Royal-Rumble mud wrestling fight. And tape it. And send it to me.


Hey everyone, I think we should go beat up Tim!

Naw man, it's all cool. At least how I see it. All this 'drama' is just normal internet discussion, plain and simple.

Also, Neil, I don't know how you could've not seen 'emotion' or whatever from me... I've only posted a couple times, either to tell you guys I was moving here or for shout-outs... I've only started posting frequently recently. Like, starting yesterday.
Yay for August.

Well, if you're going to shatter my dreams like that, then I challenge you NM brawlers to a crew cash battle! Me against all 6 or 7 of you dudes, 21 stock!

Edit: In OK, I should've mentioned that, huh.
Pfft. Ok. Only if we get to do me against all 6 or 7 of your dudes, 21 stock.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
If Xion can't go, then you can go first, but it's first come first serve. Right now it is me, Neil, Xion, Kitsune, and Dekar. Sorry.

Also, Kash + Dekar = Too Sexy, so don't even try to beat us.
Roger that, just (someone) keep me filled on that so I know if I'm going or not..I'd need to scratch up some cash. Just spent like $250 on Guitar Hero 4 and ToS:Dawn of the New World (both are looking to be awesome). On that note, if anyone is curious, rent/play Warioland:Shake it! Quite a challenging platformer, and hilarious to boot.

And I would argue your second point by pointing out that my sexines level is OVER 9000!, bit Neil drags it down a little.


Also, if anyone watches, LK FINALLY made another yu-gi-oh: Abridged series...it's decent.

Also, why is the High Heavens and Burning Hells is Twilight being discussed here? Get that out.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Lol my bad Neil and Davis (and Z and anyone else I made upset). And neil, we never meant to somehow drop your popularity. We heart you =D don't forget you're my little bro here. And math wise I'm in Calculus 2... what are you in? If anything we'll just compare knowledge lol. Oh and which master/9th dan did you train under? Last I heard there's only one in NM (Master Kim...???) and Kyle trains under him =D

I just got Mirrors Edge and I am stating now that that game is a must buy or at least must rent now game! It's freaking awesome. I beat Gears a few days ago. Maybe we can play online sometime Paul.

Looking forward too:
MK vs DC Universe
Left for Dead (pure sex right there... oooohhh)
Halo wars (a bit)

Edit: I never question friendship. Especially friendship from Yu-Gi-Oh first few seasons... *tears* they were such good friends

Edit2: I hate Marth (melee) nuff said

Sliraobe God

Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
text because apparently you need ten characters
Wait what? is "woah" supposed to be a good thing? Are you glad that I thought before I spoke? (<--OMG OMG OMG)
And Nolan, no matter what (get ready for the corny moment), I'll always be your friend. Even if you manage to kill Daisy, bury her corpse, evade the police, and frame somebody else (like Walker - he's a great candidate), I will be your friend.
Actually, now that I think about that again, I'll just kick you in the balls, calling you a deranged psychopath lunatic for the next 30 minutes. While you're doubling over on the floor, I would have called 911 and reported a serial killer in the midst of the UNM area -_- Tragedy would strike the state if our two best UNM students (kyle and david) would become victim to your horrible acts.

I filled up for $1.82 a gallon yesterday, suck it!

Also, this thread is so full of drama. You guys need to just get rid of all that tension and stress. Maybe do a big Royal-Rumble mud wrestling fight. And tape it. And send it to me.


Even after having more than quadruple the post count of me, you just don't know how to look past internet sarcasm. Read between the lines, dip**** And we totally take you up on that offer. Good luck taking off more than 3 stock with Davis around :chuckle::lick::lick:;) [/sarcasm] If you read the sarcasm tags, you know I would never call you a dip****. You are a BAMF in reality. (<-- What I would say if we were talking face to face)

Also, Neil, I don't know how you could've not seen 'emotion' or whatever from me... I've only posted a couple times, either to tell you guys I was moving here or for shout-outs... I've only started posting frequently recently. Like, starting yesterday.
Look at my response to Timotee's quote. You gotta read between the lines and see personality in words. I see that in your recentn posts. And good job on actually being active :)

You're talking to the guy who has gotten two manicures and a pedicure and continually flirts with guys just to revel in their reaction, while maintaining 110% heterosexuality.

Don't worry. You're just secure in your sexuality. Lol, I spelled secure as sexure the first time.

We did see an armored vehicle, and it was awesome.

