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Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2006
Young Link, no thanks. Zelda's my low tier.

I could bring LBP, but honestly, does anyone care to play it other than you? I'd be more interested in playing SCIV or something a bit more competitive. eg. Gears 2. I might not like it too much, but I can't decline some good ol' gory TDM.
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Ahhh yes Paul, I remember that match. That still stands as one of the funniest things I've ever watched on Youtube. Aside from Powerthirst, that is.

OH, MAN!!! OH MAN!!! OH MAN!!!! Whack, whack, whack, whack, whack...


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
ok the address is

9180 Coors Blvd NW
Apt 3001
Albuquerque, NM

My number is 505-977-7926
Davids is 977-7914

Call me or him lol.

Some of you might be able to come over and just crash tonight if you want. All the more to play. Let me know if you can or want to k. Text me preferably, if not then ill just keep checking here lol.

And I would prefer mostly melee lol. Brawl can be fun but I've been playing melee more recently lol.

Where do you live dude I can gove you all the directions you'll need. Or mapquest it haha


Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2006
Indeed, I am. Best in the nation. I've ***** HugS, Phanna, even Wes when he still played. When you think 'salmon' colored Samus, I am the one to come to mind. My mindgames know no bounds and my tech skill is only surpassed by Silent Wolf.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
ok the address is

9180 Coors Blvd NW
Apt 3001
Albuquerque, NM

My number is 505-977-7926
Davids is 977-7914

Call me or him lol.

Some of you might be able to come over and just crash tonight if you want. All the more to play. Let me know if you can or want to k. Text me preferably, if not then ill just keep checking here lol.

And I would prefer mostly melee lol. Brawl can be fun but I've been playing melee more recently lol.

Where do you live dude I can gove you all the directions you'll need. Or mapquest it haha

I am coming tomorrow night.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
dude I wanna play you.

Better than HugS? Suuuuuuuuuure. Lol salmon colored = ok. Gravity suit = badass :D

Come down here in the morning so I can actually play you lol. Or come over here now XP

I hear your tech skill is great but when you beat Paul (Alpha) or your tech skill surpases Neil (not his mindgames tho because the poor kid is SERIOUSLY lacking in that department) I will believe it lol.

All seriousness cool cool. Now lets see what happens when I youtube your name...

EDIT: Son of a b**** why do I have to be working :(
David will be here all night but im not off till 11 O.o and no one can close manager either :(

EDIT 2: ok so your Samus doesn't look half bad XP


Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2006
What what? Morning, like, how early? I usually sleep in on weekends, but I'll get up early to play some Melee.

EDIT: Those vids are old, I **** face now.


Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2006
lol, it was sad. I didn't know what to say to him afterwards. I said GG, but that was one hell of a lie. Almost a JV 5 stock too.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
So.... I am gonna be at the smashfest tomorrow :/


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Young Link, no thanks. Zelda's my low tier.

I could bring LBP, but honestly, does anyone care to play it other than you? I'd be more interested in playing SCIV or something a bit more competitive. eg. Gears 2. I might not like it too much, but I can't decline some good ol' gory TDM.
I agree. I don't really care to play LittleBigPlanet. At least not now. I'd much rather do some SCIV and Gears of War 2.

Ahhh yes Paul, I remember that match. That still stands as one of the funniest things I've ever watched on Youtube. Aside from Powerthirst, that is.

OH, MAN!!! OH MAN!!! OH MAN!!!! Whack, whack, whack, whack, whack...
Oh, man! Mew2King is so nice... Mew2King is SO nice!

Ok, thanks, I can just map quest that shiz.

And the more Melee the better.
Why does everyone say Mapquest? Google maps is by far superior.

I am coming tomorrow night.


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Alright, I should be there not too long after 7. Here's a list of what I'm bringing.

-PS3 w/ 2 controllers, SCIV, whatever game was in there when I packed it up (so, Valkyria Chronicles)
-360 w/3 controllers, in case anyone wants to play Gears 2. I don't have the game though, so somebody else will have to supply that, as well as another controller for maximum awesomeness. Also, whatever game was in there when I packed it up (so, Hitman I think)


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2005
cromartie high school aka albuquerque, nm
Fun smashfest ya'll. Some shoutouts:

Kyle: Nice seeing you for the first time after the MAST. I didn't play you at all though :(. How sad.

