Smash Champion
Don't talk to me about worse locations. I went to ECU where no one would come out to play. I had only James who stopped playing half way through my last year there and Adam once every blue moon. I still came to stuff and I still improved.People made it work before in worse locations. Just gotta be dedicated man. Shame you don't agree.
The tournaments should be cities close to where people are if you want attendance. Do you know how many people didn't go to G6 because it was too far away or because how much it would cost them to get there? Money is a real issue, Kevin.
And don't talk to me about dedication. No one in Raleigh played hardly before I got there and most of them only play because I get them to my house to play. I'm more dedicated to this scene existing and people improving than just about anyone else in this state.
You are making this personal and I am just telling you that Wilmington is a terrible place to host a tournament if you want it to be successful. Don't agree? Try and find out.