I know you are, Neil. I just tease you. Don't worry about it. If it sincerely bothers you just let me know and... I might stop :p

Thanks for the sarcasm tags. I would've been screwed without those.
So do you remember the time when I didn't go to the Twinz smashfest? You know, the time that you probably already forgot because you're a teenager who forgets short term things? You know, like the kind of teenager that doesn't remember what they ate for lunch yesterday (if that's you, then yes). then you know what time I'm talking about.
I was in San Francisco at my 30 something year old Indian cousin's wedding. My cousin is really cool and manly, and he ended up introducing me to Desperate Housewives.
I've just started watching the first season online and I fell in love with it just a few days ago. Honestly, it's very well written and the storyline works so smoothly. I still maintain a 90% heterosexuality rate. (the other 10% was when I was serious about gay sex with you, a few pages back.)
So, EVERYONE'S stories about twilight and romance and other feminine things is pointless. I beat you all out to the feministic way, through a hit ABC prime time show.

Cool beans on the armored vehicle.
And thanks for acknowledging that I'm mature. Few people actually do that. And it sometimes gets to me. It's annoying being called 12 year old as a junior in high school, being indian, being vegetarian, and being called out on those things. Call Cassandra, she'll tell you everything about how much Mr. Robert Benjamin (the Advanced Pre-Med teacher) picks on me for those traits he already knew. Sometimes I tend to mistake those social jokes for reality. *sigh* I need to snap back into reality sometime soon. I'm sinking into my own little introverted world :urg:

And I would argue your second point by pointing out that my sexines level is OVER 9000!, bit Neil drags it down a little.


Also, if anyone watches, LK FINALLY made another yu-gi-oh: Abridged series...it's decent.

Also, why is the High Heavens and Burning Hells is Twilight being discussed here? Get that out.
Link me to the new abridged series. I absolutely need to know before I kill puppies.

Lol my bad Neil and Davis (and Z and anyone else I made upset). And neil, we never meant to somehow drop your popularity. We heart you =D don't forget you're my little bro here. And math wise I'm in Calculus 2... what are you in? If anything we'll just compare knowledge lol. Oh and which master/9th dan did you train under? Last I heard there's only one in NM (Master Kim...???) and Kyle trains under him =D

I just got Mirrors Edge and I am stating now that that game is a must buy or at least must rent now game! It's freaking awesome. I beat Gears a few days ago. Maybe we can play online sometime Paul.

Looking forward too:
MK vs DC Universe
Left for Dead (pure sex right there... oooohhh)
Halo wars (a bit)

Edit: I never question friendship. Especially friendship from Yu-Gi-Oh first few seasons... *tears* they were such good friends

Edit2: I hate Marth (melee) nuff said
AWWWWW! I love you to death dude. You made me feel so much manlier. I'll always be your little bro no matter what!
I'm in Calc 1, AB. So I just finished derivatives and we'll start integration soon. And you know what, screw the moneymatch I have rules. (if you get the reference you're super special awesome (if you get the second reference you're just plain beast)). Yeah I just want to compare knowledge too. And my grandmaster was Hee (?) Il Cho. Chinese guy, probably dead now, I haven't checked up on him in like 6 years. Sorry, but he would beat you down blindfolded. I saw him in action at earlier ages, and I couldn't help but cry :laugh:

Friendship is too good. That's why I'm with you guys :) :)
Thank you for hating marth. I kicked him out of my life (like smoking) a long time ago. I even managed to make Paul kick him out of his life (like I'm a health advocate). You need to hear our story. It all started at AZOneTwoStep when I decided to prove once and for all that marth is gay... And so the saga began ... [insert wall of text here] ... and marth was finally banned from new mexico. Too bad no one found out that melee marth = brawl metaknight. This was quoted multiple times on the metaknight podcast.



Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
New Mexico: I have updated the OP on the OH SNAP! thread with a list of confirmed participants from your state, although I heard it wasn't accurate. Please let me know ASAP what adjustments I need to make. It's crunch time in the final stretch before the tournament, and I wanna make sure everything (pool assignments, housing, etc.) is in place beforehand.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Firstly, thanks for chillin' Paul and Reuben. It was a lot of fun. You should definitely come to Colorado.

Secondly, I was thinking about the El Paso trip. Can we lave like real late? At like 10:00 PM? Would that work for everyone? I was thinking it would be better to leave around then and get there early morning and get a decent night's rest there, rather than waking up t like 4:00 AM and drive in the cold and get there all ****ed up and tired. We'll be driving at night, either way, for thse of you concerned with that.

