This is now a thread for general discussion, generally.
Chat, start up a Wifi Room or just hang out in the Ness XAT! ->
I'll start then >.<
Picture: Don't Have One At The Time But I'll Probably Get One In The Future.
Tag Use: Joker
Ness Costume:
Age: 24
Region: Midwest
Favorite Mother Game: Earthbound
Attend Tournaments: Pretty Active Also I host My Own Tourneys >.0
About Me: I'm A Snake Main But Ness Is Pretty Much My Secondary Since I Play Him Whenever I'm Not Using Snake. I Also Learn Everything I Know About Ness From Yink(Needs More Nairs)
Go go RocketPSIence.
Tag: rPSI
Ness Costume:
Age: 16
Region: Atl South
Favorite Mother Game: Mother 3
Attend Tournaments: When I don't have parent Johns.
About Me: I main Lucas. I also moderate the loocas boards. I talk with Yink a lot too.
Let me teleport in here...
Tag Name: Y1NK or Yink
Ness Costume:
Favorite PSI: PSI Flash Omega
Age: 19
Region: Midwest
Favorit MOTHER game: EarthBound
Attend Tournaments: You bet, as often as possible!
About me: Hi! I'm the moderator of the Ness board as most of you know. I love to play Tennis and jog in my spare time, as well as do digital design (because it's my job).
i shall use my fb profile pic
tag: TOB
ness costume:
secondary: ness is my just-for-fun secondary. a tertiary if you will. main lucas/zss
age: 15
region: Asia -.-
favourite mother game: mother 3 duhh
attend tournaments: gladly if i could. maybe wifi.
about me: i'm an ugly person who is a failure of a brawler because i can't get any tourney experience o:
Tag: Kole
Ness Costume:
Age: 14
Region: Southern California
Favorite Mother game: MOTHER 3
Attend tournaments: went to a few, will go to a lot more this summer.
About me: I don't have a cat.
Tag: Chuee
Ness costume:
Age: 14
Region: Midwest
Favorite PSI move: PK Cross
Favorite mother game: Super Mario Bros
Attend Tournaments: Every once in awhile
About me: MK da bess
Tag: Johnwalt or Jon on WIFI
Ness Costume:
Age: 16
Region: Texas :D
Favorite PSI: Ummm... why are you making me choose? D: (Pk Starstorm and Lifeup)
Attend Tournaments: Nope, can't drive yet >.>
About me: I Love Final Fantasy and Earthbound, dance music, and I am generally friendly... Unless you're impossible to get along with :3
Tag Name: CnL
Ness Costume:
Age: 18
Region: Northeast
Favorite MOTHER game: MOTHER3
Attend Tournaments: Yeppers. but CT doesn't have all that many.
About me: I loved playing as Ness since 64; when I was little I wanted to be just like him, whatever that meant. I remember asking my mom if I had any clothes that looked like his. which I didn't...
And since I'm goin to tourneys now I hope I'm becoming more known. As far as I know, I'm the only Ness main in CT. It feels good, man. Even though I don't always do good, I try to help Ness all that I can 
- - - - - - - -
and just for shfairs and giggles:
I'll make one for the lulz
pic:Don't have one yet
Tag: Trips/LichK
Ness Costume:
Age: 18
Region: Atl South
Favorite Mother game: Mother 3
Attend Tournaments: Until I can drive!
About Me: A bit shy is all I can say so I usually lurk. I never had a true main so I use Luigi, Lucas, and Ness pretty much even. I enjoy all kinds of art and music, especially music.
This is for Yink since she asked nicely <3
I haaaaaaate photos x_x
Tag: J
Favorite Ness costume:
(dag on right it's green!)
Age: 16 (well close enough anyways)
Region: MD/VA
Favorite Mother game: uhhhh I really wish I could play one to see ^^"
Attend tournaments: Everyone I can ;P (which is like one a month so pretty often)
About me: I main Lucas/ZSS (and Jiggly on the side). I used to main Ness through 64 and Melee. Just a random very active Lucas. Love the SSB series and I love Anime/Manga (<3). Talk to me if you want to know more ;3
A picture of yourself:
Tag used: Underload
Favorite Ness costume and secondary:
I only second Ness, actually. I main Snake.
Favorite PSI move: PK Fiyah
Age: 15
Region you live in: Southwest (Colorado)
Favorite MOTHER game (if you have one): MOTHER 2 (Earthbound)
Attend tournaments?: Usually, but I've been on hiatus for the past 3 months. I'm going to get back into the scene mid-July.
A little bit about you: Uhh, I'm the moderator of the Snake boards, and I stick around here 1. because I picked up Ness as my second character a while back, and 2. because the posters here are awesome. I very much enjoy music. Don't be hesitant to bring up music in a conversation with me.
mines at Yink's request :D
A picture of yourself:
<via facebook>
Tag used or name: Tag is KEN name is Kennypu
Favorite Ness costume and secondary (if you use one):
, Secondary:
Favorite PSI move: PK Fiyyah!!
Age: legal (18)
Region you live in (IE, Midwest): West (Hawaii)
Favorite MOTHER game (if you have one): Mother, Mother 2
Attend tournaments? Yes, every month
A little bit about you: other than a competitive gamer, I'm a web designer, game programmer, DJ, and straight up nerd :]
Tag used or name: levi or levitas
Favorite Ness costume and secondary (if you use one):
Secondary: lucas
Favorite PSI move: PSI healing omega
Age: 21
Region you live in (IE, Midwest): Midwest
Favorite MOTHER game (if you have one): They are all great
Attend tournaments? haven't for a while now
A little bit about you: Levitas is japanese for ancient greek for the moon
This is me a couple of months ago with bad lighting.
I play Ness for fun in melee
Favorite PSI Move: Psi powershield
Age: 19
Region: Md/Va
Mother 1 is my favorite