David: Same with you man. Fun melee matches. Though I wanted to play you in brawl.

August: Nice seeing you. You should really pick up brawl competitvly, it's really fun!

Paul: Fun Falco and DDD matches. Sakurai made DDD so good on purpose, lulz.

Everett: It was fun playing you too after not playing you since Nolan's fest.

Davis: Thanks for the ride dude. Me love you LONG TIME. And I think my Lucas has improved, just a little bit.

Erich: Didn't really play you that much but fun seeing you again.

Steven: It was wierd having a fest and you not being there majority of the time.


Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2006
The best part of NM so far is all the people. It's really cool to meet a new person almost every smashfest!

David and Kyle, it was nice to meet you, and I hope you get back into smash.

Everyone else, GG.

ooh, and Steven, I WILL practice in SCIV so next time I'll dominate! (lol, I think I say this every time)

Also, I need to bring Custom Robo to a smashfest sometime. Custom Robo is 222 good.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Well, that was actually a pretty fun smashfest.
You guys said one a month right?



Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Fun smashfest, saw people I hadn't seen in far too long.

August, if nothing else you were persistent in SCIV. Just sidestep Vader's force blast and BB, and stay close up to Zasalamel. For Raphael, well, I dunno what to tell ya.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Hey guys it was a fun smashfest. Sorry I hd to leave for work but for those of you that stayed till 11 glad I could bring you al something to eat :D

Paul: Dude you never cease to amaze me with your melee skills. My IC's had to woble you just to keep some matches close lol. Props

August: Nice meeting you bro. Now I see why yuor Samus is top tier

Davis: Glad you decided to come bro. And yu ate those crumbs like you were bobbing for apples!!! Haha your wolf is amazing. And all those SCIV matches were intense. Forget what everyone says, you make the apprentice top tier :D

Z: Yeah we never did get to play eachother :( but thanks for coming :D next time bro.

Steven: glad I got to play you in SCIV. Fun matches. And also fun melee 3 ways against you and Davis before we all crashed. Congrats on winning the triathalon against Davis to secure your sleeping arrangements XP

Wraith: great seeing you bro. I'll play you at UNM when I can :D

Erich and Sinz: Sorry I missed you guys. But yes we're looking at doing these at least once a month :D See you next time


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2008
Norfolk, Virginia
@Neil- Wow...you've never beat my Ike. I don't know where you came with the fact that you have ever beaten me with him.

Trust me, if you and I actually got a matchup against eachother in tourneys, your placement would change.

The next time we play, expect to lose by my Samus 100%


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Yay the smashfest was a hit for the most part lol. Ya once a month is the current plan. Just have to make arrangements and all that good jazz.

@Paul-Just had to say this first. that little fish tank was a mindgame. And the unknown fish was an even bigger mindgame O.o with that put aside your melee skills have only gone up since I last saw you play.

@Davis - Enjoy the crumbs much lol? I only wish a majority of them didn't end up on the floor both inside and out of my place. Next time we'll get some one vs ones in =D

@Erich - MENERGY!!!! (Enough said)

@August - Good news. I didnt even think about calling you Austin. It was awesome meeting you and playing you. You're a nice guy. See you again soon hopefully (especially since you live so close to us)

@Steven - Love the Falcon...

@Sinz - C-c-c-combo breaker along with the grab out of your knee. (I will never forget... =D) Good matches. Glad you made it. But once you left Kykle showed up with chicken, pies, and a gallon of root beer!!!

@Z - Glad you made it. Fun matches!!!

@Ronald - Wanna play smash on thursday? I'll text you since you'll never read this.

@Neil and Lewis - Sorry I forgot to call back. Too distracted with smash lol. Next month no johns and no missing it!

We'll keep in touch about the once a month possibilities k. (Hi odds are saying yes)

Side note. Someone took my controller. It was either Ronald, Paul, Davis or Steven. It has tw1n carved on the side. If you accidentally took it could I get it back por favor.


Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2006
*sigh* Everyday is looking worse. You can probably count me out. IF I can go, it'll likely be something last minute, at which point, it's probably too late. Sorry.


