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Need help taking my title back...

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Smash Hero
Dec 26, 2005
Arlington, Va
You can't really do cool sigs with paint... I tried.... This is from somebody whose username is Wuss.


Smash Cadet
Apr 23, 2007
Midland, TX
D4M4BL3 Family!

Sorry for the little outburst friends, but I just learned that my place of dwelling was "offered" to my visiting family by my ever vigilant mother.

Not that I don't love my family. I do... But when you had plans, excruciatingly fun plans, only to find out that you have kin arriving within the day to RUIN them, well you can't but start to "dislike" them just a little bit.

Anywho, I am set to go pick up my wife this evening, and I am sure that with the good news of "Hey babe. By the way, we got like 10 people staying with us for the weekend", she will just be so happy to be returning home.

There is solice in this though! Like finding a small, beautiful jewel in the bowels of dark coal mine, I have just convinced one of my visiting uncle's (who just so happens to be a smash player... to some degree) to bring his USB supported digital camcorder. Victory! It seems as if the Almighty works in mysterious ways, and is also a smash player. I will be finishing the tournament this weekend, and now will have a means to record it. By the end of this memorial day weekend, you will be witnessing either...




Hmmm... Now, come to think of it.... WHY AREN'T THEY HERE YET?!


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Just try and stay as calm as possible, I can't tell you how many matches I should have won easily that I just killed myself during repeatedly because I was playing too fast for my skill level, just be calm and stick to your simple mindgames, play Solid smash bros. No reason to get crazy, you should be as careful as possible unless you know you are going to lose if you dont get a risky kill, besides smart play makes them not expect the risky move when you finally do break it out. Happy smashing man.


Smash Cadet
May 25, 2007
Methuen, Massachusetts
Bomb Jump

Basically, I haven't read all of this thread, so It probably has been posted. The storyline seems a little fake, but for recovery, bomb jump, second jump, then chain/screw. Basic recovery. And I am 13 and I can pwn all of you.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2005
Basically, I haven't read all of this thread, so It probably has been posted. The storyline seems a little fake, but for recovery, bomb jump, second jump, then chain/screw. Basic recovery. And I am 13 and I can pwn all of you.

You talk to much, i bet you won't be talking when you get your butt handed to you by some stupid middle tier player. Anyone can bomb jump, n00b. Don't make a random account and say you're better than everyone, and go hack your maplestory account. Baka yaro.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
strider chill. It was this person's first post on smash, so it is probably a troll on a different account. Never feed the trolls, just point them out.

As for Este, sounds good. Although the sudden appearence of family is not only bad timing, but also a bit annoying.


Smash Cadet
Apr 23, 2007
Midland, TX
Basically, I haven't read all of this thread, so It probably has been posted. The storyline seems a little fake, but for recovery, bomb jump, second jump, then chain/screw. Basic recovery. And I am 13 and I can pwn all of you.
Opp! You got me. You are so right. This is all fake. All of what your read, every single bit, was a sham.

Sorry guys! Maplestory is right! I made the whole thing up! I mean, I've really got nothing better to do than to make up an elaborate story, fill it with a bunch of fictional characters, make up 3 fake tournament brackets, and just lead everyone on a wild goose chase.

You've got me man. I guess I'll just go back in the hole I crawled out of and look for another forum board to decieve.

Okay, now for the coop de grace maple. Everyone has a story. Everyone does, not matter what. It's just the way a person tells it. For instance, let's say I broke my leg falling off a ladder yesterday while trying to replace a lightbulb. I could tell the story this way...

"Hey guys. Had a bad day yesterday. Fell off a ladder and broke my leg. Oh well. I'll get better. C you all later!"

That tells the story, right? But how many people are going to care? How many people will be waiting for the next part of the saga? Not many. However, if I was to elaborate and tell the story this way...

"You know, if there was ever a day in the history of my life that I wish I could take back, I would seriously consider wiping out yesterday. It seems as if I cannot even complete a minial task such as changing out a simple device that illuminates light without harming some part of my body! Let me set up the scene. I was working on my computer when I noticed the the lightbulb I was using went out. Now, I really didn't want to change it, as I was comfortable where I was...."