I go to melee tournaments.
I laik Ness lots.
Anyways Yink told me to make a profile thing, and I told her I didn't feel like it, but then I decided to do one if I could post a funny picture of me. xD
Tag: Crono
Ness Costume:
Age: 16
Region: West Coast
Favorite Mother Game: MOTHER2 / EarthBound
Favorite PSI move: PSI Flash c:
Attended Tournaments:Just went to a Offline tournament Recently and it was awesome. :D
About Me: I like long romantic walks on the beach. Oh- Wait.. LOL Anyways I've mained Ness ever since Smash 64 and he is my favorite character. : D My favorite color is green, and my favorite sport is Soccer. I also like Pie and Cake. : )
Profile tiiime
Name: Christopher
Favorite Ness costume and secondary: Original is my favourite and My secondaries are Lucas and Yoshi
Favorite PSI move: PSI Flash!
Age: 16
Region you live in (IE, Midwest): I live in England, derp
Favorite MOTHER game (if you have one): I love all of them, but Earthbound has been most enjoyable!
Attend tournaments?: Nope
A little bit about you: I love penguins, swimming is my favorite sport and I love games liek Earthbound and Yume Nikki. I can be naive, but I am very caring and often worry about others
Here's my profile now since I gots access to a computer. Make sure it's near the top because I'm so awesome.
Tag: Dajayman, Dajay, Djay
Ness costume:
Age: 20
Region: Midwest (Chicago, Illinois)
Attend tournaments: Indeed.
About me:
I am Dajayman. I am literally the coolest guy you will ever meet in your life. Been an active smasher since June 2008 and haven't stopped since. Been maining Ness since the beginning, I doubt I will ever drop the guy. My secondary is Donkey Kong because my favorite smasher, Ook, is just so beast with him and DK is such a beast character to play as. After that I use pretty much everyone else besides Diddy and Sonic (I hate those two f***s). I've been focusing a lot more on Smash lately, and I have gotten better. I'm pretty decent in singles, but I feel I really shine in doubles. I'm always down to team with a good teammate who I'll have good chemistry with, but don't you dare pick green team because I hate that abominable green Ness.
I'm usually broke but I still somehow to manage without much money... barely. I like to party and if you ever come by to Chicago you can party with me, I might even have a couple bucks to help throw down. As of right now I am also picking up the bass guitar, it's been something I've wanted to do for years and now it's finally starting to happen. My favorite rock band is Muse but my favorite artist is Lady Gaga. I'm a HUGE Lady Gaga fan. She is just a perfect woman, singer, songwriter, dancer, and performer. I'll automatically hate you if you talk bad about my Lady.
Well that's pretty much it. I'm going to be the best Ness in the world one day, so watch out Shaky, Smash64, Vicegrip, and FOW. I'm joining you all in the Ness Hall Of Fame.
Tag Name: Smash64
Ness Costume:
Age: 21
Region: Midwest
Favorite Mother Game: Earthbound
Attend Tournaments: yup now and then
About Me: i was born in Mexico City moved to the US when i was 10, I play soccer and i am aiming for pro, i like anime, my favorite games are ssb64, brawl, KOF, Earthbound, Mother 3, pokemon and marvel vs capcom 2, i like all types of music but my favorite is hardstyle music i also like to shuffle, my favorite animals are lizards, one of my goals is to visit Japan some day.
(This pic is a few years old)
Tag Name: Jiffy or Jiffyboob
Ness Costume: Default Ness.
Favorite PSI: PSI Rockin Omega
Age: Let's just say I'm old enough.
Region: Midwest
Favorite MOTHER game: EarthBound
Attend Tournaments: Offline tournies are too fun to pass up.
About me: My real name is Dan and I live in Canton, Ohio. I enjoy smash, learning, and hanging out as my mostly non-active activities. I also enjoy hiking, rock climbing, gardening, traveling, and jogging as well. The best things for me so far in life are having fun and intelligent conversation. I'm rather mixed about what music, books, and movies I enjoy. All of it depends really. I love my dog Daisy alot. At my job, I work on the molecular orientation of polymer molecules (inside joke but it is true). I own a house and 2 cars. I picked up Ness in Brawl because of my friend whose last name happens to be Lucas picked up and did well with Lucas. (He happens to have kinda light hair as opposed to my dark hair) I wanted to beat him on fairly equal terms and with like characters so I picked up Ness.
Let's be official with this. This is me being a stud, by the way.
Name: Dan
Tag Name: Tomato/Tomato13187/Brontosaurus
Tag Name: P4, P For, KARA
Ness Costume:
Favorite PSI: PK Fiyaa
Age: 19
Region: South (TX)
Favorite MOTHER game: Mother 3 or EB
Attend Tournaments: Every Hobo and most OoC tournies
About me: I love Smash and I main MK, but I looove Ness and I wanna main him, but for now he's my solid secondary. I also love photography, art, and music
Tag: rpgfighter (rpg works too)
Ness Costume:
(Also use purple Lucas.)
Age: 14
Region: USA,East Coast, Virginia, NOVA, Chantilly.
Favorite Mother Game: EarthBound (In my SNES right now on my 19th run!)
Attend Tournaments: For 3s, SSF4 and Melee. Starting to go for this.
About Me: Originally have been a Melee player but now I will try some Brawl. See If I can like both. I also am a avid 2-D fighter and I go by keninblack on srk.
I know I'm late for this but here it goes... (for Yink)