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
@David & Kyle: I think I left my wiimote at your place. It has some third party chargeable battery in it along with a ridged cover over that. It's easily distinguished from regular wiimotes.

Also, I let you guys borrow my copy of Melee along with my madcatz memory card, right?

Sliraobe God

Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
That's funny. I don't remember that happening.

Also, I'm pretty sure I would three stock you Neil. If you don't think so $1 MM me in Brawl. I mean, you two THEN three stocked me last time, do it again.

I don't think it's manly. I just think it's ****ing hilarious. I mean, come on! Zman made Forward cry. Hahaha.
Well all right, I just find manliness to be such a unique trait. Only unique people in this world possess the ability to make Sean Benner tear up with just one sentence. That's certainly impossible for me, Davis, the Twinz, and anyone other than Zachary Urbano in Albuquerque. My point being, Zach is too good. (it's not very often I defend you either Zach, so I hope you're cherishing this moment)

How do you plan on proving that I didn't hit puberty also?

And, no, Davis, I'll bet my career in medicine that you would not three stock. It's uncommon that you three stock me, and when you do, it's just as valid as me four stocking you in melee -it's not common and personal johns will most likely be elicited. For example, your john was that you were tired and having a bad day, likewise with me during times that I get three stocked. ANYWAYS, how bout this: a $1 MM in which we both play for three rounds, slob picks and stages are normal. It is NOT a best of 3, simply that if you happen to three stock me once during that set, I will give you a dollar. If you fail to three stock me (regardless of who won the set) you owe me a dollar.
Also, for this set ONLY, the definition of three stock implies that you end the match with three character icons next to your percent. If you have 2 stock and 0%, it does NOT count. Sorry buddy. Technicalities don't mean **** to me. Deal or No Deal?

Hmmmm, do I hear JOHNS?:p I don't play gay like M2K dude, I play like Ken. And you know what? If I win, I win. That's like saying(for the last freaking time) if Falco didn't have his SHL he would so much easier to fight. Well, he still has it, and I still beat him. Don't try to tell me that if M2K DIDN'T edgeguard he would have lost. DURRRRRRRRRR. Make do with what you are given. And just so you know, I don't play Marth in Brawl, so this is obviously talking about Melee. Yea in Brawl, I agree on all accounts that Marth is gay beyond reason, but in Melee he's cool.
I must say, arguing with you is rather difficult, not because you are skilled in argumentation, but because neither of us understand each other's point. Well, for the sake of proving you wrong and the resulting joy of it, my singular main idea emphasizes marth's homosexuality, nothing else. I was never mentioning the brawl marth, I just compared marth's incredibly simple ability to gimp space animals to metaknight's incredible ability to WIN. For example, if I was DaShizWiz and lost to M2K, I will have to make do with what I am given. Just like if you were the best lucario in the world and fought the best metaknight in the world, make do with what you are given too. I completely agree with you on that account. Irregardless, I can't wait to actually see you at the next smashfest and crush your marth's brains to ashes :)
Wow, I need to stop irregardless, amirite -.-

I like sauteing MK then throw it in bowl of Ike, then add the Falco wings matrinated in Teriyaki then BAM! One Smash Meat Salad!

Neil: Smash commentators are boring as **** sitting out for 5 days in the Sahara. Mahvel commentators could make said **** the most hype thing on the planet.
So vegetarians can't eat smash meat salad? I guess the only thing I can possibly eat is R.O.B. and maybe peach's downB. Vegetarians never have the rule against eating metal robot parts. Irregardless Anyways, I will agree that Mahvel Baybee is the best commentary for a video game I've ever seen so far, and no smash commentator could even compare.

Ok, thanks, I can just map quest that shiz.

And the more Melee the better.
mmmm melee. Thank you for having that attitude. I don't play any other video games except the smash series in great depth and detail. I'm not a gamer. I main certain video games like smash :laugh:

Indeed, I am. Best in the nation. I've ***** HugS, Phanna, even Wes when he still played. When you think 'salmon' colored Samus, I am the one to come to mind. My mindgames know no bounds and my tech skill is only surpassed by Silent Wolf.
This is funny. This is the first sensible post I've read from you so far, not that your past posts were pointless. I actually see some personality out of your posts now. Sweet.