You notice the difference? Some people state facts, others make a story out of the facts. Which one of these scenario's do you want to hear played out???

Now you know... When I first started my story, I could have just said...

"Hey everyone! I really need some help. I lost my SSBM title here at my church about 2 years ago, and I really want to get it back. So, if you guys could please give me some tips on how to beat Fox with Samus, I would really like that. Thanks."

However, if I had done that, do you really thing this thread would still be alive?

Now, I'm not saying that I stated my story the way I did with the sole purpose of keeping this topic here as long as possible. I didn't. In fact, I never expected it to last past 10 - 15 posts. I was honestly just looking for help, but at the same time I didn't want to post something that was going to BORE people. That's not my personality. I like making things interesting, even if I could have just summed it up by saying, "Yeah, I got stung by a bee yesterday. Hurts bad." It's a skill I have had to develop to be a good teacher in my congregation.

So, I'm sorry if my life seems fake to you. But the simple matter of it all is... I would rather tell a great, real life story and have people like you say it's fake rather than make my story sound as real as ever, but put people to sleep.

Anyways, now that's out of the way...

I actually don't think having my family over will be a bad thing now. They are coming down for my sister's wedding, but some of them do like smash brothers. I'll actually have a pretty good audience! I just hope they are cheering for me, and not the other way around. LOL.

Zane Fleia

Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2006
Este! I am appaled that you would dare lead us on in such deceit! How could you? What made you decide that, one day, you would just make a huge, elaborate story in order to pull our leg? In fact, you're probably an alternate account of Ken! You have absolutely no problems with advanced techneques! You're just having fun, hiding behind a monitor, aren't you, Ken?!


Now that that's outta the way... You're gonna play all of them before the final match, and they're all gonna end up hating you because you don't lose a stock to them. They will ALL cheer for your brother as a result. XD


Smash Cadet
Apr 23, 2007
Midland, TX
Este! I am appaled that you would dare lead us on in such deceit! How could you? What made you decide that, one day, you would just make a huge, elaborate story in order to pull our leg? In fact, you're probably an alternate account of Ken! You have absolutely no problems with advanced techneques! You're just having fun, hiding behind a monitor, aren't you, Ken?!


Now that that's outta the way... You're gonna play all of them before the final match, and they're all gonna end up hating you because you don't lose a stock to them. They will ALL cheer for your brother as a result. XD
LOL! That would be the WORST case scenario of all time. You have cursed me Zane! No!!!!

And how did you know it was me? Blast! Curse you and your Scooby Doo like mystery solving skills!

In all fun though, I can't wait to conclude this for you all guys. It's going to be a treat. I've enjoyed every bit of this!

P.S. You might enjoy the little tidbit I added to my previous post Zane!

Zane Fleia

Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2006
Love the little tidbit. I agree 100% with that. ^_^

However, I would like to note the little tidbit more than doubled, perhaps more than tripled to post. XD

Everyone's looking forward to the conclusion, including me. Maybe not maple, but definately me and a bunch of other people. But seriously, if everyone does end up cheering for your brother because you beat them all, I give you every right to imply punching me over the internet. Sorry, best I can do. Can't really punch me without a plane ride. >.>


Smash Cadet
May 25, 2007
Methuen, Massachusetts
Opp! You got me. You are so right. This is all fake. All of what your read, every single bit, was a sham.

Sorry guys! Maplestory is right! I made the whole thing up! I mean, I've really got nothing better to do than to make up an elaborate story, fill it with a bunch of fictional characters, make up 3 fake tournament brackets, and just lead everyone on a wild goose chase.

You've got me man. I guess I'll just go back in the hole I crawled out of and look for another forum board to decieve.

Okay, now for the coop de grace maple. Everyone has a story. Everyone does, not matter what. It's just the way a person tells it. For instance, let's say I broke my leg falling off a ladder yesterday while trying to replace a lightbulb. I could tell the story this way...