Uploaded with
Tag Name: Shaky
Ness Costume:
Favorite PSI: PSI Thunder
Age: 17
Region: South (Florida)
Favorit MOTHER game: EarthBound
Attend Tournaments: Yup.
About me: I'm a ness main from Florida :D
Oh wow I just saw all those fancy profiles on the first page now. I must have been away while that was happening :X
There are no good pictures of me anywhere, so here's my trollin' pic from facebook:
Yeah I'm a fatty.
Tag Name: AvariceX (ceX in-game)
Ness Costume: Blue (I originally played Red but now play Young Ness to represent that I don't properly represent his full potential and I will not revert to Red until I feel I actually play the game and the character properly)
Favorite PSI: PSI Rickroll
Age: 24
Region: Canadian Midwest (yeah I made up a region name, deal)
Favorite MOTHER game: EarthBound
Attend Tournaments: Yeah, but Ontario Brawl is dead
About me: I'm Ryan, I'm a 3rd year Computer Networking Technology student with a 4.0 GPA =). I also play SSFIV competitively, used to be ranked 3rd in the world at Castlevania: Judgment (lol obscurity), and am working on learning competitive Starcraft 2 and BBCS. And I've just been told (no more than 20 seconds ago) on MSN that I'm apparently picking up Vampire Savior as well.
Tag: EGAL/JolTz (still Eagleye to everyone who knew me before though, isJolTz is a nickname I want to switch to)
Age: 19
Ness Costume: Random, not Original (best are green and saturn)
Region: Illinois
Favourite PSI: PSI Thunder Ω
Favourite Mother game: Earthbound, but Mother3 for the music combos
Attend tournaments: Not really anymore. Just random school ones.
Secondary: I used to second Kirby, tried picking up Marth, D3, CF, Pika, and many more, but none are as fluent as I am with Ness
About Me: I don't really know. This past year has been more defining for me. I'm no longer a major Smash advocate just because I've started growing away from video games in the past couple months. I only really play LoL and Tetris, Smash for fun when I can. I'm currently a sophomore at UIUC studying electrical engineering. I want to do so much that I don't really know where to start. I write poetry in my free-time when I'm not hanging out with friends or playing the few games I still do play. I really want to learn how to play music and have only recently started looking into learning piano and asked one of my friends for stuff (it would help if I knew some ladies who were skilled at piano....) Otherwise, I'm just a spontaneous ball of witty humor and dry humor mixed into one. If I'm being srs, it's more just in relation to clubs or homework or making sure I don't get in trouble from shining laser-pointers in people's windows at night.
can i one-up avariceX by being even later to the party?
Tag Name: varies between "red" and "LSD"
Ness Costume: Blue (get it, cause i use the name "red." what a barrel of laughs)
Favorite PSI: i usually name it "peyote" or "DMT" 'cause of all the colors. what a surprise!
Age: 22
Region: Southeast
Favorite MOTHER game: EarthBound and Mother 3 are pretty much tied at this point
Attend Tournaments: I would but have too much of a life going on outside of the game
About me: I'm an insane melange of chemicals that goes out of its way to spread its strangeness to others from time to time. Also an air traffic controller in progress. I like experimental music. I hate routine, variety being the spice of life and all. i sure love me some spices.
i think that picture is almost three years old
I should whip up a profile too.
Tag name: MAGUS
Ness Costume: Alternating between bumblebee, Saturn, and white shirts. Bumblebee right now.
Favorite PSI: PK uiuuh
Age: Young
Region: West
Favorite MOTHER game: EarthBound
Attend tournaments: I want to. I might have the means pretty soon.
About me: My Smash improvement has been a long and painful road. I used to be a middle-of-the-road player who chose whatever and spammed Pikathunder. In ninth grade, I became co-president of a video game club with a Fox main who, along with some of his upperclassman friends, stomped me to the ground every match (Fox's usmash is burned into my retinas). In my quest for vengeance, I became a Ness main. I'm not sure why, in retrospect, but Ness soon went from "weird guy with the bad recovery" to "total dudebro". Everything just kept getting better from there.
tl:dr I'm funny and would probably place around the middle in a tournament, depending on who I went up against first. My secondary is Olimar.
Outside of Smash, I enjoy writing, racquetball, improv comedy, and browsing TV Tropes.
Tag name: It was Tofer, but now it is Bubba
Ness Costume:
Age: 19
Favorite PSI: Offensive Up Omega!
Region: Southwest, Texas!
Favorite Mother game: EarthBound! I grew up with it.
Attend tournaments: I do, but only if I have the money for them.
About me: I like playing Brawl for friends, I am not really one to stress over not being good. I just play for fun. I love EarthBound, favorite game ever. I main Olimar and Peach, but I wanna learn Ness. I don't want to not know how to play my favorite character.
Tag Name: GASHI, Furry, or isMad
Ness Costume: Cyan yoshi... ohwait,
Favorite PSI: PK Egg Toss
Age: 18
Region: Utah, it deserves it's own region
Favorite MOTHER game: Never played any mother games.
Attend Tournaments: Are you kidding? I run everything smash here!! 100% attendance for me.
About me: Im a furry who loves everything yoshi. I'm the Tournament Director in Utah and also run the power rankings, create the rulesets, run the Utah gaming forums, and am the head of Smash in the UGL (Utah Gaming League), so as you can tell, I'm very into smash. I'm a very open person and don't give a shee what others think about me. I express myself to the extent where people think I don't hold anything back and have even been known to do such things as wearing a tail in public. I'm a senior in high school who can't wait to graduate. I have a girlfriend who's currently in France as an exchange student, and miss her daily ridicule and sense of humor very much. Aside from smash, I also play other fighting games such as Soul Calibur and BlazBlue competitivly and am a top ranked Yu-Gi-Oh player in my state. I work at GameStop and hope to open my own video/card gaming store in the future.