I think leaving late Friday would still be superior than leaving early Saturday. Also, Arturo won't be lonely then.

Lol my bad Neil and Davis (and Z and anyone else I made upset). And neil, we never meant to somehow drop your popularity. We heart you =D don't forget you're my little bro here. And math wise I'm in Calculus 2... what are you in? If anything we'll just compare knowledge lol. Oh and which master/9th dan did you train under? Last I heard there's only one in NM (Master Kim...???) and Kyle trains under him =D

I just got Mirrors Edge and I am stating now that that game is a must buy or at least must rent now game! It's freaking awesome. I beat Gears a few days ago. Maybe we can play online sometime Paul.

Looking forward too:
MK vs DC Universe
Left for Dead (pure sex right there... oooohhh)
Halo wars (a bit)

Edit: I never question friendship. Especially friendship from Yu-Gi-Oh first few seasons... *tears* they were such good friends

Edit2: I hate Marth (melee) nuff said
Mirror's Edge? Eww.

I Parkour in real life and that game looks so lame. Point A to Point B, much? What's that? Nothing else? Hmm. Sounds not fun. I'm just gonna play it when one of my friend's buys it and I go to their house. I'll enjoy it for thirty minutes, maybe an hour, then decide the game sucks and I am glad I din't get it.

Wait what? is "woah" supposed to be a good thing? Are you glad that I thought before I spoke? (<--OMG OMG OMG)
And Nolan, no matter what (get ready for the corny moment), I'll always be your friend. Even if you manage to kill Daisy, bury her corpse, evade the police, and frame somebody else (like Walker - he's a great candidate), I will be your friend.
Actually, now that I think about that again, I'll just kick you in the balls, calling you a deranged psychopath lunatic for the next 30 minutes. While you're doubling over on the floor, I would have called 911 and reported a serial killer in the midst of the UNM area -_- Tragedy would strike the state if our two best UNM students (kyle and david) would become victim to your horrible acts.

Even after having more than quadruple the post count of me, you just don't know how to look past internet sarcasm. Read between the lines, dip**** And we totally take you up on that offer. Good luck taking off more than 3 stock with Davis around :chuckle::lick::lick:;) [/sarcasm] If you read the sarcasm tags, you know I would never call you a dip****. You are a BAMF in reality. (<-- What I would say if we were talking face to face)

Look at my response to Timotee's quote. You gotta read between the lines and see personality in words. I see that in your recentn posts. And good job on actually being active :)

So do you remember the time when I didn't go to the Twinz smashfest? You know, the time that you probably already forgot because you're a teenager who forgets short term things? You know, like the kind of teenager that doesn't remember what they ate for lunch yesterday (if that's you, then yes). then you know what time I'm talking about.
I was in San Francisco at my 30 something year old Indian cousin's wedding. My cousin is really cool and manly, and he ended up introducing me to Desperate Housewives.
I've just started watching the first season online and I fell in love with it just a few days ago. Honestly, it's very well written and the storyline works so smoothly. I still maintain a 90% heterosexuality rate. (the other 10% was when I was serious about gay sex with you, a few pages back.)
So, EVERYONE'S stories about twilight and romance and other feminine things is pointless. I beat you all out to the feministic way, through a hit ABC prime time show.

Cool beans on the armored vehicle.
And thanks for acknowledging that I'm mature. Few people actually do that. And it sometimes gets to me. It's annoying being called 12 year old as a junior in high school, being indian, being vegetarian, and being called out on those things. Call Cassandra, she'll tell you everything about how much Mr. Robert Benjamin (the Advanced Pre-Med teacher) picks on me for those traits he already knew. Sometimes I tend to mistake those social jokes for reality. *sigh* I need to snap back into reality sometime soon. I'm sinking into my own little introverted world :urg:

Link me to the new abridged series. I absolutely need to know before I kill puppies.

AWWWWW! I love you to death dude. You made me feel so much manlier. I'll always be your little bro no matter what!
I'm in Calc 1, AB. So I just finished derivatives and we'll start integration soon. And you know what, screw the moneymatch I have rules. (if you get the reference you're super special awesome (if you get the second reference you're just plain beast)). Yeah I just want to compare knowledge too. And my grandmaster was Hee (?) Il Cho. Chinese guy, probably dead now, I haven't checked up on him in like 6 years. Sorry, but he would beat you down blindfolded. I saw him in action at earlier ages, and I couldn't help but cry :laugh:

Friendship is too good. That's why I'm with you guys :) :)
Thank you for hating marth. I kicked him out of my life (like smoking) a long time ago. I even managed to make Paul kick him out of his life (like I'm a health advocate). You need to hear our story. It all started at AZOneTwoStep when I decided to prove once and for all that marth is gay... And so the saga began ... [insert wall of text here] ... and marth was finally banned from new mexico. Too bad no one found out that melee marth = brawl metaknight. This was quoted multiple times on the metaknight podcast.