"Hey guys. Had a bad day yesterday. Fell off a ladder and broke my leg. Oh well. I'll get better. C you all later!"

That tells the story, right? But how many people are going to care? How many people will be waiting for the next part of the saga? Not many. However, if I was to elaborate and tell the story this way...

"You know, if there was ever a day in the history of my life that I wish I could take back, I would seriously consider wiping out yesterday. It seems as if I cannot even complete a minial task such as changing out a simple device that illuminates light without harming some part of my body! Let me set up the scene. I was working on my computer when I noticed the the lightbulb I was using went out. Now, I really didn't want to change it, as I was comfortable where I was...."

You notice the difference? Some people state facts, others make a story out of the facts. Which one of these scenario's do you want to hear played out???

Now you know... When I first started my story, I could have just said...

"Hey everyone! I really need some help. I lost my SSBM title here at my church about 2 years ago, and I really want to get it back. So, if you guys could please give me some tips on how to beat Fox with Samus, I would really like that. Thanks."

However, if I had done that, do you really thing this thread would still be alive?

Now, I'm not saying that I stated my story the way I did with the sole purpose of keeping this topic here as long as possible. I didn't. In fact, I never expected it to last past 10 - 15 posts. I was honestly just looking for help, but at the same time I didn't want to post something that was going to BORE people. That's not my personality. I like making things interesting, even if I could have just summed it up by saying, "Yeah, I got stung by a bee yesterday. Hurts bad." It's a skill I have had to develop to be a good teacher in my congregation.

So, I'm sorry if my life seems fake to you. But the simple matter of it all is... I would rather tell a great, real life story and have people like you say it's fake rather than make my story sound as real as ever, but put people to sleep.

Anyways, now that's out of the way...

I actually don't think having my family over will be a bad thing now. They are coming down for my sister's wedding, but some of them do like smash brothers. I'll actually have a pretty good audience! I just hope they are cheering for me, and not the other way around. LOL.
Lawl, I didn't really mean to seem insulting to everyone, but how on earth can you spend your time writing posts almost as long as my Nx Cash Spending guild (at nexon forums out for a limited time only), and so, I conclude, that you...... w/e
And plus, it is funny that a bunch of 16+ years olds continue a 15 page thread and then a 13 year old comes along and finds fault. I mean marrying and then wish to play your 21 year old nemesis who grins at your shameful defeat. I signed up yesterday and I have a video of me playing Falco for fun on youtube search geno98 and click on Andy(Falco) vs CPU9(C. Falcon),b/c I don't want to look up the link. MAybe I'm the one whos typing too much. And Zane, I am definately looking forward to the conclusion. What shall happen to this thread?


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
LV9 CPUs? I think you need to find some friends (to play with).


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
Maple, shush mangz, I'm 22 and I've been in this community for a long time and am a known good player AND I still love this thread. It's fun and refreshing, and reminds people of how they started out, or people can relate because they are in a similar circumstance. If you aren't into it, that's cool, but don't tell people they are stupid for not realizing Este is hamming it up a bit to make it more exciting (we all know he is btw, but that is what makes it such a good story).


Smash Apprentice
Jan 29, 2007
This thread delivers! Man, I've just spend atleast a couple of hours of my life reading this, and it kicks butt. I'm a Christian too, and I just wish that we'd have a smash-playing church here in Finland aswell. :D Keep it up fella'. :) You should turn all of this into a transcript and hire a bunch of actors and make a film, I'd buy it! You might want to ask the Smash-developers for some financing, as the film would be great promotion for the upcoming follower of Melee. ;)

Zane Fleia

Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2006
Y'know what, Keku's right. This would actually make an awesome movie! On the proportions of Miracle! I'd buy it, probably. XD

And Maple, what's so wrong about making posts long? On another forum, I regularly give 600 or more word posts, which you have to scroll to read. But as Este said, just saying a few lines of only the base stuff makes for a boring post. ^_^