Name: PSI.kick
Tag: Whatever i feel like at the time
(currently Ninja or PSI)
Ness Costume: Saturn Ness da bess!
(almost said green ness
Secondary: ... n____n i main olimar
Age: 16
Region: Northeast Kansas all the way!
Favorite PSI move: PSI-kick of course, otherwise known as b-air. Who care's if it isn't something like pkt or pkf? can a regular kid kick someone in midair and have lightning shoot out of his feet causing said kicked person to fly hundreds of feet in the air? Didn't think so. Moving on.
Tourneys: I try to make what I can locally and will be going to some OoS ones in the future
Favorite Mother game: Well, i played Earthbound for about 4 hours, ended up not being able to save.
Little bit about yourself: I've been playing smash for just about a year now. I like music, video games, and having long discussions on the meaning of life. I play the viola and picked up the electric guitar about 2 years ago, and enjoy making jelly on it with my sick [30$ ;-;] amp. I got on smashboards in september, and learned its a cool community of gamers that I can relate to somewhat. If compared to the majority of people in our culture I would be deemed quite odd, but I don't care. It makes me who I am. Overall I'm just a guy who's trying to enjoy life while it's happening, without hitting too many bumps along the way.
Trust me, I know it's a bad picture. I was caught by surprise on camera seconds after I woke up, and that old camera was horrid. Don't have a better picture to show you, unfortunately.
Tag name: Ken, Rick, or Frightbot. Make your pick.
Ness costume:
Age: 16
Favorite PSI: PSI Ground. (Teehee it's so cheap)
Secondary: Lucas
Region: Northeast
Favorite MOTHER game: Earthbound, grew up with it after all.
Attend tournaments: I have in the past (Just not on this forum) when my wifi was working, but not anymore seeing as it doesn't.
About me: Sup sup sup
As you'll find I can be classified as sarcastic and slightly awkward. I'm a painfully mediocre artist, a big fan of the MOTHER series, and of course a Ness main. I live in a little Brawl-depraved town in PA (Goddamn I miss Vancouver). I also love to play music and am able to play electric bass and a 12-hole ocarina.
Also, I'm taken. Pffhh. As if that'll change anything.
Tag Name: Raziek (RAZ in-game)
Ness Costume:
Favorite PSI: PSI Flash
Age: 19
Region: Canada!
Favorite MOTHER game: EarthBound
Attend Tournaments: Yep, and I host them in Nova Scotia, too!
About me: I'm Yink's love interest, and a Marth player (primarily, I do dabble in Ness) from Nova Scotia. I'm also a big fan of liberal stages and rulesets.
Woah!!!(echo) What up Yall :D
Picture :
Tag Name: Kyro
Ness Costume:
Favorite PSI: PSI Freeze Ω
Age: 20
Region: Southwest
Favorit MOTHER game: EarthBound
Attend Tournaments: YES YES YES OHHH!!!
About me: I love the sea and all that inhabit it, H2O for life. I do a lot of research in my spare time along with working out.
Age: 20
Region: Ile-De-France (around Paris)
Favorite PSI: PSI Flash and Rockin'
Favorite mother game: Earthbound. It's the only one I have played, and only through an emulator
Attend Tournaments: Online tournaments on DeviantArt.
About me: My favourite franchises are Pokémon and F-Zero. My most recent game is Resident Evil Revelations on the 3DS.
Tag: Timmy
Age: 14 (Am I the youngest one here? =P)
Ness Costume:
Region: Canada (More specifically Laval, Quebec)
Favorite PSI: PK Ground, Freeze, Rockin, Love, Healing and Lifeup (Yeah I know it's a lot XD)
Favorite Mother game: Mother 3
Attend Tournaments: Nope, though I do play on wi-fi and I hopefully will get to participate in tourneys soon. Plus there aren't exactly many tourneys in my area =P
About me: I love video games, particularly Nintendo ones. (Mario, Kirby, Earthbound, Pokemon, etc.) I'm not very athletic nor fond of reading, but I do very well in school ^__^ I am a shy person and I do have to deal with nonsense from parents and siblings, but otherwise I find my life fine.
About brawl... I had 10 mains back then. Yep, 10. I used Ness, Lucas, Mario, Luigi, Toon Link, Yoshi, ICs, Kirby, PT and Olimar, but now my true main is Ness. However, I can also use Toon Link, Kirby, Peach and Lucas now. Unfortunately I do lack MU and Tourney experience, but I shall try to do my best to help Ness with the MUs, Tier List and other things.
Tag: pidgezero_one (in-game tags: PZ_O, HELP!, ***, ARSE, JMadn, 99999, ?!?!?,
Age: mid 20s
Ness Costume:
Region: Southern Ontario
Favourite PSI: does PK beam count?
Favourite Mother game: Earthbound, but they're all fantastic
Attend tournaments: all the time
Secondary: also mains kirby, seconds dedede and pikachu and peach
About Me: Hi, I'm bad at video games. I eat a lot of poutine. I work at an independent game store and gaming venue in Toronto. I study industrial engineering and bioengineering, specializing in the applications of human factors to health care. I dunno what else to put here.
Tag: Jam, Jamwa
Age: 1995
Ness Costume: Saturn > Blue > Original
Region: Melbourne, Aus
Favourite PSI: PSI Lifeup, but i think the PSI Fire animation is awesome
Favourite Mother game: Mother 3
Attend tournaments: Any monthly/meetup/major that is held here in Melbourne
Secondary: I also main Lucas
About Me: I like science, I like sad video games/anime (code geass & mother 3 especially), and Adventure Time! Me gusta Reddit and Memebase.
no me gusta school
Okay peeps, probably time for my profile:
Favourite ness costume:
Age: 16!
Region: Australia, mate!
Favourite MOTHER game?: Oh ummmm, Earthbound for me! <3
Attend tournaments?: I try!
About me: I love animals, video-games and living life to be as happy as I can be. I'm generally a really upbeat person and want to do the best I can in my pursuits. Becoming a national/international threat in smash tournaments is a dream for me, for instance. I really love Ness and Lucas and their games are awesome. I hope to see many of you in tournament someday! ^_^
Chat, start up a Wifi Room or just hang out in the Ness XAT! ->