Dammit, Neil. I always have so much to say to you when I'm reading your post, then I quote it and I'm too lazy to re-read it and all my thoughts fly out the window and blah blah blah blah.

Omg, what'd they say about NM?

I don't doubt that. I just tease you, Neil. I really respect you, in all honesty. I'd love to call Cassandra and have her tell me all about it. Too bad we aren't talking to each other, huh?


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2008
Norfolk, Virginia
@Davis- You mean leave late on Friday? I can't do it, I'll still be at my job and I dont want to ruin everyones time with Arturo. Since I cant make plan A why not have Ax take my place. That way you guys can leave on friday and hang out with Arturo and have a good nights rest for the big day.

I don't want everyone changing their gameplans for me showing up.

@Neil- I thought you knew I was nineteen years old? Well now you know. My old job was working at the UNM.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
Even after having more than quadruple the post count of me, you just don't know how to look past internet sarcasm. Read between the lines, dip**** And we totally take you up on that offer. Good luck taking off more than 3 stock with Davis around :chuckle::lick::lick:;) [/sarcasm] If you read the sarcasm tags, you know I would never call you a dip****. You are a BAMF in reality. (<-- What I would say if we were talking face to face)
You didn't open your sarcasm tag in the first place, only closed it!

And if I were serious about the drama, I would've suggested jello wrestling, not mud wrestling! Geez, some people.

Anyway, who among you is coming to CO to get whooped in smash/sc4/gg/guitar hero?
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Hmmm... I'll take that as an indirect challenge from Neil!!! I accept a $5 MM from Neil in mathematics lol.
WARNING!!! MM challenges are about to fly

@Erich - $.50 MM in powerthirst slamming contest! Then we'll be good at sports ARGH!
Hmmm...BRING IT ON, SON!!!!!!!!:uzi::rocket::uzi::bigrocket:smiliegor::smash:

Man, this is such a great post. August, you got me there. This post proves my point that I'm seeing more personality out of your posts. Otherwise, I've called you a short scrawny white nerd at some smashfest like 3 weeks ago that I hosted and it certainly didn't offend you. You didn't even react to it, and I know you heard it. Why does it offend you now? It makes no sense...
Also, to really prove if you've owned me or not, $1 mm, best of 5.
Ummm, what? Did I just hear that YOU are calling ANYONE a short scrawny white nerd? Hmmm...

Thank you so much Davis. I completely agree with you on the mediating situation. I'm just as mature as you, just not physically. Emotionally, socially, mentally, other words ending in -ly, the list goes on.
I'll have to admit i got owned by august, but only temporarily. He'll feel like **** after I win the money match, especially because he's not mature in mental and emotional stability. That'll just make my ownage of him worse than his ownage of me. [/sarcasm]
No, you're not. Stop saying that, because you have a long way to go before you're as old or as mature as Davis is, or me for that matter. And especially the twins. In fact, just by saying that you prove you are not.

Okay you little ***hole, go put your money where your mouth is. Since you supposedly, allegedly, and apparently know what my weakness in melee is (even though it isn't anymore), let's go. You should be able to exploit that "weakness" and win the match instantly. How about a $25 MM, playing 2 whole best-of-3 sets. you should win if you already know you opponent.
Hopefully you realize by now that I'm confident in the completely true fact that I've got mindgames. I'm very passionate about my newly sexy mindgames. I hope your apartment burns down. And if you were just messing with me and kidding around, too ****ing bad.

Ryan Fitzgerald is a BAMF, and I know exactly who I'm talking about. At the next smashfest, I'm going to bring him over and have everyone that's there submit a vote as to who is cooler based on the general definition of cool. You're going to lose. If that smashfest never happens, then I will go at great lengths: I will post a picture of him here and compare it to a picture of you. Obviously everyone will agree that he is sexier and cooler than you based on appearance and everything else about both of you two's personality and character. You'll lose. Trust me.