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2006
Los Angeles
Lawl, I didn't really mean to seem insulting to everyone, but how on earth can you spend your time writing posts almost as long as my Nx Cash Spending guild (at nexon forums out for a limited time only), and so, I conclude, that you...... w/e
And plus, it is funny that a bunch of 16+ years olds continue a 15 page thread and then a 13 year old comes along and finds fault. I mean marrying and then wish to play your 21 year old nemesis who grins at your shameful defeat. I signed up yesterday and I have a video of me playing Falco for fun on youtube search geno98 and click on Andy(Falco) vs CPU9(C. Falcon),b/c I don't want to look up the link. MAybe I'm the one whos typing too much. And Zane, I am definately looking forward to the conclusion. What shall happen to this thread?
Actually, it's probably should be more like "then a 13 year old comes along and doesn't fully understand the value of well written content that older people are capable of writing."

Not to seem "insulting" to you or anything, but come back after your balls have dropped.

Imperial Wraith

Smash Journeyman
Apr 29, 2007
London, United Kingdom.
That's a little extreme, Goldkirby. Im not much older than Maple, but my balls have dropped both literally AND metaphorically speaking. :p Kids can be just as clever as adults i tellz ya!

And Este, please keep 'em coming! Can't wait to see the vids hehe.

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
You know someones a child when they call other people stupid. If you were truly "mature" then you wouldn't need to make other people feel bad.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
This movie could also be considered a "How to" for n00bs or scrubs! Since Este is great at formulating deep, profound plots and paint colorful characters, it would be easy to mask some learning with his artistic stylings. The movie could be called "Heaven: Rise and Fall of Este" or how about "Battle for the Throne" or "The call of the Pro."
I could do this all day!


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2006
Bay Area, CA
That's a little extreme, Goldkirby. Im not much older than Maple, but my balls have dropped both literally AND metaphorically speaking. :p Kids can be just as clever as adults i tellz ya!

And Este, please keep 'em coming! Can't wait to see the vids hehe.
It's just unfortunate that most of them aren't.

Este, you had better win.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 29, 2007
This movie could also be considered a "How to" for n00bs or scrubs! Since Este is great at formulating deep, profound plots and paint colorful characters, it would be easy to mask some learning with his artistic stylings. The movie could be called "Heaven: Rise and Fall of Este" or how about "Battle for the Throne" or "The call of the Pro."
I could do this all day!
Maaaan I can already imagine a scene where Este trains through the whole friggin' night, falls asleep on the sofa and wakes up the next morning with a controller in his hands and when the first sunbeams of the morning are setting on him he states in the most dramatical way: "I know wavedash." Not that I've watched Matrix or anything.

Marth/Falco Pro

Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2006
Anaheim, SoCal
I know, but I'm 13, and everyone who actually knows what the game is will get X stocked (X= Maximum amount of lives), and anyone who is older I don't know so.... Yeah.
lol, age johnz. I'm 13 and I play people who are older >__> I had to meet a lot of ppl I didnt know either. (It was scary meeting Manacloud and Ken :laugh: )

back to topic: I read the story and I havent read all 15-16 pages of posts but I just wanna ask, does your nemesis know advanced techniques?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 24, 2007
To the left, To the left
Opp! You got me. You are so right. This is all fake. All of what your read, every single bit, was a sham.

Sorry guys! Maplestory is right! I made the whole thing up! I mean, I've really got nothing better to do than to make up an elaborate story, fill it with a bunch of fictional characters, make up 3 fake tournament brackets, and just lead everyone on a wild goose chase.

You've got me man. I guess I'll just go back in the hole I crawled out of and look for another forum board to decieve.

Okay, now for the coop de grace maple. Everyone has a story. Everyone does, not matter what. It's just the way a person tells it. For instance, let's say I broke my leg falling off a ladder yesterday while trying to replace a lightbulb. I could tell the story this way...

"Hey guys. Had a bad day yesterday. Fell off a ladder and broke my leg. Oh well. I'll get better. C you all later!"

That tells the story, right? But how many people are going to care? How many people will be waiting for the next part of the saga? Not many. However, if I was to elaborate and tell the story this way...