I'll start then >.<
Picture: Don't Have One At The Time But I'll Probably Get One In The Future.

Tag Use: Joker
Ness Costume:

Age: 24
Region: Midwest
Favorite Mother Game: Earthbound
Attend Tournaments: Pretty Active Also I host My Own Tourneys >.0
About Me: I'm A Snake Main But Ness Is Pretty Much My Secondary Since I Play Him Whenever I'm Not Using Snake. I Also Learn Everything I Know About Ness From Yink(Needs More Nairs)
Go go RocketPSIence.

Tag: rPSI
Ness Costume:

Age: 16
Region: Atl South
Favorite Mother Game: Mother 3
Attend Tournaments: When I don't have parent Johns.
About Me: I main Lucas. I also moderate the loocas boards. I talk with Yink a lot too.
Let me teleport in here...

Tag Name: Y1NK or Yink
Ness Costume:

Favorite PSI: PSI Flash Omega
Age: 19
Region: Midwest
Favorit MOTHER game: EarthBound
Attend Tournaments: You bet, as often as possible!
About me: Hi! I'm the moderator of the Ness board as most of you know. I love to play Tennis and jog in my spare time, as well as do digital design (because it's my job).
i shall use my fb profile pic

tag: TOB
ness costume:

secondary: ness is my just-for-fun secondary. a tertiary if you will. main lucas/zss
age: 15
region: Asia -.-
favourite mother game: mother 3 duhh
attend tournaments: gladly if i could. maybe wifi.
about me: i'm an ugly person who is a failure of a brawler because i can't get any tourney experience o:

Tag: Kole
Ness Costume:

Age: 14
Region: Southern California
Favorite Mother game: MOTHER 3
Attend tournaments: went to a few, will go to a lot more this summer.
About me: I don't have a cat.

Tag: Chuee
Ness costume:

Age: 14
Region: Midwest
Favorite PSI move: PK Cross
Favorite mother game: Super Mario Bros
Attend Tournaments: Every once in awhile
About me: MK da bess

Tag: Johnwalt or Jon on WIFI
Ness Costume:

Age: 16
Region: Texas :D
Favorite PSI: Ummm... why are you making me choose? D: (Pk Starstorm and Lifeup)
Attend Tournaments: Nope, can't drive yet >.>
About me: I Love Final Fantasy and Earthbound, dance music, and I am generally friendly... Unless you're impossible to get along with :3
Tag Name: CnL
Ness Costume:

Age: 18
Region: Northeast
Favorite MOTHER game: MOTHER3
Attend Tournaments: Yeppers. but CT doesn't have all that many.
About me: I loved playing as Ness since 64; when I was little I wanted to be just like him, whatever that meant. I remember asking my mom if I had any clothes that looked like his. which I didn't...
- - - - - - - -
and just for shfairs and giggles:
I'll make one for the lulz
pic:Don't have one yet
Tag: Trips/LichK
Ness Costume:
Age: 18
Region: Atl South
Favorite Mother game: Mother 3
Attend Tournaments: Until I can drive!
About Me: A bit shy is all I can say so I usually lurk. I never had a true main so I use Luigi, Lucas, and Ness pretty much even. I enjoy all kinds of art and music, especially music.
This is for Yink since she asked nicely <3

I haaaaaaate photos x_x
Tag: J
Favorite Ness costume:

Age: 16 (well close enough anyways)
Region: MD/VA
Favorite Mother game: uhhhh I really wish I could play one to see ^^"
Attend tournaments: Everyone I can ;P (which is like one a month so pretty often)
About me: I main Lucas/ZSS (and Jiggly on the side). I used to main Ness through 64 and Melee. Just a random very active Lucas. Love the SSB series and I love Anime/Manga (<3). Talk to me if you want to know more ;3
A picture of yourself:

Tag used: Underload
Favorite Ness costume and secondary:

Favorite PSI move: PK Fiyah
Age: 15
Region you live in: Southwest (Colorado)
Favorite MOTHER game (if you have one): MOTHER 2 (Earthbound)
Attend tournaments?: Usually, but I've been on hiatus for the past 3 months. I'm going to get back into the scene mid-July.
A little bit about you: Uhh, I'm the moderator of the Snake boards, and I stick around here 1. because I picked up Ness as my second character a while back, and 2. because the posters here are awesome. I very much enjoy music. Don't be hesitant to bring up music in a conversation with me.
mines at Yink's request :D
A picture of yourself:

<via facebook>
Tag used or name: Tag is KEN name is Kennypu
Favorite Ness costume and secondary (if you use one):

Favorite PSI move: PK Fiyyah!!
Age: legal (18)
Region you live in (IE, Midwest): West (Hawaii)
Favorite MOTHER game (if you have one): Mother, Mother 2
Attend tournaments? Yes, every month
A little bit about you: other than a competitive gamer, I'm a web designer, game programmer, DJ, and straight up nerd :]
Levitas {retired mod}

Tag used or name: levi or levitas
Favorite Ness costume and secondary (if you use one):

Favorite PSI move: PSI healing omega
Age: 21
Region you live in (IE, Midwest): Midwest
Favorite MOTHER game (if you have one): They are all great
Attend tournaments? haven't for a while now
A little bit about you: Levitas is japanese for ancient greek for the moon

This is me a couple of months ago with bad lighting.
I play Ness for fun in melee
Favorite PSI Move: Psi powershield
Age: 19
Region: Md/Va
Mother 1 is my favorite
I go to melee tournaments.
I laik Ness lots.
Anyways Yink told me to make a profile thing, and I told her I didn't feel like it, but then I decided to do one if I could post a funny picture of me. xD