I hear your tech skill is great but when you beat Paul (Alpha) or your tech skill surpases Neil (not his mindgames tho because the poor kid is SERIOUSLY lacking in that department) I will believe it lol.

All seriousness cool cool. Now lets see what happens when I youtube your name...
Okay you little ***hole, go put your money where your mouth is. Since you supposedly, allegedly, and apparently know what my weakness in melee is (even though it isn't anymore), let's go. You should be able to exploit that "weakness" and win the match instantly. How about a $25 MM, playing 2 whole best-of-3 sets. you should win if you already know you opponent.
Hopefully you realize by now that I'm confident in the completely true fact that I've got mindgames. I'm very passionate about my newly sexy mindgames. I hope your apartment burns down. And if you were just messing with me and kidding around, too ****ing bad.

I've never bothered to youtube kitsune's name. Who would have thought he's got videos up.
i get home from TKD around noon so its still sleeping in lol. so any time around 12 will work bro. And im sure you do haha


i couldnt stop laughing at this Falcon XD
I agree entirely. Very sexy work august. It seems like you were 20x better back than compared to now.

@Neil- Wow...you've never beat my Ike. I don't know where you came with the fact that you have ever beaten me with him.

Trust me, if you and I actually got a matchup against eachother in tourneys, your placement would change.

The next time we play, expect to lose by my Samus 100%
We'll have to test that huh.

Yay the smashfest was a hit for the most part lol. Ya once a month is the current plan. Just have to make arrangements and all that good jazz.

@Paul-Just had to say this first. that little fish tank was a mindgame. And the unknown fish was an even bigger mindgame O.o with that put aside your melee skills have only gone up since I last saw you play.

@Davis - Enjoy the crumbs much lol? I only wish a majority of them didn't end up on the floor both inside and out of my place. Next time we'll get some one vs ones in =D

@Erich - MENERGY!!!! (Enough said)

@August - Good news. I didnt even think about calling you Austin. It was awesome meeting you and playing you. You're a nice guy. See you again soon hopefully (especially since you live so close to us)

@Steven - Love the Falcon...

@Sinz - C-c-c-combo breaker along with the grab out of your knee. (I will never forget... =D) Good matches. Glad you made it. But once you left Kykle showed up with chicken, pies, and a gallon of root beer!!!

@Z - Glad you made it. Fun matches!!!

@Ronald - Wanna play smash on thursday? I'll text you since you'll never read this.

@Neil and Lewis - Sorry I forgot to call back. Too distracted with smash lol. Next month no johns and no missing it!

We'll keep in touch about the once a month possibilities k. (Hi odds are saying yes)

Side note. Someone took my controller. It was either Ronald, Paul, Davis or Steven. It has tw1n carved on the side. If you accidentally took it could I get it back por favor.
Darn it, I'm sorry against I missed the fest. Oh well you win some you lose some. I certainly don't miss smashfests, I have a high ratio of smashfest attendance compared to time in the community, if not the highest :)

Ok, I really need to figure out who else is coming with Xion, Neil, and me to El Paso. We still need two more people to go in order for the trip to happen. Paul, August, someone?
Tru dat. Also, one more problem, I probably won't make it to your household at 6:00 pm due to CEC and other conflicts. If I do, it'll be an extremely close call and I'll be there at 6:15 pm at the latest. Sorry for the inconvenience.

*sigh* Everyday is looking worse. You can probably count me out. IF I can go, it'll likely be something last minute, at which point, it's probably too late. Sorry.
*sniff* looking on the bright side though, I don't think it'll be too late for you to attend, even if you find out that you can go to El Paso at the last minute. I bet you already know this, but other states, whose name I won't mention, has absolutely terrible OoS planning and we should be thankful for having Davis. (I'll give you a hint about the state if you don't know - it's in the Southwest). They end up finalizing plans on the evening they are supposed to leave, so it'll be fine if you find out that you can go at the last moment. The only thing that we would replace your seat in the car with is a setup, since a setup neutralizes the fee to enter the tournament (and there is no venue fee too yipee :lick:).
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