"You know, if there was ever a day in the history of my life that I wish I could take back, I would seriously consider wiping out yesterday. It seems as if I cannot even complete a minial task such as changing out a simple device that illuminates light without harming some part of my body! Let me set up the scene. I was working on my computer when I noticed the the lightbulb I was using went out. Now, I really didn't want to change it, as I was comfortable where I was...."

You notice the difference? Some people state facts, others make a story out of the facts. Which one of these scenario's do you want to hear played out???

Now you know... When I first started my story, I could have just said...

"Hey everyone! I really need some help. I lost my SSBM title here at my church about 2 years ago, and I really want to get it back. So, if you guys could please give me some tips on how to beat Fox with Samus, I would really like that. Thanks."

However, if I had done that, do you really thing this thread would still be alive?

Now, I'm not saying that I stated my story the way I did with the sole purpose of keeping this topic here as long as possible. I didn't. In fact, I never expected it to last past 10 - 15 posts. I was honestly just looking for help, but at the same time I didn't want to post something that was going to BORE people. That's not my personality. I like making things interesting, even if I could have just summed it up by saying, "Yeah, I got stung by a bee yesterday. Hurts bad." It's a skill I have had to develop to be a good teacher in my congregation.

So, I'm sorry if my life seems fake to you. But the simple matter of it all is... I would rather tell a great, real life story and have people like you say it's fake rather than make my story sound as real as ever, but put people to sleep.

Anyways, now that's out of the way...

I actually don't think having my family over will be a bad thing now. They are coming down for my sister's wedding, but some of them do like smash brothers. I'll actually have a pretty good audience! I just hope they are cheering for me, and not the other way around. LOL.
Omg you should be a english teacher. I know this is a little off topic but seeing as you think about how to make a story like that you could be a english teacher.

To be on topic, win every tounament you go to.


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
Guys I left this thread open in the very beginning because I didn't want to see flaming. Maple, you came in here when the thread was 12 pages deep with 5000+ views and you made an accusation.

1)Your accusation is unprovable either way, therefor it is pointless to make, people either believe este or they don't, in both cases there is no need to post about the validity of his story.

2)While he has written a lot, keep in mind the task isn't very daunting when its free writing and its enjoyable. You basicly just tried to take a low blow for no reason.

3)Most people in the tournament community are between the ages of 17 and 23, with a healthy medium somewhere around 19.

So Maple, you've got two mods (myself and mook) keeping an eye on this thread, its best not to upset them. Everyone else, ignore Maple, don't make any responses to his posts or anything, if they are at all inappropriate I'll simply change them/edit them to make them more appropriate, hehe.

I like this story cause I'm getting a preview of what my life will be like in 3-4 years...sigh I growing up has its pains.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
You here that Este, now you even have mods backing you up!

Anyway, when are you doing the match then? We are all vastly waiting not for the line that states you are the winner, but I'm very sure you will give us a great deal of the face of horror that will be expressesd by those at the church.


Smash Cadet
Apr 23, 2007
Midland, TX
You here that Este, now you even have mods backing you up!

Anyway, when are you doing the match then? We are all vastly waiting not for the line that states you are the winner, but I'm very sure you will give us a great deal of the face of horror that will be expressesd by those at the church.
Actually Corey..


I am getting the video ready (sent it to a friend to transfer to a comp), and hopefully will have it up within a couple of days!

Now, I could tell you the results, and the accompanying story with it, but I wonder if I should just wait? LOLOLOL. Bwahahaha!


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2005
Actually Corey..


I am getting the video ready (sent it to a friend to transfer to a comp), and hopefully will have it up within a couple of days!

Now, I could tell you the results, and the accompanying story with it, but I wonder if I should just wait? LOLOLOL. Bwahahaha!
thats mean. lol

Zane Fleia

Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2006
Waiting for the video to see. Unless you wanna give the story now. Because I love your posts.

Yay, it's over! Oh, wait... Boo, it's over! One of the most legendary topics ever is ending. The saga shall continue!
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