Tag: Crono
Ness Costume:

Age: 16
Region: West Coast
Favorite Mother Game: MOTHER2 / EarthBound
Favorite PSI move: PSI Flash c:
Attended Tournaments:Just went to a Offline tournament Recently and it was awesome. :D
About Me: I like long romantic walks on the beach. Oh- Wait.. LOL Anyways I've mained Ness ever since Smash 64 and he is my favorite character. : D My favorite color is green, and my favorite sport is Soccer. I also like Pie and Cake. : )
Profile tiiime

Name: Christopher
Favorite Ness costume and secondary: Original is my favourite and My secondaries are Lucas and Yoshi
Favorite PSI move: PSI Flash!
Age: 16
Region you live in (IE, Midwest): I live in England, derp
Favorite MOTHER game (if you have one): I love all of them, but Earthbound has been most enjoyable!
Attend tournaments?: Nope
A little bit about you: I love penguins, swimming is my favorite sport and I love games liek Earthbound and Yume Nikki. I can be naive, but I am very caring and often worry about others
Here's my profile now since I gots access to a computer. Make sure it's near the top because I'm so awesome.

Tag: Dajayman, Dajay, Djay
Ness costume:

Age: 20
Region: Midwest (Chicago, Illinois)
Attend tournaments: Indeed.
About me:
I am Dajayman. I am literally the coolest guy you will ever meet in your life. Been an active smasher since June 2008 and haven't stopped since. Been maining Ness since the beginning, I doubt I will ever drop the guy. My secondary is Donkey Kong because my favorite smasher, Ook, is just so beast with him and DK is such a beast character to play as. After that I use pretty much everyone else besides Diddy and Sonic (I hate those two f***s). I've been focusing a lot more on Smash lately, and I have gotten better. I'm pretty decent in singles, but I feel I really shine in doubles. I'm always down to team with a good teammate who I'll have good chemistry with, but don't you dare pick green team because I hate that abominable green Ness.
I'm usually broke but I still somehow to manage without much money... barely. I like to party and if you ever come by to Chicago you can party with me, I might even have a couple bucks to help throw down. As of right now I am also picking up the bass guitar, it's been something I've wanted to do for years and now it's finally starting to happen. My favorite rock band is Muse but my favorite artist is Lady Gaga. I'm a HUGE Lady Gaga fan. She is just a perfect woman, singer, songwriter, dancer, and performer. I'll automatically hate you if you talk bad about my Lady.
Well that's pretty much it. I'm going to be the best Ness in the world one day, so watch out Shaky, Smash64, Vicegrip, and FOW. I'm joining you all in the Ness Hall Of Fame.
Tag Name: Smash64

Ness Costume:

Age: 21
Region: Midwest
Favorite Mother Game: Earthbound
Attend Tournaments: yup now and then
About Me: i was born in Mexico City moved to the US when i was 10, I play soccer and i am aiming for pro, i like anime, my favorite games are ssb64, brawl, KOF, Earthbound, Mother 3, pokemon and marvel vs capcom 2, i like all types of music but my favorite is hardstyle music i also like to shuffle, my favorite animals are lizards, one of my goals is to visit Japan some day.

(This pic is a few years old)
Tag Name: Jiffy or Jiffyboob
Ness Costume: Default Ness.

Favorite PSI: PSI Rockin Omega
Age: Let's just say I'm old enough.
Region: Midwest
Favorite MOTHER game: EarthBound
Attend Tournaments: Offline tournies are too fun to pass up.
About me: My real name is Dan and I live in Canton, Ohio. I enjoy smash, learning, and hanging out as my mostly non-active activities. I also enjoy hiking, rock climbing, gardening, traveling, and jogging as well. The best things for me so far in life are having fun and intelligent conversation. I'm rather mixed about what music, books, and movies I enjoy. All of it depends really. I love my dog Daisy alot. At my job, I work on the molecular orientation of polymer molecules (inside joke but it is true). I own a house and 2 cars. I picked up Ness in Brawl because of my friend whose last name happens to be Lucas picked up and did well with Lucas. (He happens to have kinda light hair as opposed to my dark hair) I wanted to beat him on fairly equal terms and with like characters so I picked up Ness.

Let's be official with this. This is me being a stud, by the way.

Name: Dan
Tag Name: Tomato/Tomato13187/Brontosaurus

Tag Name: P4, P For, KARA
Ness Costume:
Favorite PSI: PK Fiyaa
Age: 19
Region: South (TX)
Favorite MOTHER game: Mother 3 or EB
Attend Tournaments: Every Hobo and most OoC tournies
About me: I love Smash and I main MK, but I looove Ness and I wanna main him, but for now he's my solid secondary. I also love photography, art, and music

Tag: rpgfighter (rpg works too)
Ness Costume:

Age: 14
Region: USA,East Coast, Virginia, NOVA, Chantilly.
Favorite Mother Game: EarthBound (In my SNES right now on my 19th run!)
Attend Tournaments: For 3s, SSF4 and Melee. Starting to go for this.
About Me: Originally have been a Melee player but now I will try some Brawl. See If I can like both. I also am a avid 2-D fighter and I go by keninblack on srk.
I know I'm late for this but here it goes... (for Yink)

Uploaded with
Tag Name: Shaky
Ness Costume:
Favorite PSI: PSI Thunder
Age: 17
Region: South (Florida)
Favorit MOTHER game: EarthBound
Attend Tournaments: Yup.
About me: I'm a ness main from Florida :D
Oh wow I just saw all those fancy profiles on the first page now. I must have been away while that was happening :X
There are no good pictures of me anywhere, so here's my trollin' pic from facebook:

Yeah I'm a fatty.
Tag Name: AvariceX (ceX in-game)
Ness Costume: Blue (I originally played Red but now play Young Ness to represent that I don't properly represent his full potential and I will not revert to Red until I feel I actually play the game and the character properly)
Favorite PSI: PSI Rickroll
Age: 24
Region: Canadian Midwest (yeah I made up a region name, deal)
Favorite MOTHER game: EarthBound
Attend Tournaments: Yeah, but Ontario Brawl is dead
About me: I'm Ryan, I'm a 3rd year Computer Networking Technology student with a 4.0 GPA =). I also play SSFIV competitively, used to be ranked 3rd in the world at Castlevania: Judgment (lol obscurity), and am working on learning competitive Starcraft 2 and BBCS. And I've just been told (no more than 20 seconds ago) on MSN that I'm apparently picking up Vampire Savior as well.