Okay David, I completely agree with Davis that you are acting like a boss. There doesn't need to be a boss for smashboards, except for the moderators that everyone hates. (On a side note, why does everybody hate moderators? I completely respect them, with the exception of AltF4Warrior for giving me an infranction for no apparent reason.)
As for me, wait, what? What the hell did you just say? You're coaching me about friendship? Dude I watched the entire first Yu-Gi-Oh! series without fail or missing a single episode. I stared without blinking my eye at all 220 something episodes. Don't give me **** about not knowing what friendship is.
...And there it is again. Man, it's like a collection of immaturity! In fact, the only post I've seen with some intelligence from you in a while is the one directed at me about our Marth argument, which by the way I was being sarcastic in. **** IT NEIL. I'm tempted to just replace those four stars with the word that would be there without them(you PO'ed the Mormon that much). You disappoint me. You've been a complete DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDIIIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK lately, and I grow very tired of it. Did you really call August, a SENIOR, and something like three years older than you less mature than you, and did you really call him emotionally unstable? Tsch, tsch...that's disgusting.:embarrass Did you really say that to Zach? If there was a popularity contest right now, at this very instant, between you and everyone and everything that classifies as uncool or dumb, you would not receive my vote. No way. Neil, I know how you act around people and online, and let me tell you what: you are FAR from being as mature as August, and even further from how mature you think you are. If you didn't notice, every single quote from you has something offensive or rude in it. It wasn't hard to find, and I could have quoted a lot more of it with your big ego showing through behind. I'm asking you to stop. Stop being a jerk, stop flaming people, deflate your ego, deflate your big head, and stop posting with a condescending attitude. Grow up is the phrase, yes? I really just don't want to wade through it anymore when trying to enjoy myself on the boards.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
If you look at my avatar Falcon is like "WRAAAAAAAAAARGH"

Upon further inspection I see like another green car behind it, so maybe he's stuck in traffic :(


Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2006
Oh, ****, Erich is layin' down the LAW! Wait. Was that even necessary?

Also, this might seem kinda silly, but um... Mormons don't swear? Will you fill me in on anything else?

(There weren't any Mormons in Chicago, just my Jewish peeps, so excuse my ignorance.)


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Mirror's Edge= good but not great

I played the demo and it was fun. I'm sure I'll rent the game....enjoy it....then return it. I seriously doubt I'll purchase it.

Games I'm looking forward to:

MC vs. DC universe (lol I forgot about this game)
World at War
Left 4 Dead (pure sex is right David)

Tomb Raider Underworld (I know what you guys are thinking but dang it....I really enjoyed the previous Tomb Raider game and I'm looking forward to this one)

Prince of Persia

Also, I just want to point out....

Twilight is not manly and anyone who reads the book or watches the movie with enjoyment loses their manly status.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Oh, ****, Erich is layin' down the LAW! Wait. Was that even necessary?

Also, this might seem kinda silly, but um... Mormons don't swear? Will you fill me in on anything else?

(There weren't any Mormons in Chicago, just my Jewish peeps, so excuse my ignorance.)
Seems that way, though I'm pretty sure Neil is just struttin' his stuff and jokin' most of the time. Maybe not.

Also, it seems Mormons can't do a lot of things. I don't think it would be very fun :(

Mirror's Edge= good but not great

I played the demo and it was fun. I'm sure I'll rent the game....enjoy it....then return it. I seriously doubt I'll purchase it.

Games I'm looking forward to:

MC vs. DC universe (lol I forgot about this game)
World at War
Left 4 Dead (pure sex is right David)

Tomb Raider Underworld (I know what you guys are thinking but dang it....I really enjoyed the previous Tomb Raider game and I'm looking forward to this one)

Prince of Persia

Also, I just want to point out....

Twilight is not manly and anyone who reads the book or watches the movie with enjoyment loses their manly status.
1) Yeah. Mirror's Edge is not worth the money. I'll probably enjoy it, but not for $60. $5? Ok, I can do that.
2) MC vs. DC... I'm still a little annoyed at the lack of fatalities, but I'm sure it'll be awesome none the less. I probably won't buy it, but I'll definitely play it.
3) World at War... not familar with this one, though it rings a small, small bell. Perhaps I should do research.
4) I'm telling you! Left 4 Dead LAN party! Let's do it!
5) When does Tom Raidrer Underworld come out?
6) Twilight, lulz

EDIT: Well, I hate to be a downer Xion, but I think it would be much better if we leave Friday evening. If that's possible, and you don't mind, I'd prefer doing that. It's ultimately up to you, Ax, and Dekar, though.

Also, my car has a busted gas line... so unless it gets fixed soon we need to take someone else's car.
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