Mansion is gay because people have the "stay in the house" tactic that completely changes the way you have to approach them. Now normally, this would be a good thing, but I say the stage is actually BENEFICIAL for campers. You could, legitimately, land a hit and then run away forever on that stage... It actually reminds me of a much more gay Great Bay from Melee... almost temple gay. People can live forever...and it changes who would normally win a match, somewhat randomly.
If it's beneficial for MK, than it just is...oh well. not a huge deal. My problem is that it changes the round to include a lot of random things (running away, random ceiling spikes. bad edges, etc etc) that could completely change the match result from what it should be...regardless of who knows the stage best.Especially since people can do really gimpy things under the roof, like Olimar's usmash, Ike's upB... it's just a really random feeling stage. I'm in favor of banning it.
I'd say probably the most fair list at the moment would be:
Final Destination
Pokemon Stadium 1
Delfino Plaza
Castle Siege
Rainbow Cruise
Frigate Orpheon
Pirate Ship
Now, Pirate Ship, Orpheon, and Cruise have all been debated. I support them all, because I think they're all legitimate. Distant Planet, I support as well, but I can understand why it's kinda on the edge, so I just got rid of it.
Cruise benefits aerial characters...of which there are many...and hurts those with not too great recoveries...of which there are several. I don't really think it's an autowin for any character...or against any character other than perhaps Olimar. I'll be happy to take a $1 MM with my ZSS to back myself up on it. If the stage screws me, then I might have to change some of my opinions.
Orpheon only gays people under very different circumstances. Again, it's bad for Olimar...but as a counterpick, you know that they're going there, so you don't have to play Olimar...just a simple truth. I like the edge guarding factor n the right side of the first form...and the second form is just good. The walk off sides are helpful for recoveries at times...and nobody should ever get grabbed there. so I think the stage is very legit
Pirate Ship is a valuable counterpick for some characters with the water factor. Ganon was an excellent point there. If this should indeed be banned, I would not shed a tear or anything...but I think it's ok.
Brinstar...I really can't see any reason to debate its fairness. : /
Castle Siege only kills dumb oh well to them