Tag: EGAL/JolTz (still Eagleye to everyone who knew me before though, isJolTz is a nickname I want to switch to)
Age: 19
Ness Costume: Random, not Original (best are green and saturn)
Region: Illinois
Favourite PSI: PSI Thunder Ω
Favourite Mother game: Earthbound, but Mother3 for the music combos
Attend tournaments: Not really anymore. Just random school ones.
Secondary: I used to second Kirby, tried picking up Marth, D3, CF, Pika, and many more, but none are as fluent as I am with Ness
About Me: I don't really know. This past year has been more defining for me. I'm no longer a major Smash advocate just because I've started growing away from video games in the past couple months. I only really play LoL and Tetris, Smash for fun when I can. I'm currently a sophomore at UIUC studying electrical engineering. I want to do so much that I don't really know where to start. I write poetry in my free-time when I'm not hanging out with friends or playing the few games I still do play. I really want to learn how to play music and have only recently started looking into learning piano and asked one of my friends for stuff (it would help if I knew some ladies who were skilled at piano....) Otherwise, I'm just a spontaneous ball of witty humor and dry humor mixed into one. If I'm being srs, it's more just in relation to clubs or homework or making sure I don't get in trouble from shining laser-pointers in people's windows at night.
can i one-up avariceX by being even later to the party?

Tag Name: varies between "red" and "LSD"
Ness Costume: Blue (get it, cause i use the name "red." what a barrel of laughs)
Favorite PSI: i usually name it "peyote" or "DMT" 'cause of all the colors. what a surprise!
Age: 22
Region: Southeast
Favorite MOTHER game: EarthBound and Mother 3 are pretty much tied at this point
Attend Tournaments: I would but have too much of a life going on outside of the game
About me: I'm an insane melange of chemicals that goes out of its way to spread its strangeness to others from time to time. Also an air traffic controller in progress. I like experimental music. I hate routine, variety being the spice of life and all. i sure love me some spices.
i think that picture is almost three years old
I should whip up a profile too.

Tag name: MAGUS
Ness Costume: Alternating between bumblebee, Saturn, and white shirts. Bumblebee right now.
Favorite PSI: PK uiuuh
Age: Young
Region: West
Favorite MOTHER game: EarthBound
Attend tournaments: I want to. I might have the means pretty soon.
About me: My Smash improvement has been a long and painful road. I used to be a middle-of-the-road player who chose whatever and spammed Pikathunder. In ninth grade, I became co-president of a video game club with a Fox main who, along with some of his upperclassman friends, stomped me to the ground every match (Fox's usmash is burned into my retinas). In my quest for vengeance, I became a Ness main. I'm not sure why, in retrospect, but Ness soon went from "weird guy with the bad recovery" to "total dudebro". Everything just kept getting better from there.
tl:dr I'm funny and would probably place around the middle in a tournament, depending on who I went up against first. My secondary is Olimar.
Outside of Smash, I enjoy writing, racquetball, improv comedy, and browsing TV Tropes.

Tag name: It was Tofer, but now it is Bubba
Ness Costume:

Age: 19
Favorite PSI: Offensive Up Omega!
Region: Southwest, Texas!
Favorite Mother game: EarthBound! I grew up with it.
Attend tournaments: I do, but only if I have the money for them.
About me: I like playing Brawl for friends, I am not really one to stress over not being good. I just play for fun. I love EarthBound, favorite game ever. I main Olimar and Peach, but I wanna learn Ness. I don't want to not know how to play my favorite character.

Tag Name: GASHI, Furry, or isMad
Ness Costume: Cyan yoshi... ohwait,

Favorite PSI: PK Egg Toss
Age: 18
Region: Utah, it deserves it's own region
Favorite MOTHER game: Never played any mother games.
Attend Tournaments: Are you kidding? I run everything smash here!! 100% attendance for me.
About me: Im a furry who loves everything yoshi. I'm the Tournament Director in Utah and also run the power rankings, create the rulesets, run the Utah gaming forums, and am the head of Smash in the UGL (Utah Gaming League), so as you can tell, I'm very into smash. I'm a very open person and don't give a shee what others think about me. I express myself to the extent where people think I don't hold anything back and have even been known to do such things as wearing a tail in public. I'm a senior in high school who can't wait to graduate. I have a girlfriend who's currently in France as an exchange student, and miss her daily ridicule and sense of humor very much. Aside from smash, I also play other fighting games such as Soul Calibur and BlazBlue competitivly and am a top ranked Yu-Gi-Oh player in my state. I work at GameStop and hope to open my own video/card gaming store in the future.

Name: PSI.kick
Tag: Whatever i feel like at the time
(currently Ninja or PSI)
Ness Costume: Saturn Ness da bess!

