YINK! VICE! TRIPS!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Time to outline what I've been looking into with some stuff of ness.
You guys all know I've been looking into FH aerials in depth. In general, Ness' FH movement ability is much greater than his SH movement ability; you can string basically any aerials together, you can advance or retreat, etc. and you don't even need your second jump to do so. SH'ing keeps you restricted to a small area near the ground and jumping a second time in the air takes a much longer amount of time to rise at it's start than any other character's secondary jump. Using your second jump is inadvisable for nearly every situation, IMO; if you have your second jump offstage OR onstage, you give yourself much more room to circumvent the enemy and to get to a place of safety. Having your secondary jump offstage is a godsend. If you DON'T have your secondary jump offstage, you're killing yourself.
So back to FH. All of the following work:
Nair > Dair (make sure not to FF and to input the Dair ASAP)
Nair > Bair (Always FF it. If not, you linger in the air too long)
Nair > Uair (Same as Bair; FF it always. Only use it w/o FF if your opponent is randomly above you)
Nair > Fair (Retreating safely = win)
Nair > Nair (if your opponent is right on top of you and are either airdodging or in the lag animation of a move. This is just if you need to get a hit and you are afraid of not making it in time)
Dair > Uair (Not advisable. Dair should always be used when ending aerial flight and in an AC fashion)
Dair > Fair (only the first hit(s) of fair get out. Also not advisable)
Dair > Nair (again... Laggy landing on isn't worth it)
Uair > (Bair, Nair, Fair) (FH Uair is more meant to get a person who is at a height above you.)
Uair > Uair (This works sometimes. The latter Uair, it is advisable to FF after using it.)
Bair > Dair ??????????? (still need to test... I thought it worked)
Bair > Bair (Bair wall is sometimes reasonable. Bair gives a 14-15 damage output, which is why I use it so often)
Bair > Uair (eh.... You have to move in with Bair, retreat as it comes out, and move back with uair and retreat when that comes out. A bit tricky to use, but it's okay)
Bair > Fair (lol)
Bair > Nair (like it. If you miss with bair, that move has a fairly big sourspot, which makes Nair slightly more reasonable to cover the ending)
Fair > Uair (LOVE THIS! At lower percents, it works well. The problem is you need to get under your opponent. Like DIRECTLY under. .... actually, overexaggerating. It's not as good as Bair walls)
Fair > Nair (eh... )
Fair > Bair (lol)
Fair > Dair ??????? (still don't know)
Now you can do that or you can vary slightly. Using a FH aerial first, with the exception of Dair, allows for you to go from aerial to PK Jump (although the PK Fire may or may not hit depending on which aerial and when you start it). Having the ability to PK Jump with safety is cool. xD
Now this is just going from flat stage area to flat stage area. When FH'ing between platforms you are given different options. For example, FH'ing up to SV's Moving platform will give timing for aerials similar to that of SH aerial strings. Bair > Uair works, Bair > Nair works, Nair > Nair works, Dair > AC works, Fair > Nair works, etc., but Nair > Bair doesn't work and Fair > Uair doesn't work.
On stages like BF, you can do slightly more. Nair > Bair works when going up from one platform to another with FH. (main stage > middle, or middle > top), and so does Fair > Uair.
PS1's main transformation has platforms that are of similar height in relation to the main platform to BF, so you can Nair > Bair and Fair > Uair.
I've yet to use all this stuff to it's full ability yet.
Now A main thing I've been looking into is SV. SV is a GREAT stage for ness. You can recover from under the stage if you are good enough and the platform gives enough leeway in the case of someone who can CG you. So, going with that, The platform is a great place to start.
I suck at it, but platform canceling can help a ton... I'll explain something else first.
Drop-thru platform aerial usage! xD YAY!
Bair: My favorite drop-thru aerial. You can retreat it from the enemy and it sets up for itself to be retreated so easily. You can hit the lower end of the opponent's shield and retreat, giving a push-back on the opponent while you retreat.
Uair: Quick. Normally hits the upper end of an opponent and can adjust timing to switch up on people.
Nair: eh... go with bair or uair.
Fair: dropping through a platform with this is iffy....
Now with all of the above, you can 100% make it back to the stage if you use your secondary jump ASAP from the aerial used. Uair will land perfectly on the stage, while Nair and Bair will have a bit of space and Fair has a tiny bit of space. *I'll give a video explanation of this in a while*
I know I'm forgetting something big...
Dash attack is just eh... It's only good if you can perfect-space it with the second and third hits.
I'll get back to this later...
Glad you're okay, Yink! xD Hopefully you won't have any future problems.