Secondary: ... n____n i main olimar
Age: 16
Region: Northeast Kansas all the way!
Favorite PSI move: PSI-kick of course, otherwise known as b-air. Who care's if it isn't something like pkt or pkf? can a regular kid kick someone in midair and have lightning shoot out of his feet causing said kicked person to fly hundreds of feet in the air? Didn't think so. Moving on.
Tourneys: I try to make what I can locally and will be going to some OoS ones in the future
Favorite Mother game: Well, i played Earthbound for about 4 hours, ended up not being able to save.
Little bit about yourself: I've been playing smash for just about a year now. I like music, video games, and having long discussions on the meaning of life. I play the viola and picked up the electric guitar about 2 years ago, and enjoy making jelly on it with my sick [30$ ;-;] amp. I got on smashboards in september, and learned its a cool community of gamers that I can relate to somewhat. If compared to the majority of people in our culture I would be deemed quite odd, but I don't care. It makes me who I am. Overall I'm just a guy who's trying to enjoy life while it's happening, without hitting too many bumps along the way.

Trust me, I know it's a bad picture. I was caught by surprise on camera seconds after I woke up, and that old camera was horrid. Don't have a better picture to show you, unfortunately.
Tag name: Ken, Rick, or Frightbot. Make your pick.
Ness costume:

Age: 16
Favorite PSI: PSI Ground. (Teehee it's so cheap)
Secondary: Lucas
Region: Northeast
Favorite MOTHER game: Earthbound, grew up with it after all.
Attend tournaments: I have in the past (Just not on this forum) when my wifi was working, but not anymore seeing as it doesn't.
About me: Sup sup sup
As you'll find I can be classified as sarcastic and slightly awkward. I'm a painfully mediocre artist, a big fan of the MOTHER series, and of course a Ness main. I live in a little Brawl-depraved town in PA (Goddamn I miss Vancouver). I also love to play music and am able to play electric bass and a 12-hole ocarina.
Also, I'm taken. Pffhh. As if that'll change anything.
Oh hay, what's up? Yink asked me to make a profile. :3

Tag Name: Raziek (RAZ in-game)
Ness Costume:

Favorite PSI: PSI Flash
Age: 19
Region: Canada!
Favorite MOTHER game: EarthBound
Attend Tournaments: Yep, and I host them in Nova Scotia, too!
About me: I'm Yink's love interest, and a Marth player (primarily, I do dabble in Ness) from Nova Scotia. I'm also a big fan of liberal stages and rulesets.
Woah!!!(echo) What up Yall :D
Picture :

Tag Name: Kyro
Ness Costume:

Favorite PSI: PSI Freeze Ω
Age: 20
Region: Southwest
Favorit MOTHER game: EarthBound
Attend Tournaments: YES YES YES OHHH!!!
About me: I love the sea and all that inhabit it, H2O for life. I do a lot of research in my spare time along with working out.
Flame Hyenard
Age: 20
Region: Ile-De-France (around Paris)
Favorite PSI: PSI Flash and Rockin'
Favorite mother game: Earthbound. It's the only one I have played, and only through an emulator
Attend Tournaments: Online tournaments on DeviantArt.
About me: My favourite franchises are Pokémon and F-Zero. My most recent game is Resident Evil Revelations on the 3DS.

Tag: Timmy
Age: 14 (Am I the youngest one here? =P)
Ness Costume:

Region: Canada (More specifically Laval, Quebec)
Favorite PSI: PK Ground, Freeze, Rockin, Love, Healing and Lifeup (Yeah I know it's a lot XD)
Favorite Mother game: Mother 3
Attend Tournaments: Nope, though I do play on wi-fi and I hopefully will get to participate in tourneys soon. Plus there aren't exactly many tourneys in my area =P
About me: I love video games, particularly Nintendo ones. (Mario, Kirby, Earthbound, Pokemon, etc.) I'm not very athletic nor fond of reading, but I do very well in school ^__^ I am a shy person and I do have to deal with nonsense from parents and siblings, but otherwise I find my life fine.
About brawl... I had 10 mains back then. Yep, 10. I used Ness, Lucas, Mario, Luigi, Toon Link, Yoshi, ICs, Kirby, PT and Olimar, but now my true main is Ness. However, I can also use Toon Link, Kirby, Peach and Lucas now. Unfortunately I do lack MU and Tourney experience, but I shall try to do my best to help Ness with the MUs, Tier List and other things.

Tag: pidgezero_one (in-game tags: PZ_O, HELP!, ***, ARSE, JMadn, 99999, ?!?!?,
Age: mid 20s
Ness Costume:

Region: Southern Ontario
Favourite PSI: does PK beam count?
Favourite Mother game: Earthbound, but they're all fantastic
Attend tournaments: all the time
Secondary: also mains kirby, seconds dedede and pikachu and peach
About Me: Hi, I'm bad at video games. I eat a lot of poutine. I work at an independent game store and gaming venue in Toronto. I study industrial engineering and bioengineering, specializing in the applications of human factors to health care. I dunno what else to put here.

Tag: Jam, Jamwa
Age: 1995
Ness Costume: Saturn > Blue > Original
Region: Melbourne, Aus
Favourite PSI: PSI Lifeup, but i think the PSI Fire animation is awesome
Favourite Mother game: Mother 3
Attend tournaments: Any monthly/meetup/major that is held here in Melbourne
Secondary: I also main Lucas
About Me: I like science, I like sad video games/anime (code geass & mother 3 especially), and Adventure Time! Me gusta Reddit and Memebase.
no me gusta school
Okay peeps, probably time for my profile:

Favourite ness costume:
Age: 16!

Region: Australia, mate!
Favourite MOTHER game?: Oh ummmm, Earthbound for me! <3
Attend tournaments?: I try!
About me: I love animals, video-games and living life to be as happy as I can be. I'm generally a really upbeat person and want to do the best I can in my pursuits. Becoming a national/international threat in smash tournaments is a dream for me, for instance. I really love Ness and Lucas and their games are awesome. I hope to see many of you in tournament someday! ^_^
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